Wicked Lake (2008) Poster


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Lesbian vampire ghouls vs. ill-mannered, sex-starved mental defectives...
capkronos23 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Some directors make films that go on to become cult classics. On the flip side, you have lazy, untalented hacks who desperately want their films to be viewed as cult classics and think they can accomplish this by making everything as loud, vulgar and obnoxious as humanly possible while populating their already annoying movie with jerks and weirdos who scream moronic comments at each other from beginning to end. It's about the cinematic equivalent of a 5-year-old brat having a screaming tantrum in hopes that someone out there actually cares. And that brings us to WICKED LAKE, an embarrassingly awful ADD horror-comedy from some guy named Zach Passero. It was written and co-produced by Chris Sivertson, who made multi-Razzie winner I KNOW WHO KILLED ME starring Lindsay Lohan, which actually looks like a genre masterpiece in comparison.

Things begin with a nude model posing for some nerd who speaks in an annoyingly forced Michael Jackson-like girlish whisper tone. She goes home, he follows her, gives her a painting of a unicorn, basically makes an ass of himself and runs home crying while some horrible cover of the horrible song "Bang a Gong" plays over the credits. Then we get a brief glimpse at the home lives of both the model and the nerd. The nerd lives in a cartoon-like abusive household full of obnoxious men who beat each other up for no reason and SCREAM idiotic childish insults instead of having a normal conversation. Every single one of them seems retarded and/or unhinged. Yeah, this is real hoot so far... The model is a lesbian who lives with three other lesbians, none of whom have any notable characteristics that set them apart from one another or make them the least bit interesting. But as we all know, any time you get four inexplicably hot lesbians together they just can't seem to keep their hands off one another, which leads to a slow-motion group sex scene that lasts several minutes. Cause that's just what all lesbians do in their free time when they aren't fixing cars or playing softball.

The four lesbians then head out on some sort of vacation and basically prove to be boring, unlikable bitches on the way to their rented lakeside cabin while another horrible cover (this time of "Radar Love") plays. When they stop at a gas station, Angela Bettis is seen exiting a bathroom. Thanks for stopping by Angela. Don't know why you bothered, but we appreciate the effort.

The ladies finally arrive at their destination for some HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK-style unpleasantries. The nerd and his obnoxious, ugly male relatives use their apparent psychic abilities to find them. So the guys break in, overact, scream and act like obnoxious attention-starved cretins while holding the ladies at gunpoint and forcing them to do things they don't like, such as cleaning up a puddle of puke on the floor. One of the ladies gets her ass smacked with a belt before being forced to work the wheelchair-bound patriarch's "nub." I think this is supposed to be funny. But it's really not. At all. Unless you're about 11 years old. And since it's all so poorly directed, acted and written, it's not the least bit disturbing or horrific either. Just dull, unconvincing and tedious.

Naturally the ladies get to turn the tables on their attackers and are revealed to be blood-drinking vampires... or something. Maybe demons. Or succubi. Or I guess they could be werewolves since the full moon sets them off and they growl every once in awhile. I couldn't really tell what they were. Maybe they said at one point and I just didn't care. They like blood and human flesh. And making out and rubbing up against each other while covered in blood. Since the main portion of the film is hardly enough to adequately fill 90 minutes (despite having no less than three music montages thrown in), there are completely pointless and boring scenes features detectives tracking the girls. One is played by Tim Thomerson, who has nothing of interest to do. To extend the running time even more, this resorts to several of those trendy prolonged 'torture' scenes a la HOSTEL where the victim is tied down and taunted/terrorized a bit before being killed. Zzzz. Gimme a break.

