Ping Pong Summer (2014) Poster

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Almost a winner
Fluke_Skywalker30 August 2014
The latest in a long line of 80s nostalgia films, 'Ping Pong Summer' differs a bit from the rest due to its indie film roots. The production is less polished and the story and characters more quirky. The results are a bit mixed, with its indie trappings being both a blessing and a curse.

The adult cast is quite good, with veterans like Susan Sarandon, John Hannah and Leah Thomson making the most of rather thankless roles. But the weight of the movie falls on the shoulders of its young first time actors, and it's here that 'Ping Pong Summer' both soars and sinks. At times there's a real charm to their performances and at others they lack the experience to lift the material to the level that it needs to work.

This is a feel good movie with a lot of heart, and though a bit uneven at times, it does reward you for sticking with it. Anyone who loves the 80s should definitely check it out. For everyone else, your mileage may vary.
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Wow, veteran actors stuck with novices and horrible pacing
rcantabile4 July 2014
Let's be honest, this is a terrible movie. What an odd mix of veteran actors (Susan Sarandon, Leah Thompson etc.) quite literally smashing up against terrible novices like the lead character's sidekick, Myles Massey. I continue to be amazed that people are actually paid to cast movies and they come up with bad actors all the time. The sidekick role is crucial here, yet they choose a kid who can't act. Go figure. Watching Sarandon, John Hannah and Leah Thompson attempt to add some flow to the movie while working with terrible actors reminds me of Natalie Portman struggling with Robot Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars prequels. I guess it has something to do with movie budget; perhaps they ran out of money after paying Sarandon, Hannah and Thompson.

Every once it awhile we see some promise, as when Rad and his family visit his Aunt and her husband. Amy Sedaris and Robert Longstreet show how it's done and provide a hint of what the movie might have been. Also Rad's sister was more than adequate in her role.

All this aside, the movie does well with costumes and general 1980s era eastern shore vibe, that's about it. The pacing is excruciating as we wait for lead character Rad to meet up with Susan Sarandon and when he finally does, it's almost a throwaway scene and before you know it we're (mercifully) at the finish line.

If the director was attempting some sort of filmmaking homage, I missed it completely. So much more could have been done for the eastern shore/Ocean City in a movie like this. I'm being brutally honest when I say that all during the movie I kept thinking how I could have rounded up some buddies and a mini HD camera and done a much better job. I kid you not. It's that bad.
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566th Review: Heavy on the 80s Teen Nostalgia
intelearts7 June 2014
PPS is a homage to the 80s through and through - care has been taken with the usual wardrobe and hair, but more than that it has tried to capture something of both the mannerisms and the film style of the 80s.

The film has both a John Hughes' summer of coming of age vibe and even a touch of Napolean Dynamite in the family's relatives. It also pays more than a nod to the Eighties style of sports' movies, here through a ping pong game against the local bully rich kid.

All in all, this has more style than substance, but it well put together with an excellent cast. It will appeal ti a wide audience of those who remember the Eighties and to those who like the idea of the Eighties. It's a fun watch and a good film to share with friends.
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This was going to be good, but then it wasn't
LLWerker14 June 2014
Pretend it's the Karate Kid, but lower the stakes and take out the character depth.

This script had potential, but every single thing that happened felt completely contrived. I wanted to like it, so it just made it that much worse that it sucked. The only surprises in the movie were how shallow the characters ended up being. Everyone's an archetype. Every event is formulaic. It almost felt like an outline of a movie where the scenes were placeholders for what should have been there. Seriously, don't waste your time.

Just for the record, the cast isn't terrible. The things they do that make this almost unwatchable were clearly intended by the director.
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Made In The Style Of Bad Mid-1980s Flicks...........
MovieHoliks31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I got around to watching this off Showtime the other day. I "think" a friend of mine had reviewed this awhile back, and it stuck out to me. I've been reading some user comments like "bad music", "bad acting", etc.. and those who wrote comments like that obviously didn't get this movie. If you go back and watch the filmmaking style of some of the summer teen comedies of the mid 1980s, you will see THIS movie! LOL This had to have been intentionally done-?? And the soundtrack- wow! LOVED it! This was not your usual generic hodge podge of '80s tunes you hear on the air waves today- someone must've really dug through their vinyl collection to put this mix together. Right from the opening, you hear that obscure song from John Cafferty- "Tough All Over"- ANY-one remember that one-?? LOL

