Smiley Face (2007)
I loved it!
21 January 2008
WOW, do i love a good stoner movie! Maybe it has something to do with me loving to get high myself and being able to relate to how the main character deals with situations. There seems to be a lot of people here who have to over analyze even the simplest movies. I'm not a typical stoner. I'm actually finishing up a university education and am very successful at keeping my love for pot and my professional life separate and i know that the main character is the worst kind of cannabis user and some people here talk like this movie is an anti drug movie because of how irresponsible she is and how she ends up and bla bla bla, but it's a comedy and there's nothing wrong with being a bit over the top and i find it perfectly cool that they actually show that there can be consequences to being an idiot. You have to be a real dummass if you think that smoking pot will make you do or become like the main character in this movie. Anyway, me and my friends are a bit disappointed with the marks this movie got here because we just spent the whole movie laughing ourselves to tears and i think Anna Faris was perfect for this role.
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