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not good
13 March 2024
-Interesting visually no doubt, FX aren't overdone and are well incorporated into the story. Score was fine, it's all pretty much the same here as the first one. This one is more entertaining due to the nature of the content in the source material, more action then the borefest of the first one.

-messiah bashing and subversion, twisting the narrative, "control people tell them messiah is coming" then the angle the imposters have today, that they are their own messiah collectively, yeah collectively like collectivism, marxism forms whose nominal inventor was one of the tribe big surprise. And marxism includes fascism, just some details as to the state picks which private concerns gets loans Vs. The state owns all concerns, that's the only difference. The other thing being that fascism is closer to tribesterism as the chosen super people material worship of themselves as gods. Hmmm what does that tell you about the theater we got in the last 150 years, heck go back to old nappy he did a great job for them until he tried to found a hereditary dynasty then the brotherhood on all sides scuttled it. Collectively antichrist is more accurate no doubt.

-Oh look the evil bad guys are white and bald, hmmm. The first imagery we get is of burning bodies, hmm whose used that fairytale for so long for money, pity, privleges and more?

-The obvious desert storm garb and Crusades references, old bushy-steinberg and associates had that all planned long before some cgi and controlled demolition megavideodrome show was executed, subversion from within old game. Mr bushy-steinberg Senior AKA "poppy" fields and penzoil dope inc kingpin was all in that too but it's an intl mafia cult thing to plan these things for a long time, 1688 comes to mind. 1450-1550 comes to mind, the serpent rising- icarus all over again.

-Obvious jesuit reference but of course totally inverted by these inversion cultists, where's the jADL? Oh wait...

-Spice, drugs, soma, to "travel through space" it's A.nother Looong trip man!! Dope inc stuff, rock-drugs, roll-sex they built their city on sand called rock and roll, the tides will turn and it will be swept away carrying them into the abyss, enjoy your time while it lasts.

-annoying racial politics and also gender politics. And to those who aren't clueless you know these are all invert cultists in this movie and all of them, in front of, to the side of, in back of the camera. The financiers of all this propaganda are the same in this cult of the bapho-inana. We go from a chani that makes sense to a mixing version of the kalergi marxist plan. You on top you use the rabble as much as possible to further your own interests, have your cryptos all over in them to be the leaders. Kabbalistic dialectics by the infrahumans.

-Frank Herbery,FH, 67, as below so above, and the books are a hermetic-kabbalistic codex really, this movie is no different. It's a cult thing. There was never any doubt a remake of this cult codex of drugs, GOT stuff and the propaganda was going to be fully financed. We even have Treasury Secretaries financing movies in the past, you actually pay for these dumpster fires whether you want to or not. Same in the other major media markets worldwide.

-Fugly bapho actors. Chalamet the girlytranneeman is just bizarre looking due to the hormones and such of this cult but the jaw implants, HUGE chinplant, sly-ina droopy eyes and all the other procedures just give this a cartoony fake look, and that's saying a lot when you stand out like that in the zoo animal preserve that T-hukerwood is. We have Mr Poo here doing his thing, all hardened up as they all do in this part of the cult, lose a ton of weight all over, hit them dietpills and certainly harder things oof. The rest of the cast of bottom dwellers of T,hookerwood, flamebound.
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Miami Vice (1984–1989)
Mostly atmospherics of the 80s
27 January 2024
I watched a few of these and wasn't too impressed. I get that this is mostly about some mythical 80s miami wildcatter drug scene where tons of drugs were dumped on the streets and the modern wave of drugs everywhere was probably in prototype phase for the big time of today by the cartel which includes plenty of banks, pols, celebs and more. I doubt this is anything but a tv show with lots of pure fantasy though, almost pushing the idea that this dope inc industry is glamorous and desirable as they rarely took a hard look at what this level of organized dope inc does to individuals but focused on the luxuries that come from it.

The show is more of like a music video than anything with the 80s music blended in which isn't really something I like. It's like how the movie armageddon was one big music video to hide anything of real substance in the material. Or the music video genre of the 90s and 00s mostly about selling cliches and products. Some of the music was ok but mostly bad stuff that took over and was blaring constantly. The one piece of consistently good music here was the classic opening credits instrumental and imagery.

As to the actual stories they're pretty inane purile stuff with little to no plausibility to it. Somehow wildcatter dealers and pushers seem to be very very bad shots with all sorts of weapons lol while the stars are laser accurate. They also never heard of wounding shots I guess, always in for the kill. And have no problem firing indiscriminently in public and at people running away in the back, very noble. Your typical idiot level bad guys doesn't help. I was embarrased a lot watching this show tbh.

The so called women that were presented as some really hot items were consistently the most nasty looking things. Huge upper bodies no hips manly faces to boot, oof Like a drag queens convention level. The prettiest persons in the show are the two leads by far.

I also wasn't a fan of the politics shown either and the obvious propaganda based show themes in many of them. The so called death camps one was pretty egregious in its fraudulent nature. I thankfully only watched later in the series like some seasons 3 and 5 where the kinks of the formula were worked out and the characters were grown into their roles.

The idea of vice undercover is of course nonsense. The idea that operatives need to essentially cooperate in criminal activity in order to bring it down just reeks of double think. If you're helping crime you're a criminal but somehow the police get away with it. Thankfully police don't do that the vast majority of the time as who has the resources to even have dedicated undercovers, they'd be used better being a part of and in the community. We only ever got some clown informers side characters that were just an extension of the show. This was a major point of the Wire which is better but just as fantasy based in most aspects.

So apart from the flash and mythical 80s Miami wildcatter drug scene there's not too much here that recommends watching. Similar to the video game Vice City which took so much inspiration from this, it's mostly the music and ambiance that people are attracted to which overlooks the innate inanity and just thin ness of it. Like some passing shiny thing which fades quickly.

I suppose if you're doing a film studies paper on it it would be worthwhile but otherwise hard pass on this.
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Cape Fear (1991)
Nowhere near as good as the 60s version
24 January 2024
This is not as good as the 1962 version by a long shot. And the gratuitous casting of all the major characters from that version done here is just cringey. Max Cady, 133, heads to Cape Fear, 36 three sixes, to terrorize a former lawyer who represented him and seemed to not fight too hard. I don't remember the suppression of evidence angle in the 60s version though.

