Love/Hate (TV Series 2010–2014) Poster


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Don't do what I did!
decfry6 July 2013
I too had dismissed this show. After all it was an RTE production and when did they last produce anything of merit? I apologise.

I tend to ignore terrestrial t.v and watch a lot of HBO box sets. The Wire is beyond everything else in my humble opinion. But credit where it's due Love/hate is something really special. Top notch acting (where did they all come from?), great story lines, tension, chases and a production that looks like money was spent on it. I was totally engrossed and the three series boxset flew by.

This is brilliantly done. It deserves to be a worldwide hit.

Congratulations to all involved. Really looking forward to series Four.
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Excellent Drama with international standing of quality
samuelkdylan2 December 2012
Season 4 . 2012

Being from Ireland I generally "Hate" Irish drama/ comedy/ thriller/ pretty much anything from my home country, as it generally portrays a kitschy, 80's cheap view of the country and our people. "very embarrassing" "cringe worthy TV"

That all said Love/Hate is a true gem of modern Irish film and production. An excellent series with the draw to have you sit in on a Sunday night.

Modern, Hard hitting, Well scripted, strongly acted and an overall "must watch"
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Gruesome yet riveting.
jk-692-23639422 May 2014
I am not sure why kids would want to be like these gangsters. They are quite a horrible lot. I absolutely hate Nidge. That actor must be pretty awesome because he makes my skin crawl. I thought I hated John Boy and his whack brother in season 1-2 but Nidge is the worst of all. I find all this criminal life stuff depressing vs. "exciting". Hopeless, violent, evil. The beatings, shooting, strippers, hookers and all the murder. It is sad and depressing. I see no glamor in this. It is hard to watch all the brutality this show revels in. I did binge watch 4 seasons and watched the final season as they came out. It is it compelling TV. This show would be a hit in the USA on the right channel. It is very country specific so I hope no one tries to do a remake. The actors were all pretty terrific. It keeps you fully engaged the entire series if you can handle the horror of so many things that happen.
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Needs world wide release- Excellent show
brianloughran5513 August 2012
Shows like this and Underbelly in Australia need to get world recognition,

I only discovered Underbelly travelling through Australia and its up there with Sopranos standard wise

This show Love/Hate is absolutely gripping from start to finish. Every actor shines and the plot is fantastic.

Its a take on the criminal underworld in Dublin and its quite terrifying.

Must watch and hopefully it gets seen by people oustside of just Ireland
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Who knew Irish TV could be so fantastic!!
phillo74-15 December 2012
Being Irish myself, I was at first hesitant about this show. I mean, how good could it really be right? Especially when the bar has been set by the likes of Fair City...or Glenroe. But, I said I'd take my chances...and, boy, am I glad I did!

Love/Hate is gritty, funny, dramatic, intense. It leaves you with cliffhangers, and has you constantly thinking about what's going to happen next. The cast do an amazing job - sometimes I can't believe it's Irish talent I'm seeing on my screen - and, best of all, the series' are short and sweet; with 4 episodes in season 1, and 6 episodes (each) in seasons 2 & 3. I urge everyone to watch this show! Even the gardaí (cops in Ireland) think its realistic...

Try it out. You won't be disappointed!

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Best Drama by RTE
btsarno6 November 2012
Definitely one of Irish Television's best ever series. Written by Stuart Carolan, who also wrote some episodes of Raw (another excellent drama), this series is the story of modern gangsterism on the streets of Dublin.

The acting is chillingly effective from two of the main gangster leads, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor and Aiden Gillen. Gillen, especially, is a menacing, ruthless, bloodthirsty, totally amoral drug boss. Robert Sheehan plays a younger gang member who returns to Dublin from Spain when he has been in enforced exile. Naturally, he teams up with Nidge, his old buddy (Vaughan-Taylor), mayhem ensues.

Killian Scott, Aoibhinn McGinnity, Charlie Murphy and Ruth Bradley also shine.

Now in it's third season, beginning next Sunday (RTE One, Sunday, November 13th, 2012), this is a series to be seen by the world, not just Ireland.

As a drama, I would put this on par with the best of the best of BBC productions.
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docnova-264-36486216 January 2013
As I'm writing this review, 'Love/Hate' has been running for three seasons on Irish television, our own 'RTE'. In an age of multi-channels, this series slipped past me completely. I knew it was a new Irish drama but I wasn't bothered to look it up. First of all, the title. I thought it was a new mini-series about infidelity among the Celtic Tiger boomers hitting the hard times in Dublin during this recession. And secondly, it was an 'RTE' production whose past track record for drama has been very poor and moderate.

