The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) Poster

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Poor adaptation
terry-vogelaar14 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The book Eclipse for me is much more interesting than the previous 2 books in the Twilight saga. But unfortunately this film adaptation doesn't present this story well. For example: in the book, the collaboration of the Werewolf pack and the Vampires is unlikely for a fair part of the book, and then it happens. But in this movie, this plot is given away much too early, ruining the storytelling.

And then there are those little things that just shouldn't be in any movie. I mean the camera shake in the simplest of all shots. There is nothing wrong with the action-shots; they did the effort there. But a simple shot of a conversation? Camera is shaking like the Blair Witch Project. Why?
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Heads Edward Wins, Tails You're Jacob...
Xstal24 August 2022
There's an army, at least ten, being gathered in a pen, to wage war against the Cullens, though it's mainly full of dullens, as Victoria plots falls, of the vamps and animals, Isabella gets quite cold, and the arguments unfold, it's a pretty poor part three, piling up lots of debris, little method to the madness, there are plains that have less flatness.
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It doesn't have enough bite!!
adam_uk094 July 2010
It's been billed as the biggest film of the year and perhaps it will be, but it has some stiff competition from the likes of Harry Potter coming this winter, so let's see if Eclipse really deserves that prestigious title.

The vampire and werewolf love saga has been bitterly disappointing so far with a dull first instalment and a hideously depressing second. Add to this some excruciatingly painful running times of over two hours and you have death by celluloid.

But perhaps I'm being a little unfair; this third instalment has been based on perhaps the most exciting book of the four in the series so it already has a good starting point and some convincing performances from the actors really do make this film a huge leap ahead of what preceded it.

The storyline to this film is pretty much non-existent but director David Slade does a good job of turning zilch into another depressing, but well made two hour love fest. Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob) return as the three main leads and their love triangle becomes even more confusing this time around, with frowning faces and awkward kisses galore. Add to this an army of newborn vampires ready to rip the very flesh of Bella Swan's bones and it's getting pretty tense down in Forks.

Sadly, even with a whole army of vampires and werewolves fighting in the finale, this small increase in action doesn't take away from the fact that the film drags in more than one place with blocks of dialogue that feel as if they're going to last a lifetime. It's unfortunate as the action pieces look excellent and the CGI, especially in the werewolves has improved leaps and bounds between New Moon and Eclipse. This shamefully vain dialogue with unnecessary close-ups of Robert Pattinson's face, Kristen Stewart's eyelashes and Taylor Lautner's chest are surely there just to appeal to the female fans and do nothing to progress the story.

It is these main three characters that hinder the film; their stilted dialogue and mediocre acting overshadow the rest of the cast who are all superb. Newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard playing red head vampire Victoria is seriously underused along with the whole Cullen flock who are not given enough room to breathe between the heavy central dialogue. Their acting is fantastic, why not use them more? Thankfully, it isn't all tears before bedtime with some well-timed comic humour from Bella's dad, Charlie. Played by Billy Burke, he is the only character of the used variety that leaps off the screen and he does so well, playing to his strengths as an actor.

Overall, Eclipse moves the game on but only very slowly. David Slade has crafted a beautifully shot movie with some excellent action pieces; but it still remains dull as ditch water because of bland performances from the lead cast and chunky dialogue. It's bound to please fans but biggest film of the year? I think we'll be seeing a certain boy wizard holding that honour for 2010.
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0U20 February 2020
Eclipse is the beset Twilight movie so far and now I'm starting to give this series a little mercy. Yes, the writing is still bad, the CGI is awful, there's no chemistry between the leads, there's a lot of laughable dialogue, and terrible characters, but I enjoyed the movie and that's what movies are supposed to do. I'm actually going to watch the next movie with an open mind even if this movie wasn't that good.
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"I'm hotter than you" - Eclipse to New Moon
TheCorniestLemur13 April 2021
Sweet lord almighty it did not disappoint. To me at least, this was easily the funniest film of the series so far, because while Bella and Edward in the first film was funny, and Bella and Jacob in the second was much less so, somehow all three of them together are absolute fireworks.

Not because they suddenly have chemistry or anything, Bella is still dryer than the corpses of the whole Cullen family, Edward is still awkward and looks like he never wants to be there, and Jacob is now looking at a restraining order and a few years behind bars.

And yet again nothing happens for the first half of it...and yet, these two things are it's greatest strengths. The first half of the film desperately trying to come up with any reason it can to make some people think Bella will ever get with Jacob is hysterical, and when all three of them are in a scene together, hoo boy. Some of the most glorious casting ever, methinks.

Other than that, there is also some baffling directing and sound effects, the kind where you really have to wonder how it was even possible for something to be intentionally directed like that, the CGI is atrocious, the dialogue is as horrendous as ever, and basically, it's more Twilight. If that's what you want after the first two, then great.

