All Through the House (2015) Poster

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Soooo Many Severed Penises...
meddlecore16 December 2018
All Through The House is a sexually saturated, viciously gory, low budget splatterfest with some great special effects.

There's a lot of T & A in this- and even some D- but they all get pretty mutilated by a serial killer who's wearing a santa suit and wielding a set of hedge clippers.

In fact, I haven't seen so many severed penises since Kim Ki Duk's Moebius.

And not even the pets are spared.

Like I said, pretty vicious.

The killer seems to be targetting the young adult men and women of a small town, our protaganess has returned to for Christmas vacation.

Her childhood friends start dropping one by one, as she investigates the fate of the girl next door- who had inexplicably disappeared- along with her own Mother, years earlier.

It turns out that her Mother was having an affair with the neighbour's wife...and now, all their fates have become intertwined...

Because this lady is a complete psychopath.

Ultimately leading to the film's twisted conclusion.

This is low-budget filmmaking done right (especially when compared to something like The Elf).

Although the story isn't particularly well developed, it makes up for it with gore.

Rendering it a fun little holiday horror Christmas slasher, in the end.

5 out of 10.
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Krampus Wrapping Up
shawnblackman11 October 2016
Just in time for Halloween comes this slasher throwback about a man wearing a Krampus costume doling out death with a pair of hedge shears. This one follows all the rules of slasherness in a campy manor from the breasts to the surreal characters to the cheesy squirting blood. A no brainer Friday night flick for sure and it keeps you laughing.

The killer liked to shear off penises (the cat gets at one of them) and I thought maybe the writer is telling us something but later you see that he literally has a bag of dicks. The end tells me a sequel is coming. There now is a new film the whole family can enjoy on Christmas Eve.
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All through the House...Is One Big Mess
dcarsonhagy7 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oh brother. All these new films trying to pay "homage" to slasher films of the 80s...NEED TO STOP! "All through the House" is no exception.

As in the same vein of those films, the director, writer, producer-- whomever--decided all they need for a movie was a lot of boobs, fake blood, over the top not-so-special effects, and dialogue that has to be heard to be believed. It would seem that in this part of California, it's hot one minute and then cold enough to snow the next. Every family has a potty-mouth for a grandmother. The only conversation between any married couple or dating partners goes something like this, "Hey babe. Are you feeling frisky?" Then it's time for the woman to prance around in some sort of sexy undergarments, pose in a provocative (nudge/nudge, wink/wink) manner, then get offed while her husband is made penis- less.

The film TRIED (but miserably failed) to tell a story, but the director was too busy selling the T & A aspect of this film to try to keep the film on track. It is lacking in any originality, borrowing heavily from "Sleepaway Camp" and the last redo of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." If you cannot figure out what is going on before the final *gasp* "reveal," you need to turn in your Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew badges.

Unrated for constant boobage, castrations, penis dismemberment, language, and nudity. P. U.
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All I want for Christmas is an original idea!
FuzzBuddy7211 December 2020
I love horror movies. I even love bad horror movies. This, however, was painfully, stupidly bad.

There's no need to include spoilers in this review. If you can think of an overplayed horror movie trope, it's in there. I was bored and mostly just wanted it to end.
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Poor Slasher With Disappointing Gore
Humdinger6914 October 2018
Hailed as a throwback to old-school slashers but in reality this is an incredibly poor movie with very little going for it.

While I did guess the identity of the killer before the film even reached the halfway mark, there is another twist towards the end involving the killers mother that is indeed quite twisted. The Santa costume is also quite good, and there are a couple of decent gore scenes. That's it for the positives.

Most of the gore, while plentiful, just isn't very entertaining and the killers weapon of choice (a pair of hedge clippers) isn't utilized to its full potential.

Furthermore, the acting is wooden, with few exceptions, and the majority of the characters are obnoxious teenagers who make some of the dumbest decisions you've ever seen. There's also a pointless shower scene with no nudity, and the movie completely ignores a golden opportunity for a lesbian scene. I felt cheated.

In short, a failure that obviously doesn't know its audience very well, not that I'm the biggest slasher fan to begin with. For desperate gorehounds only.
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Good Grief!
jpatton20866 January 2021
Well, that's 88 minutes I'll never get back. Hmmmm, I was notified my review was too short. Honestly, I have nothing else to say.
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A generic slasher wrapped in Christmas ribbons...
paul_haakonsen3 May 2017
What lured me in to watch "All Through the House" was the movie cover/poster, as it has a blood-drenched Santa holding a pair of hedge cutters. And knowing that this was going to be a slasher horror, then the movie did seem to have the potential to be a good movie. And given my love for the horror genre, then of course I gave "All Through the House" a chance.

