Outrageously Sick, Depraved Slaughter Porn
13 July 2015
The beginning of this film is absolutely depraved and sick. A crazed killer, dressed in a filthy bunny suit, boards a school bus and proceeds to walk down the isle with a chainsaw. Blood splatters "creatively" on the camera lens as the helpless children scramble out the back window but it is clear some have not escaped, as evidenced by the blood splattering and tiny bloody hand prints inside the bus. Nothing graphic, mind you. Just the horrific murder of little kids without any dismembered bodies shown. Lots of screaming and stark raving fear mixed with abundant blood. One has to ask if someone in their right mind actually thought this was okay? It appears the director, writer, and producer may not comprehend why decent human beings might be outraged by this depiction of innocents slaughtered. Isn't there enough of that in real life? Perhaps they don't know the difference between right or wrong or simply don't care. They can't be so stupid as to believe this is entertainment or art. The word sociopaths come to mind. Maybe that child killer in the bunny outfit is their idea of humor. That is truly sick. Anyone who thinks this has any redeeming value should seriously question their humanity. If they have any.
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