Wer (2013) Poster


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One of the Best Werewolf Movies I Have Ever Seen
claudio_carvalho18 January 2015
In France, the Porter family is slaughtered while camping in the woods and only Claire Porter (Stephanie Lemelin) survives seriously wounded. She reports that her husband Henry and her son Peter have been eaten alive by a strong man. The eremite Talan Gwynek (Brian Scott O'Connor) that lives in the woods with his mother is arrested by the police accused of being the killer.

The defense attorney Kate Moore (A.J. Cook) is assigned to defend Talan and she comes to the police station with her investigator Eric Sarin (Vik Sahay) and the animal expert Gavin Flemyng (Simon Quarterman) to interview Talan. The unwilling police inspector Klaus Pistor (Sebastian Roché) is sure that Talan is the murderer but has to let Kate and her team work. There is turmoil in the precinct and Gavin is scratched by Talan. Then they visit Talan's mother Mrs. Gwynek (Camelia Maxim) and they learn that Talan has a rare disease. Further, the government wants her lands to dispose nuclear waste and her husband has recently died in car accident. Soon Eric discloses that the death of Mr. Gwynek was suspicious and Pistor was in charge of the investigation. When Kate succeeds in sending Talan to a hospital for examination, she discovers the effects of Talan's disease and is the responsible for the next events.

The underrated "Wer" is one of the best werewolf movies I have ever seen. The graphic story is brutal and with magnificent special effects. The screenplay is concise, with good explanation for the situation. Maybe the greatest flaw is the manhunt in a full moon night, but how to convince the authorities that they are hunting a werewolf and not a human being? My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Sinistro – A Maldição do Lobisomem" ("Sinister – The Werewolf's Curse")
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Werewolves are finally putting that horrible "Twilight" chapter behind them...
paul_haakonsen8 September 2014
I had no expectations or any sort of anticipation for "Wer", aside from just merely hoping to be entertained by it. And now that I have seen it, I must admit that I am really glad that I did.

Why? Well, because "Wer" is not your average werewolf movie. And whereas many 'older' werewolf movies have been fairly stereotypical and pretty much following the same recipe, and then came "Twilight" and gave the werewolf very loose wrists, but we are getting back on track in the werewolf legacy now with "Wer".

It was refreshing to see a movie such as this that didn't have the stereotypical werewolf living hidden amongst the people he (or she) would prey upon. But having this sculpted and turning out the way it did was just what the genre needed.

I am not going to go much into the storyline here, because "Wer" is a movie that has to be seen and experienced. Written words will not really fully do it justice.

The storyline was good, and the movie progressed with a good pace, and the audience was always kept in the dark, but given just enough information piece by piece to let it dawn upon us what was really going on.

As for the effects, well given this is not a Hollywood CGI galore, but the effects were working as they were intended, straight and to the point. And that made the movie seem all the more real and animalistic (or perhaps bestial is a better term), compared to the many movies that rely solely on multi-million dollar CGI effects budgets.

The acting in the movie was good and people did really good jobs with their given roles and characters. And I must especially applaud Brian Scott O'Connor for his portrayal of Talan Gwynek. And while Sebastian Roché is a good actor, then the role of Klaus Pistor was a bit weak. The back-story for this character didn't really have the impact that I believe director William Brent Bell was looking for.

But "Wer" is a definite must watch if you enjoy werewolf movies, and if you are past the spray tan, buffed teenage stage that "Twilight" brought the werewolves back to.

"Wer" was good entertainment from the very beginning, and hold on now, the movie quickly picks up pace and goes from good to great in a very short time. "Wer" gets a well-deserved 7 out of 10 stars from me.
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Bringing back the vicious nature of a Werewolf
SpannersGerm66926 January 2015
Since Twilight Werewolves, along with Vampires, were made a joke of. Timid and caring instead of the old fashioned rip-them-to-pieces killing machines. Fortunately "Wer" understands the true value of a Werewolf and will have fans of the sub genre rejoicing! The biggest plus is the vicious nature the film has and a solid build up with a mythology behind the main villain. I liked the way the mysterious Werewolf unfolded and it promised to a thrilling climax. Unfortunately, even though the pay off is incredibly violent, the movie starts getting a bit silly and loses all the control that the first half had. Mixing it with some pretty ordinary CGI effects, the second half is nowhere near as polished as the first, which ultimately hurts it, but thankfully there is enough to like about "Wer" to make it a recommended film!
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This movie's logic : police SWAT RUN(!) at their target with rifles instead of shooting
sumtim3s00n26 September 2018
Movie remains somewhat around the average mark despite being pretty dumb however then at the end it blows up. It feels like the director decides NOW IM GONNA TANK IT. Honestly, it seem deliberate. The bad guy,whos strength is physical combat is standing surrounded by special forces police at a distance of 10 meters or so. They get the go ahead take him out. What happens next? They start RUNNING at the bad guy WITH RIFLES in their hands. One by one. Not shooting him. RUNNING at him, to do what nobody knows, until contact and then when they reach him he kills them or throws them away. I dont know what else to say.
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Different subject on found footage films.
Patient44416 March 2014
Nothing haunted, no ghosts, no experiment gone wrong, so, a new approach on this type of movies. Did I enjoy it? I sure did! And lets see why:

