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Better than I expected!
15 March 2004
i was really blown away by it. I am picky when it comes to stuff like this, but Kucher really surprized me!

The story is very original (I cant remember seeing anything that it reminded me of) the acting was good by the entire cast. (Eric Stoltz played a disgusting creep pretty damn good...)

the kids in the film throughout their ages were well cast, and actually looked like the actors as adults... so the casting was good.

This movie reminded me too much of my younger brother's messed up life, that I felt like crying in some parts... and he looks just like Kucher on top of it all!

there were some intense/brutal scenes that were unnerving... I'll leave it at that, I dont wanna spoil it for anyone.

I heard Kucher got so railed by the critics, that he's laying low because it actually really hurt his feelings. he felt he gave it his best shot only to be strung-up by his end-trails just because of who he's sleeping with! I could careless if he was having sex with a rottweiler in his spare time... his acting was damn good, and a MAJOR departure from anything he's ever done, and that makes an actor grow!

so if anyone was discouraged by the cast or trailers, dont be... this is a damn good film!
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Bad Santa (2003)
15 December 2003
I think this is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. There are things in the film that people in the theatre were gasping in shock about, that I was practically p*ssing my pants laughing at. When this comes out in Video/DVD I will OWN this one! I usually hate Christmas films, but this one is by FAR the best one I have ever seen, even better than "A Christmas Story". Of course, it is NOT for everyone... but definitely for those who don't get offended by anything, and like to laugh to the point of rupturing their spleen!
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What is there not to understand?
9 September 2001
When I watched this film, I watched it with my boyfriend (who's a fine artist), and a gay male couple. Well, my boyfriend and I understood the artistry, the pain, the suffering, the political turmoil, the poetry, the usage of English/Spanish, basically the entire story. This is a pretty straight forward story, that had a beautiful & imaginative cinematography & direction. This was a dynamite film that should be watched. What bothered me was the reaction of the gay couple in the room. One of them kinda understood the sorrow, and at least understood that this was someone's life story, however... the 'control freak' out of the two took this plot as a stab at homosexuality? If I missed something here, please point this out to me! I continued to ask this individual why he thought so, and he said "Its just another film that makes AIDS look like a Gay disease!" I'm like "Are you f*cking kidding me? Did we just watch the same film? Did you pay attention to ANYTHING in that film?" I just dropped the discussion before it turned into a heated argument (because believe me, I can argue.) I thought that movie was done in with taste, despite its frank nature. Who cares if the man was promiscuous or not... that didnt necessarily mean that's how he contracted it! He could've contracted it while he was in prison for all we know... but we don't, and it doesn't matter. It's tragic that he was inflicted with the virus, but it doesn't matter how it was contracted... that was his business. However, the fact that he was openly gay, and that obviously posed as an obstacle as a way of living his life for the most part NEEDED to be addressed in this film... I mean... how was he going to emigrate to America any other way? Let's be honest, his homosexuality was interesting to the plot, and Javier Bardem pulling off those scenes (I have no idea if he's gay or not) it takes B*LLS to do scenes like that convincingly without being typecasted. Bardem was excellent, Arenas was an excellent writer (and yes I have read his literature) and it was a film that needed to be made. I feel Schnabel's direction in this one was much better than "Basquiat", even though that was also a good film, I have a feeling this one was more honest... it was more in your face, and was still a true aethestic vision.
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"What the f--- remains to be seen?" -GG Allin
16 August 2001
I mean, really? I was reading the GG Allin website, and apparently... another 60 minutes of "Hated" remain to be seen on the 120 minute DVD release of it! So guess what I'm ordering!!!

I thought this was one of the best documentaries I have ever watched. It was unbiased... thats what made it good. The filmaker didn't portray GG as a saint... you were either going to be repulsed or fascinated. I was fascinated, because POOP doesn't gross me out! :) If anyone has ever changed a baby diaper, or wiped their own butt for christ's sakes... they shouldn't be above watching GG! If they can't handle the bloodshed or the language... then that's their toughluck!

As far as GG's music... I always liked it. Its hysterical! Anyone who writes anything that vulgar & obnoxious ... and is actually poetic about it (despite the content) actually had a gift! It may have been in the field of Certified Scatology... but who cares... it's GG! May he RIP!

Todd Phillips I heard was working on the Phish documentary, because they were so impressed by the GG Allin one, and they being fellow Vermont natives, were GG fans. They called up Todd for assistance.
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... Should've been an afterschool special!
15 August 2001
A touching story of a family dysfunction that turns into a homicidal mess.

