The builders and their tall furry stained tails
18 November 2023
Typical drivel we get OVER and OVER narrative about the home run of all narrative control examples, the whole WW2 nonsense narrative we've been brainwashed with. The whole film cast, crew, financiers etc is like say the Mongols making a movie about how great and beneficial they were or the Vikings making a movie about how they were just good people borrowing things like wives, children etc I can't mention what I mean in this films context, VERBOTEN. Monte Casino was bombed to rubble by the "good guys" for no apparent need, it was surrounded, they did this on purpose, like hamburg, dresden etc war criminals and no need to mention giving eastern europe to the fellow traveler brethren nor the fate of german civs who had nothing to do with this play by the ptb for an EUN wasteland we have now.

Likely this was just a way to loot and "return" these items to chosen folks, good money laundering tool too. The MM 13,13, the bauers or builders of things to put their names on like aircraft carriers submarines, obelisks, temples, airports, town halls, doing the stanic brick keystone laying ritual sheesh Chaff for the fire. Many of these movies are NOT to entertain or benefit but as weapons of brainwashing, if you are financed by treasury secs and private financiers you don't care about profit-loss, but the narrative. Just go to the stock market and make moves to defraud pensions or 401ks, sell short, insider trading etc

I wouldn't take any of this movie, tv etc stuff that explicitly mentions "based on true..." as anything but more of this cults subterfuge and history making-believe to fit their narrative. True to their stanic creed about their "word" making reality, sadly this is all too true for many people, the propaganda news is the truth test and the rumors and truisms these tribester-brickmasontranzy cultists hypnotically repeat are gospel for so many. The hermetic androgynes come up from the black depths of heck to deliver the message like mercury-hermes. Saytans associates liars putting on a garb of light to hide and bamboozle the unwary.
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