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As exciting as watching corn grow
jet6629 December 2012
A long and winding road leading nowhere, The Fields is a mish-mash of disconnected set pieces with no real plot. While the desaturated cinematography and moody design set a general tone of gloom, and much of the acting is solid, The Fields focuses on fragmented back story, rather than a beginning, a middle, and an end. There's no connection between Steven's parents' domestic disputes and Steven's meanderings around the farm. So why did the producers even follow that storyline? Of course, one could ask the same question about any aspect of this "mystery," and ultimately, about The Fields itself. 5 points for competence, but -2 for making me waste my time.
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The body in the woods had more forward motion than the movie.
The_Dead_See26 July 2013
The Fields is one of those independents that engages and almost enamors you at the beginning. You suffer through Tara Reid giving a performance about as impressive as one of the corn stalks in the titular fields because you know Cloris Leachman is going to appear shortly and make it all better. And she does, for a while. Her brash, obnoxious, yet troubled and anxious grandmother character has depth and subtlety that's well worth seeing.

But as time goes by you start to get the uneasy feeling that the writer had no real sense of where they were taking the story. By the end of the first hour you're pretty certain that the film is going to continue turning in aimless circles and then just fizzle out... but by then you figure you've already invested an hour, you might as well see it through to the end just to see if you were right...

Half an hour later you look at the fizzled out remnants and say to yourself "yep, I was right".

It's easy to see what The Fields was aiming for - a slow burn, southern Gothic drama with horror undertones - and most of the components are solid. The direction and cinematography is nice, the acting (Reid excepted) is outstanding (even from the kid), and the score is fittingly creepy. However, as with all things the strength of the whole is dependent on the weakest link and in this case the weak link is the screenplay, and it pulls the rest of an otherwise good movie down into oblivion with its meandering trajectory.
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Real review
emma201531 December 2012
How anyone rated this a 10 is beyond my belief. There was no storyline. I tried very hard to fall in love with the characters but it never happened. Had no idea what was happening half the time and the corn field kept dying or being green? What? The boy seemed to just randomly appear places. Very bad. No suspense. Not scary. Disappointing beyond Belief. Made an account just to yell about this bad movie because i was so misled. The movie was about 40 minutes of simply trying to build up characters that i ceased to fall in love with. Its was very unfortunate because after seeing quite a few good ratings i had hoped for a better outcome. Made my family wait and watch to see an uneventful bad ending. A waste of my day.
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A Movie...With a Beginning, a Middle and an End....
Kung_Fu_VooDoo8 July 2012
A movie like no other....Something mundane happens to somebody platitudinous. It goes on for a bit, then it stops. You'll yawn. You'll blink. You'll wonder what Redbox did with your $1.28. The complete and total absence of action is over shadowed only by the loosely grouped events that struggle to make up a plot. The best thing that can be said for this movie is that the Director and Producers of "The English Patient" rejoiced and threw a party when it was learned their movie was no longer the single most boring piece of cinematic doldrums ever conceived. Perhaps the best review of this movie came from Leo Tolstoy, who upon viewing it said, "My God, does this EVER end?"
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I Honestly Do Not Know What To Say About This
sddavis6310 September 2018
Well, we all have our own unique tastes in films. Some have rated this as a 10. Go figure. I'm struggling to figure out why I'd give it a 1. This is absolute, utter nonsense from beginning to end. It isn't frightening even for a moment. It's bizarre and bewildering. I struggled to stay awake for much of its run - and I watched it in the middle of the day. It never really seemed to be going anywhere in particular that I could figure out. It's filled with a cast of characters who are distasteful, unlikeable - just plain not nice. I suppose you could say that it captures the reality of a child's thought process - young Steven, told repeatedly not to go into the cornfield of course goes into the cornfield several times. But I have to confess that I never quite understood what was going on. What, actually, was in the cornfield that had Steven so scared? I have no idea. All I can say is that this is one of those movies that make you assume that the words "Based On True Events" have to be taken with a grain of salt about the size of Montana. (1/10)
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cmoyton16 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One way to get kids to do something is to tell them not to do it - so in The Fields young Steven repeatedly enters the cornfield and just once ventures into the abandoned fairground despite grandma saying not to. Is that scary? - not especially. As a child i would have found living among this bunch of oddball hillbillies more frightening. Echoed voice effects and brooding music promise something - nothing and i literally mean nothing is delivered.

