Smiley Face (2007) Poster


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An air of innovation verses your typical run-of-the-mill stoner movie.
shadowstarz8931 March 2008
I've read a lot of angry comments about this movie, claiming it's "bashing" on "stoners" and anti-pot propaganda. This is not the case. If you're familiar with Araki's directing and themes in creating movies, it would be easy to recognize this as a satire. Obviously things of this extreme nature don't happen to people who smoke pot, but I like my comedies to have an entertaining plot. This movie would be horrible if all the protagonist did was lay around high in her home.

Unlike most "stoner movies," this one stands out as being one of the most original ones I can recall. There are elements of great artistic direction--which is often neglected in many pot related movies, and their are numerous political metaphors. I mean seriously, how often is "Marxism" and the Communist Manifesto brought into comedies?

Many people will say this is "stupid," which seems like an oxymoron regarding a movie about weed. Indeed, there's incredible silliness and ridiculous over-the-top decisions, but that's the point of this movie(and not to mention Farris' character to begin with). Araki introduces subtle, witty imagery while simultaneously producing an enjoyable slapstick comedy.
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Worth a watch, if you're into these kinds of films!
Andrew_47 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie on a whim because it had some actors I knew, and looked like something similar to Napoleon Dynamite or other quirky films. One critic on the DVD box says "it's like Harold and Kumar but with a chick". Personally, I found it only slightly similar, if even that. Possibly because I wasn't craving a white castle burger the entire time (FYI, the nearest one is over 5 hours away from my home).

For starters, this is a very unique film. I can't really compare it to anything. It does center around drugs. But instead of people just hanging out and smoking pot the whole time (if I remember "dazed and confused", among others), this is about one pothead (Faris) who accidentally eats a batch of "special" cupcakes and who leaves home on a wacky adventure, trying to make things right. It kind of puts a silly spin on things, showing how she has a game plan (but keeps having to change it because of her dumb drug-influenced moves), loves her bed way too much (you'll see what I mean), and basically acts like a pothead might act in certain situations. It's interesting, as most of the time the filming style is bright and clear, rather than dark or "tripped out" like so many other drug movies. The happy setting just highlights how dumb she's acting because of the drugs.

I found she does a convincing job of portraying the habitual stoner, so if you want to see her looking pretty (and not totally and incomprehensibly stoned) you should look elsewhere; I thought she looked good in Scary Movie 3 and My Super Ex Girlfriend, so check those out. But back to the acting, the cast worked well together in this one, with Adam Brody (from the OC) as the dreadlock-toting drug dealer and John Krasinski (from The Office) as the infatuated friend, who tries to help her get the cash she needs. Danny Masterson was also funny as the creepy roommate.

It was a fun watch, but overall the story is really shallow, it's purely focused on Faris and her misadventures that day. That's not necessarily a bad thing, given the way the film is written. I would have liked to see more of Brody and Krasinski, but it was definitely a unique adventure with some definite funny moments, that may take a while to get into. You'll soon find yourself hitting yourself in the head at every bonehead move that Faris makes, and wondering if she'll ever sober up. I also didn't like the ending too much, but then again you could argue it goes against the normal "movie ending". Still, I think they could have done a lot more. That's all I'll say for now, enjoy the show.
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I loved it!
gudnikristinn21 January 2008
WOW, do i love a good stoner movie! Maybe it has something to do with me loving to get high myself and being able to relate to how the main character deals with situations. There seems to be a lot of people here who have to over analyze even the simplest movies. I'm not a typical stoner. I'm actually finishing up a university education and am very successful at keeping my love for pot and my professional life separate and i know that the main character is the worst kind of cannabis user and some people here talk like this movie is an anti drug movie because of how irresponsible she is and how she ends up and bla bla bla, but it's a comedy and there's nothing wrong with being a bit over the top and i find it perfectly cool that they actually show that there can be consequences to being an idiot. You have to be a real dummass if you think that smoking pot will make you do or become like the main character in this movie. Anyway, me and my friends are a bit disappointed with the marks this movie got here because we just spent the whole movie laughing ourselves to tears and i think Anna Faris was perfect for this role.
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Stoner art
dxara823 June 2011
Now this, fellow stoner users, is a great stoner movie. Anna Faris, better known as the innocent Cindy Campbell from the Scary Movies franchise, plays Jane, who gets real stoned and has lots of important stuff to do.

