The Bunnyman Massacre (2014) Poster

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My Review Of "The Bunnyman Massacre"
ASouthernHorrorFan13 June 2014
"The Bunnyman Massacre" is the sequel to indie slasher horror "Bunnyman". In this second installment Joe and the Bunnyman continue their brutal, emotionless slaughter. The film once again sees Carl Lindberg returning to the director's chair which is appropriate since he created this modern horror franchise. "The Bunnyman Massacre" stars David Scott, Julianne Dowler, Jennifer June Ross, Joshua Lang, Marshal Hilton, Heather Daley, Maria Olsen, Kate Bowen and Jamie Bernadette.

The story follows Joe and the Bunnyman as they continue their ploy of carnage, adding to their body count in a small rural community hanging on the outskirts of a ghost town. It is a very simple concept with no real depth, which basically puts female's and the occasional male in the psycho killer's path for a visceral, bloody death. "The Bunnyman Massacre" doesn't really focus much on dialog, just quick quips and profane banter that creates the cruel personas of Joe and the Bunnyman. It works for the purpose of gritty, grindhouse horror, but the writing is two dimensional and gives us no real protagonist to root for through most of the film. Their is one present but very weakly represented. The point of view seems to be a celebratory embrace of the killer as the star of the show. That is fine for a small select audience but with no way to emotionally connect the victims or "protagonist" in the film, "The Bunnyman Massacre" falls a little flat.

Now as far as special effects are concerned, "The Bunnyman Massacre" continues the raw, gorefest that the first film provided. There are a couple of moments when CGI blood is added to the kills for splatter, however it seems acceptable because there is still plenty of practical fluid drenching the screen and victim. Creative angles and gimmicks make most of the kill scenes work well with minimal flaw. That is crucial for this film because with the lack of real story or heart shown in "The Bunnyman Massacre" you need some clean, kill effects that are organic and visceral. The overall special effects component to this film creates a traditional grindhouse feel to the horror elements.

The sound effects and soundtrack are your expected, atmospheric redundancy that can be heard in any number of horror films, both classic and modern. Some of the sound effects have been taken from other horror films. Not sure if it works as tribute or rip-off in "The Bunnyman Massacre", the creepy sound effects work here but they are reminiscent of other classics. The soundtrack overall fails to create any real suspense or chill factor in the film, but that just adds to the fact that the story is emotionally void and the point-of-view is that of the killers. The cold, brutality on top of a lack of heart doesn't allow you to connect with the victims or the story enough to feel anything real. It is just a "set 'em up, knock 'em down" situation. Plus so many scenes in "The Bunnyman Massacre" are straight from other horror icon's stories that at times the originality seems questionable. See it if you want but you're not really missing much if you decide to pass on this one.
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Not horror. Just gore!
Patient44423 August 2014
I was expecting something a lot worse than this, so guess cause I had low expectations, it managed to make somewhat of an impression on me.

They did build some character depth, showed some personalities here, still, the movie is not for everyone. A lot of talking, many unnecessary scenes, overall to be honest, I got bored. So many movies like this one, when they can't create a proper plot therefore, lets focus on some blood, tits and harsh language, maybe we can get away with it. I'm so done with such productions, no tension, no scares, nothing new, but they try to hit the horror scene for the sake of what? Wasting money, time and people's patience!

Nothing good came out of this one, so I will be a tad bit aggressive on it: The Bunnyman Massacre is a very weak attempt, where almost nothing happens, a few bullets, a chainsaw and a bunny costume. Nothing interesting, nada, zero, below zero actually. Go around this one and thank me later!