When we enter the park it reminded me of the dreadful Tobe Hooper Funhouse - no don't go there - too late. As others have commented on the pace is flat lined and the acting beyond terrible. The young boys haircut looks like a cornfield. Marketed as such this is NOT a horror movie - the deceptive UK DVD cover shows two hooded figures, one brandishing a scythe, in the cornfield outside the house. Cool but wait - this does not reflect anything that actually occurs in the movie.

A glimpse of the protagonists is shown earlier in the movie before the final 20 minutes. This is so brief that the film makers felt the need to include the old chestnut of an explanatory news radio broadcast to avoid any head scratching come the credits - if you make it that far.

Absolute garbage.
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Yikes! Skip It
coffeegato29 July 2018
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Really, really bad. I will watch a movie to the end if there is at least one redeeming characteristic; like acting, costumes, etc. Unfortunately, there isn't even one thing to focus on in this film in my opinion. The acting was so bad I started to fast forward to see if there was something interesting on the horizon, like better actors, a tangible story line, just anything! But every time I stopped and watched a little more, I just kept asking myself what the heck is this? The characters are all unlikable, nothing really happens, everything is dark and dirty, and there is really no point to anything as far as I could tell. I guess it is just about a dysfunctional family who gets scared by unkown people for an unknown reason. Maybe this could be interesting with the right actors and atmosphere, but everything was too inaccessible to me, even though I spent summers on my own grandparents' farms in the 70's and remember being freaked out by various things they allude to here (old toys, vast open fields we weren't supposed to wander in, etc.). The film is just boring, poorly acted, and not coherent or atmospheric enough to work.
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I'm a B movie fan and all I can say to summarize is... Terrible
AngelainAL23 March 2017
This movie wasted over an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back. When I'm laying on my death bed, I will think back to all the things I could have done with that time. Yes, it's that bad. I got sucked in and really thought it was going to turn out to be a decent movie. A little less than half way in, I figured out that I had been duped. I wanted to write a review to help others avoid the same mistake, therefore I felt obligated to watch it all so my review would be honest.
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sergius24814 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is advertised as an horror movie but is not. I look back in horror as my own perseverance in looking at this drivel. "The fields"as the pretencion of a film but is not. I should have seen immediately that is was a cheap collection of filling scenes and no substance. One is supposed to be scared by the sight of a cornfield because is there. A child find a dead body there and nobody cares. Entire families seem to live in squalor, affected by some form of genetic mental retardation and nobody cares. When an elderly couple is harassed by mysterious nightly break-ins, nobody cares. The scriptwriter, the director and the actors play a string of unexplained and discontented episodes and nobody cares. There is over all this mess the horror of the tedium that still await, endlessly. One remains with the impression that after watching it we have not cared for ourselves either.
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More Drama than Horror
tmbaio19 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Fields is a well made & acted atmospheric story. Despite a haunting box cover & description which advertises the film as a horror story, it is more of a boy's reflection on an incident which takes place on a farm where he is temporarily staying.

The movie takes place in the early 1970's when the Manson Family trial is all over the radio & television. Young Steven, who is living with his grandparents while his parents try to work out their marital woes, is curious about Manson & his followers. His curiosity turns to concern when he hears conversations about groups of hippies (who resemble Manson's followers) lurking in the area. He then discovers something terrible deep in the corn fields behind the house. Is the discovery a result of his imagination brought about by the current events of the time?

Thankfully for the audience, the threat turns out to be very real. Be prepared though: this movie is a slow burn. In fact, the boy's relationship with the grandparents (which takes up the bulk of the film) is actually more of a highlight than the action towards the movie's conclusion. Horror movie fans drawn in by the advertising art & description will have their patience tested with The Fields. It does emerge as a good story in the end though. Fans of this type of story are encouraged to seek out Paper House, which this film reminded me of.
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terrible movie....worst of any scary movie I've ever seen.
gleighx10 April 2012
this is not one of the worst scary movie out there, this is the worst scary movie out there. the acting is amateurish, the plot was super slow, the movie is super, super slow, there isn't much of any scary moment in the movie at all, but the story was interesting, that's what got me to watch this movie and some of its recent reviews. Another point, don't listen to these reviews.... it seemed that they and I are watching two different movies. Either that or they are somewhat related to the production of this movie... so they give themselves good marks to attack viewers. or they are idiots whose not reviewing the movie justly.