The movie starts out quite alright, and there is action in form of killing right from the very beginning. But that was also just about as exciting and thrilling as this movie would be. The rest of the movie just settled into a monotonous trot and just paced onward in a pace that left no one winded.

There is actually nothing to be seen in "All Through the House" that hasn't already been established, done and seen in other slasher movies, both the established franchises and the stand-alone slasher movies. So you shouldn't expect anything out of the ordinary when you sit down to watch "All Through the House".

As for the acting in the movie, well let's just say that it was fair enough, taking into consideration the genre and the budget of the movie. However, I can say that there was nothing outstanding or memorable to be witnessed throughout the movie.

The effects in "All Through the House" were adequate. But again, not really special effects that left any lasting impression of awe or amazement. But the effects served their purpose well enough.

The killer himself, well he definitely is no next Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers that is for sure. Actually this serial killer is hardly one that you will remember once the movie has come to an end and the end credits start to roll.

There are far better slasher movies available, and this movie might be suitable enough for an off-beat slasher movies during a prolonged slasher movie marathon. Just don't get your hopes up for anything grand or spectacular.
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Torturing to watch this 'Student' film
OnjiMooteDaMarle18 May 2017
Awful acting. All have acted so badly especially the lead actress. None of the actors and actresses have screamed like their life was going to end when it was. They just keep staring at the murderer waiting to die. Who does that? The emotions on their face look very lazy. Everything is portrayed as if all the characters are robotic in nature and can't move a muscle properly. The fights are so fake, no one is struggling.

This entire film was a torture.
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The Nightmare Before Christmas
TheLittleSongbird29 March 2018
The cover for 'All Through the House' enticed me into seeing it. So did that it was purported to be an 80s throwback and that its idea was a good one. Also appreciate highly all the genres that 'All Through the House' contains and any film that tries to mix them.

Will admit to being a bit nervous as well, having seen my fair shares of failed execution of good ideas, some mediocre at best to terrible films lately and whether it would be as cheap as low-budget films tend to be. What a pleasant surprise 'All Through the House' turned out to be! It is not perfect or amazing, and it doesn't completely meet the quality of its concept. Still found it to be above average and it was a relief that the concept wasn't wasted.

'All Through the House' could have been better certainly. The killer is suitably creepy and there is effort to give him development (which is appreciated, too many films recently have failed to do that with their villains) but definitely could have been in the film more, he was underused. Some of the story is predictable and not always tight in pace, particularly in the middle.

The reveal didn't have me jumping out of my chair in shock or excitement and some of the dialogue is cheesy as sin (not a strong suit with the 80s horror films it throws back to admittedly but still). Occasionally, the film takes it too far with the vulgarity which doesn't always add an awful lot.

On the other hand, 'All Through the House's' look is surprisingly more polished than most low-budget films seen recently. There is a real dark eeriness to the film's look, and the killer's is cool and suitably creepy. The special effects serve their purpose well, not over-used and far less amateurish than feared. The music score is haunting and suspenseful, without over-bearing the atmosphere or making it too obvious something bad is going to happen.

Great the dialogue is far from, but it does boast some thought and some sharp and darkly funny satirical/black humour elements in a very 80s genre film way. The story isn't perfect either, but mostly it's very effectively atmospheric in tension, suspense and nightmarish eeriness, far from dull, intriguing and with some very brutally inventive kills. The direction shows confidence.

Regarding the acting, it is fair. Not exceptional, but not terrible. Ashley Mary Nunes is surprisingly agreeable in the lead role and hair-raising Melynda Kiring is the cast standout. The characters don't at least irritate.

In summary, not bad...not bad at all. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Let's Bury This Bytch Out Back!
wandernn1-81-68327414 December 2022
Another IFC movie. They crank so many of these things out it is amazing. In the beginning there's a couple of decent scenes. Of course there's a shower scene with no nudity and that's a no no. At least until the killer, Santa, splits open a breast with some garden shears. That doesn't really count. There's a lopping off of a male part too which is always good fun. So the start of this is 'okay'.

Then as we move on the movie gets a lot dumber. Predictable. Less entertaining lines . At least the chicks involved are fairly hawt in their underwear. That's about all you get tho. Pretty standard IFC fare.