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its so trash that its good
nicecupoftae8 August 2023
This is ur typical low budget indie slasher movie and it definitely achieved that goal but im just not a big fan of watching a 2 hours movie of 2 eggheads killing girls. I get that it's the perspective of the killers so what else is there to show but this was just such a snooze fest😭😭 at least they showed that they tried to show that they had a little personality despite being a mentally ill furry. There's a lot of ppl who are into low budget sadistic sht like this so this movie is definitely recommend to those weirdos but if u dont like corny "horror" movies this is definitely not worth ur 2 hours of time.
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Better than the first.....
13Funbags30 October 2017
It wasn't possible to be worse. So Bunnyman heard your complaints and this time he starts off by running amok on a school bus, quickly followed by some pointless nudity. My favorite thing in the movie is that they went out of their way to mention that he got stabbed in the neck in the first movie. If they hadn't done that it would be easy to argue that this movie was possibly a reboot, not a sequel. But anyway, they never explained anything about Bunnyman in the first movie and this one just makes it more confusing. So now he just has another guy he's always with. Bunnyman has more friends than me. The new guy tries to explain that the people from the first movie were Bunnyman's family and I think this new guy is his brother. They also changed his head from the Red Skull look to a more Darth Vader-ish thing. They show a tiny bit of gore this time, so that's something. Watch at your own risk.
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Bunnyman Massacre Will Likely Disappoint Viewers
npcharney20 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has no heroes, many of the scenes are excruciatingly fake and the characters (with the exception of the villains) make incredibly horrible decisions which made me literally face-palm myself several times.

This movie has nothing new to offer for the horror genre. The only merit this film has aside from the cute bunny costume is the acting of David Scott. If Mr. Scott is not a total creep outside of film, then he played the part in the film flawlessly.

The concepts of a deranged murderer in a bunny costume and a backwoods convenience store selling the victims' flesh as meat had a lot of potential for a plot, however, somehow the writer (Carl Lindbergh) failed to achieve that potential. Perhaps Mr. Lindbergh forgot to take his Adderall prior to writing the script.
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The un-scary bunny massacre
TheLittleSongbird15 August 2018
Have an appreciation for horror with shades of thriller, slasher can be done well as well. So despite hearing a lot of negativity, 'The Bunnyman Massacre's' premise did really intrigue. Plus the cover was an attention-grabbing one. Really wanted to like it and for it to not be another waste of decent potential.

Watching it, unfortunately 'The Bunnyman Massacre' turned out to be exactly that...a waste of decent potential and with exactly the same flaws as the first 'Bunnyman'. Not how to execute an intriguing idea. It's not irredeemably awful by any stretch, there is one good thing. Sadly eclipsed by the numerous things 'The Bunnyman Massacre' gets catastrophically wrong. Some unintentional humour that was just cheesy and irritating, the attempts at seriousness felt misplaced and the incoherence of the editing and the dialogue make it very difficult to take it seriously and the horror elements were predictable, not scary and too tame, no matter how much gratuitous blood effects it threw in.

Lets get the good things out of the way first. The best thing about 'The Bunnyman Massacre' is the villain's look, it is great. So cool and menacing, not goofy at all.

Uniformly the acting ranges from very bad to truly terrible, lots of histrionics and an equal amount of phoning in. Their cringe-worthy, unintentionally silly dialogue (one deserves a prize if they succeed in not bursting out laughing when they're not meant to, that is a challenge), annoying characters with stupid and illogical decision-making and behaviours and indifferent direction gave them no favours.

Neither did the story, which is paper thin and much of it doesn't make any sense, with scenes that bear no relevance. There is no tension or suspense here, no surprises, no creativity, no wit and the only thing that is scary is the look of the villain and the scare factor ends there. The kills are un-creative, instead of biting the nails one is shrugging their shoulders, and the whole horror atmosphere feels both tame and overdone (so much gratuity here) and leans towards being dumb.

'The Bunnyman Massacre' is an eyesore visually. With the lighting and camera work, it seemed to striving for the showing off or experimenting with supposedly arty to them feel but instead it comes off amateurish and nauseating. The editing is incoherent. Cannot remember the music, other than its over-bearing intrusiveness.

Overall, not irredeemable but very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Leofwine_draca7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE BUNNYMAN MASSACRE is an indie sequel follow-up to the original BUNNYMAN which once again features the misadventures of a killer dressed in a rabbit costume who wields a chainsaw and a variety of tools and implements to take down his victims. HARVEY this isn't. It opens on a particularly sadistic note, featuring a lot of blood and a lot of nudity, before slipping into tedium with the usual slasher tropes and problems associated with low budget filmmaking. Stilted performances abound.
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The Bunny Rabbit as a Frustrated Vegetarian
aimless-4616 July 2014
Carl Lindbergh is back with "The Bunnyman Massacre" (2014), his second entry in his "Bunnyman" franchise; and I understand that a third one is in the works. This one is a low budget fusion of "Motel Hell" (1980) and "Kiss & Tell" (1997); and yet another homage to the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974). Unfortunately, none of the female cast is remotely in the sexploitation class of "Motel Hell's" Monique St. Pierre or "Kiss & Tells" Heather Graham – in other words no viewer will be at the edge of his seat hoping to see any of them take off their tops.