The plot sounded nice from the beginning, but I wasn't expecting it to be so artistic. It's more of an adventure film rather than a comedy. It's something like... stoner adventure. Anyway, lots of funny moments here, great to watch when you yourself are stoned. Has an unexpected ending and oh, those situations... Haven't we all been there?

Plus, good soundtrack. Watch it with your friends.
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It's no Cheech and Chong or Grandmas Boy or even Half Baked, but it's cult and rare now.
rjfromtoronto12 July 2022
Saw it when it came out at Blockbuster, I wasn't impressed the first time around, found a copy just a while back and watched it again, it was pretty funny with the inside jokes and innuendo and general silliness, and if you've ever been too baked on edibles you just know how bad it can be trying to accomplish things Her misadventures and innocence are a trip, she was annoying and cute at the same time, good for a rainy Sunday afternoon in.
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Goofy stoner silliness.
fuzzy_wunz8 October 2007
This movie is notable for perpetuating a collection of tired marijuana myths often found in any garden variety anti-drug pamphlet. The most egregious being that the drug is capable of transforming people into simpletons and paranoid head cases barely capable of dumb grunts. And therein lies much of the premise for this shtick-fest. Gone are the humor, intelligence, wit, and charm found in recent cult hits like Superbad or Harold Kumar. Instead, we're left with Faris' galling portrayal of a drawling caricature, replete with her perpetually unfixed gaze and the script's frequent reliance on gags that center on the character's short attention span. Add the inexplicable fits of mania and paranoia exhibited by Jane and you've got all the trappings of a very mediocre and forgettable carnival ride. Despite all of its over-the-top buffoonery, cheap antics, and Faris' ridiculous pantomime, "Smiley Face" is very short on laughs. A few interesting cameos do manage to conjure up a few quick chuckles, but any comic momentum is quickly lost. All this and an impromptu recitation of Marx for just the price of 90 minutes that you won't get back. Worst of all, the movie ends with a finger-wagging moral: a denouement that assaults what little intelligence you'll have retained after a single viewing. "Smiley Face" is a mindless observation of vapid stupidity and a waste in more ways than one.
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Enjoyed enough to watch twice, wish I could've given it 6 and 1/2 stars
padawanmovies18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this pop up as suggested viewing after watching pineapple express, so glad I went with it. Brody as a pot dealer is absolutely funny (his appearance even more). I laughed my butt off at the scene of Jane and Brevin in the car: her laugh attack and John's subtle expressions when he tells Jane he may "have a few c notes for her" just to discover he only has $6!!!!!!... My only criticisms were the ending (would she really have been arrested for that)and some of Jane's decisions-if u think police are coming to get u y would u run into a room in the building they're coming to? Also y not sell the manifest; would've been enough to pay her pot debts, retrieve her coveted mattress, and move out of her apartment. Weed didn't cause her to make poor decisions, that was all her! Lol

This isn't my favorite stoner comedy IMO that'll always be pineapple express, but it's definitely memorable. Thank u imdb TV.
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jfgibson7322 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The people who made this film must must really be in love with Anna Faris to think that 90 minutes of her making scrunchy faces was a movie. She is fun to watch for her physical comedy, but that was the only thing I enjoyed watching this. I thought the writing was poor and the actors miscast. Adrian Brody with dreadlocks? John Krasinski as an introvert? Danny Trejo showed up and didn't even get to do anything badass.

Was the movie trying to be clever by having pot dealers talk economics and putting in undertones of existentialism and communist dogma? Or was it supposed to be mindless fun as other reviewers suggested? The end result is that it doesn't work either way.

Here's my spoiler: a girl gets stoned, effs things up, runs from place to place meeting people and getting into situations meant to be ironic, and continues to screw things up until finally she is arrested and sentenced to community service.