And believe me, I did want more, cause I am genuinely having a blast with these abominations. Bring on Breaking Dawn.
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Complete movie was predictable ....and Kristen's acting sucks
kanishk-hk6 July 2010
movie was full predictable, you can tell the end after 30 min of viewing. i watched it at night and literally i was about to sleep ... i was hoping to see some good vampire/werewolf vs. vampire fight in the end but all i got was max. 15 secs of crap (trailer almost have all the imp scenes).

and most SUCKing thing in the movie was Kristen Stewart's acting, her face remain emotionless in the entire movie ... widening eyes and opening mouth cant make you a good actor.

WATCH TRAILER INSTEAD OF MOVIE .... its free and you can have more fun because they have added all the thrilling action in trailer.
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BIG disappointment!
lataunanorton16 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the Twilight books and Stephanie Meyer! I have read the series at least 10 times and still love to read them. I have watched all of the Twilight movies that have come out so far and haven't really liked any of them. Eclipse was the worst by far! I am just not happy with Kristen Stewart and the lack of emotion in her acting. These books are an emotional rolercoaster and the movies haven't quite gotten that aspect yet. Eclipse for me was the most emotional story out of the 4 books. I am not a crier but every time I read Eclipse I bawl my eyes out! The story between Bella and Jake is so sad and heart-wrenching! The movie didn't portray this at all! A lot of things were changed and some of the most important thine were left out! If you haven't read the books I guess you wouldn't know, but I suggest just sticking to the books.
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Marginally better than New Moon, with more great moments and fights-but damn it, I still can't shake a feeling of pointlessness when it's all over...
Foreverisacastironmess12317 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So Bella, was still in love with the vampire Edward, but Jacob the wolfboy kept turning up shirtless to confuse her. And then, vengeful Victoria flitted back into town with the intention of sinking her teeth into Bella, so the feuding vampire and werewolf clans teamed up to protect her and wipe out Victoria's band of bloodthirsty fledglings... The fans may have loved it, wish I could have. Not that I didn't find everything very entertaining and enjoyable, but that's all it really did, entertain. I need to be profoundly or emotionally moved at least once, and to care about the characters just a little, before I can start to consider a movie good. There was all the usual tripe involving Bella's boring normal school friends, and the tacked-on father was still buzzing around, although they managed to get one good humorous scene with him. A frickin' miracle. Oh dear god, all those dopey monologues between Pattinson and Stewart! "You'll always be my Bella." Gah. That nonsense always just seems so dumb. I actually thought they cooled off on that a lot compared to before. I was frankly bored with both characters by this point. Their personalities just come and go, and neither is ever too deep or interesting. They're merely okay, like the series itself. I don't like how she wants to be a vampire. That's not technically a good thing, is it? It shouldn't be. That corrupts her somehow. Aww, it was so darling how Edward didn't wanna do it until they were married! Good on for you, Ed! That slimy piece of crotch-rot Lautner was of course around as well. Oh wow, Jacob is now jealous! Never saw that coming... He's so ugly, whenever it showed his face in closeup all I could focus on were the gigantic chompers! Well, to his credit he did seem more relaxed and confident with his role. A highly unusual situation to say the least, sharing a tent with the two monsters vying for your heart, and then huddling up to the one that can never have you for warmth, while things are complicated further by the fact that one of them can read all the other's dirty thoughts! You can't make that up, What a Priceless scene! And I love the self-parodying line from Lautner: "I am hotter than you." He wishes! Seriously, it ain't even a question. That's something I really liked that was new, a bit of a sense of humour. There were several snappy tongue-in-cheek lines that really made me laugh. The computer-generated wolves were a little more tolerable. They kept them shadowed and out of the extremely harsh light of day. A wise move. They still just looked daft, though. Much too false for me to feel anything but awkwardness at their presence. The story finally focused on Victoria, and it disappointed. I really loved her in the first two episodes, but I didn't find the character as impressive this time around, and I know why. Bryce Dallas Howard didn't play her anyway near as good as the original actress, she just didn't have that same special fire. Although I had no idea it wasn't the same woman till I looked it up! I thought they kinda squandered her by making her a full-blown villainess. She was much more appealing as a gypsy/rogue or whatever she was supposed to be before. Hmm. Oh well. One of the few genuine bum notes, I thought, was that Xavier whoevier guy as Victoria's little sidekick. I thought he made for one god awful boring baddie, and I could tell she was just playing him right away. It was great fun to see Dakota Fanning return in a more substantial capacity than the mere cameo she had in part 2. Pretty much she alone now represented the awesome wrath of the ancient council of vampires. She was a real back-breaker. Loved that-"PAIN power!" wouldn't mind trying that out on a few folk myself! So Cameron Bright was supposed to be her brother, I thought they were alike. Cameron didn't get more than a bit big loss there. Although I thought she was great, I still didn't buy her as the type of threatening authoritative figure she was portraying. She was too damn petite to take seriously! What an evil little witch. Poor little Jodelle Ferland. I recognised her from the excellent Masters of Horror episode "The V- Word." What I loved best about this film was three stories told in flashback that reveal how the werewolf clan first encountered the vampires, and the origins of two of the Cullens. I thought it gave them both some depth. In Jasper's story, the triad of vampire ladies brought to my mind the three Gorgon sisters of Greek mythology. It was history repeating, the way Victoria was using Riley, the way Jasper had been manipulated. And I thought Rosalie's tale of shame and justified revenge was also excellent. I thought what happened to her was quite nasty, for this. That's one of the problems, although people die and everything, it's like it's always kept at a PG level and family friendly. Despite these very impressive sequences I thought the main plot wasn't all that gripping, and the pacing floundered toward the end. The build up was good, but the big climactic fight was a little too brief for me. Everything is topped off with a highly-unsatisfying and flimsy final scene with Edward and Bella in some bright floral setting, looking forward to their wedding... I was ultimately left with a flat type of a feeling as the credits rolled. I thought this third helping of Twilight was better than the second. They cranked up the impressive cinematic action and wit, and kept the meaningless monologues and some of the goofier effects down. It got more right than it did wrong. An admirable effort.
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I'm team Charlie
actionscott29 July 2010
I was dragged to this by my girlfriend and was thoroughly dreading it. I'd seen the first one and really didn't like it. I gave it ago, and really didn't like it. I haven't seen the second one but i was filled in on what i've missed. Eclipse wasn't very good. It was what i was expecting and to be honest i really did give this one a go since my girlfriend really wanted me to like it. I don't like the authors conception of Vampires and Werewolfs. Werewolfs are like in American Werewolf in London but in this its just really soppy and not scary. And vampires are like From Dusk till Dawn but once again in this are really soppy and tamed. They could of made the villain vampires a lot more fearsome. I'll give this film one thing though, it had some great action scenes! The big fight was thoroughly enjoyable and did make me say 'Yeah! Go Edward!' If you really enjoyed the series, then i recommend but if you just fancy seeing this film, don't have high expectations.
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Not the Worst Movie Some Would Have You Believe
lady_nymphadora3 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Non-spoiler part of review will be in the first four paragraphs) My advice is this: if you don't like the Twilight franchise (books, movies, actors, Twihards, or anything associated with Twilight), then don't watch the movie. You already know beforehand you'll hate it, so why waste your life? You'll only have yourself to blame if you expected this movie was going to be about a human girl's choice between a vampire and a "werewolf", and SURPRISE - it is.