The dialogue and acting are all beyond terrible, and not in an amusing B-movie sort of way. Every time a horror scene begins it's accompanied by an extremely annoying and clichéd metal guitar riff that's as bad as the rest of the soundtrack, which includes a clueless screechy metal redo of "It's a Wonderful World" over the end credits that fits in with the tone of the rest of this garbage. I usually give films with some blood and nudity at least a 3 because I think those aspects might redeem a film somewhat or give it some exploitation/guilty pleasure cred but this garbage doesn't really deserve any extra credit.
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nudity couldn't save this
drtre200613 October 2008
I gotta be honest when going in to this film i was expecting not much but i at least thought it would have been a half decent cheesy horror movie with plentiful nudity there was in fact a lot of nudity but in this case it did the film no help. The women in this are beautiful but that is the only thing this film has going for it. The character development was terrible the direction was all over the place and the acting is probably some of the worst i have ever seen in anything plus add shoddy camera work and you have the likes of wicked lake even though there are some nice nude scenes there just anit nothing here i can recommend this is seriously bad. Just my opinion
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Unless you are a cast or crew member STAY AWAY!!!
TequilaMockingbird6316 October 2008
Send 4 smart ass babes who interact all lesbian with each other for no real reason to a cabin in the middle of no where. Send 4 creepy Texas Chainsaw Massacre type guys to the cabin so they can torture them! Gross shock and blood peppered with attempts at humor. BUT WAIT! The lezbos are vampire witches!?!? YAY! LET THE REVENGE BEGIN!! Throw in a couple of Hillbillies and 2 Keystone cops, dicks getting bitten and shot off an you have the perfect blood and babe gore fest! I feel sorry for all the actresses (and some actors) involved. I now know people will agree to ANYTHING to get a credit on IMDb. Marc Senter as Caleb was very good. (wished his character was in it longer) and kudos getting Al Jourgensens music and some of the special effects (head in microwave for example)...but other than that.......Unless you are a crew or cast member STAY AWAY!
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Amateurish, Boring, All over the place, and PAINFUL TO SIT THROUGH.
vickibabe110 October 2008
Words cannot describe how terrible this "film" is. I would honestly rather watch House of the Dead four times in a row than ever sit through this garbage again. The girls are hot, there are couple of steamy, but brief, lesbian sex scenes -- but they are not worth a rental or even the time it would take to skip to them on an online copy of the film. The acting from Marc Senter (The Lost) is excruciatingly horrible and the filmmakers just wasted his talent. The plot makes no sense and I can't tell if they were trying to make the film comical or disturbing. It is NOT disturbing in the least and if it was supposed to be comedic, a film about a transvestite spewing "Yo Momma Jokes" for the entire runtime would be more entertaining and humorous than WICKED LAKE. The cinematography in the film is terrible and it looks like the director forgot to clean the camera lens because there are an alarmingly vast amount of noticeable water marks in certain scenes and the picture is washed and incredibly grainy. The acting is beyond awful, the score is OKAY, the plot (I stress that word) sounded cool, but the movie is not. What's even worse is that the filmmakers actually think they made a good movie, which they didn't. (At least they were kind enough to spare us with the numerous fake IMDb accounts tactic claiming this to be the greatest horror film ever made.) It looks like anyone can make a film these days, so grab your friends, any object that has a camera, and get to work!


A complete waste of $17 & and hour and a half.

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Not even all of the T&A could save Wicked Lake
scarletheels12 December 2011
Four young, well-endowed hotties rent a cabin in Hicksville, USA where they've been followed by a group of morons consisting of an ultra- feminine art student, a mentally challenged (?) pervert, a geriatric war veteran in a wheelchair, and their sadistic ringleader. Also hot on the girls' tails are a couple of greasy, dirty, toothless country bumpkins whose most impassioned lines are, "God damned city bitches!" Let me not forget to mention two detectives who are pursuing the damsels in distress. Only they're not damsels in distress. At the stroke of midnight, they transform into bloodthirsty demons - bloodthirsty LESBIAN demons.

This is... one of the worst I have ever seen and I have watched some major stinkers. Unfortunately, not even all of the T&A could save Wicked Lake. The tone of the film is constantly changing and confusing for the viewer. Am I supposed to laugh? Is this character to be taken seriously? Much of the movie looks like it was shot with a camcorder, the dialog made my ears numb, and the acting is deplorable. I live for B-movie horror and low-budget amateur efforts so I've made it a habit to overlook sub-par acting but, in this case, it's so bad that it's unforgivable. Even worse, when they're not 'acting', they're zoning off, unresponsive to anything that's happening with the rest of the characters. It's a complete mess.

