Yes, Dear (TV Series 2000–2006) Poster


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Classic Type-A vs. Type-B conflict
budikavlan19 July 2003
I honestly can't figure out why the critics are not only disparaging of this show, but actually aggressively hostile toward it. I would be the last person to claim "Yes, Dear" is a classic of television comedy, but it is a consistently funny show, with a very simple, archetypal conflict. I get regular laughs from "Yes, Dear," regularly trashed by critics, while I've never laughed a single time at "Everybody Loves Raymond," which critics slavishly promote. YD is about a pair of couples, two sisters and their husbands, who live together in Los Angeles. The older sister and her husband are lazy, irresponsible slobs who live in the guest house of the younger sister and her husband, who are fastidious to the point of neurosis. Most of the comedy derives from this dichotomy. The husbands work for a movie studio (another source of laughs), and both couples have children. All three sets of grandparents are played by familiar comedic character actors and show up several times each season. Obviously, personal taste governs what one watches on television (something critics have generally forgotten), but if ever a show has gotten a raw deal from the critics, "Yes, Dear" is the one.
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Give it a chance! It's worth a try!
Sylviastel21 July 2003
I just watched a repeat episode of Yes, Dear and I was impressed with the improvement since it's debut. I would have preferred that Anthony Clark have remained on Boston Common which was a better and funnier show on NBC but they canceled it after a few seasons. Yes, Dear has improved over the time and striving to be better. It is one of the few comedies that gets better than worse with time. CBS was unwise to cancel this show for John Goodman, Jean Smart, Ed Asner, and Olympia Dukakis in Center of the Universe. Yes, Dear may not be the greatest sitcom but it is certainly better than Center of the Universe. I could not understand CBS' decision to cancel it in the first place. I love the guest appearances of Vicki Lawrence and Tim Conway as Clark's parents in the series. They are terrific company. Of course, Yes, Dear could better. But for a sitcom to work in television, it needs time to evolve. Yes, Dear may never become Everybody loves Raymond but it is worth a half-hour to watch. These are likable characters and the cast does their best in bringing light-hearted humor to television.
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Very unexpected surprise
Greatornot2 August 2008
I saw this show literally by default. You know when you are away and you have that down time in the hotel room and you just flip the channels. This is what happened with me. I have heard of this show but gravitate to the reruns of 'Seinfeld', or 'King of Queens' or maybe an old 60s or 70s show on TVLAND, when I am home. Enough about that . The choices were scarce in my room , thus , saw this sitcom on a station and did not even know what it was. It was for sure a sitcom so I watched it from like the 7 minute mark until the end. The show was cleverly written , hilarious and a somewhat original theme. I thought maybe the acting lacked a bit but overall just a nice show to watch. I only found out what it was on the end credits. Now I will be sure to give this a watch with the usual rotation, maybe even pick it up on DVD .
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Well-cast,well-written and not TOO gimicky
KUAlum2622 October 2005
Sitcoms,in my opinion,are pretty easy to mess up,and that's when producers are TRYING to make a good show. With that in mind,one might be fooled into believing a show like "Yes,Dear" would be something akin to,oh,say,"According to Jim","My Wife and Kids" or "Reba"(i.e.bland,uninspired comedies surrounding family units). But then,in my opinion,one would be mistaken. Successful Studio executive Greg Warner(the underrated Anthony Clark) and his lovely wife Kim(Jean-Louisa Kelly) decide to take in Kim's sister Christine(Liza Snyder) and her husband Jimmy(Mike O'Malley),who are strictly working class. The cultural and personality clash becomes the weekly friction that peppers the show's premise. But the writing and the casting of the show is so spot-on that only the most hostile to t.v.sitcoms would not get much enjoyment out of this show. Not a great show,but for network sitcoms,it's plenty watchable.
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okay so I am taping it
ewey69 September 2006
it is a cute show to just have on in the background....

anyway I was watching it and Jimmy pitches a movie about a futuristic world where clones are made and matured so they can donate body parts to their real counterparts- well one escapes and a true love story ensues---> okay so I think that the people who the movie The Island a year ago must have been watching- wow!