None of the Twilight movies are going to get good ratings. With the flak the books and fans receive, it's no wonder so many people who have "watched" it have rated it so poorly (1 star, really? Have you NOT seen The Hottie and the Nottie?).

In truth, Eclipse was an entertaining movie. Sure, there were some awkward moments, some under- and overacting, and maybe some scenes that could have been improved, but if you like Twilight, and have read the books, then Eclipse is a good movie for you. I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's definitely not as bad as some of the haters have been saying.

I feel that David Slade has definitely improved the acting of all the cast from previous movies, and he's (and/or Melissa Rosenberg have) incorporated some scenes not in the book that I thought were added for the better (more on that later). Many Twilight fans will not be left wanting as they may have been from the two previous films.

*********** SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT ************ The cast did a good job on screen for the most part. Kristen Stewart didn't have as many awkward acting moments as in the past. In fact, I thought she was good overall. Her chemistry with Robert Pattinson has definitely improved. Pattinson's acting, I would say, was good 2/3 of the time. There were definitely some cringe-worthy moments that I wasn't sure how they let pass. And I wish someone could've trimmed his sideburns! They were ridiculously long! Very distracting indeed. Taylor Lautner did a good job as well, overall. Like Stewart and Pattinson, he also had some "... ... ..." moments. These three are definitely not going to be winning Oscars for their performances in this movie, but they didn't fail to provide screen presence.

The supporting cast was also entertaining. Billy Burke, as always, steals the scene in ones he's in. Ashley Greene did a better job in this movie than in the previous one. Her clothing has also improved. Kellen Lutz, Peter Facinelli, and Elizabeth Reaser had more dialogue this time around, and they were great. The flashbacks of Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone were done very well. Rosalie's flashback was sad, and was finished way too soon in my opinion. Jasper's flashback was definitely interesting, and there was a nice tender Alice/Jasper moment associated with it.

Xavier Samuel played Riley well. Was impressed with what he did with his role. Bryce Dallas Howard was a better Victoria than Rachelle Lefevre ever was. She brought this fierce, fiery aura to Victoria, and it just worked.

Watching the Volturi was quite comical sometimes. They stopped being menacing when they all pulled off their hoods at the same time. For some reason, I laughed out loud at how ridiculous I thought they looked.

The other wolves and other Quileute tribe members were alright. I never felt that they had a strong enough screen presence, though.

One of the great additions to the script that wasn't in the (main) books was the scene between Victoria and Riley. It was very interesting to see the relationship between the two characters, and it definitely added to the story.

All that being said, I thought the scenes where they had Bella yell at or scold Edward was a bit unnecessary, and was way too much drama. It also seems that they sometimes reversed the personalities of Edward and Jacob, where Edward is the petty, immature, jealous type, and Jacob is the composed, wise, and considerate type. It's unfortunate that it was forgotten that Edward is over 100 years old. A century should be ample time to develop more maturity, wisdom, and poise than a 16-year-old, no? This is a long movie, and stays fairly true to the book. David Slade has definitely improved many aspects of the third installment of Twilight, and I think he's the best director so far to have handled the franchise. But if you don't like Twilight, don't waste your time.
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Predictable, without reading the books.
taylormorgan121 July 2010
I read up to the first 4 chapters in the original Twilight book before I sat it down and decided it was trash. My sisters said otherwise and I have taken them to Twilight and New Moon at the midnight premiers, so I held to the tradition and brought them to Eclipse.

