Before/During/After (2020) Poster

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As usual the ratings for films like this are a joke
The-real-Lee-Harris10 February 2021
This was a pretty run of the mill film. I give it a 6 which means I am on the fence as to if it was worth watching... the 10 ratings here are complete and utter nonsense and obviously bogus. As the film well what is there to say some vaguely funny moments, not completely plausible characters (trying to hard to be wacky) and I found the lead to be a pain in the neck.
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Pretty obvious all the 10 reviews
noveltylibrary4 September 2021
All the 10 reviews are obviously people who worked on the film. I didn't care about any of the characters.
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Finnerty Steeves shines
inon10117 March 2021
Before/During/After is a beautiful, touching and sincere slice of life drama. Finnerty Steeves is absolutely wonderful in it. I saw it when it won best film at the Dances with Films festival (well deserved!) and it stayed with me since. Funny, heartbreaking, and original. Highly recommended.
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Yet another addition to the ever growing "White bummer" genre of film.
christianlees77524 April 2021
Follow the journey of a privileged, middle-aged, upper-class woman as she adjusts to her newly single status following her husband's infidelity. With no shortage of rich handsome suitors or support from loved ones, she begins to heal and find new meaning in life. Set to the backdrop of a glamorized Hollywood version of NYC.
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excellent Finnerty project
ferguson-68 February 2021
Greetings again from the darkness. There is no "normal" process for the break-up of a marriage or any relationship. Sometimes it's even be a relief to both participants. But that's not what happened to Finnerty Steeves, and she's written an insightful and grounded script that could hit home (or maybe too close to home) for many. Co-directors Stephen Kunken (who also appears briefly on screen) and Jack Lewars bring the story to life, accentuated by a terrific performance from Ms. Steeves herself.

Jennie (Finnerty Steeves) is a New York stage actress, and one particular audition is used as somewhat of a structural device for the story. The play is (ironically) entitled "To Have and To Hold", and the scene she is reading cuts right to the core of what Jennie has gone through in her life. Her husband David (Jeremy Davidson) has had an affair. After 15 years of marriage, a lack of communication and differing goals, the couple finds their relationship crumbling. Flashbacks are used to show us different points in the relationship - from their wedding reception, to the arguments about his affair, and to the painful ordeal with her pregnancy. The flashbacks are the 'replay' in the mind that anyone would go through in her situation.

We tag along as Jennie and David work their way through a steady stream of frustrating couples therapists, played in order by familiar faces Kate Burton, Richard Masur, Myra Lucretia Taylor, Deborah Rush, and Stephen Kunken (the film's co-director). We are also in the chair with Jennie as she's "drilled" on the relationship by her dentist (the always entertaining Austin Pendleton) and his assistant (Kathleen Chalfant); and then again at Ladies Night Out with her friends - as they provide support for each other and exchange horror stories on past relationships.

There is an authentic feel to the situations and the characters, right down to Jennie's supportive parents played by John Pankow and Kristine Sutherland. On Jennie's first post-divorce date with Clark (John Ellison Conlee), she provides an example of how adults should act in a scenario that doesn't go as planned. It really shouldn't be that difficult to do the right thing, but real life tells us that it evidently is. Divorce often leads one through multiple phases: anger/sadness - acceptance - grief - rebuilding of a life. Noah Baumbach's Best Picture nominee MARRIAGE STORY (2019) showed us a split that shook the Richter scale, and this film conveys something different.

Ms. Steeves has written a terrific script, and her distinctive hangdog facial expressions are perfectly suited to emotional turmoil, yet some of her best acting here is done in the scenes when she's not necessarily sad. The number of familiar faces in the cast is quite impressive, and the gentle infusion of humor helps offset some of the pain Jennie feels. The film deserves bonus points for creating 'hein-hole', a label you'll appreciate once you hear the root explained. On an unrelated, trivial side note that might be of interest to fans of the Harlem Globetrotters, Jeremy Davidson's father, Mickey, played for the Washington Generals. Available On Demand beginning February 9, 2021
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I enjoyed it
and_shove_it_up_your_butt30 September 2021
It was a good yet unmemorable film if that makes any sense. Everyone deserves to figure out who they are and what they want in life outside of all the titles we carry around (mom, divorced, employee, etc).
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DarrenShulman5 April 2021
I'm a popcorn movie kind of guy, so the prospect of a movie about a middle-aged New York City theater actress having to deal with the end of her 15 year marriage didn't immediately scream 'must watch.' Spoiler alert: I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.

