This is probably the worst of the first three movies but not a complete waste of time if you enjoy bad horror pictures.
15 May 2021
Gingerbread Man 3 (2011) and the entire series is currently available on Tubi for free. This movie is similar to the previous storyline but instead of focusing on the Gingerbread Man on a movie set it focuses on the Gingerbread Man in a roller rink that is about to go bankrupt. Somehow, they also work in a high school storyline that oddly resembles Carrie. This movie is directed by William Butler (Dead Voices, Deadly Dolla and Demonic Toys 2) and stars Carrie Lazar (Preacher), Mike Manning (Teen Wolf), Robin Sydney (Corona Zombies) and Kimberly Dawn Guerrero (Anchorman). The storyline is as bad as it sounds but the entertainment value is better than it sounds. This is probably the worst of the first three movies but not a complete waste of time if you enjoy bad horror pictures. There's some clever lines that's a good laugh here and there but the kill scenes rely too much on CGI. Overall I'd give this movie a 3.5/10.
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