Not having much faith in the movie as I had seen the first two and was not impressed at ALL, I got ready to take a nap. Instead after the first few boring scenes it kicked up (unlike in the other two) and we actually got more than 2 minutes of action.

The acting was better, but Bella and Edward both returned to their comatose state on screen while Jacob and the wolf tribe keep the life in the movie. I have to hand it to Rathbone for another good performance and wondered why he couldn't have played Edward, instead of listening to the wooden voice of Pattinson.

It had its good moments, ridiculous moments, points where the script sounded as if it were written for a nickelodeon kid's show, and scenes where you just want to scream at the characters. I would have liked to see Alice do more than just stand and have a premonition, and what happened with Esme? She was on screen for 10 seconds.

It was enjoyable, to say the least and probably the best of the series (so far). But then again, that's not saying very much. 5/10
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Way better than New Moon
mkirkpatrick0230 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's one thing if you don't like the storyline to begin with. Teen supernatural romances with love triangles aren't for everyone, so why people who went to see it who don't like that sort of movie and then decide to give it a crappy review, I don't know. After reading all the book, I'll admit I was worried for the movies, in my opinion Twilight was OK, New Moon was a disappointment so I was apprehensive about Eclipse.

The irony of this situation is a horror film director, David Slade, got it right. From the beginning one of the first things I noticed was the fact that the acting had drastically improved. Jacob's lines were much less cheesy or at least Taylor delivered them in such a way that they didn't come across that way. Bella's maturity also was apparent in this film. The darker parts of the movie were as dark as they could be while keeping the PG-13 rating. Charlie was the comic relief and always has been that way, but this time I was legitimately in stitches.

As far as some reviewers who are annoyed by the love triangle and say nothing changed with that in the movie are clearly missing a few marbles. Bella even explains why she hadn't chosen up until the end of movie to Edward. She was choosing between who she should be and who she is. Jacob obviously who she should be and what she should do and Edward is who she is and where she feels most herself. Plus Jacob and Edward have a moment of understanding in this film which never happened in Twilight or New Moon, and I don't understand how some people on here didn't notice that. Also I can tell you that things really change in Breaking Dawn.

Yes there is a lot of dialog in the film, but I don't really think that's a bad thing unless you wanted an interpretive dance. You're dealing with a very large and detailed book that's being squeezed into a two hour movie, something has to give and dialog is a huge part of keeping the viewer aware of what's going on and moving the story along and I really don't think there is too much of it.

Also the movie flew by for me and as always leaves it's own "cliffhanger" to be addressed in the next film.

The main point is you either love, like, or hate the Twilight Saga, if you hate it, don't see the movie, if you love it I can tell you you'll like (probably love) Eclipse.
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not awful but poorly acted and overlong
antoniotierno3 July 2010
Eclipse isn't excellent but neither terrible. This adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's book falls somewhere in the middle, between the 2008's Twilight and the emotional oasis of 2009's New Moon. The Twilight series is often too much melodramatic but gets usually to arouse amorous emotions and thrills. Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and new series director David Slade (Hard Candy) try to use the whole teenage material into a coherent shape, with decent results. The inconsistency comes from tone results that end up being even lethargic at a point, so the forth installment will really have to be different otherwise fans will start getting tired of it.
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Much Ado about Nothing
hmsgroop24 July 2010
So much ado in the world mass media about "Eclipse"! And - much ado about nothing.

"Summit Entertainment", please call back either Catherine Hardwicke or at least Chris Weitz! The franchise is getting from bad to worse. You're in danger of losing millions of viewers for "Breaking Dawn" if the trend begun by David Slade continues! If you don't care about quality movies, care at least about your profits. "Eclipse" is a cheap hack-work whose only aim is to make some easy money. It won't work twice.

David Slade has done the impossible - he managed to butcher the "Eclipse" novel altogether! Instead of the most dynamic book of the saga, which – though possessing no literary qualities of big literature - is at least a page-turner, he produced an incredibly cheesy hash-dish of disconnected episodes, none of which is charged and coherent enough for the viewer to evaluate its meaning for the plot and character development. The film has no magic of Catherine Hardwicke's "Twilight" which concentrated on the phenomenon of first love with all shades of emotion, its tenderness and blunders. The colour gamut of "Twilight", the dialogues, the motivation of the characters, the pacing varying from slow to lightning speed – everything was there to contribute to the magic. Chris Weitz, on the other hand, concentrated on the character of Jacob and on the film gathering momentum in the very end, when Bella goes to Italy. This break from the slow pacing of the time tedious for Bella to break-neck speed of the Italian part does the film credit. Though in comparison with "Twilight", Chris Weitz almost botches up Edward's character to save it at the last moment in the episode with the Volturi, both films have an atmosphere of their own. Not so the "Eclipse".