I'm irritated that I wasted 95 minutes of my life on this cinematic piece of excrement.
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Dreadful Film...
richard_k13 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the other posters on this title, it is truly dreadful. The lesbian sex is not arousing and very dull. I'm not very sure what this film is about because there is not much of a continuous story. Robin Sydney is gorgeous and the only part that I enjoyed in the film. She is killed early on so we don't see much of her. Terrible settings and bad camera angles. I didn't care about any of the characters and the acting was horrendous. Everyone involved should best leave it off their resume and I am still angry for wasting the time and cash to see it. How this got a distribution is truly a shock. The poster is awesome but the movie isn't.
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Boring Junk!!!!!!
elladog111 October 2008
Wicked Lake is frankly just a horrible and boring movie. The cast of young women is attractive but the characters are too shallow to care about and the so-called psychopaths are just stupid. i truly hate this film and I hope that there is never a sequel to it. very boring junk with a slick poster and DVD cover to lure in audiences. such a waste of time. i can't believe how bad it turned out to be. stay far away from this movie!!!! also there is a scene where a feminine dude literally cries (while running) at the camera for five whole minutes and you my mouth was open the whole time in shock. ughhhh!!!!!!

Score: 0.5/10
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i would vote a lower rating if i could.
jifeqwik5 January 2009
the entire movie seems like it was an attempt to get a few girls naked. the plot is horrible. the acting is worse.

looks like it was filmed on the cheapest camera available. the soundtrack was the best part of the flick, and even it wasn't that great. i'd rather have my eyes gouged out than be exposed to the shittiness of this movie again.

i regret paying the price of the rental. it was like paying to be insulted. over and over again.

if i had wanted porn i'd have stuck to the internet. to be honest, i could probably find a better quality movie on youtube.

i sincerely hope that no one ever pays to see this movie again. i hope even more that no one ever gives the hacks that made this piece of crap enough money to make another movie ever again.

i've seen better from first year film students.
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steve_mcnaughton16 November 2008
Unbelievable that a movie this amateurish even got a decent release, I purchased this clunker at Best Buy. How does this kind of thing even get released? Simple plot about vacationing girls "molested" by local redneck punks is needlessly complicated by boring supernatural twist and "cops" on their trail.

Long, boring, and tedious with a coupla gore FX thrown in from Halloween Express, this thing looks like it was shot on VHS tape or a low pixelated DVD-R camcorder.

The tone- unbelievable! Was it a comedy? An Ed Wood attempt? Or was all the stupidity accidental? One minute it's serious, one minute it's slapstick, the next...who knows, it's just completely confusing.

The lead gals are lookers and the nudity is nice, but they aren't into their parts or the "lesbian" scenes enough to make it worth your time.

I'm floored the lead singer of MINISTRY contributed some halfway decent music to this production, or the camcorder makers just stole it, synced it up, and put his name on it.

Ineptitude of the highest order, I certainly hope this team of wannabes does not embark on any more ventures, pleeeeeze, I wrote all your names down so I will avoid all future projects each and every one of you "behind the sceners" are involved in.

WICKED LAKE gives horror flicks...camcorder flicks...and underground movies...the cliché negative reputation it deserves because so many hacks hawk up luggies like this smegma.

Stay far away from this thing, and shame on FANGORIA magazine for giving the camcordermakers so much publicity! Shame on everyone involved for making such crud! I'm telling you, you can't imagine how inane this thing is til ya try to sit through it...Ugh!
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disdressed1220 December 2009
if you like lots of pointless female nudity and lesbian scenes,this could be your movie.but if that's the case,there is always porn. here's really nothing much else of value here.no coherent story.(and speaking of porn,the story might even be better).pointless,gore,lame dialogue.the whole thing is one big long boring mess.with no real beginning,middle or end.not only is there no conceivable story,there also a pointless non subplot that attempts to tie into the main non story.i can't see who the target audience would be for this particular movie.but everybody has their own different taste.however,this is added to my list of worst movies i have ever seen.this gets the big goose egg.definitely not recommended.but then,what do i know? 0/10
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Deserves a "O"
dougdoepke18 October 2014
I've seen a lot of bad movies over six decades, but this is the first that I find truly detestable. Yes, it's incompetently made—terrible acting, muddy photography, plus non-existent script. But what really disgusts me is the celebration of sadism in so many bloody forms. In fact, that's what the execrable 90-minutes really glories in. Then too, mix all the pain and blood with nude scenes that never get past the teasing stage, and you've got the truly dreadful. Heck, even the bare breasts lost any allure.