1. good execution. everything went lovely, the suspense grew more and more and I was definitely drawn into it. 2. characters, all worked out nicely, believable. 3. killshots, plenty and good. 4. effects, few at number, but they made them count. 5. scares, one or two, but the usual.

This is somewhat more of a "Trollhunter" style, but in the horror section, and they did make it just right, so, I will recommend it gladly to any found footage fan, horror fan or someone who wants to get his girlfriend scared, so she can cuddle up real nicely.

"Wer", a movie that won't find itself on everyone's lips, but the ones that will talk about it, are the lucky ones!
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A great start. Subpar finish
jaymonie128 September 2014
This film started out as a very satisfying murder mystery film with a few jump scares to keep the viewers attention, which isn't really even needed because its very interesting. The performances of the actors were great in the first half but didn't last with the exception of Simon Quarterman who plays Gavin in the film, he's a great throughout. But as I stated the last 40 minutes of the film were a let down to me. The film becomes a pretty generic found footage-esque slasher flick that isn't as interesting or unique as the team trying to figure out who or what did what was done like the premise in the first half.

Overall Id give the first half a 8/10 And the second half 5/10

First review I tried to be as vague as possible about the plot of the movie.
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stuart_davies9 September 2014
This is poor attempt at horror that starts off promising then falls back on the usual clichés, including loud noises to make you jump and stupid characters that walk alone into unlit buildings or do all their investigating at night or in the dark. I should have realised with the use of the hand-held shaky camera reminiscent of "Blair Witch" that it was going to be a simple rehash of previous movies. I turned it off before the end as I reached a stage of not caring what happened in the rest of the story, but felt let down as the plot had such potential with the medical angle it took on the Werewolf myth. The gruesome bits reminded me of the same genre/topic movies from the 1980's such as "An American Werewolf in London". So the bottom line is nothing new to see here!
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Very Decent Low Budget Horror
brian-219624 March 2014
As a huge horror fan I did not expect very much from this movie but I was very surprised. Firstly not a massive budget yet it delivers in everything from atmosphere, reasonably decent acting, good sets, good story line. It reminded me of a movie that came right out the 80's UK Video Nasty List (In a Good Way!) The negatives - The Music/sound is over powering very much like the Cannibal movies from this time, some may like that. The lead Female was a complete miss casting, I think she may have earned the role from who she knew!!! (very pretty though) This is very worth any horror fan's viewing and deserves a huge round of applause for having a damn decent go at something a little different. It is not An American werewolf in London. It is more a dirty and gory affair than the previously mentioned with no laughs. Excellent Effort a solid 7-10
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A mixed bag!
atinder19 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wer (2014)

I really don't know what to make of this movie, I thought it was found footage movie, but it wasn't at all, there was some found footages parts in the movie.

There were some tense moment at first but as the movie went on, it felt... Well it wasn't really that tense at all.

They didn't really explain what this person was, Was he Human, or some of were wolf that some super power strength.

This movie was very nasty at times, Head smashed, limbs flying off here and there, the good an nasty kind of gross. (Those parts I enjoyed)

I didn't not like how the story moved forward at all, I hated last few scenes from the movie,

Why can't we not have normal were wolf, were there no bloody battle between, super human hairy guy, and guy who saved he head to fight the beast after he turned too.