This version is much more violent all around, has a lot of jerking camera and blaring audio splices to give a more extreme aspect to it whereas the 60s version was much more psychological terror. It also didn't have the christian defamation aspects that are evident here all over. So this is a nasty movie and the original is much much better. Just an indication of how bad the quality of movies have gone down past the 1960s or so.

I didn't care for the gratuitous Juliette Lewis casting either. There was a time in the 1990s where she? Was cast almost exclusively as the naive accomplice to some psycho and here we have her? As the naive daughter. The 60s version had a little child who could be intimidated more easily, JL just plays a childlike character here, not very convincingly either.

I wouldn't recommend it really if you like a more sophisticated version go for the first one. I suppose if you like the stars it might appeal, didn't care for either of the leads nor the bizarre casting of all the major male leads from the original in different roles. What is this some sort of indication of how everyone just moves to other roles as they age? So the first psycho played by Mitchum is now lawyer friend if I remember right? Etc weird.
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Streetwise (1984)
Dubious Authenticity and other problems here
24 January 2024
First of all most of these characters are not the gender they present as, it's fairly obvious so the stories they tell are false categorically in many ways. So we have casting decisions as to who will tell stories so you look for people who will do that no problem.

Another one is the credits where we have the writer Mario Puzo in there, huh? What's a major writer of those awful smear movies which are about the tribester mafia just projecting to defame doing involved with such a "real" doco? We also have the fact that this is a warner bros distributor at the end, they hide this here of course so as to give some more creedence to the authenticity here. Now I'm not going to go through the details of the film itself but just the indicators of awards and nominations and such don't help it. And interested parties posting here who "knew" them or "worked" there here don't help either, they reinforce the scam more than anything. This seems to be a series almost with reuninons of sort pointing to the franchising aspect which no one can deny.

Now it's obvious there are homeless adolescents out there but movies are about scripting and imagery so then you have a huge incentive to just cast people you can control to either improvise or script. The pro camera and audio work is evident here and real people on the streets are difficult and unsteady as to be not good for narrative and hundreds of hours of footage needed. Just the obvious staging of conflict and conversations as to be sitcom like is another indicator of scripting.

Therefore I'm not convinced this was 100% real nor do I think it's 100% fake either but I'd lean to this being like modern "reality" shows which are scripted, pro camera and audio work and they leave out massive amounts of info to give a false image.
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A remake of a remake ritual film really
10 January 2024
A.nother, fallen, star is ,initiated, born is what this really is, it's a ritualistic film that's been remade several times and the earliest film version is the 1937, really probably filmed in 36 or three sixes, version with Johnny Gaynor confirmed as another pipeline cult product to then sell with shiny packaging but diseased maggots on the inside. We then got the Juda Garlands version later on to then next get the Streisand-yentl version and now this with another cult duo. Both you wouldn't want to be near if you knew what these things are really.

This isn't new in this cult system, similar to the esther story, a beautiful looking young thing catches the eye or makes sure it catches the eye of some established powerful figure and then uses various arts to slither its way into the picture for the fraudulent instant stardom like the old meteor falling suddenly out of nowhere to earth which is just a retelling of the Lucy fall with his thirty three percenters. The eleveners just follow a kabbalistic numerology there of emanations.

We can see this all_the_time in entertainment especially but it also happens in all sorts of other places. If you've ever been around singers you'd see this is standard practice there too but also works the other way with cowboys romancing heiresses and such. The Manroe lookalike and the 98yo etc comes to mind. So you have no real life at all it's just all a business in some sort of typical british-choken alliance from over three hundred years ago. The tribe practices this almost exclusively just within the cult mostly but also in times when that cult didn't monopolize power positions like today it used this tactic, esther being an example. But you can bet the original real royalty was also conquered and replaced in this fashion long ago.

So yeah just more of the same stuff repackaged and the machine then hypes it up as we see here all the time. Check the top films numbered here and you'll see how obvious it is, popcorn sales metaphorically speaking but selling a whole lot worse really.
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Entertaining diary of a psycho
10 January 2024
The funny thing is that the weirdo who has the name Christian Bail is likely just playing herself here. Total psycho. I also think we see some obvious muscle implants on this tranneeman and the other gross things the inana-bearded Venus cult does in private, ghouls. The 80s seem to be a favorite time of the cult and you can bet the next 80s will be the most 80s yet. Although the 60s or sixes is also the new era celebrations for these sickos.

The obvious Bates reference here is also apt as the actor who played that weirdo with the same mult personality and of course you had the obvious inversion of the sexes going on there that's not presented here overtly but the bail tranneeman looks so jason judlica here as to be evident to those who know of the bearded venus tradition in modern times with technology and its capabilities. Bates also had a very weirdo body easier to see in that basketball film with another one in the fonda clan, how bizah comes to mind.

The bailer the one who wants you to bail obviously got her first major role in a spiel nonsense film and of course IS NOT American at all like most of the Wire cast isn't American but appropriately British with their tribester drag queeny whom had it's ritualistic death a couple years ago lol.

We also see the very strange looking other cast and the especially weird mask faced WitheredSpooner. I think they should have an award for biggest chinplant and surgically made face which both fallen stars here would be high up in the running every year.

In terms of the rest of it it's just an okay film that's kinda funny at times with the macabre interweaving of insanity on a mental level and physical level and the dialogue of the flat jerk, similar to the later film of "bad santa" just right out there in front of you. What's also interesting here is that this obvious psychotic personality isn't noticed in a psychotic clique and level of society it's just normal there so isn't percieved for the insanity that it is. And you can imagine what is NOT shown in this film that is considered a matter of course, in fact don't imagine it it's likely the most depraved criminal activities in a ritualistic fashion. Degradation spread as far and wide as they can, a plague.
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The Mutiny of CAIN is what this is retold
10 January 2024
Despite the cover of being a naval movie it's really a.nother tribester retelling of a biblical story, of course it's framed to their twisted and fraudulent view of things of their long tradition of the elders/ancients of babylon-egypt.

In this version of the old Cain and Abel story it has both the ship and captain being a sort of composite world-god. Adding in a very messed up org like the navy just allows the inhuman and largely nefarious ways of the navy to be seen for what it is then covered in glory for no reason but being legalistic and dehumanizing. Not a surprise since this navy is just a form of the british navy of the opium wars glory and legalized pirates, a dregs paradise, but according to legalism is technically a bunch of heroes lol Hyman Rickoversteinberg would be proud and likely a regular at pride happenings.