There is, however, a subtext that in the hands of a competent filmmaker might have been worth salvaging. Something about abused girls finding the strength to finally fight off their red-neck abusers. But that would have meant putting this crew back in the playroom, and hiring the merely adult. All in all, I'm ashamed to admit I watched this aborted mess. But if I can warn just one person away, it may be worth it.
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A fun combination of girls and gore
TdSmth517 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You gotta love a movie that has nudity in its very first scene- 20 seconds into the movie. A nude model in an art class befriends some shy loser (who overacts terribly by the way). We get to meet his family as he arrives home after dropping off the girl at her place. He's abused by his controlling brother. Another brother has some mental and muscular issue and constantly twitches. Their dad in wheelchair is a sick dirty old man, a gun-wielding war veteran. These guys are rather dumb and are meant to be inject some humor.

We also get to meet the model and her friends: three smoking-hot babes who are also lovers. The girls decide to go on a trip to a cabin by a lake in a gorgeous classical car. On the way they stop at a gas station and tease and annoy the hillbilly attendants. While they drive or when they stop for a while they take time to frolic with each other.

Eventually they arrive at the cabin and spend some time bathing in the lake. While the girls are enjoying themselves at night, someone knocks on the door. It's the family of idiots, who disappointed that the girls aren't into, them start getting violent. The model ends up being killed. So the other girls plan and eventually succeed in avenging her death. Things get quite gory here and it turns out the girls have some supernatural powers.

Out of nowhere, two cops happen to be on the trail of our girls, too. They discover blood, teeth, and some evidence of foul play. When they get to the cabin, the older cop is killed immediately and the young one is captured not before he kills two of the girls. The remaining girl wants to use him before midnight to bring back her dead friends back to life through witchcraft. Last minute he escapes but someone will show up to help the witch in the end.

This movie is lower budget. Despite the budget, the movie looks very good. The main characters, the 4 girls and a couple of the other characters act very well. It's all about the girls of course and they do a great job. They are beautiful, fun, mischievous, and sexy. The love scenes among the girls are very erotic and well shot. The comedic bits aren't all the effective, but the gore is good. There are too many characters here and not enough story and character development. It would have been nice to learn something specific about each girl, or some background about the bad guys. Also missing is a sense of fear that should have been there while the girls were captured. They are terrorized but it lacks impact. There are some good gore scenes, like a head exploding in a microwave. And also some effective horror scenes involving one of the witches appearing behind the cop.

Despite the shortcomings, I liked this movie a lot. You can't take you eyes away from these girls- they are not your typical Hollywood bimbos, but have natural beauty and personality. This movie represents what B-movies should be about: blood, guts, gore, and pretty girls. Not sure why there isn't full frontal nudity though. The movie is unrated/ hard-R rating yet the camera and editor are at pains to keep things above the waist. Why not take full advantage of the rating. Yet male genital props are shown for some reason. I'm looking forward to future releases from this crew and hopefully a sequel to this movie. There's a lot of potential and skill. Most importantly this is a good start in resurrecting fun horror movies- a genre has been neglected while lame teen PG-13 "horror" as been favored.
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Home break-in film
nogodnomasters3 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The basic formula for the home break-in film is bad guys break-in and terrorize the women. Then the victims turn the tables. This is the basic formula except the women are witches with certain supernatural powers at midnight during the full moon. The problem is that it disobeyed the successful sub-formula. The nude scenes should start with the break-in. In this case there were ample nude scenes before the women are terrorized and none during the event.

The movie features two play modes, one with a special commentary, and by "special" they mean ride the short bus special. The DVD also includes a music CD. The sound track was better than most, but the movie was so bad, it was wasted. Michael Esparza plays Ray, the role normally assumed by David Hess in the classic home break-in movies. He did an exceptionally lousy job as the lead bad guy. What was with the weak cop subplot?

While there was a bunch of nudity, it wasn't "full frontal" as the cameras were careful to avoid that area, almost to the comical point as an Austin Powers film. If you like topless, blood, "brain sucking with a straw," bad acting, bad plot with a decent sound track, and a muscle machine you got it.

F-bomb, explicit sexual talk, sex, nudity.
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who knew rampant nudity and gore could be so boring??
movieman_kev20 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Four lesbian girlfriends go on vacation to a lakeside cabin getaway only to be accosted by Caleb, an extremely shy classmate of one of the girls, and his incredibly horny dysfunctional family. The chicks aren't damsels-in-distress for long as when they decide to get revenge, all hell breaks lose.