Unlike Pamela Gidley's murderous "Beta Carotene" character in "Kiss & Tell", this bunny is (once again) in an actual rabbit costume with a happy face, the kind of costume commonly seen at a community Easter Egg Hunt. The incongruity gives Lindbergh tons of visual juxtapostioning opportunities, the inspiration and entire basis for the "Bunnyman" franchise.

Lindbergh seems to have taken some time to write a very humorous 26-minute black comedy segment, pitched it to some financial backers, and then shot the first one fourth of his film. During this segment the title character breaks movie conventions by attacking a school bus of children on a rural road and then eats dinner with his associate Joe. We learn (during a Mad Hatter inspired dinner scene) that Bunnyman's rage comes from his frustration at being required to stay a vegetarian, because bunnies don't eat meat.

After 26 minutes you are convinced that Lindbergh has a winner here, with it shaping up into the most original black comedy treatment the genre has ever seen. All he has to do is maintain the tension and suspense, which he could easily do by alternating quick kills and unexpected escapes, using a little misdirection to make it impossible for viewers to sort out targets from non-targets.

But by the 30 minute mark you realize that he has already shot his bolt in the initial segments and has simply cobbled together and tacked on sixty minutes of listless moronic filler to get his film up to feature length. The only exception being an inspired sequence of barrel rolling – the best of which involves emptying the barrel for reuse.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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Comedy? Horror? Black Comedy?
lewis-sands23 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The tag for this flick is Horror, but can you really call it that? The acts themselves are (from the get-go) horrifying in and of themselves but is this really Horror? I have no problem watching movies like this and Usually I have a good chuckle or two when the flick is done well, or at least half way up the hill to being done well anyway. I wanted to watch a horror though so I felt a little gypped because I believed the tag. Oh well, I can't recommend this movie to everyone, however; For those who like senseless slaughter with no real plot, rhyme or reason behind it(like I do from time to time!)then you will probably like Bunnyman Massacre! If you are looking for something to send chills up your spine and maybe make you jump a little in your seat you may want to keep looking. Bunnyman is a movie like so many others these days, made for whatever reason they had yet for none that the audience can see or figure out. Maybe some other time Bunnyman! (No, no Bunnyman is massacred)Enjoy your time at the movies, I will!
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Slow Children 800 points
nogodnomasters15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Who hasn't ever wanted to run through a bus full of kids with a chainsaw while wearing a bunny suit? Although this doesn't seem to be an issue. The two missing deputies is the problem. Okay some bad plot issues.

Joe (David Scott) and the Bunnyman (Joshua Lang) live on a remote California ranch which borders on the desert. They get a lot of young female hikers coming through their way which get killed in various ways, a bit reminiscent of "2,000 Maniacs." Folks drive by for the "REFRSHMANTS" sic and home made jerky at Joe's General store located under the Audie Murphy Hotel. About half way through Bunnyman removes the mask.

One couple wanted directions to I-95 which is on the east coast. Most likely they wanted route 95 and flubbed the line. This is a 90's style mindless blood slasher film. It is entertaining in that regard, but lacks depth. Women, chain saw, drills, and a couple of country folk. TCM stuff.