The acting was really good from the whole cast

Well I gave this movie 5 out of 10
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Hells yes
killercharm26 May 2021
A werewolf in France. This is the story of a legal team trying to defend a man who is accused of three brutal murders. It takes awhile but when this thing gets going it's hella fun. Good scares, high tension, coupla scenes I watched through my fingers, what's not to love? In keeping with the truly modern horror there are two explanations for everything.
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Tedious, loathsome dreck (TRAP also)
mallyrain28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Another IMDb high rating trap. Yeah, it's a TRAP! Ratings of 10 must come from some family members. Do not trust them. No movie in the world deserves a perfect rating, much less such a horrible endeavor. This "movie" is a whole lot of annoying, werewolf wannabe, pseudo CSI HORSE MANURE!

I cannot be any more thorough. And for the love of dark, IT IS ABSOLUTELY BORING! Made me yawn and fall asleep at least couple of times. If this is your first attempt at a werewolf franchise, STAY AWAY and keep it to An American Werewolf in London or The Howling! Anything of any real value in this particular venue is better that this pathetic attempt at movie making.
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how is this movie not more well known?
jgutierrez8116 March 2014
considering i am a horror fan i tend to be very critical of horror mostly because it's fun to find that gem amongst the rubble. but this movie was just shear brilliance. an awesome retelling of the werewolf story...if this had been seen by more people, it would have redefined and revived the werewolf genre. this movie would have done what the walking dead series did to zombies but on a movie scale. the violence and rage portrayed reminded me of the infected in 28 days later... but with hair all over. the story itself starts out with a thriller feel with a found footage style look. half the story is basically a mystery thriller until you hit the halfway point of the movie and thats when the fit hits the shan, and you are treated to fast paced non stop violent rage filled action for nearly the rest of the movie. i can say nothing bad about this movie, if your into horror ...treat yourself with this movie.
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A fresh version of an old idea
fatamorgana-4020810 October 2021
This is just a different take on a werewolf story. It's modern and updated. It has a realistic feel. If you're sick of the 'same 'old/same 'old' when it comes to lycan movies than this might be worth it for you. It's gruesome, gory, violent and best of all...different. I appreciated the effort to keep a teen love story out of the mix...
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I Didn't Like It
utgard141 November 2014
So this French hairy guy gets arrested for multiple murders. An American lawyer living in France (A.J. Cook) is assigned to defend him. Together with her unlikely ex-boyfriend and her assistant (Lester from "Chuck") she sets out to prove he's innocent.

Slow-going to the point of boredom. Things don't really pick up until about fifty minutes in. Everybody is acting in that "oh look this is real, we don't have a script" way like it's all improvised on the spot. It's a poor choice because that requires far better actors than this has. The characters being very unlikable doesn't help. Does anybody really buy fugly Simon Quarterman as A.J. Cook's ex? I can't see that ever. For Cook's part, her acting is very "TV." Vik Sahay is awful. He's one of those guys that can only do comedy. Any attempt at doing serious material fails. His facial expressions, manner, line delivery all scream "don't take me seriously." The werewolf parts are underwhelming. At least he's a 'sort of' wolfman type of werewolf, which is better than the dog cop-out movies often use these days. But still not a very creative design. The last twenty minutes, in particular the werewolf fight, save the movie from total mediocrity. Still not worth recommending, though.
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A surprisingly good werewolf movie
adamonIMDb27 May 2016
When you hear 'low-budget werewolf movie' you automatically fear the worst, but 'Wer' is far from the cheap garbage you expect. In fact, I really enjoyed it. It plays to its strengths, doesn't try to be too fancy and the end result is a very decent werewolf horror with plenty of gore and scares.

I was surprised at just how well the movie is made. From the opening few scenes you get the impression that this is a high-end horror with a large budget, and it remains impressive throughout. I was also impressed with the acting and the movie is extremely well written and produced. It does a very good job at building up tension and creating suspense, becoming more brutal and violent as it goes along, but it isn't overdone like in a lot of other horror movies.

