Review of Wer

Wer (2013)
Different subject on found footage films.
16 March 2014
Nothing haunted, no ghosts, no experiment gone wrong, so, a new approach on this type of movies. Did I enjoy it? I sure did! And lets see why:

1. good execution. everything went lovely, the suspense grew more and more and I was definitely drawn into it. 2. characters, all worked out nicely, believable. 3. killshots, plenty and good. 4. effects, few at number, but they made them count. 5. scares, one or two, but the usual.

This is somewhat more of a "Trollhunter" style, but in the horror section, and they did make it just right, so, I will recommend it gladly to any found footage fan, horror fan or someone who wants to get his girlfriend scared, so she can cuddle up real nicely.

"Wer", a movie that won't find itself on everyone's lips, but the ones that will talk about it, are the lucky ones!
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