Hook (1991)
Adam McNatt: Lost Boy
Rufio : Boil-dripping beef, fart-sniffing bubble butt!
Kids : Bangarang, Rufio!
Peter Banning : Someone has a severe ca-ca mouth, you know that?
Rufio : You are fart factory, slug-slimed, sack-of-rat-guts-in-cat-vomit, cheesy, scab-picked, pimple-squeezing finger bandage. A week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side!
Kids : [in unison] Ugh!
Peter Banning : Substitute chemistry teacher.
Lost Boy : Come on, Rufio, hit him back.
Rufio : Mung tongue.
Peter Banning : Math tutor.
Rufio : Pinhead.
Peter Banning : Prison barber.
Rufio : Mother lover.
Peter Banning : Nearsighted gynecologist.
Rufio : In your face, camel cake!
Peter Banning : In your rear, cow derrière.
Rufio : Lying, crying, spying, prying ultra-pig.
Peter Banning : You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food dude.
Thud Butt : [with the rest of the Lost Boys] Bangarang, Peter!
Rufio : You... you man! Stupid, stupid man!
Peter Banning : Rufio, if I'm a maggot burger why don't you just EAT ME! You two-toned zebra-headed, slime-coated, pimple-farmin' paramecium brain, munchin' on your own mucus, suffering from Peter Pan envy!
Don't Ask : What's a paramecium brain?
Peter Banning : I'LL TELL YOU WHAT A PARAMECIUM IS! *That's* a paramecium! It's a one-celled critter with no brain that can't fly! Don't mess with me, man. I'm a lawyer!
Kids : [chanting] Banning, Banning, Banning is bangerang.
Rufio : Rufio! Rufio!
Peter Banning : Oh, Rufio, why don't you just go suck on a dead dog's nose?