How wrong I was. I have never heard so many friends rave about a series before the new year and to my surprise, it was this 'Love/Hate'. So I watched the pilot yesterday and 10 minutes into it, I knew I had found a gem (emerald, excuse the Irish pun). And 16 episodes and some sore eyes later, I can honestly say this is one of the best series I have ever come across. It is gritty, tragic and even painfully funny at times. Most of the characters are polished and involving and the writing is groundbreaking especially for Irish TV. This won't be to everyone's taste but if you are reading this, you are already interested in it's promise and will not be disappointed.

Been Irish myself, you may say that I'm being biased, but I would be the first to criticize any production that was below par from any country. I just hope that this series can get it's feet onto the international scene and give recognition to it's creator/writer Stuart Carolan and director David Caffrey. I think my review is only the ninth to be written here and by right, there should be a hundred. If America could pick this series up, on the East Coast around NY and Boston, it would go viral as far as Australia and beyond.

So now there's hope for more new drama in Ireland for the future. Hats off to 'RTE', they finally got with the times. And now a 9 month wait for season 4. I have no problem giving 'Love/Hate' 10/10.
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A Must See
lampyswift11 January 2014
Quite simply the best drama I've ever seen. Came across the first series by chance on Channel 5, and thought it was alright.

From then on it just gets better and better. The Wire was my favourite, and I appreciate how much more complex and entwined The Wire is, but Love/Hate genuinely gripped me from start to finish. I have seen all 4 series, and certain things could have been done better, without giving too much away, but it still delivers pure suspense and something UK residents can relate to, as opposed to The Wire. If you enjoy crime dramas you HAVE to see this, you won't be disappointed. Brutal, thrilling, gripping drama. Well done RTE.
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The Best Of Irish
digigod-738-67152731 May 2018
Stumbled across this series...

The quality of the writing and acting is superb.

A cast of the creme de la creme of the Irish acting fraternity, including Aidan Gillen of Game Of Thrones ('Littlefinger') fame and the fragile sensitivity, punctuated with bursts of extreme violence, of Robert Sheehan, to name but two of the stars of this show. But the whole cast are delivering stellar performances.

In the same league as The Wire. Or The Bridge and The Killing (the Nordic versions)...

Also favourably reminiscent of Trainspotting and The Acid House. With a great soundtrack to match!

The accents aren't so broad that the non-Irish English speaking ear can't follow the dialogue without subtitles...

This series beats any of the Brit crime thrillers that I've seen in the last 10 years, and that is saying something!

It really pays to follow links down the rabbit hole. Sometimes you strike gold!

This series is definitely gold.
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High Quality Irish TV
jackgoodway14 January 2013
Comparisons to "The Wire" are wide (and above) the mark; but LOVE/HATE does mark an ambitious and dramatic departure for Irish television.

Gritty, brutal, authentic, entertaining and accessible despite a grim portrayal of a corner of Dublin's gangland underworld.

Having the watched the compact (4 episodes) first series, The Law or Garda are absent from proceedings, mainly due to the gang's amazing ace lawyer. While divisive and simplifying the storyline somewhat, but this does give the close knitted band of characters free reign, to have their own suspicions, in-fight and dispense their own kind of justice; following the murder of one of their number.

The strong performances all round, departure in production value, plus the tone and intensity; rather story telling craft, mark this series out as one to watch. With the promise of better to come.
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Very captivating, the best Irish crime drama for sure.
deloudelouvain22 November 2021
I'm still wondering how the hell I missed this series when it came out, how nobody ever told me about this? It's a hidden little gem. It's quality with a capital Q. Probably the best crime drama I've ever seen from Ireland. Not only is the story very entertaining, with plenty of twists and turns, but the acting is just top notch. My favorite character was Fran, played brilliantly by Peter Coonan, just world class that was. Nidge, played by Tom Vaughan-Lawlor is another great character that you can't help to love and hate. Five short seasons that I devoured in a short time. It could have gone on forever if it was up to me, it's that good! You have to not mind a bit of violence though, because it can be hardcore, but that's exactly what I was expecting when thinking about the underworld Irish mob.
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Very Over Rated.
ricochet93-369-30880210 January 2019
While season one is engaging, subsequent seasons are fairly bog standard stuff. The IRA characters boarder on ridiculous.

Comparisons to The Wire are unfounded. It's nowhere near as smart.
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Most Underrated show on T.V
mickeyjoe-orourke9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of Love/Hate from the lads I simply passed it off as another poorly produced RTE show that will lose audiences within a month. I can honestly tell you now that it was the Wrongest I've ever been in my entire life. Love/Hate has taken a forceful hold on me since the very First episode with its fantastic writing well scripted characters and an honest take on gangland Dublin

As the show has gone on it's clear that Love/Hate has dramatically improved into one of those shows that should not only have critical acclaim from the Irish nation but rather from the every nation.Its the closest an Irish show will ever get to the best ever made such as the Wire and The sopranos and it gives it a good run for its money.

