Happiness for Beginners (2023) Poster

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Good but something was just...off
chicdrummer30 July 2023
I'm starting to think no book adaptation should be less than 2 hours long. Especially a slow burn romance. There just wasn't enough time to flesh out their relationship. It felt forced and unearned (even more so because we only got one scene from their collective past to support Jake's undying love.)

And why did they age up the actors so far?! Ellie is almost 10 years older than the book character and Luke is almost 20 (!!) years older. It made some of their childish bickering even harder to watch.

The side characters were a hoot and well developed (but it came from a book so duh!) Something about the dialogue or maybe the pacing was just off. Maybe another 20-30 mins could have filled it out more.
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con828 July 2023
I thought this was a really cute movie! I had no idea that it was a book so I really comment on that.

It didn't have to have complex characters or or political opinions or obvious social issues being pushed. Anything that was included in this movie seamlessly moulded with the characters which made it extremely easy to watch.

Just a lovely simple story to relax to...

Overall I think I'd there were more of these being made tv would be less stressful to watch lol I'm all for movies with a message but not ALLLLL the time it's exhausting and I feel like just scrolling the menu increases my anxiety levels.
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Pleasant surprise
TamPalm30 July 2023
This is a feel-good movie with a throwback feel, one in which the writers aren't trying to shock or offend you, or bombard you with whatever the latest work lesson is from the perpetually-offended or pretend-to-be offended calvary.

This movie is the rare family-friendly movie that will appeal to most ages regardless of background or culture. It employs universal themes of self love, childhood crushes, second chances, finding hope again, etc. It just gives you that tingly feeling in your stomach, the kind that makes you glad or at least not perturbed that you spent a couple hours watching this random flick.

Recommended for anyone who just wants an easy, feel-good experience. I think the movie did what it set out to do, nothing more, nothing less.
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Read the book
banananatime30 July 2023
Only 2 minutes into this movie I immediately recognized the plot and realized I have read this book; didn't realize based on the title alone, but that's how strong the book plot hit me back when I read it over 3 years ago... According to my book review, this is one of the best books I've read and I even wanted to read it again someday. So it being made into a movie is a dream come true, and it did live up to my expectations but still think people should read the book! Always. The movie was lovely, the book was way more of a slow burn if you like that type of thing. Lastly, they should have kept Beckett's original monologue, it was so good I wrote it out at the time *ahem*: "I'm sorry human beings are such a blight. I'm sorry we litter your earth and choke the fish in your oceans. We have been given incomprehensible beauty on this earth, but we don't see it. We walk around angry and blind and ungrateful. I wish we were better, our dumb human race, but I don't have much hope that we ever will be. The best I can do today is say: Thank you for this world of miracles. We will try to be more grateful. And less ridiculous."
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Sweet and straightforward
thajudheen30 July 2023
Making an interesting rom-com is hard, simply because of how familiar the subject is. Happiness for Beginners doesn't really break new ground, but it's a lighthearted watch that manages to keep you interested. The characters are grounded and realistic, each with their own quirks. The leads keep you absorbed in the story. The side-characters bring their own unique perspectives and motivations. The romance grows slowly and organically, and never feels forced into the narrative. The visuals of the Appalachian trail are beautiful. All of this is done with a light touch that makes the movie easy to watch, and the overall result is something sweet that I think I'll be coming back to.
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Cute Harmless Fun
bmvrztvt28 July 2023
Took a flyer on this and enjoyed it. Some cute, funny and quirky characters. A plot and dialog that moves the tale along. Absolutely stunning New England fall scenery.

Didn't read the book - didn't even know there war one - so had no basis for comparison.

One note: thought the editing could have been a tad tighter for such an easy going movie. A dozen minutes shorter would have made it even better.

Overall think of this as a Hallmark movie in the woods and you won't be disappointed. A fun date night movie where people find themselves and true love triumphs in the end. Go in with those expectations and.you won't be disappointed.
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Based on a book by the same title, I enjoyed this slow burn romance more than I anticipated.
cgvsluis31 July 2023
I did find it kind of funny that nature wasn't "pretty" enough, so they had to add in flowers artificially.

Ellie Kemper plays the school teacher divorcée Helen, who decides to get out of her comfort zone and go on a wilderness hike to find herself. She goes on an excursion package with a handful of other misfits. Filled with dry humor, this was anything but a sad film. Her brother's best friend Jake shows up, initially clashing with Helen but then finding some common ground.