If you notice legalism which is really worshiped in a book of rebs who use illogical insanity to then twist the Bible to their advantage is laced through and through the trial. You see legalism is what they think makes God their servant, insanity is enshrined. Inversion of the inverts of this satanic cult. Sure you can use criminal means to get what you want over time but it's just criminality wrapped in a gold foil, like a fallen angel who wraps itself in light, but is really just a devil.

Here even when at the end the Sons of Cain acknowledge their help could have averted this whole thing, they still have the pride and arrogance to think their help, and also some disaster by the God concept here, was the cure. There are many levels of the typical tribester-brickmason-tranneee cult's insanity, pride and arrogance here displayed. It's really the first murderer's sons in dresses and ladies in gyms that lie their way through life and become successful because of gangster tactics and of course their father the devils favor, for a price of course.

The idea of the world(ship) is some mess that only the chocken can fix with their arrogant prideful schemes, the god figure in the captain changes from some lethargic neglectful slob(of the OT pagan times) to a delusional ailing malcontent(NT times) which is in itself another insult to God but not surprising from this cult. Some bunch of evil admirals in this tranneemans navy as an olympus of kabbalistic-hermetic paganism so evident today. The captain is at once the God figure and the Abel figure in different contexts, on the ship he's God as the director but when found ailing switches to the Abel figure which the officers ,as Cain, murder in a way.

I suggest people think about this more and also reflect on why the navy was used here. The naval concept has been largely piracy, smuggling contraband and ensuring interest on loans get paid or else for a few hundred years and I mean navies that primarily speak english, flags don't matter. It's just wrapped in legalism and a fake glory that comes with that so who is really in charge here?
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Into the Wild (2007)
Not too believable seems like pt barnum stuff really
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think this was all just some money making scheme by the fam or even the supposed homeless person himself tbh. Way too many tribesters involved in all places to be on the level. Just thinking about the ending makes little sense. He had plenty of time to get help but chose not to, unless you're talking about a deadly poison that kills instantly it's not believable that someone just keeps going and essentially gets dehydrated and constipated to the point of dying from those. You can be in the wild and not see anyone for a while but eventually the rangers will patrol, even via plane, and someone will come around. No ones saying there isn't the fall through the cracks possibility but it's not believable here tbh.

This is like a glorified post grad euro backpacking trip really. Nomad types have always existed and there's nothing really special or interesting about this story. I get the family drama thing thrown in there but to choose to do this isn't really that new of a thing, the tribester angle just came in and the book was noticed and picked up by the pipeline to make a movie, this is similar to the browns and their book and gambit which eventually got enough interest by the tv folk and the rest is a dumpster fire of a show in alaska.

So it's interesting as a story in a movie but take this with a grain of salt with whatever really happened and the cash in aspect by the fam is not in good taste tbh. The movies that claim to be based on true stories then proceed to tell your typical fishing story or bear attack story, for effect only. Any similarity to real life happenings and such is just coincidental and in no way has any relation to it or so they say at the end of every film ever. Lol.
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Man on Wire (2008)
Narcissist on The Wire lol
6 January 2024
I think this was like a cristo project and planned and executed with approval and assistance by the ptb. There's just some ranting by various melange of characters here and some still shots mostly with from what I remember maybe some video from a helo but that's it. You would think these showpeople would have bothered to have a full film of this but I didn't see that. They even made a movie in 15 about this. And the fact that this won some awards points to the worthlessness of said awards really.

No technical info was given at any time either. Do you know how hard it would be to install a wire that heavy and likely 5" thick or more across buildings 1000ft high? The winds alone would make this very hard not to mention most normal peoples fear of being that high. Those buildings also noticeably swayed on windy days and less so on not so windy days. You'd need some pneumatic spear gun if that's even possible or really a helo or crane would be necessary. I don't think that all just gets done by some weirdos sneaking up 100 stories on the sly, nope.

The history of this narcissist showman also points to just a storyteller meaning stories are told about anything including this. Stuff like this is like saying one person made a movie, which in fact is like a symphany. One person gets the press but in reality they did a small part of it that gets the attention. I can agree that here one person is risking his life more so then the others up there but he certainly wasn't the only one dealing with the wire installation itself which is likely just as dangerous. No this took some professional personnel, equipment and planning.

I think this was some reminder of nine eleven by the elevener cult years after the demo was done so the middle tower of slavery could be erected. Remember what one of the welles said about the future, slaves who love thier slavery must be created for the dark world order archcriminals want. A promotional film to draw attention. Remember Evel and his stunts which many were at venues that wanted to promote their offerings, same thing. This is some natgeo or history channel stuff today as more serious places wouldn't and didn't bother.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
Not too convinced this was a real thing tbh
6 January 2024
Idk seems very fruity and unless this "man" was on a constant dodge from rangers in planes and such seems a bit of a staged thing imo. I'm not saying there are some strange people out there who would do this, misguided fools who have some weird anthro ideas like "furries" and such or just plain mental illness and stuff like this fulfills a need they have. It was a controversy around when it came out but the people interviewed also seem fairly sketchy and strange. As to the actual footage we were allowed to see this seemed like a very sick individual or some weirdo tranneeman playing a role. Kind of like a I'm going to be famous or bust sort of thing. Similar to what is called art and artists who know full well that once they "die" their work is worth 10 times more, so hmmm what if..... You know your relatives have claim onto the work unsold right?

Then again this could possibly be real but no I don't think the audio only we got of the finale is real and the story isn't too convincing either. Think about how rumors were spread, by the producers likely, that the Blair Witch was "real" or the likely fake rumor about how maybe some simpletons 1/50 believed the "war of the worlds" radio broadcast was real. Nah. I don't think so bubs, tell all the stories you want but nope.
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Bizarre but entertaining in a dizny way
1 January 2024
So a dope inc hypnocourier or at least coordinator for a mob boss in prison hunts for rich men to marry, and has a shady background she runs away from. In comes a gigolo who writes occasionally likely for income tax cover and theyre hanging out adventures which involve strip clubs, shoplifting and general mischief. No wonder this was written for and about the life of Marylman Manroe, MM, as it's mirrors the public info we have it him and his life to a bigT lol Arthur Miller would fit the writer-gigolo role in there, and manroe was involved with all the major cult member mafioso in politics, vice inc, images inc and so on.