Some editing and pacing issues hamper the movie from being as good as it seems to have wanted to have been, as does a lack of sympathy for any of the characters, and a tired lame sub-plot involving two cops who are merely obvious cannon fodder. The highlight of the film for me was less what was going on in the movie and more the great soundtrack score via Ministry's Al Jourgensen, which I just hoped would be in a better movie.

Eye Candy: Carlee Baker, Eryn Joslyn, Eve Mauro, and Robin Sydney all provide T&A (Robin I saw topless before in "Big Bad Wolf", the other three are baring for the first time) There's also nudity in some of the extras (noted with an asterisk)

My Grade: D+

DVD Extras: Optional Intro by Al Jourgensen; commentary with Director Zach Passero, Actresses Robin Sydney, Carlee Baker, & actor Justin Stone; 19 & a half minutes of bloopers & deleted scenes*; photo gallery; Advanced trailer* & theatrical trailer* for this film; and Trailers for "The Oracle", "Love me deadly"*, "Blood Sisters", & "Witchery"*
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nude girls out for blood
trashgang30 November 2011
I came across this flick at the local shop and picked it up due the reason that Jourgensen of Ministry was involved in this flick for making the score. But don't think to get some industrial sound. On the other hand on the end credits it was stated as dedicated to Paul Raven. Raven I have met in the 90's backstage with his band Killing Joke. Sadly the bass player died a heart attack in 2007. But back to the flick.

Wicked Lake is a weird flick to review because it has something to do with horror and on the other hand it has a bit of comedy and a lot of nudity. People who are raised in the nineties surely will remember The Craft (1996). With the new era of horror due Scream (1996) producers were searching were they could pick up some money, the answer was simple, teenagers. So with The Craft the decided to give the boys some sexy girls going into a coven. The Craft worked out fine but it was low on gore and didn't had any nudity in it so Little Witches came out the same year. That flick had a bit of nudity but was also low on gore. Wicked Lake, I see that as a follow-up to previous flicks.

The flick starts of immediately with some jugg shots so you know what you could expect. The story itself isn't original but overall the flick takes too long before things go wrong. There's a lot of gratuitous nudity to keep you attracted but also you have to wait until the last part to see some gory shots. The acting of some was a bit mediocre and the way the reflect the rednecks was exaggerated. Maybe it was supposed to be a joke but for me it didn't work. The guy hanging on the door do say some funny things but I couldn't laugh with it. The story itself is a bit of a revenge movie. The 4 girls going to a cabin were they are confronted with some guys who want to have sexual pleasures with the girls. But the girls are waiting until midnight because they have supernatural powers.

On the aspect of the red stuff, it flows but as I said you really have to wait until the last part. Some slaying are indeed a bit gory but I guess most people (read guys) will watch it to see some scantily clad girls. I noticed Carlee Baker (Mary) who went further to feature in The Women (2011). And then you see how small the world is, Angela Bettis was in The Women too. Mike McKee (Cyrus) did appear in May (2002) together with Bettis. So I guess it's a bit of all friends coming together.

To cut the crap, it's a slow and sometimes boring flick with some exaggerated scene's and at the end the gory shots but overall, it's also one for the guys to see some girls naked in lesbian affairs and some slow motion shots, Tossers will be joining this!

Gore 2/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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Blue balls, the movie
mattbaxter7218 July 2011
Exploitation movies are a special genre. They don't need great acting - and this movie has terrible acting, which is par for the course. It also has lousy writing, stupid plot twists and cheap cinematography. All these things are only to be expected in this genre.

What you really need in an exploitation movie is, well, some exploitation. Buckets of blood, lashings of sleazy sex, and overall a movie that will horrify good, decent citizens everywhere.

And that's where this movie falls down, sadly. It has lesbians - coy lesbians, who kiss each other quite nicely, but don't show TOO much skin, and never seem to get past kissing. It has distinctly un-scary vampires, a bunch of hillbillies who are just gross and sweaty rather than scary, and the gore is laughably fake, and again, not too excessive.

