Yes, Dear (2000–2006)
Below Average
4 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another sitcom that is trying to play on the "family problems" string. Well, people, its enough. We have already had a lot of sitcoms like this and nothing is going to beat stuff like "everbody loves Raymond" or "Malcolm in the middle".

Grig and Kim who are supposed to be the center of this show are the most boring thing in it. Grig enjoys humiliating his brother-in-law in every possible chance and sometimes for no reason at all that the whole situation loses its comedy. Kim is not at all funny and is trying to look neurotic, something like "monica" in "friends" bus she fails miserably. Atually, if it wasn't for Jimie and Christine the show would've been a complete failure. Jimie is the really funny guy in the whole show and his son too. Christine is just hot! and she's one of the few women on TV who are truly funny! Its a nice show to see between to other sitcoms to fill up a half an hour gap in your life. But would I stay at home to see it? Absolutely not.

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