Ellie Kemper's dry delivery was perfect and contrasted nicely with her genuine smile. She had wonderful chemistry with Luke Grimes, who played Jake, and Nico Santos, who played the character Hugh. Luke Grimes was wonderful in this film, warm and steadfast. Nico Santos stole scenes right and left.

I had set the bar low for this film and was genuinely surprised that I enjoyed it. There is some great camping humor and a sweet story along with some gorgeous wilderness backdrops. I think true romantics will like this film.
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Bad screenplay, bad direction - sweet concept + eye candy
spasticfreakshow2 August 2023
I love Luke Grimes and watched this for him, and he is tender and sweet and lovable, but his co-lead is badly miscast with Kemper. She's great in other things, but she is not a believable love interest for Grimes and her character is irksome, at best, almost throughout, with only momentary glimpses of redemption. The screenplay, adapted from a book, fails to portray her character growth alongside him, fails to show enough of their shared moments prior to THE HIKE, and indeed seems to leave out a lot of the most inspirational stuff from the book itself. If this screenwriter had some childish concept that she was a better writer than the book author, let us disabuse her of that silly notion. I liked the supporting cast, but they weren't fleshed out enough. At the end of the day, it was pretty to watch but Kemper was mostly very grating, the romance was unbelievable, and there wasn't enough material regarding how to be happy for this to truly feel like a feel-good flick. Only one character who brought up 3 things we're grateful for even seemed like a vague reference to the title, the book, and presumably the entire point. It seems a shame, bc the setting was so lovely and you had Grimes ON SET as well. They should have just shot him walking around on those trails sharing his personal thoughts...that would have earned a higher rating.
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Relaxing, but not creative and realistic
andreeatudor-489914 August 2023
Predictable and wouldn't call it a comedy (I would expect to laugh from one). I liked a few lines (like "intermittent boyfriend"), but many times the action and conversations seemed unnatural (you can't be rude with your clients, even if they are s**t, as the travel guide was sometimes).

The things presented about positive psychology have probably been known for years by most internet users and all self-help books readers, so no news.

I got bored after around 1h but finished it because I like to finish things and because Jake (played by Luke Grimes) is my type of man (I enjoyed the character probably in the same way other people enjoy Adult movies).
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Feel good movie
Sarah797198929 July 2023
If you're looking to go for a hike but for some reason you can't then this movie offers some stunning views and nice hiking moments.

It feels like you're in the nature which gives a nice relaxing feeling.

The storyline had a lot of potential but unfortunately they tried to cramp the story in one movie which didn't give enough time to develop each (or any) character well and in depth. They should have made atleast an 4 episode mini-series to address every character and to add some more depth in the story.

The actors are great. The chemistry between them is acceptable. Luke Grimes is carrying the movie. He is the reason the movie doesn't feels as flat as it is. Ellie Kemper and the rest of the cast are a good contribution.

I would recommend this movie for a chilling relaxing experience.
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Terrible-I couldn't finish it
wilsonemarketing31 July 2023
The female lead was awful, unbelievable and annoying. She played the part like a comedian, which is her genre and where she should stay. Were the casting directors asleep on the job?

It was difficult to tell if the problems were the writing, the Director, and/or just the female lead.

It's almost impossible to find light, enjoyable movies to watch these days. I thought, "Finally, a nice movie." I was excited about a romcom with Luke Grimes and disappointed that the movie was so bad I had to turn it off.

There was absolutely no chemistry between the leads. With all the amazing actresses available, why would they choose this woman?
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Delightful & peaceful story
bmiller5930 July 2023
I cannot wait to read this book. At the 1.33 mark I went to Libby and tagged it, there was already a group of people that had a hold on it. I keep wondering how it is going to end.

I don't know what drew us to watch it, but what a great decision. My wife would say it was Luke Grimes, yea I get it. What I really liked about this movie, and can't wait to explore it in the book was that in the beginning everyone had their flaws and it looked as though there was going to be way too much stress. All of a sudden I realized how harmoniously they were with each other. Really made me smile.

The locale that this was shot was beautiful. The scenes of the group hiking in the meadows and on tree lines was very happy as they hiked in a single file line.

I'm glad we found this as it was released only 2 days prior to us seeing it.

I can now read the reviews and see what other views of this are. I hate reading reviews prior to seeing a movie. If you are one of those who read the reviews prior to watching a movie and you are reading this...by all means you need to watch this, hopefully you will not be disappointed.
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Easy viewing.
smweiss-718-24887428 July 2023
These days the world is full of people who come to any movie, or any public display, with their attitude engine all revved up. They seem to know beforehand whether they are here to love or hate, and god help those who don't agree with either extreme.