The plot is as basic as it gets- ping pong obsessed teen goes on vacation to Ocean City with family, and gets himself into a match with a local bully. I don't know who that actor was as the main villain, but he was perfect!- just delivers these cliché'd bully lines perfectly!- and his redheaded mimmick side-kick-??- anyone sense a little homo-eroticism going on there-?? o.O Susan Sarandon has a good role as a former ping pong champ who takes our hero under her wings to transfer her wisdom, and '80s icon Lea Thompson plays his mom! And that Irish dude from "Four Weddings and a Funeral" played the dad.
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Not inspiring and engaging as I hoped
Gordon-1119 September 2014
This film is about a teenager who takes up ping pong ball by chance during a family summer holiday in a seaside town.

I guess this film is more about the story than the acting, but I still think "Ping Pong Summer" can be better in this aspect. The teenage actors are not very convincing, only the Gothic sister is good. The plot is probably supposed to be inspiring, but it turns out to be very flat and not very engaging. Maybe it's because there's no ups then downs, or maybe there's not enough intensive training, or the psychological motivation to win is not presented to be strong enough. The plot fails to interest me. I wonder why Susan Sarandon got involved with this project. And the film could have cast all unknowns to save on budget.
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Inferior to The Japanese Original
heatherderringer13 July 2014
One's impression while watching this film is fairly mixed: there were many parts that made it funnier than the typical Hollywood Asian rip-off (intentionally so) which kept me interested in the film. Furthermore, the acting is not as bad as typical of this genre, and I found some of the characters especially expressive and entertaining.

However, the fault of the film is that it falls victim to many of the errors of US rips on Japanese cinema: the quality being grainy and questionable, the simplicity of the plot and having shocking simplicity in the archetypes of good & evil, and furthermore, being overall rather corny.

But if you can stand for a typical "re-imagined" B movie, this is not so bad; I found it entertaining and its' pong scenes were not very shabby, either. And furthermore, the film did not fall victim to any ridiculous subplot or added Twilight-esque love-stories, nor was it ruined by an overwhelming personality clogging up the story, which can easily kill other films. For what they have, a decent film. If you see it for what it is, it is not hard to watch and enjoy it. Decent for anybody who has an attachment to the genre.
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Ping Pong Summer: strange movie.
niutta-enrico20 July 2014
This film is weird: deeply original under many respects and unbelievably ordinary under others.

It's the story of a young boy who is initiated to tennis table (and to love) during a summer vacation with his family. The estranging atmosphere of the 80s is depicted very well and the everyday life of a boy from a family with no means is also rendered in a surprisingly realistic way for a comedy.

Everything is nice and funny until you realize that you are watching the most predictable and clichéd plot you can imagine. This will not completely spoil the thing for you but will leave you at least surprised: so many ideas (starting from the head titles in three different styles) and such a poor ending.

Visual stuff, characters and dialogues, however, are too good to shoot this film down.
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Boring Garbage, Go watch The Way Way Back instead
dioditto25 October 2014
This movie is an interesting study if you compare it to last year's "The Way Way Back" (2013)- it has almost identical premise, a dorky teenager going on summer holiday with family with a pushy/pissy older sister. Somehow along the line this movie just gets worse and worse, as nothing is happening and you are hoping something is going to happen and suddenly it is the end.

First, there is no character growth, the movie's protagonist is a "dork" that came of age, and you expect there is something happening in the plot that force this dorky teenager out of his comfort zone for some real character growth, and meet some mentoring type who pity him and take him under his or her wing. But instead the movie is just all fluff - its like the director decided to do a period piece (early 1980s) and forgot about the plot - its almost like he let these clueless actors to improvise on the spot - nothing is happening, nothing is structured, its all just bits and pieces that are not funny nor entertaining to watch, its worse than some of the historical documentary I have seen - at least these documentary are edited to appear interesting, and structured. this here, is not.