I suspect andy hepburn, who was in reality some illegitimate son of a minor aristocracy or whatever black hole of a background this cultist had, had the same sort of role in dope inc or the hermetic-kabbalistic CULT Inc. As manroe had. Easy to see the stick figure, who had only the thinnest female traits easily simulated, on a smaller size than say Dorkus Day Drag Queen lol Vice Inc indeed. Similar figures include paman anders-son and his Assange hypnocourier role, but these drag queens are all over used as agents and couriers for these power brokers of the tribester-brickmason-tranneee cult mafioso.

The movie is entertaining though and does have a laid back style. All drag queen show with mostly feminine energy men whom are the targets of these gold diggers. Even the cabaret dancer has a not so female face it's really gross there but the music is nice. Soo then this mob employee gets busted for being the little bird in a cage relaying messages and the gigolo convinces him not to run but go back and cooperate in the circus. Mkay well this canary is likely going to be found in a trunk or not at all or maybe like manroe will just leave the stage play and retire in swizzyland or play another role somewhere else in the play for goy this all is. Master of ceremonies beezlbubsters.
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Really bad and not good at all
29 December 2023
This happened to popup on the showtime free stuff and gave it a shot and oof, the most dysfunctional babel talking narcissists you could ever meet. Spreading this like poisonous mushrooms. These are also all hidden trainys easy to see. Mask face, weird bodies, wrong proportions all over, implant, a certain heritage of a pagan cult going back to babylon and older check, insanity in general check. We get the ape versions with the huge neck pebbles from hormones probably or perhaps implants, the no hips hard bodied, huge tracheas that are shaved on the other side it's really bizarre. Gigantic shoulders/upper bodies in proportion on the premarin ones as well. Wrong digit ratios, the ever popular chinplant and other implants. They make sure to cut and wipe fast enough for regular people to not notice and of course the sodomwood conditioning from day one.

The soft ones and feminine energy are the ones who call themselves males. This hermetic-kabbalistic inana bearded venus cult is ready for it's destiny and as someone said you think it's one way, but nah it's really THE OTHER. These just devalue humans and it's all about their sex and the babel talk about this or that rules or this or that meaningless terms that are really just prettyfied power trips of I want to do whatever I want, similar to children mentality but children have a lot more sense for objective things then these ill folks do.

Now I've met and actually have some distant family involved in this nonsense paganism stuff and they are generally very troubled types. Suicide, drug use, crimes, nasty in general to be around, black hole types. This is a narcisstic pagan fleshpot belief system that goes against objective realities that these people really all need help in an institution. The ones shown in this show also need to transition back to their natural selves instead of being trannesteins who put on clown faces or joker smiles for cameras but are miserable, they've flipped like bdsm is all about. They prefer sickness to health and it's terrible. This goes for all these pagan sex magick type of things.

This is also a really badly produced show and badly acted by these almost total frauds. Just the fake crying and fake drama is really bad. The gross parents we meet are all the same as these are, sick tradition. Somewhere it was realized how bad this is and thus ended 10 years ago. This is also just a soft core nastiness dressed up as some social statement thing. When really it's a cult of inana bearded venus adam kadmon walking baphos trying to destroy decent society at all the roots. Humanity got a break for almost a millenia from this dark world order, it's just come back slowly, deceptively.
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East of Eden (1955)
Cal and Aaron by stone beck the movie lol
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cal and Aaron

This is a typical pagan ideologue falsification story, complete with the scapegoat ritual but misused of course. They're experts in scapegoating others for their own crimes. So here Cal or Cain, the war profiteer,(one of thier largest industries still), finds out the Lilith figure, from an occult pagan ideology, is the real mother of both brothers. Then later on the Abel/Aaron is flipped with the new "good son" Cain who gets the approval of father because well it was all the fathers fault of course, sheesh projection is another big one of their illnesses on display here.

So instead of Cain being banished East of Eden and marked for what he really was, Abel goes East to fight in the war after finding out his real mother is the Lilith from their dark occult belief system. Abel will likely be killed, but in a proxy manner so Cain can take no responsibility for it. Plausible deniability in their marxist vocabulary.

This is what a materialist, deception and domination based pagan cult would think, totally missing the point of the Cain and Abel story. Cains transgression was the love/pride of providing material goods/money over the spiritual goods that Abel offered to God and then Cain showing his real two faced Janus/baphomet/kadmon nature by murdering his brother Abel. In this falsified version Cal is given some noble motive(saving the inept fathers failing) for war profiteering through inflated government contracts which is also a huge mark ,if you will, of these pagans who claim falsely to be so special. They sold out to the father of lies, lord/father flies, long ago. Hermetic-Kabbalistic belief systems are just the old pagan world come back and like those worlds they will be swept away never to be seen again, in time. For the time being we're stuck with the sons of cain cult who cloak themselves in (false dark) light, another bamboozle is coming and it will be on them once again like it was over 2000 years ago.

We also get treated to one of their own members overdone acting and melodrama. Janice Dean had the same purile nonsensical persona in Rebel Without a Cause, a version of the lucifer story, a fraud version of course. Ms Dean had herself an "old man" she lived with who was some sort of power broker in the shibiz, yuk. I suspect the supposedly dying young is just more mythology nothing real about it.
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Lethargic just franchising really
19 December 2023
I watched a couple of these and this just isn't that interesting tbh there aren't the characters like jesse or glenn or eric here. It seems very contrived franchising so this production company can keep going with it as a rice bowl sort of thing. I don't think this will come back either.

It's very strange that the BBC is actually behind these shows and that they didn't start with a similar format in canada as the top level of this series. Meaning everybody is largely in villages and near settlements and even cities like Fairbanks and they roam a few months or are guides like Eric etc Maybe are somehow independently wealthy like Andy from DC with his own village of buildings on the Yukon etc Canada is huge there are folks that have lives up there more interesting surely.

Surely Yellowknife has stuff like this or Hudson Bay area, the Slave Lakes up there, the remote islands or near there in extreme northern Canada but nope we never get any of that this is just typical yukon which we've seen enough of with the other LBZ shows and others. Temperate sea side would be more interesting than snowy plains imo and lots of that up there. From what I remember you have a lot of kids up there just surviving meaning there's no guides or etc

It's actually just go out get your stuff done in 2 hours you're good to hang out all day, this is easier than a 10hr office job or worse distro center where you're almost prodded and timed all day. Imagine one moose hunt takes 2-3 days some ammo and effort for another 2 days and you have meat for 6 months+. Now go to the store buy 1500 pounds of meat see how much and how long you'd have to work to get that, and FDA labeled organic to boot. Sheesh.
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Pretty bad, only photography is interesting
19 December 2023
This is pretty bad, as usual with all these reality alaska shows they say the SAME THING, OVER AND OVER. You can watch every one of them, different networks different gimmicks, and they say the same things, which are largely not true at all.