This movie is a simple little pleasure best watched with an eye to easily falling asleep once it's concluded. It's really like one of the better Hallmark movies. Pleasant characters move through pleasant environments with just enough idiosyncrasy and beauty to make you feel decent about the human race and the world we inhabit.

Anyway, my wife and I both enjoyed this mellow little group hike through the wilderness. An extra star for the fact that there is exactly one profanity uttered in the movie, and even that is non-gratuitous.

Breathe out.
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Mediocre storytelling
kaideneve8 August 2023
Another reviewer here was spot on mentioning that this feels like it was written by an A. I. The dialogue is just so formulaic and awkward, felt robotic. The main female character is really unlikeable, even if she is supposed to be a bitter divorcé discovering herself. Did not root for her, or believe the love interest would ever fall for her. Chemistry was not there.

I actually really enjoy Kemper in her TV comedy roles, but she was badly miscast here. There was a bit of romance and some Hallmark card level feel-goodery, but overall it was just boring and fairly uninspiring. It's not a huge waste of time, but nothing special either.
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Locations Are Nice
tpeterson195929 July 2023
Story was far from great, in fact it was very paint by numbers. As much as I really wanted to like the film, it just wasn't a great story. Characters were tropes, and poorly developed except for the two main characters, who were only slightly more developed. Exposition was akward, particularly Hellen's exposition about why she was there. Jake's reason was easily identified early on, as was the romantic "twist." I'm pretty sure that had the crew been asked there would have been at least a couple of people who were experienced backpackers who could have helped with authenticity. The complete lack of any real understanding of backpacking versus car camping was very distracting. Overall, the story was disappointing, but was barely saved by pleasant locations.
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A tepid B for Butchered
laughing_cat28 July 2023
Please keep Vicky Wight away from future Katherine Center book adaptations. PLEASE. She is 0/2 as a screenwriter and director. I was extremely disappointed in this version of one of my favorite books. Chopping the entire section where Helen and Jake drive together to the hike? WTH? A terrible creative decision. Or should I say "uncreative?" It left the rest of the story lacking in foundation we need.

My skepticism about casting was, ironically, a non issue. Sadly, the script is so thin and badly done that all of the book's special moments are left flimsy and diluted. I'd love to see The Bodyguard adapted too. But not by Vicky Wight.
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6 stars for Beckett and looking at Luke grimes
RaeGal-446118 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I give this a very generous 6!

Six is for the great character of hiker Beckett and the screen appeal of Luke Grimes......his acting left something to be desired which was hugely disappointing because I've loved him in so many things (Kacey for LIFE!) But he lacked chemistry and when he talked about the blind thing, I thought it was a joke or a line to get the girl. Very strangely done.

The scenery and theme were almost there and there could have been hilarious parts but it fell short and I was sad to see Hugh get hurt and leaving because he was so funny!

It could have been really good but It was really bad for me. But I'd hike with Beckett any day!
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Expected better..
ts-000027 July 2023
A lackluster film which is unfortunate,just felt boring & dragged out.

Haven't read the book this was adapted from,but leaves one wondering.. What got left out or put in,to make this movie version?

Maybe if the casting was better,acting,script or something it could of improved.. Characters felt underdeveloped or one dimensional,you really didn't care about anyone.

It had very little comedy or rom-com,mixed with meaningful moments.

Full of clichés and plotholes,corny or predictable dialog.

You almost could watch the trailer,which saves you time sitting through what remains.. Again,seen how it ended even before it got underway- from predictability in this genre & movie trailers,nowadays give away most of a story or the good parts.

The scenery during their hike was beautiful,so at least it had that.. Loved that it was filmed,during the Autumn season.

Not saying the whole movie stunk,but because the majority wasn't great it was a wasted watch.