The thing is, excess is what exploitation movies are all about. There's a lot of potential in this movie's Suspiria-meets-Deliverance plot, but for some reason the film-makers didn't have the courage of their convictions. Maybe there's someone out there who can take the same premise, and do it sexier, nastier - and better.
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Wicked Lake
Scarecrow-881 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zach Passero's "Wicked Lake" seems as if it will yet be another film inspired by Last House on the Left featuring four attractive college women besieged by a family of male weirdos while staying at a cabin by a lake. The four babes in this film seem like the kind you'd love to be in the company of during some wild orgy, but they're not..far from it. The male family, whose crippled patriarch(..proudly acknowledged as a war hero by his beloved sons) act as if they were afflicted with some sort of lunacy, the only member who seems even remotely innocent is Caleb(Marc Senter whose face is tucked away by hanging curls), but he's so petrified and psychologically damaged that even he is creepy. The ringleader of this vile foursome is Palmer(Will Keenan)who invites his family to their cabin and gets in thanks to booze he brought. Right away, Palmer forces his retarded brother to attack the girls, and it seems they are planning to sexually molest and degrade them, a signature of 70's exploitation. But, circumstances change when the clock strikes 12, Midnight, and they revert to pretty cannibalistic savages who eat human flesh with relish. Any man in their vicinity will become food on the menu. Unfortunately, two police, veteran coke-snorting, whiskey-guzzling, pot-smoking detective, Jake(Tim Thomerson) and his green partner Ray(Michael Esparza)are on the trail of these girls who leave grisly crime scenes behind, reminders of their ritualistic carnage. They partake in a ceremony, using a male victim, in order to remain immortal. Also, two hicks who work at a nearby gas station close to the lake(..the girls bought gas and goods from them)decide to attempt a chance at some action with them, meeting gruesome fates as well. These girls certainly enjoy the feasts and blood shed, very evident as they grin with blood-soaked faces as they feed.

Entering this I knew not what to expect, and was startled at it's copious amounts of naked flesh and graphic violence. I felt this is a film closer in spirit to the 70's than many horror flicks I've seen over the past 5 years or so. The female leads of this flick, Carlee Baker(Mary), Eryn Joslyn(Helen), Eve Mauro(Jill) & Robin Sydney(Ilene)really let their inhibitions go, embracing their naughty sisterhood, during scenes where they are bare and kissing each other, or feasting on the brain of a bound victim. It seems we're entering a time in this decade where filmmakers are able to hire young women willing to commit to seedier material and the characters written as are;and independent horror cinema(..thanks to more affordable equipment)is starting to resemble low budget stuff from the 70's and early 80's. The festival circuit and direct-to-DVD provides an avenue for such filmmakers willing and desiring to release more potent shockers bucking the tame trends of Hollywood fare. It's nice to see these natural looking females as well, and their willingness to bare all left me rather taken aback. They really get into their roles as savage beasts, who remain in their present form(..except for their lighted eyes)displaying glee and erotic joy embracing each other's bloody lips with a kiss. One scene, my favorite, has Robin Sydney(..as nude model Ilene, whose delicious body is shone right from the opening scene setting up her gang's eventual confrontation with the loonies later thanks to her gracious reaction to bizarre student Caleb, whose infatuation with her is outweighed by his freakish behavior)immediately kissing Caleb's bloody lip after he was socked across the face by his brother after disobeying him. They are drawn to blood which is quite expressed in various ways by the director. These gals are stunning predators who truly adhere to the phrase "looks can kill". It was a little too weird and obnoxious for my tastes, but it is certainly violent enough and an obvious draw will be the naked flesh by these four attractive leads. Should appeal to the exploitation crowd, I think, but the film's meandering narrative(..and desire to elicit giggles with it's warped and noxious sense of humor)might even alienate some of them. Still, it aims to please that crowd yearning for more..blood, babes, and boobs are all her in ample doses. The flesh eating might appeal to zombie fans because a man's nipple is ripped away along with other fleshy parts throughout his body. Another's brain is actually sucked from by a straw! And, another victim's remaining member(..it was partially removed during a war)is yanked off and spit out(OUCH).
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Couldn't Do It!
kingsnakest10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Does this review contain spoilers? I had to put yes, however this doesn't really contain spoilers except for the first 5 or 6 minutes I put on for noise after the first part cause I found it offensive and fake. I could handle it till the autistic male started talking to the model and trying to converse was scared off and ran crying for 5 minutes. My sister is autistic and she doesn't act like that till she's triggered. I say if you want put a deranged college boy fine but leave the mentally challenged alone and stick with your sickos you handicap hating losers you wouldn't like me if I wasn't in a wheel chair! I probably going to watch a terrible zombie movie at least they don't make fun me of me like that.
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Not the worst thing I have ever seen.
shaun830513 June 2021
Wicked Lake is the kind of movie that is so stupid, you sometimes wonder how it got made. In a nutshell the story is about a group of college girls out in the woods, attacked by some deranged perverts only to turn the tables and reveal their true colors.