These people have all the modern tools to "pass on the legacy" blah blah, every second they're one step away from dying, yeah try to cross a busy street in a city or drive a car in a city etc etc sheesh. They sound like teenagers saying well I'm cool and you're not we're real and you all are fake etc typical low self esteem projecting going on. I realize the production gives them their lines because these people get paid for this under contract for it all. It's scripted drama called "reality" nothing more. Just Sues lawsuit in the top level series proves all that, scripted drama and such. Tells you a lot about the honesty for hire of these people. I shouldn't have to mention the browns but there you go.

Another aspect is that in a show that's about natives we get a negro distant relative from California featured and also an obviously inverted couple from Seattle. So these are transplants at best, paid actors at worst, who happen to have a distant connection to the area. Daddy is the soft voiced sparkly eyed one with the curves but hgh monster sized and the little blond boy mommy is the no hips huge pre-marin horse teeth stick figure. This is similar to another little blond boy on Port Protection etc very gross. The other one I remember from S1 is the cover girl there with the big non native hubby mmkay very convincing.

The rest is just typical mumbly stuff about surviving, legacy, family, blah blah. Where's the free gov money these people live on? The sitting at home watching cable all winter with some hooch like a baby w a bottle? The oil money they all get every year? They stay there for all that free stuff and lazing around not some legacy which they only know anything about in stories likely hugely embellished like your typical monster fish story or bear encounter story etc. Let's see some navnation in arizona on reality tv, oh right too obvious, producers can't hide it all enough.

If you're going to claim you live native where are the spears and bows and arrows? Oars and canoos? Igloos? We got the revolting shooting swimming caribou with 22's in the head by the natives in the top level of this series a few years ago and they get away with that because they're native living traditionally sheesh What kind of state is Alaska? The SOA should be ashamed of itself. All I saw here was fisihing boats and modern tech and clothing.

The only thing that was well done was the photography of the areas which is stunning to look at. Usually the only reason I watch these things as the rest is usually pretty agro. And yeah the music is overdone and mixed terribly with the crazy levels. It's like you watch a game and the crowd is turned up too much for the hype and you can't hear the announcers. It's a sound design with bad levels. Many movies also do this to where you need subs to hear the characters or turn it up to hear dialogue then with the huge booming sound you get your ears blown out.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Cain and Abel once again
13 December 2023
Films overrated for sure. It's no "greatest" film at all. We even get the Kane, or Cain and Abel, the sons of cain. Kane=Kahn=Cohen. The Citizen part is pure sovietism really, a glamour to the lie. The supposed real life inspiration of Hurst, or Hirsch-steinberg, is classic fake background making. Likely Hursts public background is as false and contrived as the name is. A whole fake history is made up to disguise the typical tribester cult upbrininging then gangstering in via "sacrifices" made. Satan needs payment for everything ultimately. The usurers usurer.

You could put any of them in there really, Ted Turner, TT, Rupert Murdoch, RM, Les Moonves, LM and more. Likely all fake names and backgrounds for the public. Most definitely tribester or old brickmason histories, doesn't happen otherwise. The Cain cult.

In terms of the story the very odd bodied, ahem, welles of the various turd welles name, does it fine. I could only cringe at the early part where some silver spooner wants to "do good" for those less fortunate, what a laugh there. Contrasting with the later real person megalomaniac gangster in her compensation castle fortress. And the rest that follows in between of "fighting the man" garbage for the public story nonsense. Like old clintina and her little boy friend locke with those awful movies, hirsch here builds an opera house for his latest obsession.

This is more a chronicle of a fake back story these high profile people come up with or their machine does. There may be a speck of real info in there but the rest is just whole cloth lying. This likely gets its push by these people as an all time great because it's an example of a fake backstory just put into an imaginary film everyone knows as such but can't tell that the "real" stuff elsewhere is just more whole cloth drama. Likely an inside joke kind of a thing for these hermetic-kabbalistic cultists.

I don't question that the term rosebud is similar to the term moth trans,forming into a butterfly sort of thing. But it's all sinister in the way it's meant or intended for insiders. Otherwise this film is just standard stuff there's nothing that outstanding about it. The idea of the famous press baron presented here as a lightning rod character for the public when really it's a mischpucka mafia cult tool to program and this clown just has the ancestry of satan and place in the hierarchy that warrants this kingship of this domain.

Complete with "making" reality by simply making it up, the inverted side of the word. What we say IS reality, regardless of any objective proof of it. Just enough is manufactured and plenty in the cult will play those roles to lend it apparent reality. But it's like a tranneewood set, one side looks real, behind are the trusses supporting the image. The two faced janus of it all. And don't think the timing is coincidence, in that decade and after the big cons were to come, fake narratives presented as real history with lots of cultists chiming in in books, movies, supposed "real" footage and even war crimes trials that in themselves were nothing but post war crimes themselves. Show trials nothing more.
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Hidden gem great acting and funny at times
13 December 2023
Wow I never heard of this movie but gave it a shot and was impressed with the acting of andy griffith. We're so bowled over by the tv show we don't realize what a great actor he could have been in a more dramatic and free medium like film vs tv. Don't get me wrong I love classic tv, it's so refreshing and clean compared to the garbage we've been fed for 30 years and more. I get that he had to cash in and a tv show with your name in the title is stumbling onto a gold mine.

So yeah the idea that the low end drifter transients are easy to use as clowns to sell all sorts of products and ideas is used all the time IRL. We still get the propaganda of a lenin-steinberg and associates as bottom feeders who were just awakening the organic rage of the crowd, totally false of course but the story sells to this day.

And don't think it's not true in some places, similar to the tribesters other version shown in Being There. Some simple minded fool is nominated as der Leader as a useful puppet of the hermetic-kabbalistic cults political wing. In this instance another cliche is shown of the puppet becoming a megalomaniac who gets drunk with the addulation which is really vapor smoke thin.