Slade and Rosenberg seem to have been intensely hating the book while filming it. How otherwise could they have created this … this… product (euphemism)? No coherent and consistent dialogue, no dialogue meaningful enough to give the actors at least SOME room for displaying their acting skills, no character motivation, no chemistry between the characters. The flashbacks with Rosalie and Jasper held some promise, but no, David Slade was very consistent in destroying their appeal, too. Both the stories lack some essential parts absolutely necessary for understanding the characters. On the whole, all the actors have to mumble through some nonsense lines which have to pass for dialogue. ALL of them seem to be there just because the franchise must plod on. Edward's repeated bleating about Bella marrying him obviously gets even on his own nerves. Action? Don't make my cat laugh. If this tiny part of vampires' training and a tiny fragment of real fighting lacking any gusto can be called action, then I'll eat my hat. I bet people expected much more than that bit of morning exercise, waving hands and raising legs. The only credits in this field go to Jasper and Emmett.

Acting? Godawful. It seems the main characters are suffering from various diseases and need medication real quick.

Edward is hanging about with the facial expression of one having chronic dyspepsia. It seems that each and every Bella's appearance on the set is nauseating for him and he's manly fighting this emotion to conceal it. Motilium and sickness medications, quick! It's not a progress in acting, but a step back. Edward was best in "Twilight", in "New Moon" it was slow deterioration, now it's a catastrophe. Edward must be changing, but - so? Edward seems to be turning into a willing slave of Bella and effacing himself completely. It's obvious that, on the one hand, the actor was left with no choices of his own and with not much of a role to play, on the other hand, he's tired of the franchise whatever he may be saying in public (and anyone would be tired of this film 'very DIFFERENT from the previous two'). By the way, we should do Mr. Pattinson credit, for he's honest – he said that he feared nobody would come to see the film. He has definitely seen the pre-release copy. Next time I'll be more attentive to the messages he sends.

Bella. She's lost all the appeal of a young inexperienced girl caring for everybody, eager not to hurt, to bring together, a heart bleeding for everyone. Now we see an egoistic scheming wench not caring a fig about anybody, her only aim, as we learn in the end, was to sift through her motives and to make the RIGHT choice, and that's becoming a vampire, love is secondary here. Is she doing it for her shrink? Next time fetch your pocket calculator to draw up the balance, Bella. Bella's attempt to seduce Edward looks nauseating, so pre-planned it is. Where's love, where's sincerity, where's youthful impetuousness? Gone to the dogs. On the whole, judging by Bella's facial expression it's evident that the girl was dropped head down more than once in her infancy and now has difficulty comprehending what is being said around her. Acetazolamide may have helped, had it been taken earlier. Bella's also obviously a mouth-breather. Remove your adenoids, Bells. Before it's too late and you're too far gone.

Jacob. No progress in comparison with "New Moon", too few and too bad lines given, too little screen time.

Victoria. Rachelle Lefevre was voluptuous, lascivious, dangerous. Bryce Dallas Howard is emaciated, pitiful, heavily painted and timid. She can't touch Rachelle Lefevre. A very bad choice. The wig alone doesn't make the character. A bad mistake of "Summit".

Was there ANYTHING good? My thumbs up to Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Carlisle, Charlie, Riley (though Riley's part could have been made more dramatic and consistent, but not with the current wonder script, alas). Oh, yes, the landscapes were impressive.
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Greatest motion picture since Caravaggio's "Crucifixion of St Peter"
tieman6424 August 2014
Oh god, Edward Cullen, you're so damn hot. Take my virginity, take it, take it now! But wait, no, I'm so conflicted. Jacob Black is also hot. In fact, he might be hotter than you. What should I do, Edward? Should I give in to you, with your milky white skin, your smouldering eyes and chiselled chin, or should I....should I give in to Black, with his ripped six-pack and Hawaiian glow?

Oh Edward, you know I don't want to hurt you, it's just that a girl's virginity is a big deal. I want to lose it with someone special, with someone I love. It's not like I can lose my virginity twice, Edward. It's not like my virginity can grow back. No, you can't be serious Edward. Regrow my virginity? Is that possible, Eddie? Surely it's not. What? I can remain in a state of perpetual virginity by reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series? Oh Edward, sweet, precious Edward, what a genius you are! Call Jacob, call Riley, and come hither yourself Edward, for tonight all beasts dine on the blood of Bella Swann, the most chaste harlot a mortal did ever spawn.