but it is a super cute show and has a lot of heat- pretty good family values and has sweet plots... i like it- i admit it! I did not really watch it when it was on originally but i like it now- it is pretty rare to find family comedy that actually involves kids instead of using them as props!
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Solid B series sitcom
miaalike24 February 2021
It is about newly parents, two couples, one of middle class clerks or something similar, one of unemployed redneck relatives living in their garage. Various minor events, a lot of talk, many parenting clashes. It is a good B class sitcom that you can leave on, while doing other things. Some sequences will make you laugh, you will drift off at others, and being so long, you will always have what to see again. The humour is not stupid, so it works. Personally I got bored by the socially fit couple, as their characters are a bit naggy and preachy. You can also recognise Christine Snyder here (redneck mom), who is quite nice to see again nowadays in Man with a Plan, as Matt LeBlanc' sidekick. She is solid, too.
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A hidden gem!!
nico0830 September 2010
I just started watching reruns of this show, I never watched it while it was on and to be honest, i don't even remember when or what channel it was on.

I stumbled onto it about 2 years ago and i absolutely love it. Anthony Clark is hilarious as Greg Warner and i always thought his stand-up was really funny. The rest of the cast is spot-on and Jiummys friend Billy is awesome in the episodes hes in.

I personally don't understand how people didn't like it, the writing was really funny. It has risen to one of my top 5 favorite sitcoms of all time.
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Yes Dear Vs's why!
clacura15 April 2020
One comment mentions why the critics liked Everybody Loves Raymond and passes on Yes Dear. Here is one reason...YD has skanky, totally unnecessary sleazy comedy. Episode after episode I kept asking WHY...why in the world would they go there on a family comedy show? The writing was weak, but when they locked onto character development, this was a really strong show. YD had all the talent for a huge hit, especially the successful husband--he reminded me of Stan Laurel. This is a show that tried to be hip and trendy and liberal and it never became what it should have been and I believe they didn't care. Arrogant? You know how difficult it is to produce a hit TV show? When you are this close, suck it up and nail your script! The acting was good but just didn't tap their ability. If you watch season one of ELRaymond, Ray Romano was a terrible actor just like Seinfeld season 1. Raymond was really searching season one, Robert was a stiff, one-dimensional character but they adapted. I really wanted to like this of the worst failures because it should have been an "A" show like ELR & King of Queens...on daily in reruns from morning to night.
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roweshowsports16 November 2021
I absolutely love this show. It is without a doubt one of the funniest shows of all time. The comedy is great, the acting is superb, the storylines are awesome and the chemistry of the cast is off the charts. If you were looking for some good laughs, centered around real life obstacles and issues, give the show a try, it will provide that in spades. Hard to find on TV these days, but you can pay online for the DVD set. It's worth every penny. One of my favorite shows of all times, got busting laughs in every single episode. There aren't comedic sitcoms these days there as good as this. A real gem.
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Below Average
adham-khairy4 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another sitcom that is trying to play on the "family problems" string. Well, people, its enough. We have already had a lot of sitcoms like this and nothing is going to beat stuff like "everbody loves Raymond" or "Malcolm in the middle".

Grig and Kim who are supposed to be the center of this show are the most boring thing in it. Grig enjoys humiliating his brother-in-law in every possible chance and sometimes for no reason at all that the whole situation loses its comedy. Kim is not at all funny and is trying to look neurotic, something like "monica" in "friends" bus she fails miserably. Atually, if it wasn't for Jimie and Christine the show would've been a complete failure. Jimie is the really funny guy in the whole show and his son too. Christine is just hot! and she's one of the few women on TV who are truly funny! Its a nice show to see between to other sitcoms to fill up a half an hour gap in your life. But would I stay at home to see it? Absolutely not.

For more comments on sitcoms and for my opinion on what makes a great sitcom, visit my website:
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Fun show that accomplishes what a sitcom should accomplish: entertain the audience
scs03 August 2006
For some reason this show has a knack for finding those little irrelevant things that personally find funny and uses them on this show. If I have a pet peeve about some bizarre little thing you can be fairly certain that it's been mocked on this show too.