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GREAT 80's throw-back and tons of fun
Horrific_Hector7 October 2016
If you aren't into 80's slasher movies and all the fixings that made them so great... then this movie isn't for you. It's also not 'Silence of the Lambs'. It is however, a well made, above average, indie slasher made for pure entertainment. This IS a total homage film (and there's nothing wrong with that). This IS a gory film. This IS a T&A film. This movie celebrates what made many of the early slasher films so much fun. while also delivering a story that isn't spelled out for you. There is an actual mystery to this story and great technical work combining to make this movie a whole heck of a lot of fun to watch. The SFX are GREAT. and there are many. The killer is iconic with a brutal backstory. The final girl earns that title. At the end of the day, I love what this film did, I got it, and I want more.
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Here is an adept slasher movie
vrodgers-2696012 October 2016
"All Through the House," written and directed by Todd Nunes, is a throwback to the 1980s slasher movies and has proved it meets all the objectives of this genre, having netted the Best Slasher award while also being voted the Audience Choice Award at the R.I.P. horror film festival held last year in Los Feliz, Calif.

The movie starts out with a simple premise. During a holiday season in Napa, Calif., a crazed person decked out in a Santa Claus outfit and wearing a hideous mask, is moving house to house and using a pair of hedge shears to slaughter victims who, naturally, are primed to enjoy some yuletide sex. As we all know, in films such as these, frisky people are doomed.

Returning to her hometown of Napa while on a holiday break from college is Rachel Kimmel (Ashley Mary Nunes, Todd's sister). Although her only family here is her wheelchair-bound grandmother Abby (Cathy Garrett), Rachel has made plans to meet up with friends Gia (Natalie Montera) and Sarah (Danica Riner) and go Christmas shopping.

Meanwhile, a neighbor is Mrs Garrett (Melynda Kiring), an ultimate tragic figure. Now living alone, Mrs Garrett has been dealing for 15 years with the mysterious disappearance of her daughter Jamie, reportedly snatched from her bedroom one night. As if this is not enough to merit her great sympathy, she seems a little off her rocker. She has several mannequins inside her home, all dressed up, and uses a couple of them as stand- ins for what used to be her family. Plus, she reenacts a dinner scene with one mannequin posing as her daughter and another as her husband. The scenario she concocts is anything but domestic bliss as she somehow feels compelled to re-experience some dark and rocky moments of her life.

Mrs. Garrett had sent Rachel a card, asking the young woman to stop by and help her finish decorating her house for the holidays. Rachel, too nice to blow this off, decides to recruit Gia and Sarah to help her assist Mrs. Garrett. Thus all the pieces are aligned for the inevitable violence that will explode upon Rachel and her pals. Meanwhile, bits and pieces of information are revealed, adding a few twists as Rachel is thrust into the Final Girl mode.

The Best Slasher nod given to "All Through the House" is well earned. The blood and gore are ample as well as particular acts of horror that will have viewers squirming. Ashley Mary Nunes delivers in the pivotal role as Rachel, the all- around sweet young woman thrown into dire situations. And Kiring nicely paces her performance.
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Christmas horror all through the eyes of teenagers!
Coventry25 December 2020
I didn't particularly like nor dislike "All through the House". In fact, if I had to label the one sentiment I experienced most during my viewing of this film, I'd say it's 'sympathy'. Sympathy because "All through the House" is reasonably well-made and entertaining for an amateur horror movie (yes, let's face it, it remains an amateur movie). And sympathy because the film looks exactly like how any inexperienced but over-enthusiast horror director would make it.

Honestly, I don't mean for this to sound disrespectful, but "All through the House" seems made by teenagers and made for teenage audiences. This basically implies that everything is outrageous but textbook & clichéd horror guff. The killer Santa Claus wears a horrific mask and uses nasty weapons like hedge clippers. All the girls are stunningly beautiful and have big breasts. The kills are insanely gore, sadist and obsessively oriented at genitalia. The poor girls get clippers through their breasts and the men get castrated. Even the innocent creatures (like harmless pets) and defenseless people (like helpless old ladies in wheelchairs) are brutally slain. Is this juvenile approach bad by definition? No, of course not, but the aspects that truly make horror movies memorably are overlooked because of this. There isn't any suspense or atmosphere, the potentially grim background of the murderous Santa is poorly elaborated, and the anti-climax is sort of disappointing.
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A Christmas yawner
Leofwine_draca25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE is one of many indie horror flicks made with a Christmas background. This one is - once again - about a killer who dresses in a Santa suit and who goes around bumping off a bunch of innocent victims. The viewer runs the gauntlet of the usual bad acting and boring scripting, with characters wandering their way through a garishly dressed-up household and occasionally dying. It's predictable and trite, with no tension of any kind.
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Looooooong movie.
hubbard-5183611 July 2020
All Through the House is a mess that adds nothing to the slasher genre, let alone the Santa slasher genre. I would imagine that besides the boring story, they filmed every scene in one take. It wasn't even entertaining. And when all the 10/10 reviews that I checked are written by people who ONLY rated this movie, there's a question of their validity.
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All Through the Clichés & Basic Filmmaking Flaws
TwistedContent28 November 2018
I'm a generous guy when it comes to slashers - I like the subgenre very much, but bad will always be just bad. This was an example of what happens when you want to make a slasher & while doing that, rehearse every known thing in and about it - rehearse it in a very cheap manner.

