Unlike anything I've seen
17 April 2024
Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is a mini series that follows the inmates of a cell block in Little Rock Arkansas as they navigate and negotiate life in jail environment, but without guards and without locks on their cell doors. At face value, this sounds like an impossible concept to film given the immense risks involved with allotting such freedom to some of societies most unruly men, but here it is for your curiosity to consume. I was at first turned off by the overly dramatized style of the documentary, but the high stakes of the experiment and the personalities of the inmates drew me in. I found the episodes to be raw and emotional, making the human spirit the main character. I've never seen any show quite like this one simply for the natural unfolding of almost Shakespearean drama. The pain and shame of the individuals involved sets a silent overtone despite their overly masculine facades. The American prison system can truly be cruel and dehumanizing and it is only in its context that these men could possibly have taken this experiment as seriously as they did, desperate to maintain their suddenly acquired freedom. The line that will stick with me, in response to the added privilege of free phone calls for all inmates, was "this is paradise". This series can be truly heart wrenching, and it will show a side of humanity that we all can relate to, in the least likely of places.
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