'Wer' is a relatively unknown movie but I was impressed. I would definitely recommend this werewolf horror.
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It's not a bad watch if you're looking for something new.
kevin_robbins18 June 2021
Wer (2013) is a movie I recently watched for free on Tubi (it leaves at the end of the month). The storyline for this picture is about a lawyer who has been assigned to a murder case of a man who killed people in the woods. She noticed some strange mannerisms with her client and begins suspecting there's more to him than meets the eye. This movie is directed by William Brent Bell (The Boy) and stars AJ Cook (Final Destination 2), Sebastian Roché (6 Underground), Simon Quarterman (The Devil Inside) and Stephanie Lemelin (The Boy). This movie is a bit uneven in terms of its storyline but it did have some entertaining aspects. I like how they did the werewolf and action elements. Some of the dialogue was off for me in some scenes, and the acting was mediocre, but I liked this overall. It's not a bad watch if you're looking for something new. I'd score this a 6.5/10.
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Awful ending
gerben78 September 2014
I liked the setting of this movie and the building tension. It was a nice build up and the werewolf theme is all back again. The sad thing about this movie is: In the end authorities want to finish of the "bald beast" but instead of the man on the ground use their rifles, they are attacking it with bare hands and of course lose, so that the ending can be more satisfying. We see that a lot in movies, it is really really sad to see and it is a waste of a beautiful told story that could be like worthy the believe. We see it in so many movies that are made in the USA: a bad guy can easily finish of the sympathetic person but waits long enough or makes a dumb move so the good guy can prevail. Gullable.I would give real money to see a Amerikan movie made in European style.I could give the series of Game of Thrones a real thumbs up, lovable heroes (except Tirion) die.

I would rate this movie a 8 if the ending was not so very very poor.
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love it
violetbluegreenred16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Usually I'm pretty hesitant about vampire and werewolf horror movies because I've just never found those kinds of creatures scary.

This film has definitely gone beyond my expectations. I love it. The acting is phenomenal and the storyline intriguing. While predictable in some parts (especially with its use of jumpscares), I found myself thoroughly enjoying seeing how every moment, expected or not, played out anyway.

I also really liked the aspect of A.J. Cook's character being a lawyer and how that leads her into getting involved. I'm pretty new to the horror movie genre, but I thought that was a pretty interesting take. In general, I appreciated her character a lot. She is set up as intelligent and compassionate, so I thought her actions were very believable and realistic, even if some viewers might think she acted silly and irresponsible.

The other characters are relatively nuanced too, in my opinion. They had flaws, they made mistakes, and they also showed redeeming aspects. I won't go into more detail because I'm really trying to avoid spoilers, but I just really liked how they were all written.

Speaking of the writing, I thought it was fine: realistic and natural. Yes, some of the dialogue seemed a little funny, but it didn't actually take me out of the viewing experience.

I don't have much to say about the setting and filmography, to be honest, because I don't know much about that.

All in all, Wer is a great modern horror movie! I still don't find werewolves scary, but I *was* scared for the characters in the movie. Creative and entertaining from start to finish, it certainly blows most of the rest of the films clogging the horror movie genre out of the water.
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unexpectedly a good movie
mohsin-mohsin624 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
just watch the movie at the start thought it might be some boring flicks but wait its a boom.

the movie start with some attack scene on family.the only victim left from attack give her report to police on the basis of that report police arrest one man who seems suspect but after half an hour the man turn to be a werewolf.

the story of the movie was well written .action was also good .there are some good scene like attack of the werewolf on hospital while they were taking test on him.

overall the movie is quit good .it will be worth of your timing .
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nice concepts, some good jump scares, some good gore, but still falls short overall
witster1824 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with some found footage, but the first gripe begins soon after that. After a found-footage start, the film gets lost a bit in design by still going shaky-cam, even when the found footage is over. Then later,it gets smooth, the shaky, then smooth. I'm not a guy that usually complains about shaky cam, because it CAN be done right, and IT CAN add realism in certain instances. BUT with the way this film uses it, it kind of loses its' identity, and you start to wonder whether it's just poor production value, or if someone forgot to tell the cameraman that the found footage shots were over.

I like the idea of the big-bearded man who actually looks a lot like a werewolf to begin with, and I like the idea of his defense team, but schematically none of it really comes together. I didn't turn it off, and the film wasn't terrible by any means. The score is pretty accurate here as I'm going with 54/100. But, let's be really clear in distinguishing this as a 'decent sleeper' - nowhere near other films in the genre like 'Wolfman' the original, 'The Howling', or 'American Werewolf in London'. Benecio's 'Wolfman' is much better imho.

Very promising moments though - especially in the gore shots. Only gripe with those comes in one quick(very) CGI moment late when he eats the face off a police officer, and the film resorts back to the average-at-best production values that are scattered about the film.

I also don't care for the films long, lame attempt at planting every sequel-seed possible. I mean, lets get it tighter the first time around before we start on WER 2 if you don't mind. That wouldn't rub me the wrong way if the film wasn't kind of close to being a gem like it IS, but I DO think that the 8/10-10/10 ratings here are just the starved horror fans getting a bit frivolous with their excitement/ratings. I don't blame you - it seems like we get 1 maybe two good horror films a year nowadays.

