Classic pulp of the time period
13 December 2023
If you grew up anywhere near this time this film is going to be something that makes you smile thinking about it and your bros you gushed about it with, it's a generational thing really. I came across this on a ,,,,chute site and immediately scraped it and watched it again off a pendrive. I doubt some modern oversharpened etc version at hd is going to do much for it.

This had the whole street fighter guy with the lightning bolts and sloped hat, the pulpy story that's half noir with a prime Kurt Russel in so many classic popcorn movies and cult movies of the day. Think about Escape from NY, The Thing and this and I'm sure I've missed a few of Russels resume there in the 80s. We even got the hilarious at times Overboard.

Sooo yeah classic stuff here, still a really fun watch. Almost all the sets are iconic if you grew up with this. The girl with green eyes lao ming or whatever I once used as a pet name for an asian gf it was so hilarious to use on someone who didn't grow up in that time period lol. The comic book nature of it is similar to the classic adventure films of the 50s in color and later on the indy jones first 3 films etc I just wish there would have been more episodes frankly, I mean there's something up the road for Jack who doesn't seem like he'd be in the clear and quiet for too long.
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