10/10 – Masterpiece.
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love the book but the movie stinks
mitrapourmand30 December 2010
im not a twihard fan im not a twilight hater either but i enjoyed the series and i thought the first and the second movies were OK but the third one really is awful the script was really bad the acting was bad the fight scenes were comical the score was so corny i wanted to cover my ears but the worst part was how they have changed the characters bella is not a selfish heartless bi#% edward is not a cry baby jacob is not whiny kid and charlie would not get a kick out of having sex talk with his daughter ....and fore the acting r.p and k.s are literally the worst actores ever r.p mumbles his lines without any interest and k.s is trying her best to look hot and about her facial expression....she does not have any she wrinkels her nose like someone has just passed gas around her and her mouth hanging open...... is that part of hottness?bella is supposed to be sweet and lovely k.s is lanky sour faced and to much make up does not make her look any better. the only one who gave a reasonable acting was t.l if only his lines weren't that cheesy...
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reecegraham17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I have never been a fan of movies based on books with the exception of Harry Potter. The reason is that movies obviously can't fit all the content of a book into a hour and a half and there ends up being large gaps in the plot and unexplained events. If the audience has not read the books, they will most likely be confused. (With the exception of HP) I am a GUY, I HAVE READ the Twilight Saga, and I am PROUD of it. Personally, I enjoy the books, not because I am really interested in the Bella, Edward, Jacob love triangle...but the books took me to a world of fantasy and adventure that I could have never imagined. I read the books in Middle School (Im now in High School) and I am still a fan. The first movie to me was good, it seemed to set the tone for the rest of the movie series. New Moon was a huge step back, but this review isn't about those movies. Eclipse is personally my favorite book in the entire series, so I was really excited to see if they could finally get it right. Of coarse, I was wrong to hope for that. In the book, much more of the story is focused on the problem with the newborns in Seattle and Victoria and Riley's army. When I arrived at my local Cinaplex, I looked at the poster and I already knew it was going to suck..."It all begins...with a choice." is the movie's tag line. The movie starts and the first thing we see is Edward and Bella during a make out session. Apparently, kissing was the only thing the director could get the actors in the movie to do with passion, because he put it in almost EVERY scene! Yes, in the book, Bella and Edward show their love for each other...but not constantly! Its disgusting! The whole thing with Jacob is a mess too! Jacob shows frustration in the book that Bella wont recognize his feelings for her, but he gets way to physical with her in this movie. I can understand that he loves her, but he needs to calm down. In the book, it is easy to see why these boys are crazy for her...Because it EXPLAINS IT! In the movie, you really cant tell why they love her so much....Jacob and Edward fight over her like 2 children. Way to much of this movie is focused on the love triangle, if you've read the know what Im talking about. What happened to the epic battle, the vicious Victoria, the back story of Jasper and Ros-a-who? (Yes, it was in the movie..but it was presented in such a way where it didn't affect the plot.) I mean Eclipse is the most action packed book in the series...and they made it BORING! Obviously, the makers of these movies are going for the tween audience only, because they only show kissing and awkward duologue...yes, I said DUOlouge. Personally, I didn't really think the movie was Awful, but it drags to the point where even the fight scene (no matter the size) couldn't even pick the tempo up. I saw the movie with my mom, (Dont Hate) she has never seen the movies or read the books...and she was not impressed. We left the Cinaplex confused, bewildered, frustrated, annoyed...the list goes on and on.... The only thing redeeming about this movie is that you can laugh at it, thats how pathetic it is. Robert doesn't do a bad job, he mumbles to much and need to show more passion. Lautner doesn't do a bad job either, every time he comes on the screen the girls scream...and I can breath, he is the only one in this movie that has a personality. Stewert is just dreadful....bottom line! I've thought about what she does wrong, and I just cant put my finger on it...Shes just bad. Overall, the movie could have and should have been better. Its movies like these that ruin the reputations of authors. All I can say is that Eclipse is the best movie in the series to date, and if you want to waste 9 bucks and 2 hours of your life, this movie is perfect for you... But I would suggest that if you see or have seen the movies, that you travel to your local Wal-Mart and spend 7 bucks on a paper back copy of the book or just read the entire series, because they are definitely worth your time...
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bad wigs, bad make-up, bad directing
lim-195 July 2010
the movie isn't bad--follows along the storyline. if you haven't read/enjoyed the books, you will not enjoy the movies! duh! That said...why can they not place a wig on the head of any one of these actors that moves like hair? why the pale, pasty, poorly blended makeup? why does rosalie have black eyebrows and a crappy blonde wig that appears to be constructed out of straw? these are questions i hope the next idiot director will consider. please, summit, please pay whatever hardwicke wants to be paid in order to wrap this series up without everyone looking like plastic-headed, powder-puff faced, ruby-lipped high school players.
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My favorite of them all
vishnevetskayag12 August 2020
To my mind, this was the best one. Also realized how surprised and proud I was at this movie for having an actual plot. A real plot (more or less), where something happens! This was really astonishing to me after watching the Fifty Shades movies. I think it also contains the most scenes of Taylor Launter shirtless out of all the other ones, so if you're planning on watching for such purposes it is recommended to skip the two previous ones and jump straight into this.
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As a guy pseudo interested... I was EXTREMELY disappointed.
lomius2 July 2010
I actually liked the 2nd one. I dunno maybe cuz it had motorcycles and werewolves.

My girlfriend loved the books and even forced me to read them. I have to say they were... READABLE. and the movies I actually liked.

Until this one. I was actually hoping it would be cool and that I would like it more then part 2...

However, this was the most boring, clichéd... actually nooo... NOT cliché at all.. Just boring...

