Really bad and not good at all
29 December 2023
This happened to popup on the showtime free stuff and gave it a shot and oof, the most dysfunctional babel talking narcissists you could ever meet. Spreading this like poisonous mushrooms. These are also all hidden trainys easy to see. Mask face, weird bodies, wrong proportions all over, implant, a certain heritage of a pagan cult going back to babylon and older check, insanity in general check. We get the ape versions with the huge neck pebbles from hormones probably or perhaps implants, the no hips hard bodied, huge tracheas that are shaved on the other side it's really bizarre. Gigantic shoulders/upper bodies in proportion on the premarin ones as well. Wrong digit ratios, the ever popular chinplant and other implants. They make sure to cut and wipe fast enough for regular people to not notice and of course the sodomwood conditioning from day one.

The soft ones and feminine energy are the ones who call themselves males. This hermetic-kabbalistic inana bearded venus cult is ready for it's destiny and as someone said you think it's one way, but nah it's really THE OTHER. These just devalue humans and it's all about their sex and the babel talk about this or that rules or this or that meaningless terms that are really just prettyfied power trips of I want to do whatever I want, similar to children mentality but children have a lot more sense for objective things then these ill folks do.

Now I've met and actually have some distant family involved in this nonsense paganism stuff and they are generally very troubled types. Suicide, drug use, crimes, nasty in general to be around, black hole types. This is a narcisstic pagan fleshpot belief system that goes against objective realities that these people really all need help in an institution. The ones shown in this show also need to transition back to their natural selves instead of being trannesteins who put on clown faces or joker smiles for cameras but are miserable, they've flipped like bdsm is all about. They prefer sickness to health and it's terrible. This goes for all these pagan sex magick type of things.

This is also a really badly produced show and badly acted by these almost total frauds. Just the fake crying and fake drama is really bad. The gross parents we meet are all the same as these are, sick tradition. Somewhere it was realized how bad this is and thus ended 10 years ago. This is also just a soft core nastiness dressed up as some social statement thing. When really it's a cult of inana bearded venus adam kadmon walking baphos trying to destroy decent society at all the roots. Humanity got a break for almost a millenia from this dark world order, it's just come back slowly, deceptively.
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