"All through the house" belongs among the weaker Christmas-themed horror flicks - let me tell you why: first off, probably the most annoying thing for me was the lighting. Yeah, exactly that very specific thing. It looked like a student's project that got a little money on kickstarter - everything about this movie looked that way, but the lighting was real crappy at times, too "on the nose", in a lot of shots you can feel that guy with a lamp standing behind the camera. Direct overexposure. What else? The acting - the better performance was delivered by the eldest actress (the antagonist), but overall the acting & dialogue was sailing towards the port called "cringe". The story consists of many extremely clichéic classic slasher ingredients & it didn't read quite well, I grasped the full situation about halfway into the movie, but it might have been just stupid script choices that got me baffled. Yes, I can surely give it some points for the gore - that 4.8 rating up there is probably only because of gore. The effects were old-school & all practical, they even tried to make each kill different. However, the choreographed scenes towards the ending were sloppy and ineffective. I also want to mention that this slasher could've been set in any kind of setting, the christmas theme feels very not-essential.

There are some reviews crowned with a high mark, but, people, we can't just give a movie free pass because of 5 minutes worth of nice practical gore, can we? While "All through the house" is disappointing and amateuristic, it did hold a little more potential than that. T'was not used though. Can't possibly objectively rate this higher than 3/10, it would not be fair to many other low budget slashers.
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Watching this constitutes unpaid labor.
I_Ailurophile31 December 2021
When the opening scene of your movie contains what is supposed to be shocking violence, but is instead so contrived, forced, and crude in its realization (thanks as much to the execution of that violence as to the dialogue that precedes it) as to instead be at best bland and tired, and at worst distasteful - that's not a good look.

It doesn't get better. In fact, it manages to get worse.

'All through the house' is filled with touches of cheeky levity that fall short of real comedy, unnecessary crass language, boorish sexual content and gratuitous nudity (and sexualized violence), and otherwise overt, blunt stylization. There's a decided lack of subtlety in any regard - true, not necessarily the most important quality for a slasher. But every act of violence, line of dialogue, performance, characterization, and scene is so glaringly bereft of measured tact as to come across as inelegant, heavy-handed, unintelligent, and unsophisticated. Not even rounding details like hair, makeup, costume design, or set decoration escape the graceless, tawdry hand of filmmaker Todd Nunes and his crew. I see glimmers of real acting from some of the cast, including star Ashley Mary Nunes (Todd's sister, naturally), but they are of course forced into hackneyed nonsense befitting the guileless tone of the film at large. I wouldn't mind perhaps checking out these actors in other pictures, but most of those appearing here are given essentially nothing more to do than scream and play dead. I suppose the blood and gore looks okay, and the score is suitable - but if that's the most noteworthy praise to offer, then who really cares?

It should be noted that these were all thoughts I had within the first twenty minutes. And there was then still more than one hour to go in the runtime. I was aghast a bit later to look again at the digital timer and find that somehow, incredibly, I was only halfway through this slog. Everything about the screenplay is either overblown or undercooked, and at no time is there balance struck such that 'All through the house' is truly enjoyable. There are a few sparing good ideas of one kind or another scattered throughout the length, yet by all means it would have taken some considerable rewrites for this to be fashioned into a meaningfully entertaining, worthwhile picture. And whether a passing moment is bombastic or blase, what is certain at all times is that the result is simply dull and uninteresting, if not also aggravating for the unrefined bawdiness on display. I'm at best unsure if any commendations are even deserved for such fundamental elements of film-making like camerawork, direction, or editing. This is a chore.