This is even complete with the standard set of characters the handler who pushes him to stardom with the Vitajex stuff, the quiet female supporter in media who mixes romance/sex into it for her own purposes and then becomes a self righteous seeming do gooder but really is just revenge jealous ridden hag, the "princeton" tribester in matthau who plays the "knowing" handler from afar and is a sort of faust whispering in patricias ear etc

But the idea that an entertaining and engaging circus clown becomes more due to the ptb's vision of using this mirage as a vehicle of control. The funny name too Lonesome Roads evokes a country setting of a drifter. Then we find out that rhodes is just like other men who are addicted to the drug of addulation and then become monsters. The pride that comes from this is easily seen in much smaller places like fancy cars and smug wealthy types really monsters in miniature, easily manipulated human weakness.

It is fun to watch and well acted all around though. A much more memorable film than you'd think, a hidden gem.
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Classic pulp of the time period
13 December 2023
If you grew up anywhere near this time this film is going to be something that makes you smile thinking about it and your bros you gushed about it with, it's a generational thing really. I came across this on a ,,,,chute site and immediately scraped it and watched it again off a pendrive. I doubt some modern oversharpened etc version at hd is going to do much for it.

This had the whole street fighter guy with the lightning bolts and sloped hat, the pulpy story that's half noir with a prime Kurt Russel in so many classic popcorn movies and cult movies of the day. Think about Escape from NY, The Thing and this and I'm sure I've missed a few of Russels resume there in the 80s. We even got the hilarious at times Overboard.

Sooo yeah classic stuff here, still a really fun watch. Almost all the sets are iconic if you grew up with this. The girl with green eyes lao ming or whatever I once used as a pet name for an asian gf it was so hilarious to use on someone who didn't grow up in that time period lol. The comic book nature of it is similar to the classic adventure films of the 50s in color and later on the indy jones first 3 films etc I just wish there would have been more episodes frankly, I mean there's something up the road for Jack who doesn't seem like he'd be in the clear and quiet for too long.
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Bonanza (1959–1973)
Much better in early seasons
13 December 2023
I've been watching a few episodes per season lately and this show is much better in the first 5 or so seasons. Once Landon sort of takes over and you have the weird looking guest stars and supporting cast it just takes a nose dive in quality.

Your basic western setting and cowboy focus gets lost in the weeds as a platform for ever more convoluted stories. And the last few seasons had way too much "little" joe with the long hair that was almost all gray. The ever weirder looking clown faced guests and supporting cast didn't help either. Lorna Green needed to step out a lot earlier as well, she didn't pass as the all knowing patriach with the dragging on of the series of old bachelors at home.

Other classic western TV like Maverick and Rawhide ended while still keeping to their themes and not wearing out their welcome with more and more crazy scenarios to attract interest. As a funny note Maverick had one episode that made fun of this show. Season 5 the queens full. I think Gunsmoke is another example of a tv western that was milked way too long and needed to be put out to pasture or sent to the glue factory much earlier.

Now the early seasons are tight, focused and all actors are really in their prime in the roles. It's focused on classic adventure themes in the country side and had plenty of material to work with. It wasn't bringing in side shows and men in dresses and such to keep itself going.

The relative clean-ness of this show is nice as well, there's no half good guy stuff like Maverick and Dillon the "friend" of kitty the night lady with his fake righteosness song and dance. This declines as the seasons go on but for the most part is consistent. A much better way to spend time in front of media if you choose to. And as a broken record the last few episodes of this show are all Landon, gag, and really don't fit all that well. I appreciate it not having "ending" specials and similar cringe stuff we get for a long time, "farewell tours" and other gimmicks but the last episode is very bizarre. It feature almost only Landon from the original cast who is hunted by tom skerrit and kind of wraps up the way this series turned into a Landon vehicle so much in the end. Sad really.

But overall the first 5-6 seasons are recommended classic western themed tv shows. That's a lot of tv with the 20 or so episodes at 48mins each every season. If you really need more there's the other 10 or so seasons to wrangle.
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Dune (2021)
Indulgent and pretentious borefest
18 November 2023
I think the modern AI and algo tweaks got this the praise it gets also the rice bowl of everyone around this industry, bills need to be paid and such. And of course don't forget the agenda that these movies push. It's just changed phase at different times, if you notice the so called golden age of sodomwood was when it had "the code" it was limited to at least somewhat decent, the spectacle of filth is much easier to sell movies then anything. Then you had the 60's, the sixes, where it just suddently all went downhill and crass and the spectacle of filth was slowly ramped up, etc

This phase is shown in the flat sober poseur type of thing, pretentious and slow but with the high contrast quick switching for effect, ie dead silent slow scene cuts to a blasting noisy action scene and etc Flat lighting and admittedly some striking scifi imagery like the bizarre ship geometry and such. BR2049 is a good parallel to the 80s version and the latest rehash, just like this story is.

There is just more subterfuge here as the point of movies should be entertainment and the audience needs to realize it's all fakery, not to be taken as anything else, including worshiping these deceptive actors, directors etc etc When you've got a junky hooked you don't need to care nearly as much about garnishments and such, just "the good stuff". The money comes always anyways and sodomwood never needed the money anyways they get it from another place from you whether you want to give it or not.

Now this Dune movie is not really for general audiences, it's really a cult thing and then the cult knows it can just load up "your" personality to think it's great and wonderful. A glamour as one of them said once. The story about "getting funding" is just fakery mythology making, there was and is never any doubt a codex like this movie of the cults beliefs ever needs to worry about anything as mundane as financing.

This is a hermetic-kabbalistic manifesto in full scope set on the stage of space, nothing more. We have spice-soma the drug that allows "space" travel, a looong trip man!! It also extends life and consciousness, uh huh. A bunch of scary looking implant-hormone-surgeryed up weirdos like chalamet clown and the rest of them, likely not optional roles for these cult members btw And if financing was such an issue you'd think all star cast would be dispensed with pretty quickly or not even thought of. We get the obvious Jesuit reference and inversion of this inversion cult. Some insect level dynastic fighting and scheming, GOT etc type of stuff.

None of this is new or original, so only the clowns and visuals/audio changes. Where dorothy or alice were set in a state farm or a garden this is just set in the newer scifi space fantasy. Yawn fest really, at least the 80s version had the rock opera aspect to it which was more entertaining, much better music, better looking more convincing set of clowns, better more natural acting, better faster pacing to get on with it already, cool retro style as of this date and more that just made it more entertaining and thus made more use of this mediums qualities and purpose. I suppose this movie would be better for a backdrop while knitting so it doesn't demand so much attention and is uninteresting most of the time. So there's that I guess.
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Dune (1984)
More entertaining then the new one for sure
18 November 2023
I never read the books, they seem like just a..nother fantasy series with hermetic mysticism at bottom. Likely a programming tool for some sections of the cult like the more universal Wizard of Oz, tralia down under hot by frankenstein(money stone, money power) Baum(tree, sephirotic tree that is) or Alice in Wonderland(Underland) by the very gross author of that book and more. Alice the name of the Resident Evil feminized man in that series of movies btw. I think the Grim Brothers tales were also kabbalistic-hermetic as well, explains why the Diz deception uses them so much.

