"What the f--- remains to be seen?" -GG Allin
16 August 2001
I mean, really? I was reading the GG Allin website, and apparently... another 60 minutes of "Hated" remain to be seen on the 120 minute DVD release of it! So guess what I'm ordering!!!

I thought this was one of the best documentaries I have ever watched. It was unbiased... thats what made it good. The filmaker didn't portray GG as a saint... you were either going to be repulsed or fascinated. I was fascinated, because POOP doesn't gross me out! :) If anyone has ever changed a baby diaper, or wiped their own butt for christ's sakes... they shouldn't be above watching GG! If they can't handle the bloodshed or the language... then that's their toughluck!

As far as GG's music... I always liked it. Its hysterical! Anyone who writes anything that vulgar & obnoxious ... and is actually poetic about it (despite the content) actually had a gift! It may have been in the field of Certified Scatology... but who cares... it's GG! May he RIP!

Todd Phillips I heard was working on the Phish documentary, because they were so impressed by the GG Allin one, and they being fellow Vermont natives, were GG fans. They called up Todd for assistance.
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