This movie is pretty low brow, and really is only about the boobs and blood. The acting is really bad, the story in execution is terrible. Everything about this is cheap and poorly done. That said I give it props for at least a different take on the home invasion genre, and I will admit I did get excited to see Tim Thomerson in it (even though you can fully tell he was it in it for a paycheck).

Overall it's pretty bad, but not the worst thing I've ever seen.
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Well "shot"
kosmasp23 August 2010
I didn't know much about the movie, before I watched it, expecting the usual horror fare with a predictable plot. While it isn't exactly how I expected it, it's still pretty predictable ... At least with the Director's Cut of the movie ... which in this case is much shorter than the actual cut of the movie.

And without having seen the "normal" cut of the movie, I guess this is the better cut, but that's me. While I thought it was a nice spin on a well known story (even if you can guess where this is leading too), what really let's down the movie is the acting (and the script of course). The effects are OK and the movie does look quite good for a low budget movie (saw the DVD on a plasma and it really lived up to it). But again, if there is not that much substance behind it, it kinda tends to get dreadful. Which happened here quite a few times ...
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Makes you feel bad even though it's a bad movie lol
rradosti17 March 2020










This movie is pretty sadistic especially towards the mentally challenged characters in it. Even before the midpoint you just feel horrible for the way they are treated, especially Caleb the young artist. The story has plot holes and characters you've never seen basically appear out of nowhere. It feels like your supposed to know who they are but they were never introduced like scenes were cut or something. It's a decent movie but its a pretty poorly written story.
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Best horror movie of 2008?
brandonlewissmu18 August 2019
If not the best, certainly in the top 10,000 horror movies of 2008. Made on a budget of maybe 12 dollars, I'd be shocked if this movie didn't double or even triple it's budget in revenue. Solid acting, scares, and quality nudity are not present here which leaves the audience to immerse themselves in the story. There isn't much of a story as the writers instead chose to keep it simple and kind of just say "whatever". Call it minimalism. The highlight is one particular actor (you'll know him when you see him). Likely mentally ill in real life, he comes off so bizarre that I actually questioned my own sanity as I watched the film transpired. I'd recommend this movie to people who are sick of good acting, good storylines, and enjoyable experiences.
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Fun movie
tommiller709 July 2017
Kind of a low budget flick, but great music soundtrack and so much fun to watch. Eryn Joslyn really stood out as the leader of the flesh-eating witches. She had the best lines and her personality really shined through. There was enough combination of humor, gore and hot women for this to be wildly entertaining. Yes it was kind of formulaic, but these types of horror movies always are.
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Where do I start?
stonegeraldjr2 March 2023
Well I gave this movie a 10/10 only because the 4 main lead characters are absolutely gorgeous sexy and damn near perfect lesbians who love having fun together, foursome anyone? Should I say multiple nude scenes and sexy 4 ways. Plenty of gore add in some comic relief and you have something to watch if you have literally seen every horror movie ever made.

This "movie" and (I use that term lightly) is an abomination now that I said the only positive aspects of this garbage pretending to be a film. Let's go over the negative shall we? There is no plot no story no scares. Acting is absolutely horrifying (probably the scariest part of the whole movie). Even a cameo from Angela Bettis could not do anything for this film (what she was doing on such rubbish is beyond me). The movie looked like it was filmed as some college movie project which probably would of flunked him out of cinema school as there probably isn't a college movie made out there that could of been worse than this garbage. This is even worse than most if not all fan films I've ever watched. The most wasted hour and a half of my life, but at least the four main lead females were extremely hot, nude and horny.
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You'll either love it or hate it. You should love it though
lestatdsr19 June 2015
I got into during a night of smoking and it was funny, sexy, gory, and, campy. I like Marc Senter, he's an underrated actor. He's also interesting here like in "The Lost".

If you enjoy Troma type of stuff you may like it. For me I've watched the film almost a hundred times.

Like the movie, that's quite over the top and outlandish. It will take a certain mind and a dash of madness to see things the "Wicked Lake" way.


Lost of gorgeous women, sometimes naked. There are also dirty rednecks that are shameless in their pig style appeal. There was one jacking it as soon as the ladies rolled up. Nice. There's also a lot of offbeat humor that will either offend or delight you.
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