Another thing I like about this show is how it pokes fun at the entire concept of the TV sitcom. For example: 1) Nearly every sitcom has the exact same set. In one episode Greg rearranges the living room so that it's laid out in the way that makes sense: with the couch facing the staircase. He points out why it makes so much sense, but everyone else thinks that "something's just not right".

2) It's common knowledge that sitcoms uses twins to play the role of small children, so why not exploit it? In one episode Jimmy and Christine are convinced that they damaged Kim and Greg's kid and the entire episode revolves around stories of this kid getting hit on the head. During the closing tag scene, Jimmy walks into the kitchen with one of the twins and replaces the kid. That was hysterical.

3) I think every sitcom has had the scene where a pair of characters need to speak in private so they move 5 feet away from a third character and start speaking normally. In TV land sound can apparently only travel about 4 feet. In one episode Greg was complaining to Kim about the difficulty in having Jimmy around, then after the conversation the camera cuts to the kitchen where Jimmy's friend asks "Do they know you can hear them?" and Jimmy says "Yea. They do this all the time".

So what if the critics don't like this show. One of the things I've noticed is that the only critics that seem to have integrity are the ones who review video games. With video games it seems like you can still get an honest review but movies, TV, and music? Forget it! Those reviews are obviously based on whether or not the content complies with one of the reviewer's personal agendas or whether or not the content came along with a nice, ahem, "goodie bag".
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If "Bad" Were "GDP", This Show Would End the Global Recession
rwalker-219 May 2009
Given a choice between this abysmal sitcom and wisdom teeth removal, my advice is: Take the oral surgery; the suffering during both is about equal, but the dentist gives you GREAT drugs after he's done. All "Yes, Dear" gives you afterward is nausea, and the sick feeling that your IQ has dropped 35 points.

The premise was unoriginal-- no surprise, we're talking TV here--: Two couples related by marriage, one led by a fussy tight-ass, the other led by a slob. The wives are the source of normality, the slob gets the tight-ass involved in multiple madcap situations, and hilarity is supposed to ensue. But with "Yes, Dear", the hilarity never ensues. The cast has the electric chemistry of sand mixed with dirty water, and the comic timing of the Nuremberg Trials. And let's face it: Mike O'Malley's name on any project is a guarantee that it will be punishingly bad.

The high caliber of the guest actors that got roped into this abortion of a sitcom (Tim Conway, Vicki Lawrence, Beth Grant and others) is shocking, given the horrible writing, clumsy direction and appalling level of acting from the regulars. The only participant that seemed to enjoy this train wreck was the hyperactive laugh-track machine, which would bust a chip over the lamest one-liner (and oh, there are so many lame one-liners in this show).

If this is showing on a channel you watch, change it as fast as you can. If someone gives you "Yes, Dear" DVDs, beat him or her about the face and head with the box, burn the DVDs and cross him or her off your Christmas card list. If this is showing in a Best Buy, run for the nearest exit. Anyone with an IQ above that of a houseplant will be racing you for the door.
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It's entertaining
rockford336 June 2003
This show succeeds at what it attempts: mindless comedy. Perhaps if you are "educated" you consider yourself above the humour, but I enjoy watching it. I can think of worse ways to spend half an hour. The premise is unlikely but entertaining. It's certainly better than those "reality" shows that are reproducing madly! Consider me a fan.
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It takes brains to get the laughs...
celbopgirl25 October 2004
I love this show.. Its well written.. smart and so funny. There are laughs that most get but as I stated in the title.. it takes brains to get the laughs. With most TV shows that have the cast HYPED up as gods and goddesses ( friends, sex and the city).. sometimes its nice to sit back and watch a show that is going to give you laughs and entertain you for 30 minutes, and we don't have to hear about what they ate and wore every stinkin' day.