With the sudden news that Season 5 of Love/Hate will be its last viewers can walk away from the show mesmerized by its fine attention to detail and again by the brilliant dialog from the shows writers. Love/Hate needs to be known to people. If not now than soon because it truly is a fantastic show with a lot of Love and no Hate!
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The Dark Side of Dublin
Wexicano19 October 2014
I rarely write reviews but I felt this show deserved one. I've watched many shows over the years from a range of different countries and it's intriguing to see how gangland wars and drugs are portrayed in each one.

When Love/Hate was aired first here in Ireland being quite I honest I fobbed it off mainly due to the fact that Ireland does not produce top quality TV and one of the main reasons would be budget. I put this show off for a couple of years until this year and I wanted to binge- watch the show like I do with some shows I find hoping to find a hidden gem. Being from Ireland its not hidden how and ever it IS a total gem. I'm proud to say Ireland has produced one of the greatest crime dramas ever.

The show is based upon Dublin's criminal underworld whereby it depicts drug addiction, squalor and violence of organised crime that has grown post Celtic tiger era in Ireland.

Darren Treacy (Robert Sheehan) returns to Dublin from Spain, spending time there while trying to avoid the Garda in Ireland for gun possession. Darren's brother Robbie is released from Cloverhill prison. While waiting to be collected, Robbie is shot outside a newsagents in a drive by shooting. Catastrophic events ignite tension among the drug gang, and family, friends and the community must live with the consequences.

The above is a synopsis of the first episode and immediately portrays how raw the show is.

Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (nidge) is amazing throughout. He is one of the most slimiest characters ever.

Watch it. I promise you, you won't be disappointed.
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For lovers of on-running plots of the action-crime-thriller genre
mairz23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a long time visitor to the IMDb website and find it extremely useful when I need information or reviews of TV shows. This, however, is my first review as other contributors have eloquently and at length written about my favourites(Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, Hell on Wheels, The Walking Dead, to name but a few). Like the above programmes, the storyline in Love/Hate is on-running - an essential criterion for me as I have no patience for shows where each episode is self-contained with a beginning, middle and end, with perhaps an on-going back story of minor importance (I'm thinking here of popular court-room dramas where the issue at the beginning is done and dusted by the end of the episode).

Like other Irish contributors on here I initially dismissed it as yet another one of those mediocre Irish productions of the 1980's '90's characterised by a lot of poor acting and lame plot lines. As a result I only decided to give it a whirl after hearing it much discussed on the radio and having watched all of Damages, Dexter, Breaking Bad, the Tudors, Homeland many other programmes. And boy was I ever surprised, my standards and expectations had been raised by the American and British TV shows (check out Line of Duty)and Love/Hate in my opinion is genuinely in the premier league of the TV space. Apart from anything else it has a smashing and (like the best TV shows)completely unpredictable storyline - there is nothing like not knowing where a series will take you next to keep you mesmerised. Add to that some stellar performances by the lead actors (especially Tom Vaughan Lawlor (Nidge, Aiden Gillen (of Game of Thrones)(John Boy) and Peter Coonan (Fran). What is also good about the show is its character development and evolution, something that viewers of today have come to expect. SPOILER ALERT. Nidge, for example starts off a kind of happy-go-lucky rogue, but by season 4 has evolved into a dark, angry and (even more) ruthless thug. END OF SPOILER ALERT. The music is great too - there is no theme tune per se. Each and every episode starts and ends with a different song or piece of music, from rap to rock, crooners to classical....a nice touch.

To the reviewer above who found Nidge so detestable, I would suggest that he/she watch some interviews on you tube. The real life personalities are NOTHING like they characters they portray, which attests to the calibre of their acting. Some have criticised the show for its violence and for not portraying what are essentially violent, lawless criminals in a more negative light, but what about Dexter, the psychopath serial killer? Did we EVER want him to receive his comeuppance? Or Tony Soprano, for that matter? Or what about 'Hannibal' which contains some truly horrifyingly violent scenes.

So yes to summarise, I would highly recommend this show, however with one or two caveats: the first season, while good is the weakest, but writers really up their game from season 2 onwards. Viewers unfamiliar with the Dublin landscape, won't, of course have the added attraction of seeing Nidge and co in familiar backdrops and surroundings. Plus it has has to be admitted that some of the colloquialisms (bleedin', brasser, knackered, a few scoops) may be beyond certain viewers, its still pretty comprehensible (I think!.
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Nasty Nidge
bolandsteve-8807828 July 2021
This is getting old now but living outside of Ireland I cannot understand this hasn't been syndicted or bought by a streaming giant. Personally it's the beat thing I have watched in many years. 5 series long it moves at a pace and is at times very violent. Many non Irish people may not understand many of the slang words like Mot knacker sleveen and others.

