Review of Dune

Dune (1984)
More entertaining then the new one for sure
18 November 2023
I never read the books, they seem like just a..nother fantasy series with hermetic mysticism at bottom. Likely a programming tool for some sections of the cult like the more universal Wizard of Oz, tralia down under hot by frankenstein(money stone, money power) Baum(tree, sephirotic tree that is) or Alice in Wonderland(Underland) by the very gross author of that book and more. Alice the name of the Resident Evil feminized man in that series of movies btw. I think the Grim Brothers tales were also kabbalistic-hermetic as well, explains why the Diz deception uses them so much.

This is just more focused and has a more rock opera feel with the music which is much more entertaining than the lethargic dead serious borefest of the 21 version. Chalamet the mask faced chinplanted and jawplanted girl with the slanted sly eyes is scary compared to the mchlaclan clan invert.

Just because old Lynn said some things doesn't mean it's accurate, who cares if the maker says it's bad anyways? Does the person attributed with the making of a huge thousands of people collab production have final say as to good or bad? Very weird cattle type of thinking going on there.

I think what we have w the universal praise of the 21 version is just AI bots all over and of course the business side of it, selling popcorn as some would say. The dumbos just praise what they're told to praise, and of course the "canonists" garbage about this or that is "accurate" to the book and... (yawning going on here).

This isn't the best film of course but it is entertaining and more accurately cheesy to the story and likely books which smell their own farts type of presentation probably. I like the retro styling as well and the sort of voiceover of their thoughts is more in tune with the tone to me. The cast is MUCH better then the 21 version, better acting, less of the "look at me" posing style of filmmaking in the 21 version too. Way much more cringe to the 21 version.

To the story it's typical Kabbalistico-Hermeticism of the cultists that own and run this industry and most of the world tbh. So spice is a form of Soma, a drug that people in India worshiped almost. To travel "space" you take drugs, yep that's true no doubt, it's a Looooong trip man! The use of the Jesuits is also evidently either a clue as to the real jusuits and their largely nefarious effects on the Church so evident now and the inversion tactics of these inversion cultists, only women are beni-good jusuits, but they only LOOK like women in reality. Then you have the typical GOT warring dynasties and all that goes with that, right out of the shtetel or ghetto no doubt. So a.nother space-rock opera of the city built on rock-drugs and roll-sex. No surprises.
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