F-bomb, sex, nudity, near sexual assault.
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Senseless and Quite Deeply Disturbing
jlthornb5110 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Very, very sick minds gathered to produce a film that ultimately calls into question the legitimacy of cinema as an art form. To see such savagery as the opening sequence where a psychopath in a filthy bunny suit boards a school bus full of helpless children and slaughters them with a machete, chainsaw, and shotgun is hardly uplifting. While no youngster is graphically butchered, the concept alone and the terror of the screaming children as they run for their lives before a blood drenched camera lens is more than most of us can stomach. That such butchery is implied rather than explicit does not relieve those responsible and the concept alone is beyond the imagination of sound minds. It simply challenges the viewer's basic sense of human decency to watch such atrocities. The moral depravity of those involved in this motion picture travesty is clear to all as the horrific images are displayed on the screen. In light of the child massacres that plague this nation and the fact that the authorities are helpless to protect our children from indiscriminate murders committed by deranged monsters, are such films as this needed to honor such incidents, make light of the horror, and inspire further tragic bloodshed? Certainly not and anyone who enjoys this sort of malignant garbage should look into their black hearts and contemplate their shriveled souls. They might well be disgusted, frightened, and repulsed by what they find within themselves.
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Loved it
brandonlewislaw12 September 2014
Watched Bunnyman and Bunnyman 2 (Bunnyman Massacre) tonight. I had always passed over the movies just based on the title. I imagined an extremely corny movie. It wasn't. It was surprisingly raw and brutal. There is no humor to it like the name might lead you to believe. It is a legit slasher. I see a lot of negative reviews. I have to assume most of them aren't hardcore horror fans nor do they watch many indie, low budget ones. And yes, 9/10 is an absurd grade for the movie but I compared it to indie horror and this is top notch in that category. Bottom line, if you're looking for a fun 90 minutes (or 180 if you wanna check out the first), I think you will dig it.
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Better than the original but not by much
When they get stranded in the woods, a group of girls captured by the infamous Bunnyman and his partner try to escape before they're killed and turned into the food at their roadside market.

This ended up being better than the original effort in the series but that's not really saying much. The fact that the whole film tends to rely on the fact that the titular character itself is scary to drive all the shocks is perhaps the biggest problem with this as it really has almost no true scares in this one at all while trying to impart the fact that the killer itself deserves all the scares tends to really wear thin quite early. The scenes of it appearing behind unsuspecting victims before the death-blow is quite stupid and ends up being quite lame as well when its the only form of attack throughout while also not really making the killer all that scary and really just drives the whole scare factor of the film down even further. The way he's treated as the iconic hero at the end of the picture for no purpose other than making him appear to be so is the last, near-irredeemable flaw about the killer in this one because of the way he's handled and makes the attack at turning him into some kind of mythic hero of the day instead of letting it come about naturally is where this one fails the most spectacularly as the attempts at doing this undermine the efforts of the whole film simply to have this nonthreatening and unscary killer emerge as the victorious party simply for that sake and really undoes so much else the film does right in here. The kills are certainly bloody enough and deliver some pretty nasty scenes, as the camping party assault, the hiking group and the different thwarted escape attempts that met with the requisite chainsaw slashing that generates the most fun throughout with their messy attitude, unflinching portrayal to violence and general high-quality execution of the scene. As well, the fact that this one eschews the torture-film route despite holding people captive and instead relying on their escape attempts only to get killed in the process does make for a slightly better experience which does really work quite well here in making this become a more entertaining effort than the original but not by much.

Rated R: Extreme Graphic Language, Extreme Graphic Violence, Nudity and children-in-jeopardy.
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Worst movie I've seen
ericabeckhelene2 September 2019
It's actually the worst movie I have seen and I've seen some horrible movies. My favorite scenes were the 800 moon shots and the end credits.
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Frank The Who?
saint_brett24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A "No One Cares production?" One hour and 44-minutes of pure independent entertainment.

What starts out on a dirt road sees a Freddy bus stroll along carrying a load full of 'Trick 'r Treat' rejects as a man dressed in a hire a costume steps on the scene equipped with shotgun and chainsaw.

Blasting away our bus driver the following scene could be a daytime version of the recent 'Texas Chainsaw' bus assault.

Love your costume, Bunnyman, but the heavy-duty work boots?

With no plot to speak of, Bunnyman walks around aimlessly, hoping to induce trouble any way, shape, or form, until he stumbles across a bivouac of females.

That naked lady warrants a couple of points to my rating.

NO! En owe - NO! You've just stolen the sleeping bag kill scene from 'Friday the 13th 7.' It's bad enough I detect 'Texas Chainsaw' written all over this - now Jason?

The Ice Cream Bunny retreats back to a dude ranch to give updates regularly to a hillbilly, who runs a store that sells dry human jerky of the sheriff variety.

Is that Lisa Kudrow?

What does this movie say about those of us who watch this sort of trash? Seriously, while you're sitting down watching this ask yourself who you are.

'Texas Chainsaw' soundbites? Really?

Not being able to speak, the Ice Cream Bunny has to mime its actions, meaning you have to read into its demeanour. Very hard to do. It's like that Stormtooper t-shirt you see with about nine of them on the front and it says something like "the nine different moods of a Stormtooper" and they're all the same expression.