If all you're looking for in a horror movie is pointlessly over the top mindless violence - congratulations, you've come to the right place. If you want anything else - atmosphere, acute frights, strong narrative, able performances, careful craft, absolutely anything else at all - then you should emphatically look elsewhere. Add further content warnings for suggested animal cruelty, simulated and suggested genital mutilation, and a second act constructed around a bizarre story beat that seems to reflect rotten, underhanded transphobia - why has anyone EVER bothered with this? Even with all the outrageous exaggeration there are occasional elements that I could appreciate in another context. But not here. Not like this. Far and away, 'All through the house' is near-total dreck - boring and oafish and excessive - and unless you're somehow completely starved for holiday-themed horror, then there's just no reason to watch it.
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Christmas is a time for death and dismemberment
quasar-0890926 October 2016
the makers of this movie obviously thought that the best way to pay homage to 80s slasher films, was to throw blood all over the place, and populate the entire movie with nubile young women showing their tits just before getting killed in gruesome ways.

sometimes, less is more, and as any fan of horror movies will tell you, a good horror doesn't need blood to scare you, some perhaps, but not the copious amounts on display here. yes, the deaths were inventive at times, but they served no purpose other than to gross you out for the sake of it

not a terrible movie, but it substituted blood and gore for a decent story, and it won't be winning any major awards anytime soon
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Utter trash
asafko-9616818 December 2020
Utter crap. Would rank lower if I could. Terrible acting and looks like they used chocolate syrup as blood. And there's no real plot. The killings are gruesome and nasty. Overall not really fun to watch and worse than your typical bad movies. Take my advice and don't watch, much better holiday horror movies out there.
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A genuinely unique backstory for the killer
gluonpaul3 June 2019
So in many ways this is a fairly generic slasher movie.

The acting isnt bad but isnt amazing, there is a lot of T&A as is common in these movies and plenty of gore and kills. The killers mask is actually pretty creepy which I thought was good, not often the killer genuinely is a bit creepy.

For the most part though this was a fairly generic slasher movie but, without giving any spoilers, I will say the backstory for the killer turned out to be pretty unique. Thats hard to come by nowadays. Overall really not a bad slasher movie at all, maybe not a classic but very watchable.
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Why did I watch this!
aarongreenfoot13 December 2020
Any good review was left by a actor in the movie or a friend of an actor! This movie brings bad to a new level. Acting very poor! Plot...... what plot? I could go on but watch the movie and look back knowing that you were warned!!
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Psychological Thriller with Bloody Gore, Suspense, and uncontrollable laugh out loud moments
sandychukhadarian-562048 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"All Through The House" definitely delivers the main setup of a classic slasher film and the actress Ashley (plays Rachel) gives a great performance. The writing and production is executed well with cohesiveness right to the end and the payoff is a strong one. Mixed in with a great psychological thriller, will there be blood? Hell yeah, there's BLOOD. Who doesn't like sexy men and women slashed to pieces, and some of the pieces are penile and breast bits, while having laugh out loud moments where the director (Todd Nunes) has enough masterfulness to mixed them effectively. After all, this is a slasher Christmas movie so it delivers horror with bloody festivities. The previous review was taking themselves too seriously. Get over yourself, you ain't no Roger Ebert. Haters gonna hate. If you want to be genuinely entertained with bloody, sexy, thriller, production value, acting, then this has it all.
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Get out of the house
nogodnomasters23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts off with a Santa killer with no introduction. A woman gets stabbed through the breast and it wasn't as nifty as the antler scene in that other Christmas horror. We then run a string of severed male organs, and a crazy neighbor lady who hates all men, as a child she was "passed around to all those men." She has a missing/dead daughter and a lot more weird information comes out later as the plot becomes an unintended satire on slasher plots. You need to wait an hour for an explanation.

In addition to the severed organs, the film incorporates a ton of sexual references and a potty mouth grandmother, which fall short of satire and simply into the category of vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity. The film isn't that great of a slasher, but has some credibility as a satire, however the satire aspect remains covert to the point you are unsure if it is a satire. I think I labored that point to death.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Johanna Rae)
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Completely Trash
laceyreputation12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What kind of movie (horror or otherwise) kills a bunch of cats? Ridiculous!
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Not Good or Bad
ericritter-0176517 June 2020
I'm not going to lie and say that All Through the House is a good movie or some sort of overlooked treasure buried by other low budget horror movies on Amazon Prime, but it does feel a lot like one of those lo-fi, no-budget slasher knockoffs that littered video stores in the 80's. You know the type - stuff like Offerings or To All A Goodnight. These were movies that didn't have much personality or reason to exist besides cashing in on the growing slasher trend. Even despite their obvious, cynical intentions, it was possible to enjoy a few of these movies and All Through the House feels in line with those.

You won't turn it off remembering any interesting characters or come away with a new perspective on life, but it's not a complete waste of time either.
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