The story of Cassie (Sarah Allen, Secret Window), a stripper whose boyfriend leaves her on the side of the road during an argument. While trying to get to a phone, she runs into a guy who's ... Read allThe story of Cassie (Sarah Allen, Secret Window), a stripper whose boyfriend leaves her on the side of the road during an argument. While trying to get to a phone, she runs into a guy who's about to do a drug deal. When he and the other party end up shot, Cassie now has $90,000 i... Read allThe story of Cassie (Sarah Allen, Secret Window), a stripper whose boyfriend leaves her on the side of the road during an argument. While trying to get to a phone, she runs into a guy who's about to do a drug deal. When he and the other party end up shot, Cassie now has $90,000 in cash, $90,000 in drugs, and a car to get her home. She dreams of using the money to leav... Read all