Maybe some viewers that don't have a positive word about the show are not parents or in a relationship such as marriage, because the writers are RIGHT ON with the portrayal of the family life/marriage situation and all that is funny about it. and from what I have heard, a few of the story lines are based on real life experiences. The jokes may be crude.. but compared to most of the things on television today ( NYPD Blue... any show on MTV.. Jerry Springer) this is something that you could actually watch with the family. Its a funny show.. and if you don't care for it.. go watch something else.
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Yes Dear is Amazing.
legallyblondee21 June 2009
Yes Dear is easily one of the funniest shows on television. Anyone who thinks differently, has NO sense of humor. The character of Greg has some absolutely hilarious moments that you would have to be heartless not to laugh at. Jimmy and Christine are adorable, and Kim is annoyingly hysterical. They have a perfect blend of comedic and heart-warming moments, along with situations that any parent experiences at one point or another. How can you not laugh at Greg shoving his mouth full of caviar and getting stabbed with an epi-pen in the middle of a high class restaurant with his pants down? Comedy gold. I enjoy the witty lines that they come up with, as well as the "character habits" that they develop, such as Greg using dusting to get what he wants from Kim. My whole family enjoys this show, and we DVR the episodes every day.
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This show is almost as dumb as 7th Heaven
leo-8209021 July 2006
My God, what an idiot sitcom! This show is filled with pointless dialog, dull played-out situations and actors who don't take themselves very seriously. While watching this show I could see faint resemblances to Everybody Loves Raymond, but this is nowhere near as entertaining. I first saw this show a couple months ago when I stayed home from school because I was sick. Five minutes into it, I realized why it was on so early in the day. The show was so boring that instead of numbing my mind to its stupid cracks and childish plots, I decided to do my homework. The show should just do everybody a favor and get canceled. The writers should hide in shame, and the actors should either hire a coach, or never work again.

P.S. when will IMDb put in a 0 out of 10 setting, 'cause this deserves it.
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A truly feel good comedy with non stop laughs
hvnieuwkoop26 April 2018
Greg Warner is a successful executive at a well known movie studio in LA married to dedicated stay at home mom Kim who takes care of their baby, Sam. When Kim's sarcastically funny sister Christine, sloppy but lovable husband Jimmy and two trouble making infant sons move in to their guest house it's a recipe for a truly hilarious feel good classic, american sitcom.

To the people who say this show is terrible, you're crazy, Im always laughing watching this, the dynamic between the characters are slow to begin with as is the case for most tv shows starting out, but then the chemistry between the actors is amazing and gets the laughs! Clearly, its not a show that is extremely mentally stimulating but that's sort of why I watch this show, the mindless comedy you cant help but find funny.

Due to copyright issues the series is nowhere to be found, however, all 122 episodes are uploaded on YouTube (not the best quality) but you can catch Yes, Dear on there.
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Another stupid male/smart female
PeteRoy30 March 2004
This show stinks. It has the theme of a stupid/childish husband with a smart/adult wife. It reminds me of Everybody loves Raymond and King of Queens.

It's really annoying to see an episode after an episode how the husband is scared from his wife and he has to ask her permission for anything he wants to do.

This show is also very limited in space, all you see is their house and their garden, that gets too old when that's all you see.

I advise to stay away from this show.