Susan Sarandon was hugely underused in this movie - this movie is 1 hour 30 minutes including the credits - and 1 hour in (2/3 of the movie) and her character is finally kicking into gear. The whole time I was waiting for her to do something like Sam Rockwell's character in "The Way Way Back" - and she only appeared briefly for less than a few seconds. So 1 hour in, she appeared for less than 10 minutes as the "mentor" to teach the main character from getting out of embarrassing situation - and she is gone again.

Overall, this movie is just a dull uninteresting tedious affair. Its just like watching paint dry.

I got an advice for you director Michael Tully - if you don't have an interesting story to tell, shut the hell up and stop wasting people's time!
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An entertaining coming of age tale and underdog story
gregking422 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
An entertaining coming of age tale and underdog story that combines elements of last year's superb The Way Way Back with elements of the 80's classic The Karate Kid. Ping Pong Summer deals with some universal themes of alienation, loneliness, friendship, embarrassing families, bullies, first crushes and first kisses, and standing up for yourself, that will resonate strongly with audiences. Rad Miracle (newcomer Marcello Conte) is obsessed with ping pong and hip hop dancing. He is a little surly when the family heads off for its annual summer holiday at the beach side town of Ocean City. Lonely, Rad wanders the streets of the seaside town, until he meets Teddy (another newcomer in Myles Massey), another lonely teen on holidays. Together they discover the joys of the Fun Hub, a boardwalk arcade full of video games and activities. But it is there that he is also humiliated by the town bully, the snotty rich kid Lyle (Joseph McCaughtry), on the ping pong table. Rad challenges Lyle to a rematch, but has no idea how to beat him until he gets some unexpected help from his eccentric next door neighbour, who is dubbed the local weirdo by the neighbourhood kids. There is a semi-autobiographical element to Ping Pong Summer, and writer/director Michael Tully captures the 80s vibe strongly through the use of costumes, music and even the archaic arcade video games. The script is full of homages to the 80s and almost overdoses on nostalgia. Also casting Lea Thompson (from the classic Back To The Future trilogy) as Rad's mother evokes the mid-80s period. Newcomer Conte delivers a nice performance as the awkward, virginal but immensely likable Rad, and Massey is engaging as the extroverted Teddy. Oscar winner Susan Sarandon has little to do in a stereotyped role as the wonderfully named Randi Jammer, but she is superb and brings a touch of authority to the material.
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Strange movie
aphinazee9 February 2015
This has to be one of the strangest movies I've attempted to watch in a long time. I thought the acting would be better with the cast members present, such as Sarandon and Hannah, but they aren't on screen enough to improve the movie. Growing up in the 80's myself the nostalgia factor was definitely there. When Rad orders a suicide...yep I remember drinking those gross concoctions, lol. The movie had promise, but was more like a balloon with its air let out. If you want to watch an 80's nostalgia movie about an outcast go with The Karate Kid. Or if you want to watch a good outcast movie watch The Way, Way Back. Stay away from this stinker.
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Dude, It's 1985!
glittercrush22 June 2015
For those of us who loved Michael Tully's directorial debut, SEPTIEN, it was rather surprising to discover that he had a dream. That dream is PING PONG SUMMER -- a movie so far removed from his directorial debut it is almost impossible to imagine that both were made by the same artist!

There have been a number of movies that have attempted to recreate the 80's in just as many ways. Because this film is written/directed by Michael Tully you might expect that he would create something similar to David Wain's WET HOT American SUMMER … only more twisted. But that is not his intent. But this is no parody. This is not cynical.This is not even an ode to 1980's movies.

PING PONG SUMMER is simply a nostalgic memory of a very specific moment not only in American culture -- but in the life of a 13 year old boy. And guess what, it's not about a boy trying to get laid or having to survive through a traumatic childhood. This is a movie about a slightly awkward kid trying to find a way to assert his identity.

During a family summer vacation, an awkward 13 year old tries to find a way to assert his identity. The only problem is that he is just a bit too young and innocent to understand what that means, Rad ends up having a nice summer. We follow Rad through the summer. Things do happen, but never in an even slightly unbelievable way.