If you like any of the actors,need something to watch.. Give it a go!
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I liked it
ylopez-2379429 July 2023
Ok. Never read the book. I am Going with no options of this movie going by novel or not. All I can say is that I love Luke Grimes. Especially in Yellowstone. However I was like hmmmm KC (Yellowstone) let's see how he can handle a romantic drama (comedy) thing going. I was surprise to say YES he can. He shows a vulnerability in his character very sweet and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the movie. As I did say earlier I did go without any reservations not knowing what I would be confronting. It doesn't hurt it has Blythe Danner which is great I did think Ellie keeper was cute...and quirky.not bad.
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Unreliable and unlikeable
karo-0768312 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love hiking and everything outdoors and had really high hopes for this one. This could have been a great movie but it's so badly executed and I had to stop halfway in. The main caracter, Helen, is very unlikeable and her rudeness feels forced just so the writers could complete the "enemies to lovers" plot. Why was she constantly rude and even obnoxious towards Jake when all he ever did was be nice to her? But, "I remember when you used to be fun", what kind of out of place clichè line is that? When was she ever fun?! Felt very forced and unnatural like most of the dialogue. Extremely unbelievable that he would continue to be into her all those years. Maybe it could have been saved if they had done a better job with the background story. And how did he go from clean shaven to an almost full beard overnight? It's like they didn't even try to make a good and believable story.

You feel no connection with any of the characters who are all (except maybe Hugh) very unlikable. Every scene and dialogue is rushed and forced and when they try to be funny it just comes off as rude and disrespectful instead. It's giving very bad B-movie. Hard pass on this one!
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Could have been so much better
kremim7 August 2023
I'm a hiker and I am absolutely mad for the wilderness. So when I saw a new film about hiking, and a romantic drama at that, I was so hyped. I didn't know it was based on a book, and having now watched it, I actually believe the book might be good and I might seek it out. However, the film was lame and it is really a shame. There's so much potential in the story, a better crew with a more experienced director and definitely a bunch of actors, who can actually act, could make a jewel out of this material. Unfortunately, as it is, the only enjoyable thing was the trail and probably Hugh, I found the actor, who played him, found just the right balance between being over the top and still keeping it real, I enjoyed him. Unfortunately the leads were completely not up to the job, zero chemistry, wooden performances, just going through the motions. Still, I do not regret watching the film, as it gave me, even if only vicariously, a feel what it would be like to go hiking in the US.
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tprothero-385057 August 2023
This was a stinker. I have a sneaking suspicion the screen play was written by A. I. It felt off, like aliens in a human skin suite trying to emulate a rom com/hiking story without knowing anything about either one. The dialog was weird, the chemistry between all the actors was nonexistent, the story structure was boring, unfocused, and generic. The love interest wrote a poem for the female lead and it felt like an A. I. poem generator. Honestly, this movie did not feel right. I would give a hard pass, unless you're interested to see how artificial intelligence can generate an annoying movie, go for it!
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You know where the story is going but it's still great
Patchista28 July 2023
The best thing about this little movie is that the main characters feel real. They all feel real things. The movie is light and beautifully shot, and with each passing minute I am rooting for the main characters. Yes it could have been a bit more in depth, but that doesn't matter. From Helen's brother who is trying so hard to connect while keeping a positive attitude, to Hugh's character looking to take his own journey - this movie reminds people we are all different but looking for the same thing. Ellie Kemper plays someone we aren't used to seeing, a harsher sadder person than her previous roles but she brings a realness that is relatable and very much human. Luke Grimes is perfect as Jake. I'll be watching this one again.
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I needed more....
xwsgnx28 July 2023
After I found out this movie was based on a novel I ordered the book immediately. The premise was great and I loved the potential story here but I felt like there were so many pieces left dangling. Many of the characters felt introduced then abandoned. Luke Grimes was a great leading man-Netflix I would watch a million movies with him in a leading role....but SO many of the other characters felt surface-level. Between Mason (what's his issue?) and Kaylee (musician? Secret genius?) to Sue's unexplored vow of silence and Beckett's unexplained daddy issues it felt like a lot was left for the audience to just assume. What was with Lulu? And whatever happened to Mike?

I really wish more attention had been paid to the characters here instead of spending so much valuable film-time on silly cliches. But, Netflix-more Luke Grimes please!
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Terrible Writing for Beginners
joelle-jeremie1 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Missed opportunity. Great potential for a sweet story. Instead it's a lot of exposition and useless dialogue. I genuinely feel bad for the actors. The characters are all very clearly defined and had so much potential for comedy and heartfelt relationships but it all fell flat. The main character played by the otherwise wonderful Ellie Kemper, was especially unlikable which made the romance something I found myself not rooting for... like, I didn't understand what this Jake guy felt so compelled by. I haven't read the book this is based on, but the screenplay is weak by all accounts. The actors could not save the bad writing. This feels like a beginner's screewriting class exercise that would have gotten a C- at best.
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