It looked almost real when he took to the Swedish looking one with the chainsaw near the barn.

Is that a picture of Audie Murphy up on the wall there? Must be down in Texas, are we?

Four random hikers stumble on set.

Two are killed instantly while the other two are abducted and tormented.

Did these two, who are tied up, not notice the bunny sitting across from them? Would someone care to explain to these two captees why a six foot man, dressed in a fluffy bunny suit, is participating in a serious felony. They seem oblivious to his presence and don't question, or acknowledge, it once.

So, the Ice Cream Bunny removes its bunny helmet and reveals what looks like the killer from 'The Burning.' Leave the helmet on. It loses credit right there.

Yellow flag! The sheriff's patch on his uniform says "Scott County Iowa," yet he's driving a car with Californian plates. So, we're not in Texas then?

Wow, I haven't seen a Quick Draw McGraw showdown in a long time. Unless you count that 'Book of Boba Fett' Cad Bane garbage.

Why'd she commit suicide when she had the Ice Cream Bunny point blank? You know what? Who cares?

No wonder they call it the Ice Cream Bunny, that end mercy killing was first degree murder. It's cold as ice and would give Kuklinski a run for his money.

So, this is the future of horror movies is it - a man dressed in a bunny suit with a pump action & chainsaw? This is what it's come down to? We've gone backward.

At one hour and 44-minutes this is drawn-out and affects the tempo.

Hack possibly 30-minutes off this and make it more fast-paced as at times I slumped and lost interest.

I hate to say this but the store owner baddy kind of stole the show and took the lime light off the Ice Cream Bunny in its own movie.

Why does it claim online that there are four of these movies yet they all point back to this one movie only and apparently this is the sequel? The sequel to what though?

Oh yeah, this "movie" is not for today's modern audience as the little sensitive snowflakes will find some material offensive as they find fault with anything today.

Not the greatest but not the worst.
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Derivative, Boring, Laughably Bad
HerrSupahz29 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let me get this out of way... the whole Bunny costume thing is stupid. It's not scary, or creepy, or inventive. I can see the writer working this one out for the first movie... "let's see... a clown? No, too cliché. Hockey or Shatner mask? No, obviously. I know, a bunny! That'll be outrageous." If only. While it's true that the mask serves a purpose, it's a preposterous choice that is neither clever nor frightening.

I never saw the first movie, so for me the immediate question with the Bunny thing is, "should I take this seriously? Is this a comedy? A dark comedy? A slasher flick?" It's not funny enough to be a comedy, it's not dark enough to take seriously, and it fails at nostalgia for good slasher flicks. Someone mentioned that this movie hearkens back to the 80's classics, but I am a child of the Halloween/Friday the 13th days, and this doesn't recall any of the good things from those days. I've even seen someone pull the "indie" card while defending this, but that's no excuse for a blah movie.

There's also some chatter about how "controversial" the opening bus scene is. It's all hype. It's very short, and it (thankfully) has the sense to not show much of anything apart from the bus driver being shot and some poorly done blood-splatter.

This really feels like Texas Chainsaw meets Deliverance... but it's not a tenth as good as either. The movie looks good... kudos to the camera folks. But beyond that, the effects are pretty amateur... you can see some blood from wounds is painfully digital, and some of the assaults are very poorly done (the sleeping bag is so fake you'll roll your eyes, the barrel is obviously empty, etc). Some of the acting is fine, but the main redneck Joe hams it up at an alarming rate... it's distracting. The story is weak and very derivative. Basically, excluding the laughably bad Bunny, it's just a subpar, forgettable movie that attempts to be controversial and vulgar, and only succeeds at the second... and not in a good way.
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The Bunnyman Massacre
a_baron29 October 2017
This is the second film in the Bunnyman trilogy; hopefully the third will be the last, but as long as people keep watching this sewage - including reviewers - who knows? Is number two any better than number one? It is difficult to see how it could be any worse, but it makes a full-bodied attempt. We begin with the chainsaw slaughter of a busload of schoolkids and progress to damsels.