This is just more focused and has a more rock opera feel with the music which is much more entertaining than the lethargic dead serious borefest of the 21 version. Chalamet the mask faced chinplanted and jawplanted girl with the slanted sly eyes is scary compared to the mchlaclan clan invert.

Just because old Lynn said some things doesn't mean it's accurate, who cares if the maker says it's bad anyways? Does the person attributed with the making of a huge thousands of people collab production have final say as to good or bad? Very weird cattle type of thinking going on there.

I think what we have w the universal praise of the 21 version is just AI bots all over and of course the business side of it, selling popcorn as some would say. The dumbos just praise what they're told to praise, and of course the "canonists" garbage about this or that is "accurate" to the book and... (yawning going on here).

This isn't the best film of course but it is entertaining and more accurately cheesy to the story and likely books which smell their own farts type of presentation probably. I like the retro styling as well and the sort of voiceover of their thoughts is more in tune with the tone to me. The cast is MUCH better then the 21 version, better acting, less of the "look at me" posing style of filmmaking in the 21 version too. Way much more cringe to the 21 version.

To the story it's typical Kabbalistico-Hermeticism of the cultists that own and run this industry and most of the world tbh. So spice is a form of Soma, a drug that people in India worshiped almost. To travel "space" you take drugs, yep that's true no doubt, it's a Looooong trip man! The use of the Jesuits is also evidently either a clue as to the real jusuits and their largely nefarious effects on the Church so evident now and the inversion tactics of these inversion cultists, only women are beni-good jusuits, but they only LOOK like women in reality. Then you have the typical GOT warring dynasties and all that goes with that, right out of the shtetel or ghetto no doubt. So a.nother space-rock opera of the city built on rock-drugs and roll-sex. No surprises.
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Hilarious if you like dark comedy and absurdity
18 November 2023
I thought this was hilarious in many ways, the psychopathology of the sellsellsell culture all over now, the dirty tricks done with a soothing voice and big smile, the bdsm aspects of trying to get large companies to care much or deliver on their promises, the house of society run by sick perv criminals, using programmed members born into the cult to enforce its dictats and such. The ridiculous torture expected of the little guy to get ahead way dramatized here but apt.

The small time scammer boss lady and the very telling image of insurance in general, you don't get a refund at all if nothing goes wrong so it's pure lard for the companies and the payouts they do do they just raise prices on everyone else to make up for it, they never actually use their own money for claims in the med/long run. It's also a required by law racket in a few cases, be better just to fix prices or no prices have the gov provide it and then return it every year minus nominal op fees, or roll it over year to year as a fund w interest if nothing happens which is like 95% of the time. It's a scam business, like so many other things in the jnew world order.

It does have macabre dark humor which isn't for everyone and there is a ridiculousness of normalizing slavery, cannibalism and such that no doubt the ptb want to do. They've already normalized so much criminality it's amazing. The slapstick ready made evil and inhumanity of a few of the characters is hilarious and sad. I could def see a large part of the sellsellsell people not like this movie, a little too close to home and an unconscious hostility built into it for them. I won't even touch the hidden transinverts in all roles here, that's a given w the cult based on it, androgyne "gods" in their own minds. I will say the boss lady boy is fairly obvious. And we have the fatty "men" who have "feelings" and such, the best friend is the easiest to see as an invert.

Totally recommended but hard to find since there's some other thing called keeping company that usually gets picked out by the auto selector and such. But you have to see the ridiculous scam of so much "good" criminal enterprises called businesses and just laugh at it. But hyperbole is almost the only way most can see it now it's so normalized, that's macabre.
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The builders and their tall furry stained tails
18 November 2023
Typical drivel we get OVER and OVER narrative about the home run of all narrative control examples, the whole WW2 nonsense narrative we've been brainwashed with. The whole film cast, crew, financiers etc is like say the Mongols making a movie about how great and beneficial they were or the Vikings making a movie about how they were just good people borrowing things like wives, children etc I can't mention what I mean in this films context, VERBOTEN. Monte Casino was bombed to rubble by the "good guys" for no apparent need, it was surrounded, they did this on purpose, like hamburg, dresden etc war criminals and no need to mention giving eastern europe to the fellow traveler brethren nor the fate of german civs who had nothing to do with this play by the ptb for an EUN wasteland we have now.

Likely this was just a way to loot and "return" these items to chosen folks, good money laundering tool too. The MM 13,13, the bauers or builders of things to put their names on like aircraft carriers submarines, obelisks, temples, airports, town halls, doing the stanic brick keystone laying ritual sheesh Chaff for the fire. Many of these movies are NOT to entertain or benefit but as weapons of brainwashing, if you are financed by treasury secs and private financiers you don't care about profit-loss, but the narrative. Just go to the stock market and make moves to defraud pensions or 401ks, sell short, insider trading etc

I wouldn't take any of this movie, tv etc stuff that explicitly mentions "based on true..." as anything but more of this cults subterfuge and history making-believe to fit their narrative. True to their stanic creed about their "word" making reality, sadly this is all too true for many people, the propaganda news is the truth test and the rumors and truisms these tribester-brickmasontranzy cultists hypnotically repeat are gospel for so many. The hermetic androgynes come up from the black depths of heck to deliver the message like mercury-hermes. Saytans associates liars putting on a garb of light to hide and bamboozle the unwary.
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True Detective (2014– )
Yeah S1 then off a cliff
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series is now dead no doubt. The first season was entertaining and overall well done. The second was just a cringey overly contrived obnoxious mess. I couldn't sit through more than a couple episodes of the third, actually surprised it got a third after the second. So I'll just talk about S1 here.

---- It's entertaining certainly but if you notice those presented as good guys are just irl members of the cult they give us a controlled image of in this show, so this is just more propaganda going on here. Narrative Control. We always hear about only one certain denominations evil, the gog never gets mentioned nor do the lodge stooges. The real evil. These are all pagan cultists. 112233KVCC threesixes36. They practice rituals and sacrifices irl that are just pre-Constantine common place things, for about 500 years they've been rising, soon to thier climatic end and eternal punishment and they know it. Athough the real rituals are not a public thing even in greco-roman times, they're always in groves, hidden and only by a certain level of the hierarchy.