Maybe I expect my vampires to be a bit more bad ass. But wtf

Lets just clothesline each other at 100 mph until someone goes down...

The battles epicly failed... the love story was completely downplayed....

and the overall plot was just... not there.

Very very boring.
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Mildly entertaining Vampire Drama without Vampires
mrcibubur31 July 2010
This the third in the Twilight movie series I found strangely entertaining but it does not mean it is a good movie. It is ONLY a two hour movie (thank God!) but it was noticeable how many people made toilet trips 'during' the movie. It entertained me because I managed to stay awake for the whole two hours in expectation that something interesting would happen.

If I recall from the second movie New Moon, didn't Edward promise to marry Bella at the end of the movie? This latest movie wastes too much time exploring the delinquent emotions of a confused teenage girl called Bella who cant make up her mind whether she wants to spend her life with a vampire called Edward or a werewolf called Jacob, we cant blame her Father for wanting to protect her (he is a police officer after all) and for her Mother wanting to keep a distance (far away in Florida the story would have us believe).

The special effects of Jacob in particular as a werewolf is compelling if only for that but let us then remind ourself that this is not 'chronicles of narnia' or indeed 'incredible hulk' and I was particularly amused with the lack of clothing worn by all when they were all up at the top of a snow-capped mountain, gosh it must have been cold mustn't it? The Voltari offered the only real story to the movie and this was not exploited enough in the movie for an adult audience. An opportunity was missed. Clearly within the story there was 'a vampire outbreak' in Seattle and the Voltari were called upon to settle it - but of course the rivalry between the Vampires and the Werewolfs created a decision conflict with the Voltari which focused around Bella as a woman for revenge because Edward had killed the boyfriend of the 'red haired woman) in the first Twilight movie.

This was just a movie for teenagers to 'woon and swoon' and not more. I concur that the young lady playing Bella and the guy playing Jacob have limited acting ability. I disagree with the negativity about Robert Pattinson whom I feel gave a genuine acting performance. He has definitely improved and you should compare his performance here with that in the delightful 'Remember Me' where the triangle with a mysterious woman and a father who is law enforcement is relative.

Watch it at your peril! Mums and Dads, be prepared with your popcorn and soft drinks and don't miss the 'funny bits' like the snow scene which make this movie even remotely watchable as an adult. Kids, its 'comic entertainment' transferred to the big screen.
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Wow. What a Ripoff. This movie is just plain bad. Bad. Bad.
mikewech3 July 2010
I wanted to try to like this movie, but it was so slow, and boring. My wife is a huge fan of this series and dragged me to see it. I wanted to give it a chance, but even she wanted her money back. She even said it was awful and was wildly disappointed.. And it was. I could barely watch the awful acting and even the teen girls who sat next to us and cheered the opening were half asleep and booing at the end. Everyone was lulled into a zombie sleep watching this trash. Bad script, bad acting, slow editing, bad music. All around 1 out of 10.

Giving credit where it was do, some of the visual effects were watchable, although you could tell that the wolves were not real. The director of photography did a good job with the color and composition, but the acting was so bad it and the pacing was so slow that the pretty pictures were just covering the crap.

Sorry fans, but you will be disappointed. It's time to stop going to these crap movies. If you like vampire dramas, I suggest True Blood.
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Very similar to the book
xomaelicaox5 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let's admit it, Twilight Saga has been weaved into our POP culture and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether you're a big fan or just a trash talker, it's here to stay just like the boy bands of the early 90's. And it still puzzles me every time I read a negative review from someone who has seen the previous movies, really??? were you hoping that this time Eclipse detoured it's way from the teenage love triangle to a mature well developed flick? I hope those people like disappointments...

I was disappointed in New Moon, so I was a little apprehensive to watch Eclipse. But I was wrong, David Slade did an amazing job regardless of what others say. I thought New Moon dragged on for most of the movie and peaked towards the end. Eclipse had me at the edge of my seat, 2 hrs went by quick and left me wanting more. The writers stayed really close to the book which I really appreciated. Taylor's acting got better and looked more natural, I can see that he has morphed into Jacob's character. Kristen Stewart still needs a little bit more emotion, I still don't think she has quite captured Bella's character yet. Bella is complex, emotional and dramatic; and I don't get that from Kristen. She brings a lot of her own into Bella, very black and white. I hope to see some improvement in Breaking Dawn.

