Review of Wer

Wer (2013)
Bringing back the vicious nature of a Werewolf
26 January 2015
Since Twilight Werewolves, along with Vampires, were made a joke of. Timid and caring instead of the old fashioned rip-them-to-pieces killing machines. Fortunately "Wer" understands the true value of a Werewolf and will have fans of the sub genre rejoicing! The biggest plus is the vicious nature the film has and a solid build up with a mythology behind the main villain. I liked the way the mysterious Werewolf unfolded and it promised to a thrilling climax. Unfortunately, even though the pay off is incredibly violent, the movie starts getting a bit silly and loses all the control that the first half had. Mixing it with some pretty ordinary CGI effects, the second half is nowhere near as polished as the first, which ultimately hurts it, but thankfully there is enough to like about "Wer" to make it a recommended film!
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