It should've gotten an Academy award! :)

Best Line:

Mother to daughter(in regards to a sweater she bought her):

"...that's why I got you a cheaper one... Maybe you could cut it up and write 'F**k' or 'Anarchy' on it!"
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My Left Foot (1989)
15 August 2001
For one... I can't believe it took me over 10 years to actually sit down and watch this. Basically because I really didn't know what this film was about. In 1989, I was 12... I don't think I may have been interested in this kind of film, but who knows (I did watch 'Rainman' when it came out, and loved it. It made me have a sense of awareness & compassion for what the disabled go through, at a young age... and I had never heard of Autism before that. I now have a nephew with Autism, and I myself, have developed a severe case of epilepsy, which is also a disability.) Considering I have a disability, I have a taken an interest in watching any film on the disabled.

However... the fact that Daniel Day-Lewis was in this film, REALLY HELPS... because I think he's absolutely fabulous! I don't think I've ever seen a crappy movie with him in it! The fact that Jim Sheridan was responsible for this (and the fact that I thought "In The Name of The Father" & "The Boxer" were absolutely superb films despite how aggravating the scenarios were in the films... but thats just what made them fantastic... the fact that they were so realistic, and gave you some incite of what the hell goes on in Ireland!) Take it from Sheridan... someone who is Irish... don't let some Hollywood piece of rubbish tell you a bunch of fallacies. The fact that Sheridan uses non-traditional actors/actresses in his films also adds to the realism. And the fact that Daniel Day-Lewis isn't overrated, and the man can actually ACT (and by his stunning performance in this film) I was really blown away by him. I fully understand why he had gotten the Academy award that year, and the same goes for the woman who played his mother.

The story of Christy Brown was told in a very tasteful, informative, compassionate, & non-exploitive way. It is a triumphant story of his accomplishments... and I also being an artist... and having epilepsy (and the fact my medication gives me tremors) I have an extremely hard time doing my artwork... but Christy... made me feel like I was being lazy! :) His artwork was beautiful... It made me happy! It was so aesthetically pleasing... and so personal. I would love to read his writings to get a better incite on him.

Another individual I became interested in after watching the film based on his accomplishments is the pianist David Helgoft. The movie "Shine" was based on him, and Geoffrey Rush was EXCELLENT in that as well. Both films were as good as one another... and I would definitely suggest that to anyone who liked "My Left Foot."

Rating 10/10
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Fingered (1988)
A Simple Lydia... With Simple Desires!
15 August 2001
This film is trashy, but I love it! Enough said!

If you like "hardcore" crassness... equipped with Lydia Lunch getting gunf***ed... this is a great 35 minutes of poop! If you dont want to be offended, keep watching the Jerry Springer show! HAH!
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The Others (2001)
Classic Ghost Story
13 August 2001
I was really waiting for a good "horror" film to come out, because I don't think I've seen a good one since the 80's (and even that's questionable.) It seems every attempt at the "horror" genre has been plagued with its slew on teenage fodder who scream & yell and are snuffed off, one by one. Well... the only entertainment value in that is seeing these useless snots being mutilated in various ways... but it's fake... so who cares... they just bought a new car with the profit!

So that brings me to my thoughts on "The Others."

This was FABULOUS! I haven't seen anything this classy in the "horror" genre since Alfred Hitchcock was still making films! No blood, no gore, pure suspense... classic ghost story... and unique! Perfect twist in the end... I felt it had the same kind of "twist" that "The Sixth Sense", "Stir of Echoes", & "Unbreakable" all had in common... one that throws you a total curveball. Thats the way a horror film should be! Suspenseful, & mindblowing in the end. It doesnt have to be gory... if its gory... its not scary... if it stirs up your senses, and you get edgey... and you get embroiled in the

plot... and the slighest noise makes you jump... THAT'S HORROR! That's what "The Others" did.

I'm not even gonna say what happened... I dont want to spoil it... just go see it!

This was by far the best film I ever seen Nicole Kidman in (of course I have yet to see Moulin Rouge!) 10/10!
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Snatch (2000)
Kicks Arse!
13 August 2001
Pulp Fiction is crap compared to this! I was always lukewarm about Pulp Fiction... I knew there was something missing from it... it lacked consistency & cohesiveness. It also had a few unlikeable characters!

Snatch, however, has LIKEABLE characters! Even the bad guys! They may be BAD... but they are SO BAD AT BEING BAD... you can't help but be drawn into every character in the film! Everyone is interesting! No one is boring! The editing is fantastic... but it could only work with a film of that calibre. At least they left that "Matrix"/"Crouching Tiger" -flying people- camera effect out of it! That would've made me puke!

This movie was fast & ferocious! A no holds barred epic! I was on edge the entire film, and I was laughing my arse off! Humor, violence, action, & good editing rolled into one. Also, English films tend to be a bit more realistic anyway... 10/10!
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