I didn't think any of the situations she ended up in were clever, and the settings were very mundane--unforgivable for a movie that is meant to be a journey or a "day in the life." I should have felt more transported, but not once did I wish I was there or in her place. I did laugh a few times, but overall it adds up to one I won't watch again.
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A good movie if you actually SMOKE.
elizabethesto7 May 2008
I completely disagree with many of these bad reviews. My personal opinion: if you smoke, definitely see this movie. But not while you're stoned--it will make you paranoid about everything! If you have never smoked pot, or are against it, don't even bother. Honestly, the whole movie is kind of like an inside joke. If you don't get high or haven't gotten high, you won't think it's entertaining, and you probably won't get it. But this is precisely what I love about this movie: it probably portrays being high more accurately than any other stoner movie I have ever seen. I didn't like the ending and it did confuse me a bit as to what message it was trying to get across, but as for the rest of the movie, I thought it was genius. The thought process was incredibly accurate, the physical effects, everything. Being a smoker myself, the whole movie was incredibly stressful, and I understood exactly what the main character felt. So all in all, my recommendation is this: if you smoke, go see it. If you don't, you're not going to like it.
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For stoners by stoners...
anderson_38230 March 2013
This movie is now in one of my top five stoner movies. For people who don't smoke, I don't think it's the right experience for you. I watched this movie quite baked, and it was hilarious. I seriously laughed out loud many times, only because of Anna Faris. She was probably the best element of the movie.Her acting was priceless, seriously, she looked so freaking baked for the entire movie it was so hilarious to see! Very good jokes and overall very funny movie! But for the plot, it's for sure not the most epic and complex tale of the history... It's actually very omnipresent but not really important. The actress is entertaining enough to make you watch the entire film. Potheads give it a shot while you smoke a bit, it's a great fun but I don't see non-smokers really enjoying the experience. I, of course, watched the movie high and another time sober, and I can confirm a good buzz helps get you into the movie, into the character. It's worth a solid 7 out of 10!
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This movie is rubbish
bluelikeblues20 November 2007
First of all this movie is more like an anti-drug campaign. The girl smokes some pot, eats cupcakes and destroys her life by doing it. The influences of cannabis in the movie are totally unreal. The director probably did this piece of crap movie to make fun of pot smokers but he forgot to do some research. The whole movie looks like those stupid 70s anti-marijuana ads on TV, its only brainwash for the kids. He has to smoke first in order to have an idea about the influences of cannabis. Anyway this movie sucks and all the people who likes films based on potheads (half baked , Harold&Kumar , Cheech&Chong etc.) should stay away from this one and wish that this stupid director never gets another budget for another crappy movie like this one. peace!
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Anna Faris is FUNNY!--Movie is so-so.
scoochie917 January 2008
Anna Faris is, in my opinion, the funniest young comedic actress out there today. In "Smiley Face", she is extremely entertaining (and completely unconcerned about vanity) as Jane, the much-too-stoned pothead. I just love her (and I'm not even gay)!

The story has me scratching my head a little bit. I can't decide if it's just some mindless, silly stoner movie (which works for me!), or, as another reviewer put it, some sort of 70's anti-marijuana training film. Maybe it's a little of both...? I dunno.

Story aside, I think the acting and direction are superb, very colorful, and quite hilarious! It's worth a viewing, if only for the reason that you're in the mood for something completely different. You'll definitely have something to ponder...and many scenes to remember fondly and laugh about!
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Smiley face, smiley audience
ignaciodelvalle6 July 2015
Excellent movie, made me laughed all the way. Describes exactly what one would expect to be a 8 hours marijuana trip, with its fails and victories, laughs and fears, ups and downs.

Though the plot is absolutely gripping, my biggest surprise was the flawless acting of Anna Faris, who seemed to be very into the part, having pot-like behaviors and looking like a real pothead. Giving the movie the essence it needed.

I would recommend anyone, either smokers or non-smokers, to give 'smiley face' a try as it is just plain fun to watch and an awesome journey to wherever the wind blows.
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I Just don't get it !!!
stephengraley4 December 2007
As the title states, i watched the whole film from start to finish and i just don't get it.

Why bother to even make this film as it had absolutely no point to it.

The film revolves around our main character (Faris) who smokes pot, gets high, 60 minutes of daydream scenes where she has no idea whats going and then the film ends. Well that about sums it up in my belief.