There is no plot worthy of the name, simply indiscriminate murder with a bit of torture thrown in. What is the point? Unless you relish special effects of the gory kind, not a lot.
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Outrageously Sick, Depraved Slaughter Porn
dianerpessler-4616413 July 2015
The beginning of this film is absolutely depraved and sick. A crazed killer, dressed in a filthy bunny suit, boards a school bus and proceeds to walk down the isle with a chainsaw. Blood splatters "creatively" on the camera lens as the helpless children scramble out the back window but it is clear some have not escaped, as evidenced by the blood splattering and tiny bloody hand prints inside the bus. Nothing graphic, mind you. Just the horrific murder of little kids without any dismembered bodies shown. Lots of screaming and stark raving fear mixed with abundant blood. One has to ask if someone in their right mind actually thought this was okay? It appears the director, writer, and producer may not comprehend why decent human beings might be outraged by this depiction of innocents slaughtered. Isn't there enough of that in real life? Perhaps they don't know the difference between right or wrong or simply don't care. They can't be so stupid as to believe this is entertainment or art. The word sociopaths come to mind. Maybe that child killer in the bunny outfit is their idea of humor. That is truly sick. Anyone who thinks this has any redeeming value should seriously question their humanity. If they have any.
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bobst-2136925 March 2021
It is difficult to explain what this is for. Absolutely the dumbest movie of all time. The girl has a gun, and instead of shooting at the enemy, she shoots herself in the head? Idiocy. Stupid even than the first part.
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Texas Chainsaw but Rabbit
b1gm0nk3y28 September 2021
This movie is not unique in the slightest. It gives off vibes of the Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (who would've guessed?) and literally any other slasher you could think of. The plot is all over the place, the kills are uncreative and unnecessarily gory for shock value, and nothing makes any sense. This is what the creative team was going for, I say good job. Bad.
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a fun indie horror film
skjgslkmsfgm2 March 2020
To me this is an excellent example of "indie horror". Not because of production value (it looks great), as in Plan 9 From Outer Space, but because the limited locations and camera work. The acting is a mixed bag as is often the case with non union actors. The writing and sound all somehow add to the sense of dread, doom and horror. There is real horror here, both at the EXTREME violence levels, but also the desolate solitude.

This is clearly a film by somebody who, like me, has a lot of love for the horror genre; and also the ringleader of the Bunnyman is played by someone who is clearly a more seasoned actor. Another factor in my review, the film looks like it was just a HELL of a lot of fun to make.
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The Bunnyman bores
zzissizz1 April 2024
The Bunnyman Massacre, is an evil (in the bad sense of the word), shoddy, time-wasting, and unpleasant film. Such a horrible movie would not even deserve to be seen by a single human being, but unfortunately it exists, I have to get over it.

The plot classic slasher horror movie, with dumb characters, with a dumb villain, with dumb deaths (at least they have decent special effects, but they don't save the movie) the acting then, I don't want to talk about it really horrible the best actors are the rocks in the background... By the way the movie is produced by "A no one cares productions" even those who produced it know that it did not deserve to exist.
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Very bad attempt at Horror.
discydiscy8 July 2023
I don't know where to start on this movie..

Firstly, i can say; its not attention grabbing at all, really! Me and my friend watched at the most 40 minutes of it before realizing that its 1 hour and 44 minutes long.

The whole movie is a bad attempt at horror, it didn't really make me jump, instead, it made me laugh from how bad it was. From the 40 minutes i watched of it, it was just gore, and a bad attempt at gore. In one of the scenes, you can tell the chainsaw had no points and was just behind the persons head instead of sawing them in half.

Overall, not good. Even i couldn't sit my ass down and watch it all.
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Bunnyman Duel
kosmasp31 December 2017
So the beginning is very clearly inspired by Duel. Then again many movies have been inspired by that. The movie is "inspired" by quite a lot of backwoods slasher/horror movies (Texas Chainsaw Massacre being the most obvious one apart from Duel). Unfortunately this does not come close to any of the good ones at all.

Be it acting, production values, costumes, cinematography, direction or even script. And while I haven't seen the first Bunnyman, it doesn't seem necessary to follow the "story" of this one. Haven't seen the third one either, although by the looks of the trailer of that one, they upped the ante in the visual department. What can be said here, is that they seemed to have done a lot for little money in the effects department. Many things seem very obvious but are still neat. There is also a lot of fake blood squirting and splashing around ... if that floats your boat.
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What a JOKE! 🤣
hawkslayer-0389130 July 2022
They actually call this trash a movie? Not only is the movie absolutely horrible, be cautious of the writer..he's also a HUGE thief and liar. Total joke of a screenwriter and person.
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