The movie started very slow....and I kept watching and waiting and hoping it will pick up... but it was a disappointing waste of my 1 and a half hours of my life. The movie story line I thought was a really good set up for a good ghost story was killed by the director, who lack movie making experience; did not know when and how to put or set up scary scene at all.... at some part, I thought here it comes, and it was a wash.... it was a terrible movie... not recommended at all...
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Atmospheric, creepy and unexpectedly good
ghost_paint23 December 2012
I don't know that I'd call it a horror movie per se, but it still creeped me out in ways I didn't expect. The acting was spot on, with totally believable characters (Cloris Leachman in particular was a stand out) and something about the rural farmhouse setting, the abandoned cornfield that is to be avoided at all costs, the town that is little more than a ghost town complete with Manson Family-esque squatters living in buses and abandoned buildings, all combined to give the movie an unnerving feel of isolation. Ordinary everyday scenes become twisted without you even being aware why you have the feeling that things were somehow "off." If you're looking for a classic horror movie, you might be somewhat bored during parts of this movie, but for a psychological movie that screws with your mind, it was superb, and the fact that it was based on a true story adds to the creepy vibe. Give it a chance; I recommend it 100%.
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Good thrillers take their sweet time.
rushknight6 December 2013
I usually don't write reviews to "counter" the writings of other critics, but I really feel that this movie deserves a better look than some people are giving it.

These days, people have a tendency to look up a movie and do a little reading about it before they watch it. This has pros and cons, the most significant con being that they see the words "drama" or "horror" and from that point on expect nothing but a drama or a horror. When they watch the movie and find that it does not conform itself to the labels, they complain.

Yes, this movie takes time to move, and yes you are not really sure where it's going, but boy oh boy does it ever make good at the end! The director and writers made the very excellent decision to bring in the terror at the last part of the film. This is the way it should be. THIS is how terror should be done. It's like an earthquake, hitting you when you least expect it, in a way you couldn't prepare for, knocking you off your feet. It doesn't need to make sense or "tie in" to anything else.

The first stretch of this film seems to be designed to put you off your guard, then hit you at the end. It works. It's effective. It gave me the chills. I would recommend watching it.
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Great storyline but doesn't hold up to it.
ericdhall7720 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this hoping for a good spook. Instead I got an hour of Cloris Leachman cussing for no apparent reason (though she is funny).

The entire first hour drags like a tugboat leading a frieghtliner to sea. In this case, it sank before it even set sail.

It focused of Charles Manson being up for parole in 1975 for whatever reason. The little boy was scared of him for a reason that is never explained. There's a cult like following that just hangs around all over town for whatever reason and again this is never explained.

This movie was just a waste of film. It makes for good background noise. Oh and the cornfields literally have nothing to do with anything at all. Just don't go in them.

Giving this movie a 3 is being nice only because Cloris Leachman is a hoot!
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A must-see. They got it right!
meorens26 September 2011
A tense and atmospheric psychological thriller that gets it right- the right script, cast, crew, music, feel, tone and look. The 3 main cast members, Josh Ormond, Bev Appleton, and Cloris Leachman are pitch perfect, playing characters so realistically that you can follow the story without interruption; so important. A great cast of supporting characters creates a true, real life, small town feel for this truly disturbing story.

Keep an eye out for Josh Ormond; I think we will be seeing a lot from this young man. Such a huge part for such a young man and he managed it beautifully! Be sure to see this film. If you miss it, you'll regret it!
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Terrible acting in this
bobmichigan18 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off this Tara Reid has about 4 minutes of play in this movie and does not deserve to be even mentioned honestly. I was pretty upset by the theme that the mom could not take care of the child because she was having issues. At the end we find out she is drinking with the girls and pawned them off so she could party like a 19 year old.

Lets get down to the storyline. Wow where to start the first hour of the movie its a borefest. Nothing going on but I could see where this was going from a mile away with the hippies and tard at the milk farm. Its about a child who gets pawned off at grandma and grandpas and some hippies and a milk farm. Sounds interesting right NOTTT!!.

Lets get to the last 20 minutes of the movie when mom and dad come in too the rescue. Dad finds out that mom and dad are being harassed at night and does absolutely nothing to get his kid out of the house. The scare are pretty crappy and predictable, I didn't find anything interesting about this flick.

