Mary & George (2024)
Unfortunately very disappointing
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I also was looking forward to this show and ended up VERY disappointed. Mary Villiers' and James I &VI's history is incredibly fascinating and Mary's rise to power and wealth during the Jacobean area a story that should be made into a movie or TV-series. YET, with an incredible wealth of real life facts, this show unfortunately chooses made up sensationalism instead: James is frolicking around non-stop (not even a hint that he gave instructions for a new translation of the Bible, resulting in one of the most important books in English culture), often little more than a clown on the throne, easily led and deceived by those around him, esp. George. The scriptwriters changed Mary's beginnings to that of a serving maid-become-social-climber-by-devious-means, as if the social climbing she achieved from a very modest family background to one of the richest & most influential people in England & Scotland isn't sufficiently impressive. They also have her fall in love with an Irish prostitute, whom she even brings to court and whose murder is being used as an unnecessary motivation for Mary's character (as if she didn't have enough motivation in her own right). Francis Bacon dies of Syphilis (why?? Historically he didn't) and George actually murders King James in the final episode, which plows through the last 5 years of George's life at break neck speed. I wonder if anyone without any historical knowledge of George Villiers really understands the reason for him getting murdered at the end of the series. Fenton's (the assassin, his name is mentioned just once) short mention of La Rochelle doesn't really shed enough light on his murderous motives, especially since George becoming Lord Admiral, his many failed war expeditions and ever increasing unpopularity amongst ordinary people isn't even touched upon. Neither are any other political facts or backgrounds, not even the Gunpowder Plot.

But while sticking to the facts would have made a riveting thriller, a sensational romp it probably would not have made, and that's what SKY went for, unfortunately. I have no problem with nudity or sex scenes, they are not a problem for me here, but when something is sold as a historical drama, I expect more respect for the actual known facts.

Production values are very high. Costumes, sets and locations excellent and gorgeous. The images presented are gorgeous too and work beautifully as stills. Great acting all around, esp. From Julianne Moore and Tony Curran, who tries hard to give the gullible James some humanity and dignity. Mark O' Halloran as Francis Bacon is also brilliant as is Samuel Blenkin as Charles I. But none of this can distract from the unnecessary modern language, made up sensationalism and choppy script which drags the whole show down. Yes, very disappointed.
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