I think a tv shows should represent both genders as equals and loving instead of insulting each other.
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What's not to like?
LoyalGrobanite14 March 2005
This sitcom is so great; Anthony Clark's character, Greg Warner, has an amusing sardonic hilarity about him. Greg's wife, Kim (Jean Louisa Kelly) is awfully active and has a "I'm sweet, but don't mess with me" manner about her that makes her family all the more to love. Kim's sister, Christine (Liza Snyder) and her husband Jimmy (Mike O'Malley) have such a happy-go-lucky oar around them that just adds to the humor of most of the time, very real state of affairs that go on around the Warner house-hold.The children on the show also add to the comedy that is in fact, Yes, Dear; they often mirror that of what they see being done by their parents and always ends with great laughs. I don't remember when or how I found this show, but I'm really happy I did. The show has a blend of adult humor and safe humor that would satisfy almost anyone. The show airs on Wednesdays on 9:30 on CBS. Reruns of the show are on Monday through Friday on TBS, channel 247 for satellite viewers, at 4:30 and then a following episode after that. They also show some on UPN 65 at 9:30 and then one following at 10. I recommend this show for anyone to watch.
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One of my favorites
diablocookie9 November 2006
These days it is rare to find a sitcom that is consistently entertaining.I watch this every day in the afternoon. It is very funny, and I have yet to see a mediocre episode. The contrast of the two couples works very well, and the timing is also excellent. In addition, I find that unlike many sitcoms, although it includes a laugh track, they do turn on the laugh track to try to force moments to be "funny," and it does not have 1 minute long laughing that makes the moments awkward (like everybody loves Raymond, which I do not understand.) This show is a gem, but not many people have heard of it. This makes me upset, because I think if more people saw this show, then it would be a larger success. In my area, "Yes Dear" is on T.V on TBS on weekdays starting at 4 o clock.
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Great show!
LoFaroNYG274 June 2012
Man, I knew that the world was filled with stupid people; but after visiting this page it is even more evident. Yes, Dear was a great show. It was funny, it was interesting, it was entertaining and Jean Louisa Kelly was hotter than hell in this show. Anybody who has said that this show is terrible and even said that dental surgery would be more bearable is a moron. You're probably the type of people who find that shitting show The Office funny and should do the world a favor and never breed. And, if you've already bred please do as the hamster does and eat your young. The world already has enough dumb people, we don't need more. Yes, Dear was a great show and I was shocked when it was taken off the air. I believe that the best shows are often cancelled while mindless drivel like The Office tend to last a long time. Look at MASH, such a shitty show and yet it had a crap load of seasons. Just goes to show how stupid many people truly are.
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Didn't like it.
nadja-jevtic12 October 2010
I read the other reviews, and I'm amazed that a lot of people like it. I' m watching it as I write this, and I don't like it. The characters are obnoxious and annoying, I mean the main two Greg and his wife. The other couple is OK, but even they can't save the show. Everything is so forced, and I didn't laugh at all. And a lot of stuff can make me laugh! I mean, I know that it's kinda old and everything, but it's not that old to be that bad. I don't wanna be harsh, but you know, I gotta be. The curly short hair of that main women is just bad. One thing I do actually think is good about the show, is that it does in some way show a pretty normal family, underneath all that forced comedy and storyline that is awful. Anyway, yeah, it is a classic sitcom, so I know why it's that bad. Still, not worth of my time.
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A must-see CBS hit!
Catherine_Grace_Zeh14 August 2008
"YES, DEAR," in my opinion, is a must-see CBS hit! Despite the fact that I've never seen every episode, I still enjoy it. It's hard to say which one is my favorite. Also, I really love the theme song. If you ask me, it was nice that everyone stayed on the show throughout its entire run. It seems like nobody does that anymore. Everyone always gave a good performance, the production design was spectacular, the costumes were well-designed, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, even though it can also be seen in syndication now, I strongly recommend you catch it just in case it goes off the air for good.
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One of the worst shows on TV
Neal9911 March 2004
That this achingly unfunny program is part of the CBS Monday night comedy block shows how bad things have gotten in TV land. The network that carried "I Love Lucy" and "The Andy Griffith Show," among other classics, now gives us a weekly half-hour of irritating characters and lame, crude jokes. The character "Greg" has to be one of the most repellent boors ever to appear in a sitcom. He is a one-note whiner who is many times more childish than the children on the show. The other characters are simply idiotic. With characters this puerile and one-dimensional, it is really no wonder that the writers resort to moronic plots and bathroom humor. It is a mystery to me how this program has survived so long. CBS, please cancel this show!
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Op_Prime2 October 2000
Well, I've seen the Pilot episode and I'm convinced. Yes, Dear is a pretty hilarious show. The cast is great, particularly Anthony Clark and Mike O'Malley. They have a great chemistry together. I hope this show succeeds. I'd like to see more of it.
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