The acting WOW can you say atrocious! Grandma needs to be fired from all films after that whack job she put on. I am surprised grandpa didn't shoot her. The acting was really annoying and the storyline was just flat out weird. The movie could of had some interest if you eliminated grandmas sister plot line. People just want some excitement don't bore us with a story build up that takes 75 minutes to get to the point. This would of played out better as a thriller with some face time with the bad guys.

I am so tired of movies using Actors names when they pretty much have a cameo part.
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Don't watch this movie, please trust me on this.
nlk874 July 2023
This movie had so many points that led absolutely no where. In a bunch of scenes they (director & producers) made it a point that those shots meant something to the movie, but again no explanation... There was no grand finale ending. Not really. Please advise, this movie isn't worth your time. & I wish Wikipedia had the entire plot, that way I could've saved time watching this. I mean seriously. Who wrote this script? Who agreed & signed off to make this movie? & to see other people giving this movie, 7s, 8s, or 10/10 ratings is a huge shocking confusion. Me, myself, enjoys watching "B" films. Some were pretty good & probably would've been great if the right production company made it. $5 bucks says that some of you will ignore the dislike reviews for this movie & afterwards you'll probably had wished you listened. So, please take my advice.
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The only terrifying thing about this film is that I lost an hour and a half of my life
anil-302-87676413 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The acting was terrible and I think the filmmakers must if realised this because they credited the chicken also. This is probably because the acting itself was about as dynamic as the chickens as Tara Ried acting was about as convincing as a pair of fake breasts . The only decent actor was the dead girl that the corn fields and thats probably because she didn't have any dialogue. this movie doesn't know if it's coming or going they actually lost the plot in the literal sense of the word. It's a really slow burner the only reason I carried on watching it was because I believed it was building up suspense but if anything makes you wanting the child to die because of the ridiculous and easily avoidable situations he puts himself in. Don't waste your time there so much better thing you could do with your time...
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rodhackenflasch19 May 2019
Weak plot, useless scenes, and some of the most repulsive closeups in film - Cloris Leachman singing & farting, smoking cigarettes, and talking with her mouth full, grandpa pulling his dentures out & licking them, rancid peanut butter on a stale cracker, fresh cow flop, and filthy toilets. Then there's the inbred-looking, mentally impaired in-laws (one with a hideous deformity}, a crazed halfwit farm hand, and VW bus full of dirty hippies. Most of the people in this film look like they haven't bathed or showered for months. You can almost smell them.
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What a Triumph!!!
tmccull5224 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a cinematic masterpiece! How will I ever forget the compelling scene where the incomparable Cloris Leachman chewed and spoke with her mouth full for a good five minutes?! What nuance! What an amazing directorial choice! Then I was treated to the incomprehensible gibbersh of the captivating and compelling character of Aunt Grace. Oh! And how will I ever be able to get over the scene of Gran'pa taking his dentures out of his mouth and licking them?! Such majesty! Such grandeur! A horror movie? I say thee nay! This is a cinematic tour de force! How was this film overlooked by the Academy?! Outrage and farce!

Yes, I am being facetious, and yes, this film sucked on a galactic scale. Given the behavior of the main characters, and their relatives, this movie could have just as easily been a treatise on the dangers If you are tempted to watch this piece of trash, do yourself a favor; don't.
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Well Done Thriller Drama...Horror Elements? Absolutely.
MissOceanB10 November 2012
What appears to be the dichotomy between the positive and negative reviews with regards to "The Fields" is that you have those looking for "scare the crap out of me!" horror and those that see this film is truly full of horror elements. It is not dull, boring, nor uneventful. In fact there are many different things going on here in this period piece that is very well executed and is highly worth viewing, in my (and many others') opinion. We know that film reviews are subjective: not everyone is going to like the same thing, this goes without saying. The Fields really covers so much ground and truly disturbing yet also interesting and "good" moments that it would be very unfortunate that one would not watch it based on some poor reviews. Be wary of those telling you not to waste your time. I almost heeded their words and would have missed out on this complex and realistic gem.
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You Lost Me At N*gg*r
onefreebird12 February 2021
Piece of crap, I wouldn't recommend to anyone. If I had bought this on dvd I'd burn it.
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As if Val Lewton produced a film in 2011...
keith-712-38346825 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Love this film. I love it the way I love THE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE (Frisch/Wise, 1942.) I shouldn't gush, but this film took me completely by surprise. I watched it on Hulu+ yesterday, April 24, 2015, for the first time; and, then, with my husband, watching, again, today. Today, it resonated even more anticipating what I knew about the plot, characters, and climax. Today, I was able to enjoy details I missed of which there were many.