In keeping with the title, before/during/after uses an interesting time structure. Rather than being told chronologically, scenes are intercut from various times in the relationship between Jennie (Finnerty Steeves) and David (Jeremy Davidson, who I remembered from short lived TV show Pan Am, but has also popped up on many shows you've probably seen). The script, written by Steeves, is the reason I liked this movie so much. Sometimes telling a story out of order can come off as gimmicky. Don't hate me, but I think Christopher Nolan overdoes it sometimes. In this case, the structure really pushes the narrative forward by clustering the scenes thematically. Perhaps because of the time shifting, the first few scenes were a bit confusing. However, it starts to make sense a few minutes in and everything ties together at the end.

Another strong point about the script is that it feels genuine and relatable, which is surprising since it is about an actress in New York whose husband is some sort of boat transporter. I found myself gritting my teeth for much of this movie, because what Jennie was going through felt so realistic and uncomfortable. There were some less realistic parts which bordered on parody. The various therapists were a bit over the top and there was a scene with a paperwork specialist that was so ridiculously funny that it seemed out of place, but I laughed out loud, so I'll give it a pass. Small chuckles aside, this is a sad film that avoids many of the overused tropes you'd expect from this type of story. You really feel for Jennie as her relationship slowly disintegrates.

Before/during/after is not the type of movie I gravitate to, but I'm glad I saw it. Steeves has written an excellent script, and in doing so, has crafted a role that she plays perfectly. The 'feel good movie of the year' this isn't, but it is an entertaining and thoughtful look at the death of a perfect marriage.
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A true heartfelt indie drama
megan-petersen22 April 2021
I caught this lovely film twice on the festival circuit. It was one of those films that stayed with me long after I watched. You can feel the story comes from an authentic and honest place. The acting is spot on and it was great to see familiar actors throughout. I'm always looking for honest female driven stories and this is one that I highly recommend!
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I loved this indie film!
apotozkin11 August 2021
The title and description of this film attracted me and I started watching without even knowing that some of my favorite theatre actors were in it including the soulful and funny Finnerty Steeves. I ate this film up like candy it was pure delight. Beautiful cinematography with New York City front and center. For anyone who has ever been in a relationship or anyone in the biz this is a must-see. Lots of fun cameos by great actors. Streaming on a few platforms now.
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Terrific little film!
swax-14 November 2021
I didn't work on it and I really enjoyed it. Honest, touching and wonderful writing, performances & direction. Gets to the heart of relationships, ......,,,,..........
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A lovely, bittersweet ride
tombartos13 February 2021
I've spent 30 minutes trying to write a smart review only to end up deleting it. I'm not smart. I just like what I like.

I really liked this movie. It's heartbreaking, sweet, funny, and warm all at once.

Full disclosure: I know the filmmaker, but I never knew her *as* a filmmaker. I'd say I'm impressed at this debut of hers, but I know she's talented at all the other things I've seen her do onstage and on TV. Of course she'd bring that talent to something as big as her first self-produced feature.

Great direction, editing, cinematography, casting (except for one actor who felt "off" to me, but that's just me).

A solid, quiet film for your heart and head.
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Maybe Not For Some People, but Great Film
markstolaroff23 March 2021
There's always someone who assumes that just because you love a movie, and they don't, you're clearly wrong and they're right. This movie has a lot of high scores because a lot of people loved it, as I did. Our opinions are no less valid than those who couldn't appreciate what these filmmakers did so well. Hey, it's all just people giving their opinions, but don't discount the many great reviews because someone thought it was fair. If you're in the right "demo", you're going to love this movie. It's not a "big" movie, or a "fancy" movie, but it's very well-observed, incredibly well-acted, and well-written. This film's story feels lived in. The writer clearly went through this kind of thing in her life, and if you're of a certain age, and you've been through this type of thing, you're going to really relate to this movie, and dare I say, love it too. These stories, for this audience, aren't told very often--certainly not by Hollywood--and when they are, they're not told very well; certainly not as truthfully as you'll find here. My advice: if this story sounds even remotely interesting to you, then watch it. You'll be very glad you did!
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Honest, heartwarming story
GiaMichele17 February 2021
With NYC as a perfect backdrop, this film really captures both the comedy and tragedy of relationships and marriage. It taps into how our fears can either hold us back or catapult us forward. Really loved this story.
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An Instant Indie classic!
coffeyjulia17 February 2021
An instant indie classic! Years from now people will look back at this film and appreciate its subtle, patient bloom of a life-affirming journey. A woman rises from the ashes of a divorce while encountering a love letter to New York City, including many notable and amazing nyc stage and screen actors. Funny, complicated and vulnerable - indie film at its finest.
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Authentic journey
jzinky-5189220 May 2021
This is a beautifully made, independent film that offers what feels like a truly authentic journey through divorce and self discovery without all the cliches attached. Well made, with a host of brilliant character actors, the movie flows nicely. Finnerty Steeves gives a tour de force performance and somehow accomplishes demonstrating empathy for all parties in the divorce process. A love letter to NYC is another hidden gem of the film. Our movie club loved it with lots of interesting conversation generated.
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Finnerty Steeves wrote
sjanders-8643019 July 2021
Finnerty Steeves is happily married until the day 15 years into the marriage she discovers her husband has a mistress They go to therapists. They divorce and then Steeves finds her strength to pull through and act better in a new play than ever before.