The film needed to dive into the science, the backstory, and a better last ten minutes in order for it to reach the cult-status that some of the reviews might lead you to believe it is. I'm a bit on the other side in terms of the ending here. I said the last ten minutes could have been better, and they could of.. it seemed hurried and sloppy, but the climax here(final fight/military stuff) actually worked quite well, and imo was one of the strongest moments of the entire film.

Either way, don't get your hopes up too much with this one, even though I think it's still worth the price of admission. Or, at least it was for me it was, BUT that price of admission was 1.32 at the redbox.
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The Lunar Effect
reddiemurf813 October 2021
Wow,, I remember seeing the trailer for this at some point a few yrs back,, was definitely interested then,,,

In addition to seeing AJ Cook during the entire film (insert Billy Madison quote here), this movie is a fun ride.

Starting off with a vacationing family being attacked while camping in the countryside of France, by what can only be assumed to be a wild animal,, although the only survivor of the attack refers to the attacker as "he" instead of it. This leads the authorities to arrest a suspectin the area,, one who suffers from a rare disease, which causes excessive body hair, abnormal skeletal structure, as well as debilitating joint pain (to the pont where he has trouble moving). As more evidence is gathered from the attack site, all findings point towards the attacker being non-human. Is this diseased man innocent, or is something unexplainable happening here?

I'd give this one a 6.4 rating. Other than some less than great digital effects, it's an awesome viewing. Different type of horror movie.
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8 stars start 2 end
armadilla1723 December 2020
I have never watched a movie that nose dived so rapidly at the end, do yourself a favor and stop at 50 minute.
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"Twilight" Ruined Werewolves' Horror, but "Wer" Brings Them Back.
ugisup1 June 2014
When "Twilight" saga ruined the horror of werewolf, thanks to "Wer" for successfully bringing werewolf-film back to right track : brutal, terrifying and thrilling. Despite of predictable plot from the middle until the end film, "Wer" is unexpectedly excellent and interesting to watch, with half of this story enriches by the mystery element. If you think found-footage film's always being horrible in plot and execution such as The Devil Inside or Paranormal Activity's franchise, believe me, "Wer" is different case. I think "Wer" is the best found-footage film since "Chronicles" hits box office in 2012.

At the end, I must admit that "Wer" makes werewolves scary again, brings it become the best werewolf film since "An American Werewolf In London". I gave it 9 stars out of 10.
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French Werewolf
Savage7511 November 2020
A nice take on an old legend. The first half of the movie starts off like a uncensored Law & Order episode then it completely flips into a horror film. A bit slow going at first but I dug it.
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Shame to A.J.Cook play in this poor movie
marksuatrom4 June 2015
Strongly by pass, save your time, nerves and mind !

Judging by the ratings of the film received some disgustingly incompetent they did. And seeing this ugly picture moments that disfigure writer and director, casting doubt on whether Homo Sapiens they are, I realized that this sh1t can contemplate only a mindless idiot who only mediocrity Give embodies their stupid fantasies based on delusions and dullness (taking into account all the nuances of their script and story) This will not do, well, just in any reasonable and adequate framework... Except that, a feeling that once again filmed for some stupid 15 yo's (max.) pimply teen ... With such success ... it is time screenwriter and director should be sent immediately at a landfill or rubbish dump - - and take shoot such series as "Code Name: Eternity".

And the problem is not that is the budget was a little weak ... but in theirs terrible mistakes of the plot story and the episodes, which were based on the absence of any reasonable and adequate logic buyout disfigured everything they filmed. Dear and insufficiently respected writers, directors, this personal request personal to you, please, raise your IQ at first before trying to make movie something like that, and do not so much disgrace yourself by wretchedness of your thought.

A.J.Cook? though if I download this horror, her acting, type never would remind me of "Criminal Minds"? Ehmm .. I doubt ... but probably all watched the movie .. just for the sake of Blondie ...

and looking at her acting game, I realized ... What a shame it, this A.J.Cook captured in this sh1t-movie ....

And all the other actors playing the same disgusting ... and then they just do not believe, and even throw something desirable (each at its discretion what exactly) Sorry for such criticism, but so I just kind of person. When I was by sh1t inveigle in, I react to your ugliness, I do not blame that make such ugly films and in which the actors are eager to disgrace myself even.

Still, the best moment of the film, and only for the sake of which he was, IMHO, is worth a look - 1h. 15m. 28-31 seconds. And the only one distinctive from the others coped with their work properly - is the composer.
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