I have never watched a film that was so totally pointless and if someone could please let me know if i'm being totally naive then feel free.

I did not really want to write this as someone will read this now and think i must watch this film to see but please please don't waste your time.
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Has imagination, laughs and charm – just not enough
bob the moo30 December 2010
Jane is a regular pot user who today has to fit an audition and paying her electricity bill into her usual routine of getting high. Seems easy enough but when the temptation is too great to eat her flat mates cupcake's she quickly discovers they are made with a huge amount of weed. Unbelievably high, Jane believes she can pay off her dealer, remake the cupcakes, get the audition and make it in time to pay the electricity bill. Of course she believes that – she is high.

Someone gushed about this film at me in general terms so I added it to the list to see without knowing much about it other than it was quirky and funny. The plot is pretty straightforward and it could be from any stoner movie since it involves one odd scenario after another, all of which are made odder and harder by Jane's mental state. The film starts with a lot of energy and imagination and it is engaging for the first 30 minutes or so. After this period though the novelty value of the presentation does wear off a little bit and it starts to get a little stale; the plotting doesn't really matter but it keeps moving along. The laughs are key and they are also hit and miss. The tone of the film is a bit more "stable" than the wilder and OTT nonsense of other stoner films but the downside of this is that the wilder OTT laughs are absent. There are plenty to be had but mostly the film is "amusing" rather than hilarious. It looks good though and the fact that the delivery "feels" a bit smarter than it actually is did make me be patient with it and relax into it a bit more than I would generally with the genre.

A big part of it is down to Faris, who is really good in this. OK it is not the hardest most complex character to play, but her comic timing is bang on and she really gets the delivery right for the material. She is by far the driving heart of the film. In support are lots of faces you'll recognise which is an odd thing but it doesn't distract too much and everyone works pretty well; Krasinski, Cho, Trejo, Browne, Lynch and a cute (but otherwise pointless) appearance by Natashia Williams. For those reading the cast list while considering watching, please don't be put off by Carrot Top – he is a walk on (and more importantly "walk off") appearance.

Overall Smiley Face is a cute entry in the stoner genre. It is imaginative and quite funny for the majority and it is done with a lot of harmless charm. Of course it isn't really enough of any one thing to be as good as it could have been, but it is still pretty amusing and engaging – thanks in a big part to a pitch perfect performance from Faris in the lead.
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A film that aspires to underachieve can't really miss the mark
youngcollind7 March 2022
Ever since Cheech and Chong invented the stoner comedy, the genre has pushed boundaries in mind numbing uselessness, and Smiley Face may represent a new low (or high) for the format. It's certainly bold for it's blatant refusal to inject any substance to it's narrative, it simply follows a single character bumbling around with a glazed look on her face and any plot development is totally random and ridiculous.

Since it's essentially one long stoned monologue, it rests completely on the shoulders of Anna Farris to carry the film, and may possibly be a crowning achievement in the actress' career. She remains endearingly likeable throughout her dopey ramblings, and occasionally lands a good punch line. She's masterful at awkward comedy, and there's a low key brilliance to some of the more absurd musings, like when she contemplates framing a picture of president Garfield as a tribute to her love of lasagne. Things fall flat when she plays things more over the top, like the uncomfortable 3 minutes when she yells about communism at a meat packing plant.

As is often the case, the film is hit and miss with it's depiction of the effects of marijuana. There are a couple moments that accurately showcase the derailed train of thought of the baked mind, but just as many that try to pass off an unbelievable level of childish idiocy as normal pothead behaviour.

Show up under the influence and expect very little, and this inane little flick may just put a smile on your face.
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I'd rather actually do drugs than watch this again...
Staymetal83902 March 2008
I'm not a pothead, but I like drug comedies like Grandma's Boy, & Half Baked and thought this would be another goofy pot what a piece of crap.

I don't think I even smirked once at this movie. I like Anna Faris, Danny Masterson, Adam Brody but the movie was just a waste of film and talent. I mean if it was trying to tell people to not do drugs, good luck with that if they get the audiences' attention quick enough, which it won't. Personally, I don't even think potheads will find this funny at all.