The magic of the movie lies in it's simplicity. We often only see the world through the eyes of a normal kid. And we quite literally re-experience 1985 from his perspective. Hip Hop was just about to break mainstream, Boom-boxes ruled, the Arcade was THE place to be and it was crucial to master the art of achieving the perfect mix for your Icey! Oh, and do remember the obscene amount and choice of food at buffet restaurant?!?!

There is actually a great deal of humor here.,but don't expect generic slapstick or crass humor. The films humor most often sneaks in just below the radar. The funniest moments are are in the way the characters react to the situations and/or comments made by others. Even when Amy Sedaris and Robert Longstreet are introduced as the "looney" aunt and uncle — the humor is not directly aimed at their inappropriate behavior. The funny aspect of this short extended family visit is in the way Rad's family creatively navigates the situation. They are family, after all.

It would be hard for anyone who was between the ages of 12 to 19 in the year of 1985 not enjoy this movie. There was something bittersweet about the movie. It often feels like a memory.
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A good movie but a theme that is starting to become to repetitious for it to have any real impact anymore.
cosmo_tiger22 June 2014
"Saturday, one game, no excuses." During the summer of 1985 Rad Miracle (Conte) is on a vacation with his parents that he isn't happy about. There is only one thing that keeps him going, hip hop dancing. When he starts to explore his summer home he finds a new best friend, his first crush, bullies and a wacky local who is more then meets the eye. For a long time now I have maintained that when one idea hits it gets copied over and over until it ruins the idea. Examples are disaster movies, gladiator movies, teens having to save the world (Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, etc...). This one continues a trend of the outcast kid who discovers himself over the summer that started with The Way Way Back. Having said that there really isn't much else to talk about other then this one also has a little Karate Kid mixed in. I did like it, don't get me wrong, but I also feel like it's time for a new idea. Overall, a good movie but a theme that is starting to become to repetitious for it to have any real impact anymore. I give it a B.
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sweet but needs better kid actors
SnoopyStyle23 March 2015
It's 1985. Rad Miracle (Marcello Conte) is an awkward teen loner. He loves ping pong and hip hop. His sister Michelle (Helena Seabrook) is a bitter sarcastic teen. His parents state trooper Brendan (John Hannah) and Crandall (Lea Thompson) are cheapskates. They got a deal on their Ocean City annual summer vacation. He's infatuated with Stacy Summers. Rich kids Lyle Ace and Dale Lyons are picking on him. His new friend Teddy Fryy tells him that his next door neighbor Randi Jammer (Susan Sarandon) is a weirdo but she turns out to be a great mentor.

I really want to root for these kids. I kinda like them in their shy dorky ways. Their story is sweet and a little cliché. I like the popular girl who has a problem. The main drawback are the teen actors. I don't want to say bad things about them but they're mostly amateurs. It shows. Their dialog, their interactions and their general acting abilities are all a bit deficient. Writer/director Michael Tully needs to give Rad another dimension. He needs an awkward sense of humor or something more than just being shy. The adults are fine and I love Hannah and Thompson. Sarandon has some nice moments. Amy Sedaris has a nice fun short section. The kids need a bit more charisma.
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An underachievement
louissouthpaw14 December 2014
The premise was great. Having grown up in the 80's, when I saw the description I had to watch this movie. The first five minutes really got my hopes up. I love nostalgia and the film was spot on as the director shot it through a mid 80's camera lens. Except for the 1989 police car, (horrible choice) everything was authentic for the most part. But the plot was too formulaic. Too many movie clichés. However, there were some funny moments. This film is only worth watching due to the fact that there's a shortage of new 80's nostalgia films like this. Because it's seen through the eyes of a young teen male, it might only be enjoyable for a guy in his forties today as he might be able to reminisce of his 80's childhood through the film.
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This movie is more of a mystery than a comedy.
rcummings-631-13794613 July 2020
The mystery is how and why did Susan Sarandon and Lea Thompson wind up in this movie? After reading the movie description that the film is taking place in OC Maryland and that both Sarandon and Thompson are in the movie and that the era is 1980's I was sure that this would be a winner. Lets just say that the opening shots of OC Maryland was about all of the excitement this movie gave me. This was a very strange film with so much bad acting that I have to ask again, how did actors like Sarandon and Thompson wind up in a film like this? If you are thinking about watching this movie and are expecting a Karate Kid/Rocky or any good 80's uplifting theme you will be disappointed.
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Poor story, acting, directing etc.
Ronmeister675 April 2022
Every aspect of this movie is poor. The acting is wooden at best. The scenes are filmed in a jumpy, narrow manner without any form of flow or progression. The story is one-dimensional. All in all it has the feel of a high school project. I honestly can't remember seeing anything worse lately or at all... no spoilers here, I didn't make it to the end.
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An attempt at nostalgia
smjblessing-2585719 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ping Pong summer is a bit of an uneven movie yet there is a certain charm to it. The overall story arch is one that permeated most 80s movies and in this case seems to be a direct homage to The Karate Kid (1984).