Her women friends helped. Her parents were supportive. The last therapist tells her you will be okay. The acting by Steeves is sometimes mesmerizing. She flows effortlessly from lows to highs. She cries and laughs and all is natural and believable.

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Sweet, simple soul search
dvs8866-12 October 2021
Amazon suggested this for me based on what I've watched-thanks, Amazon. A surprise pick that as a divorced woman (recently remarried) enjoyed very much. Nothing fancy, simple but sweetly nuanced. Beautiful acting. I loved the supportive female relationships. I wish it had gotten a little deeper into the layers of emotions we go through during and after divorce, this film barely touched the surface, but can only delve into so much in the 83 minutes. Found myself crying as the film ended with a hopeful message I remembered feeling myself years ago. A nice and easy early Saturday morning film.
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Enjoyed It
spuddcw2000-119 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good to have a film that mirrors some persons real life so well. There are no over-the-top heroic or comedic moments in the film. I wish they would have developed the husband's character a bit more. I think there is a lot to explore in the male psyche of ambivalence. He likes being married but he's in a place mentally to where he doesn't want it to interfere with his life. The lead actress is Finnerty Steeves and I'm looking forward to see if she continues to make movies because I think she has a very watchable quality. I think she was perfect in this role; vulnerable but not a poster of a victim.

Moreover, the film ends like, at least, I hoped it would. Nobody gets a free pass; there is no massive heroic stand by the husband, there is no false notes of what happens "after".

Loved the movie. Great rainy day fare.
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A super charmer
mboyett-428-24160516 February 2021
What a dear, sweet film. I loved it, start to finish. It feels like real life in New York City.
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kristen-9831012 February 2021
Not sure why bots are dragging this movies ratings down - it is excellent. Finnerty Steeves is smart, funny, vulnerable and raw. The supporting cast is stellar. Highly recommend
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Wonderful movie (& a love letter to NYC)
rachel7524 February 2021
This is a personal and moving film about loss and grief and trying to start over. Well written and acted, the film jumps through time in the main characters story and that kind of storytelling keeps you engaged. It's also funny as hell and has so many great New York actors in it. If you enjoy indie films set in New York, you'll love this one.
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Hit home
tscmarsha10 February 2021
So close to a reality many women go through and navigating the uncharted waters of a new self. Funny and so heartfelt you just love the character.
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sylviajaunzarins12 February 2021
I loved this film. I loved it so much that I didn't pick up my phone once while watching it. The story--about a woman experiencing the ache and recovery from of a divorce--is familiar. What makes it special is that the film doesn't spoon feed you feelings or hit you over the head with tired relationship scenes or impose some big, over-the-top musical number to let you know she's getting better. The whole thing is restrained. It quietly moves along, feeling oh-so real, and ultimately reminds us that heartbreak and healing lead to growth. Great cameos. Great end credits. Before/During/After is a welcome reprieve from all the loud, showy stuff out there.
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Great film about strong women, loved it.
maritzaberger28 February 2021
Great independent film, overcoming betrayal and divorce. Great actors. !
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A must see Indie!!
colgib-135559 August 2020
I had the extreme pleasure of being at the World Premier viewing of Before/During/After at the Green Point Film Festival this past Friday. Even though rain fell throughout most of the screening at this quaint drive-in theatre, nothing could put a damper on the beauty of this little gem of a film. My husband and I enjoyed it immensely. From the incredibly authentic acting (literally across the board), to the well integrated flash-back scenes, this movie checked all the boxes. Touching moments, humor, life was just so relatable. Such a fun watch and a breath of fresh air...especially during this trying year of 2020.
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