The thing is: I knew, when I watched THE FIELDS for the first time, that it's a special film. It's not easily categorized. When Gladys says, "It's not the dead you have to be afraid, it's the living," or something to that effect, she basically gives the story away. But this film has been poorly described and promoted. Truly, here is what the Hulu+ summary says of the film: "Steven is sent to live in the countryside with his grandparents while his parents work through their troubles. Though his grandparents are happy to host him, they warn Steven not to enter the cornfields next to their house. When he does an EVIL awakens." That's garbage. No "EVIL awakens." This is the trouble with this film, particularly here at IMDb where I can only conjecture that the low-rating for this film is due to the fact that viewers approach this film with expectations that, most definitely, are not fulfilled. There are no zombies, vampires, devil children, or alien grays here. There's something worse. There's the living; and, beyond even that, there is the notion that not all "in-breds" are chainsaw-wielding former-meat butchers turned cannibal murderers.

Having been almost the exact age of Steven (Joshua Ormand) in 1973 and remembering the aftermath of the Manson murders as seen through the evening news...staying up after 11:00 pm with my parents and watching the Detroit-area television premier of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, perhaps in 1973...watching CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1963) on Saturday afternoon horror film programs...having relatives like Gladys--chain-smoking, cuss-like-a-sailor, kind and gentle and crazy funny--and,in retrospect, remembering how the "Summer of Love" turned sour, how there were Manson admirers and "hippies" really freaking out and becoming something of terrorists...suffice it to say, I "get" the horror of this film.

Then there are the references to folklore--the cornfield, the raven leading Steven into it for the first time, the stick hurled out from the corn like an elf-shot. There are the references to classic films and television with clips of DRAGNET and Webb mentioning a tragedy involving a grandmother and her grandson; CARNIVAL OF SOULS with Candace Hilligoss's Mary Henry coming upon "Saltair" for the first time and foreshadowing Steven coming upon "Bushkill Park"; and, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD with its human-flesh eating, recently deceased attacking the farmhouse stronghold (remember the vulnerable back door of that black and white farmhouse kitchen?) foreshadowing the eventual attack on the farmhouse stronghold protecting Hiney, Gladys, and Steven. Then there is Manson and gang looming over all.

If you lived during those early days of the 70s, no matter if in a rural area or a suburb, and you remember stories about LSD-tripping babysitters roasting their chargers and just happened to have a grandmother who loved horror movies, you'll "get" this film. If you didn't live back then, no worries but just don't think that this a film along the lines of CHILDREN OF THE CORN, whatever-that-awful-movie-with-aliens-and-Mel-Gibson-was, or some new tread on Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE because it just isn't.

On the negative side: The dark, metallic filter so commonly used and Tara Reid's wigs.
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Not hyper action, but fear lingering
kosmasp3 February 2014
If you expect this to be a movie filled with jump scares and the likes you are expecting the wrong things from this movie. This movie plays with fears and anxieties of a little kid. And even Tara Reid cannot really affect the movie (especially because thankfully she is not in it the whole time). The star of the movie is the kid and he does a really good job.

If I had read the based on actual events I might have not looked upon the movie the way I did. But even so, if you take it as it is, you might be able to enjoy this vision of fear. Just don't go in expecting this to be your typical run of the mill horror movie. It's still predictable, but a decent movie after all
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The Gender is drama!!!
toliarb12 August 2012
This is not a horror movie,It's drama from the beginning to the end,I must say that I quiet enjoyed the first hour of it, my imagination was exploding with scary and crazy thoughts but i don't what happens at the end of it exactly.. when the moment comes for this piece to explode with emotion and scary people nothing of that happens No it gets boring and weird it gets like those old horror movies that nobody wants to watch anymore because it's well "BORING" IT'S it's it's just "WEIRD"! I must give the kid some compliments because he deserves it...

It's just a drama, If you want to watch it anyway please do me a favor "Just watch the half of it you will enjoy it" Thank you
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