Essentially it's about an awkward teenager Rad Miracle (Marcello Conte) who's obsessed with ping-pong and the at-the-time hip-hop craze that doesn't fit in and hasn't really ever pushed himself to accomplish anything. With the help of former ping-pong champion mentor Randi Jammer (Susan Sarandon) he's able to beat the town bully in a ping-pong match.

Speaking of underdog stories and movies in the vein of Karate Kid, this movie bares a strong resemblance to the cult film, No Retreat, No Surrender (1987 - Jean Claude Van-Damme's first movie), a movie about a teenager who stands up to bullies except replacing ping-pong with martial arts. Is it no coincidence that the protagonist's sidekick is an african-american teen obsessed with hip-hop just like in Ping-Pong Summer? Another bizarre connection this movie has to martial arts movies is that it utilizes a song called "Friends" from a super obscure martial arts movie, Miami Connection (1987). The version heard in Ping-Pong Summer however isn't the one heard in MC but a very identical one that was recorded in the 2010s for the video game Far Cry 3.

By the mid 80s hip-hop was in the public eye and this movie is really reaching for that "electric boogaloo" feel. Something that further helps accomplish this 1985 feel is that it takes place in Ocean City, Maryland. OC is a place, though well maintained and nice, hasn't really changed its look and even businesses for the past 30 years especially when looking at the skyline of condominiums and hotels. So if you're a regular vacationer to the resort town you'll have a fun time seeing all of the familiar locations and landmarks utilized throughout including a bizarre shot of the boardwalk where you accidentally see the massive 9/11 firefighter memorial. A cheesy nod to nostalgia goes to Lea Thompson, who plays Rad's mom, when Rad and friend Teddy (Myles Massey) walk pass a parked DeLorean. I don't think I have to explain that reference.

One big problem I feel that the director and screenplay came in short on is that this movie is almost too dark and depressing to be an 80s movie. Rad doesn't have that likable or vibrant archetype that Daniel (Ralph Macchio) has in Karate Kid or Marty (Michael J. Fox) has in Back to The Future as well as the cast of The Goonies have. He's rendered in a way that's way too depressing and even pathetic. In some cases you almost sympathize with the bullies as to why they pick on him. A key part of 80s cinema is for it to be upbeat even if the main character is troubled. It also doesn't help that his sister, Michelle (Helena Seabrook) is a full blown goth chick. I had no idea goth was even a thing in the 80s. I have to admit that I cannot think of one likable character throughout the entire movie.

The movie also tried its best to capture an 80s movie look with the at-the-time usual refined grain look photography. They even shot on original vintage equipment to give it this look but since the movie is lit so dark it looks like some odd grain effect was pasted over it. That's another problem I have with it. It's lit and photographed too dark and dull. It should've had more of a bright and punchy look to it especially since it takes place at a beach.

All in all I'm not really sure if it's worth checking out. It seems like a lot of people only did because Susan Sarandon is in it. Get ready to sit through pretty much the entire movie before you just even see her let alone act. I think it would actually be more exciting to see if you're familiar with Ocean City in my opinion. The charm definitely comes from the nostalgia not the characters or even story. Remove the nostalgia and there's nothing special about it.
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I grew up in Ocean City. It was nothing like this.
madmannc-148952 February 2021
I think the writer of this movie lost his virginity during summer break in OC and hasn't been able to let go.
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This one is an unexpected beauty
marten-112-51328620 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the looks of this one already in the trailer, deliciously quirky. I was pleasantly surprised when the movie itself turned out to be even better than I had imagined. This movie is a low-key, comical comment on the innocence of the 80s and the classic 80s movies. Everything is so beautifully dorky its insane. They pretty much got it all in there - the music, the clothes, the family summer vacation experience, finding new friends, finding first love and standing up to the bully (in this case with a ping pong competition).