Easentially it wont matter much.

A must watch.
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Simply Outstanding
ryan-thomas13574 February 2015
Over the last few years the quality of television drama has been immense. I loved The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad and True Detective, I had assumed that it was just the US that were making great shows...I was wrong. Love/Hate is right up there along with the greats. I was introduced to the show by my father who had seen it when he went to Ireland on holiday, at first I was apprehensive about watching it, but after one episode I was hooked.

The production, acting, plots are simply outstanding. Being from the UK I recognised a handful of the actors but Tom Vaughan-Lawlor was new to me, and puts in excellent performances. The shows brilliance is that unlike certain US dramas it hasn't exploited its popularity at the expense of its creativity, it flows from episode to episode...simply brilliant. Hopefully it will get worldwide recognition because it deserves it.
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MongoLloyd25 March 2016
Amazing all the way around series. I'd actually pay to watch this series - that's how good it is. Casting is great, writing is tight, performances are among the best I've ever seen anywhere in anything. I can't say enough about the "realism" infused into the series even though I've never been to Ireland or exposed to that component of Irish society, I still got an overwhelming sense of that specific world that will haunt me for a long time to come. Congratulations to the production team and producers for this amazing series which surely must have been a labor of love for them. I'll be checking on the work of the writer and director of this for sure.
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All zits and eyeliner
jaimemedina-3628826 September 2021
So I started watching this after watching Kin on AMC+. A number of the reviews mention Love/Hate and that Kin was really a poor imitation. Yeah, no.

This show should be renamed skinny morons wearing eyeliner. It's not believable at all. The editor was obviously all coked out because it's all over the place.

And frankly it's just boring. Everyone looks like their still in high school while little finger roams around like the creepy older guy who never graduated. Not a single chuckle head in the cast looks like they'd last 10 seconds on the street. Spare me this nonsense.
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So glad I found this Masterpiece.
darrel07626 October 2020
Brutal and dramatic with the perfect cast to bring this incredible series to life. I binged it and loved every second. So many actors are well known today; Love/Hate definitely had a hand in that. Each character is complex with a story. They could have made several spinoffs. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes crime drama , with alot of drug use, violence and foul language. This was just what I needed!
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A life of crime
quadrophenia-6952421 February 2021
All this criminals are all out to back stab each other a life crime isn't all its cut out be just watch it for nidge and your see what I mean
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Why all the hype???
smithdogg29 January 2024
I'm not sure what all the hype is about, I read it was the best series on telly.....Nope.

I've nearly finished the 2nd series and still don't really know what the plot is or if there is ever going to be one, it's just a mish mash of a group of guys, I mean kids doing criminal activity who don't trust each other and spend most of the episodes turning on each other.

I've got no love for any of the characters, I don't care for any of the characters, I can't relate to any of the characters, there's no humour and the music is really poor probably due to budgeting and doesn't fit in with any of the scenarios.

I keep watching to see if something exciting happens but I don't think it is.
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A gripping Irish crime drama of the highest quality
mholmez10 April 2021
At first glance this show appears to be nothing more than a low budget Irish crime show and even though it doesn't have the same budget as shows like The Sopranos it's quality is easily on par.

Everything about this series screams quality as you make your way through the series, it has almost everything you could ever want in a crime drama, great cast and characters along with their development, fantastic acting, great writing with strong plots and plenty of action and suspense. Of course there are a few things here and there that could be improved but nothing is perfect.

Overall if your looking for another crime drama you honestly cannot look past this show, it's literally up there with the best of the best and might just be one of my favourite shows of all time.
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mlynch51873 August 2020
After watching all five seasons I can confidently say that this is one of the best shows I've seen! I can't think of much that would have made this better. If you like shows like The Wire or The Sopranos, this will be right up your alley. I'm surprised I had never heard of it before poking around on IMDB.
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If you thought The Sopranos where good
noelhogan1320 December 2012
This has to be one of the best crime drama serious to come out of rte in a long time, the acting is superb the drama is edge of the seat and story line never leaves the watcher in any confusion about what is going on its a bit like being part of the story you get so engrossed and the action never leaves you wanting, I would love to see a full length film from the writer Stuart Carolan and i will be looking out for any thing else he may have done this is a total recommendation with no res aversions about the quality of this crime/drama i gave it 9 out of 10 only because i had to sit and watch the ads on telly as well not really the shows fault lol
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