I don't know what the director or writers were thinking but, please no more pathetic movies like this.
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it's my.. religious... name?
raulfaust23 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Anna Faris really fits in this kind of role: a crazy girl. Smiley Face has some funny moments that and tells a story about a girl (Jane) who loves to get stoned. She lives for the drug and her lack of compromising with life is enviable.

John Krasinski's character is boring and shouldn't be in this movie. It was only useful for more jokes coming from Jane, which were really funny along with the escaping scenes.

Also it deserves a decent rating because of its originality. Come on dudes, it's hard to find a similar movie to this one nowadays. Sadly Faris' facial expressions were used so many times in her previous films and this doesn't add much for her as an actress.
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Sorry to say, this is just a bad stoner flick
booman5213 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just got back from a free tester screening of this movie and even participated in the focus group of about 30 people afterward. To sum it up, nobody said they would have paid to see this movie and nobody agreed that they would recommend this to a friend. Though it is overwhelmingly bad, it was just a tester screening and they may yet make changes to this piece.

Spoiler? ****The Upcoming portions has some stuff about the story, but there is nothing really to spoil other than if you thought this was going to be a good movie.

There were a few bright spots, AKA Danny Masterson, Adam Brody, and John Cho. Danny Masterson played the supposedly geeky roommate who Anna Faris is creeped out by due to his love of Sci-Fi. He is portrayed as being, literally, a spooky Skull-F***er, ya kind of weird but funny none the less. Adam Brody plays the intelligent and economical pot dealer and in his limited role is absolutely hilarious. Anna ends up owing him money and must travel to Venice in order to pay him off, or else. This is the basic premise of the movie, it seems. John Cho is a sausage delivery man who has no connection to Anna other than she was so high she stowed away on his delivery truck in an effort to get to Venice. The only problem with all this is that each of these characters were in the movie for no longer than 5 or 6 minutes, they had no interaction with each other, and they were the funniest characters in the flick (this is bad if they all have limited roles).

Now onto Anna, poor poor Anna. She accidentally eats a whole batch of pot cupcakes (the weird part about this is that you don't actually know that these cupcakes are pot filled) and goes on a 'fun' filled expedition to repay her debts. Sounds funny right? Not really, she acted like she more strung out on speed or trippin on some bad shrooms or LSD...Has she ever even smoked before? It was just completely unbelievable and she was basically the entire movie, considering there were no other main characters in any sense of the word. She would just go around and talk to one person, then a random event will happen leading to another person and another event.

As far as the story goes, I don't think there was one. It just seemed like a series of random events that had a beginning, a meaningless ending, and nothing in between. There were many dull moments throughout the movie that made an hour and a half seem a lot longer than that.

With that said, there were still moments of stoner brilliance and with some quality editing and an extensive overhaul this movie may still have a chance. Remember that this movie is still in the works and they have a chance to kick it up a notch, but I think it is unrealistic. Other than that, I'm sad to say that Smiley Face is Dead on Arrival.
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Self aware and endlessly quotable stoner comedy
agreenfox22 January 2021
It's almost nihilistic in presentation. Stories about burnouts are funnier when you know they have the potential to be something more, but they keep sabotaging themselves because they needs the weeds.

Anna Farris delivers a sympathetic and pathetic character at the same time, her comic timing is incredible as always. Also John Krasinski is a highlight (and admittedly unrecognizable)

The comedic dialogue really snaps with observations and the phrasing alone always makes me crack up just thinking about it.

C'mon dude, dont wanna be late for that dentist appointment!!
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Drug Satire with Punch
wastebot1 January 2008
Rare, if not next to unique, is a film that, not by accident or error, but by intent, actually makes you angry at, maybe even hate, the lead character. It appeared in Atonement, and that's what you have here. Both could be viewed as a new type of film. Smiley, however, is all based on the silly and light-hearted drug-comedy, yet it goes well beyond that.

It really can't be described in simple categorical terms, but more like irritant, annoyance, or maybe even skull f**k*r (you'll get it after seeing it). The protagonist (Anna Faris) does increasingly stupid things to the point where you actually get angry at her. Thus the potential skull humper.