I guess its hard to appreciate all the effort if you never experienced the real deal. This probably works best as a charmingly silly nostalgia trip for us old-timers.
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Worst movie I have seen so far
cshoust28 September 2018
I don't know what is worse, the writing or the acting? Oh wait, they are both terrible. Threatening someone with a fish, tonuge work, humping the ground, mom listening to what she thinks is her son masterbating, penis sculptures... this is such a terrible movie.
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I cant understand how anyone gave this higher than one star
aboveuall10 November 2017
In our lives we end up saying "that was the worst movie ever made" many, many times. I highly doubt i'll EVER say that again after watching this thing. I would need about 5 pages to explain the awfulness of this movie. It makes no sense at any point, you don't want to root for the wimpy lead kid at all, and how does the mean kid that crushed him in ping pong a week earlier now forget how to pay all together? The only good part was the fat red headed dummy who over-acts thru every scene. And well that's not "good" but it was funny. I pray the world deletes every copy of this movie and it just becomes a myth.
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I loved this Movie
domf-904-17124222 January 2014
I was totally moved by this film. I felt that I was placed in the 1980's I related to all the actors. I was filled with total emotions. It was so refreshing to see a movie that totally moved me. It was true entertainment! I know I could bring my grand-children to it. Congrads to the cast and crew! Truly a remarkable film. We saw the film in Sundance. My wife and I went to the premier it was such a great experience, one on won't forget. We were also invited to the party in the evening. To personally meet with Mike Tully and the young talent is an experience i won't forget. To play Ping pong with them was so great. Of course I am not as good as they are but I gave it my all. This film made me laugh and cry. It was such an experience. I hope all of you will try and see this film when it is out at the theaters..
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A Hilarious and Poignant Reminder of What It's Like to Be Young
So I just recently saw this film and knew nothing about it going in other then that I love Susan Sarandon and Amy Sedaris may be the funniest person on the planet. So with that in mind I came in expecting a nice, goofy summer movie but I left the theater with so much more. From beginning to end Ping Pong Summer immerses you in intense nostalgia for your teenage years and makes you wish that you grew up in the mid 80's like the hero Rad. The film tells the simple story of Rad and his family vacationing in the small, touristy beach community of Ocean City, Maryland. But along the way Rad deals with bullies, girls, slushies, and of course some very intense games of ping pong for which he is trained by none other then the ping pong sensei herself, Susan Sarandon. Michael Tully,the writer and director of the film, creates an engrossing world that's impossible not to love along with consistently laugh out loud dialogue from a cast that delivers it perfectly. And it's impossible not to mention the work of set director Joie Todd Kerns who did an unbelievable job of replicating such a unique time and place that perfectly sets up the tone of the movie. It all combines to be a great family comedy with a very uplifting and touching message. Much of the humor is very off the wall and silly so fans of other small comedy films like Napoleon Dynamite or Wet Hot American Summer will appreciate it very much. I can't recommend this film highly enough and I hope everyone gets a chance to see this in theaters or on VoD. You will be very happy!
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If you grew up in the 80's and like quirky non-mainstream films you might like this
stachess2 March 2016
I really liked this film. I am the same age as the protagonist, and I loved ping pong and rap music. We vacationed in Rehobith Beach which is not far from Ocean City.

But the movie itself has a low key, realistic feel to it; and it makes you feel good. I put it in my top 10 list. Those scenes on the boardwalk feel real to me. The protagonist was awkward, but likable. The best friend was nerdy, but cool--if that makes sense. The montage when they become best friends seemed heartfelt. They feel like real kids in the 80's. The arcades, the clothes, the family; it was just believable, innocent, and fun.

If you are into mainstream films you probably won't like it. But if you fall into my demographic this film may appeal to you. I liked it better than "The Way Way Back" that everyone else compares it to. That movie just didn't resonate with me; but this did. The family seemed more like mine; and more likable.
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