Stripped Naked (2009 Video)
Leave it to those clueless Canadians to make killer strippers B-O-R-I-N-G!
31 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Those familiar with my reviews may recall how I have proved previously that, in general, Canadian movies (with the exception of a few Atom Egoyan\Sarah Polley efforts) are one big cancer upon the world film industry. STRIPPED NAKED is no exception to this rule. Dolled up with intentionally folded and color-bleached publicity materials to bamboozle anyone looking for a 1970s-style sexploitation flick, STRIPPED NAKED's no-name cast of community theater reject actors slogs through a nonsensical plot featuring no fewer than FIVE sociopathic killers (only two of which supposedly were produced in similar circumstances). One of these killers interrupts her own on-going philosophical slaughter of sexual perverts to gun down the movie's main character in a personal revenge killing, after starting her homicidal career with a third type of murder: patricide. (If you add up the shown and described killings, the final tally is K-5, C-3, R-3, B-2, and H-1 = 14 total). To add insult to injury, the three featured so-called strippers (played by Sarah Allen, Tommie-Amber Pirie, and Jennilee Murray) NEVER actually strip. Apparently this trio and director Lee Demarbre have never heard of what STRIPTEASE did for Demi Moore's career, how BOOGIE NIGHTS put Heather Graham on the map, or how no one in Hollywood can forget Elizabeth Berkey in SHOWGIRLS. More likely, Canadian women take after Queen Elizabeth I, who historians reveal NEVER took off her underclothes in her adult life, and died with an inch of make-up caked on her face from decades of non-washing!
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