As such, Faris finds the perfect film to put her empty-headed blond acting to use, and I found a new and much deeper appreciation for her acting. Translation: She's not just another passing bimbo on the screen anymore. I actually know who she is now.

Back to the film, it's best not to get stuck on it being a "laugh riot", "stoner flick", or some other overly simplistic movie marketing phrase. The first part is clearly comedy, but it turns into a satire and tragedy. If you're expecting and only want empty-headed druggy laughs all the way through and nothing more, you'll probably end up banging your head against the wall, an angry emotion the film is actually trying to direct at the main character.

What's funny is, people with functioning brains will actually be very happy with the film. Meaning, you'll smile lot more if you're not high.
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Not a comedy, rather a tragedy
tirkkanen23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To quote a song I know: "Whatever you do, Don't" And that is exactly what I recommend you to do, that is NOT to watch this movie. Anna Faris plays Jane who is a pothead. She is stoned throughout the movie and I gotta say it's just boring. There's really no contrast. Yes she meets a lot of people and interacts with them, but still it's all about Jane, who's face you find in a dictionary under the titles dumb, blond and dull. So basically when you've seen five minutes of this movie, you've seen it all. And what comes to the fact that this is supposedly a comedy? I did not laugh once. Sure I've seen other movies about stoners, but this just has no point or entertainment value at all, contrary to say Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. When compared with other stoner movies, others have crazy things happening, this one has stupid things happening. If you can distinguish the difference between crazy and stupid, you will not see this movie.
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The best film at Sundance
mrsouth18 March 2007
I'm not a pothead, and I don't watch pothead movies. So a story about a girl who gets stoned, and then gets even more stoned wouldn't normally grab me. But film festivals put you in a situation where you watch movies that wouldn't normally interest you. Usually, that's a disaster, but in the case of "Smiley Face," I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised.

"Smiley Face" gives us one of the most lovable protagonists I've ever seen in a movie. Jane (Ana Faris) is high the entire movie, even in flashbacks, and thus is happy and childlike just about every time we see her (except when she's paranoid). Most movie characters would breeze through the minor conflicts Jane has to face, but her pot-induced mental disability turns cooking butter into a nearly impossible task. And that's part of what makes her so endearing.
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Anna Faris redeems
slcagnina20 October 2008
Anna Faris is the best female comedienne Hollywood has going. Why don't they cast her in a good romantic comedy (a hard genre to pull off) or a comedy with sharp writing?

No matter what part she plays, there's a sexy intelligence to her that's rare. And, she goes full throttle into a role, no matter how silly it is; this girl is fearless.

In Smiley Face, she plays a stoned girl whom gets into one wrong situation after another because she's stoned. I've known a lot of stoners -- Faris' clueless expressions are spot on. Unlike lesser actors who overdo the stoner drawl, etc, Faris doesn't try too hard. She hits every note perfectly.

But is the film good? The writing is uneven -- mostly bland, but it has some witty moments. The Regan-bit was funny. It's definitely a fun little cult movie, because of Faris' performance.

It isn't the high quality film Faris' talents deserve. The best film I've seen her in so far, in terms of writing and letting her natural intelligence cut loose, is Waiting -- and even then, she was underused.

Maybe Hollywood will get wise and get this girl a part with good writing and first class directing. Smiley Face could have been an awful film -- un-watchable. Faris makes it fun. So many times in films it seems anyone could play certain parts because the writing is so dull; here, the writing is mostly unremarkable, but Faris gives it life. It's hard to imagine any other actress of her generation being able to carve a decent movie from so little.
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Hard to sit through, very little entertainment value, and I'm even a stoner!
mythtym10 October 2007
To be honest I suffered through this one. I even enjoy this genre of film, and I have to say this one was uninspired and slow going. I know, a stoner flick, so I shouldn't expect a lot... But I wouldn't put my worst enemy through this hour and a half of pure torture. The story was uninteresting and went all over the place, it couldn't even hold my attention. I found myself playing tic tac toe against myself (yeah, that boring). On the other hand though, the actors did a great job in their roles, all talented young people, whom I enjoy watching. However, the story was awful, just couldn't get past it. From beginning to end, it was bad bad bad. Save yourself the misery and skip this one.
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