This cult likes to put out a public bad guy patsy who is in their cult, and knows to obey, for their practices and this is exactly what this show does with the hint that the powers above are really the instigators and controllers of all this, the hierarchy of the devil. We saw this with the serial killer myth, started in 1888 with yekke the ripper as a stress/tension control exercise on the general public, just a public ritual really. The Lone Gunman fantasy stuff we see all over in another form. Here we get the marxist bad white people of a certain isolated and targeted faith subterfuge. This is a cultist production like all the rest of the images industry.

The King in Yellow is an old occultist book about inducing/commanding suicide and other sick things, which is mentioned and Ms Conney Hey even tells a prisoner to go kill themselves in a scene, then in another a cooperator is likely given a code by phone to auto suicide. And video is not trustworthy at all, not since before it was invented, the tribe is all over it. These cultists including the two fallen stars and producers of this series, have multiple personalities and thus can be triggered with words, tones, numbers, colors, lights etc including suicide, fake or real. They've done terrible sick things to get where they are and have ancestry littered with members.

This season is an exercise in narrative control by the tribester-brickmason-transformer cult aka the old pagan moloch-egyptian-babylonians just came back to have their gross atlanta v2. Divine Androgynes in their own minds only. Fantasy land. Miss Conney Hey, MM, with her gross body with all the wrong proportions of a typical transformer cultist, well hidden by the lights, cameras, editing, hormones, implants, surgeries and all the other tricks and of course we see the weirdo performance at the white house even more discrediting this fraudster. This filth was even looking to run as Gov TX for a time, do you know how big of member of the club you have to be to even run for that or even get to the level of fame/money she's achieved? I don't need to mention giving a press conference at the white house, casablanca. The ranches along the TX-MX border are private fiefdoms and torture chambers by these monsters of the Lucy fallen star33% state. Conney Hay is just another one of them. Kabbalistic infiltration and subversion on one side of the dialectic and subtle assault on the other end, oroboros, working both ends. Termites inside termites outside. The snake/serpent/dragon eating it's own tail. Hic Sunt Draconis. The other Exec Producer is Ms Wanda Harrelson, daughter of a real life hitman and tied to the j-fk1611 theater we got from the cult decades ago, sadly believed as real by most, among legion of fakerys. These androgynes and their shows know the fire is coming for them. And I won't bother with the feminized men of Trainsyhukerwood in heels and whigs, hormones, implants, surgeries etc of these sicko cultists, inverted perverts.

This series fell off a cliff after this season, not a surprise really the other stories are just bubblegum stuff.
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Tvirus fighting the Tvirus lol
17 November 2023
This whole capcom financed series is pretty cheesy but does have a lot of interesting visuals and memorable scenarios no doubt. I don't think if this had to stand on it's ratings or bo take it would have lasted more than 2 films but it has capcom backing so there you go. It has little to do with the classic games other than some of the installments feature characters of the games here and there as supporting. This is just what they call the RE "universe" stuff like we are getting all over. Star Wars "universe", marvel etc just a big bland mix of the same but reskinned content to sell etc

Of course it features Milo Jonovitch the ScandiManian, T(ranee)virus positive no doubt. How no one has either seen that obviousness or even mentioned it is indicative of how bad the world is today, the real tvirus. Milton looks very gross most of the time but has been feminized enough to fool the unobservant. It's a known irony that the Tvirus good guys fight the Tvirus bad guys and don't think the whole cast here isn't just the same. Smooth "men" etc mask faced weirdos and such all over here. You add makeup tricks, lighting and framing and then you have good deception, you see these types away from all that and no photoshop tricks on the photos you'd see scary looking monsters. Lost battle by now I know but still.

I do like some of the music as it makes sense for this rock opera style of movie we are getting here. The only complaint is the wild volume levels in this series, it will go from dead silent to blasting loud in a second and this happens a ton in this series it's jarring and makes it hard to hear a lot of the dialogue since I turn it down so much as to not get blown out ears or a headache. It's a disjointed viewing experience but the visual splendor makes up for it. Thankfully I never saw these in the theater so have control. This whole series is a good early morning thing to wake up lol.

Some of the sets from the games do come in lightly here and there over this series and the tropes of huge underground bases, clones, artificially bred human-oids, genetics, homicidal AI, etc The last few of them introduce game characters more no doubt and it all goes back to raccoon city, the panda eyes and their real meaning, and that whole thing, oroboros. The umbrella of the hidden hexagrams and checkerboard brickmasons is obvious, just in the symbology used. Baphomets, columbias, kadmons, "gods" on the stage directing etc Manovitch just a monkey to dance really, bred into the cult must have made the right sacrifices as they would say to get so famous etc

In this last one they just come out and say they're going to have a fake Armageddon to then control the outcome as divinely approved, likely have their inverted messiah take public credit for solving the disaster they are planning. All just a stage show which they're so good at since even before TvirusWood started. Pagan greek theater featured role reversed actors as did kabuki and likely whatever took place on stage in ancient egypt, babylon and india likely featured inverts doing fake drama. I think elizabethan theater may have featured that as well, similar to the private productions the bohegrovers do. Crossdragging is just a lite form of all the way.

It's an entertaining series no doubt that is over since they did the unremarkable reboot in 22. Similar to the games but in reverse. The early games were slow horror and puzzles and such but starting with RE5 it was just an action focused game, then came back to the more horror focus for 7 onwards however it's a different horror than the quiet type of the first 2-3 games. This movie series is obviously action movies primarily with a totally made up character of Alice, which could definitely fit in the 5-6 games but the whole scenario of worldwide scope doesn't fit too well in the games.

The early games focus on the local aspects of the initial outbreak and also the elite directed nature of it as per the creepy mansions with underground areas and such. We only get underground dumbs and impressive battlefields in this movie series and combat. The puzzle solving didn't fit in here. I think this is just a promotional thing while the games languished for the most part and were doing the remakes for modern gamers. The game series didn't move forward with new stories until 7 and it's certainly nothing like these movies. Like the movies I don't know where the games are going post 8 now, seems like localized stories of the outbreak and aftermath with no real ending but just when it stops selling and a new product is made that sells better has more shine to it.
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