Smiley Face (2007)
Goofy stoner silliness.
8 October 2007
This movie is notable for perpetuating a collection of tired marijuana myths often found in any garden variety anti-drug pamphlet. The most egregious being that the drug is capable of transforming people into simpletons and paranoid head cases barely capable of dumb grunts. And therein lies much of the premise for this shtick-fest. Gone are the humor, intelligence, wit, and charm found in recent cult hits like Superbad or Harold Kumar. Instead, we're left with Faris' galling portrayal of a drawling caricature, replete with her perpetually unfixed gaze and the script's frequent reliance on gags that center on the character's short attention span. Add the inexplicable fits of mania and paranoia exhibited by Jane and you've got all the trappings of a very mediocre and forgettable carnival ride. Despite all of its over-the-top buffoonery, cheap antics, and Faris' ridiculous pantomime, "Smiley Face" is very short on laughs. A few interesting cameos do manage to conjure up a few quick chuckles, but any comic momentum is quickly lost. All this and an impromptu recitation of Marx for just the price of 90 minutes that you won't get back. Worst of all, the movie ends with a finger-wagging moral: a denouement that assaults what little intelligence you'll have retained after a single viewing. "Smiley Face" is a mindless observation of vapid stupidity and a waste in more ways than one.
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