So far, Eclipse is my favorite out of the 3. They incorporated most of the important scenes from the book into the film. I enjoyed the battle scene with the Newborns specially the porcelain sound effects every time they were dismembered. It's the little details in the movie that makes it my favorite so far.
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Credits to the director, for saving this movie
Leahrt30 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
According to me, all credits should go to David Slade, cause he did a wonderful job with this movie. First of all I would like to say; I don't like Twilight, I used to like the books. I don't like Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart. In fact I hate the whole "I-love-Edward-cullen-twilight-is-the-best!" But this movie impressed me. And as much as I would like to say: This movie sucked, then I can't, cause it weren't that bad - and that was because I was opened-minded. Today I think there is a lot of Twilight-haters, believe me, I wish I could be one of them, but I can't, and that's why I'm going to defend Eclipse. Many people was really disappointed with Twilight and New Moon, and as a criticizer you then doom the twilight saga (movies) as bullshit, especially because of the bad acting, bad directing and bad screenplay. And then when you go to the cinema to see Eclipse, and all you can think is: This is going to suck? That's when I ask; why are you here then

Of course it could be a job that you had to do or that kind of thing. But already you say to yourself this is going to be a bad movie, like you expect it through the whole damn movie, and when you fear and expect it so much, I think it actually becomes a bad movie. - Okay sorry for my language, but I have to say this. And then I think that there are also just some people out there who really can't stand twilight, you just hate it, no matter if the movie is great or either. They just review 1-3 stars, cause that's the power they have to rate. They hate everything about this up-blown thing, that no matter what; they will hate twilight, and no matter what it deserve a bad rating. - Which is bullshit. Even if I can't stand Kristen Stewart or I hate Robert Pattinson, then it gives me no right to rate this movie a bad grade because of a personal hate to a celebrity or that kind of stuff. Seriously, then you actually becomes worse the all of the hormone disrupting girls who actually likes Robert Pattinson!

The movie starts out with: Riley being transformed into a vampire, which is a really good scene, and it's very obvious that we have a horror-movie-director behind the screen. Xaiver Samuel does a wonderful job in this movie; he was actually one of the only actors who impressed me with really good acting. As much as I hate it when they change actors or actresses, then it didn't really upset me that Bryce Dallas Howard had replaced Rachelle Lefevre in the role of Victoria. Bryce did a wonderful job, even though it would have been nice to see Rachelle in the last movie with Victoria. Back to Bella and Edward I was so relieved that they could actually "make out" without any hard breathing, moaning, sighs or any kind of annoying breathing trouble. I hated the Twilight and New Moon for having so many breathings. It was annoying to see them kiss while they moaned so much. The triangle- thing also saved this movie. First time when Jacob kisses her and sort of breaks Bella's hand, it's awesome when Edward jumps out of the car and just go crazy on Jacob: "If you ever lay a hand on her!". It's sort of awesome. The Movie is basically about the choice between Edward and Jacob, or that's what we think, but according to Bella it's a choice between who she should be and who she should not be, which I personally liked, since it then weren't all about a wolf and a vampire. Then the movie starts to be about the New Born-Army, we find out that someone is creating an army to attack Forks, because of Bella. That's when I hesitate. Okay, so what if Edward killed James in Twilight - Victoria get over it! All this trouble for just killing Bella. Seriously! But I guess Victoria is deeply revengeful. The movie becomes better and better, cause what I feared the movie would skip happened. Bella learned about Rosalie's story, and why she thinks that Bella should not become a vampire. Rosalie's story is sad, and I wished the movie would have shown more than three backflash-scenes with Rosalie's story. And we also get to learn Jasper's story, which is awesome, not how I imagined, but it was great. And we also got to see backflashes from the Quileute's story, which I actually found boring in the book, but pretty exciting in the movie. Throughout the movie we see several scenes with Riley and his New Born Army that Victoria is really creating. We also get introduced to Bree Tanner. The fight between Vampires, Wolves and New Born finally begins in Forks, and it actually worked out great. There were no slow-motions- scenes which I loved, I hated New Moon for making the fight-scenes in slow-motion, it seemed so unreal. The Cullens and The wolf pack fights against the New borns, while Bella, Edward and Jacob are up in the mountains in a tent. And the last 40 minutes, a lot of things happen. Bella reveals her feelings for Jacob, they share a kiss, sine Jacob threatens to kill himself. Victoria and Riley come to kill Bella and Edward. And of course Riley ends up getting killed by Seth a wolf and Edward kills Victoria. Then The volturi of course come, and Dakota Fanning is really good as Jane, she's silent in a very sadistic way. The movie ends with Bella choosing Edward, which was pretty predictable, and they end up engaged, ready to get married.

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The Twilight Saga - Eclipse: It's All Love Triangles
aaronjbong30 June 2010
Keep it in mind when you're watching this, the main thing in this movie is all about the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob. So, that's already eaten much of the movie itself.

First things first, "Eclipse" (in almost every scene) relates to the love triangle. Even the battle parts still have a connection between the love triangle. Everything (except scenes not in her perspective).

"Eclipse" is also a kind of slow movie because of too many dramatic scenes which were pretty boring. Even though they had a brutal killing villain, tension wasn't even there as drama overthrew it on the screen.

There were some laughable moments too (and they were related to the love triangle). They were just not-so-funny moments but still can entertain you.

Another thing you have to remember watching this movie is to remember that "Eclipse" has tons of kissing scenes (and they are so long e.g. 10 minutes). It was so boring. It's just like watching some person watering the plants while whistling. And, when I saw it, I feel like it's going to be a very boring film which deserves a one-star rating.

The acting was bad. There were almost no emotions even for Bella. I say Robert Pattinson's acting on Edward was the worst of all. Bryce Dallas Howard on Victoria was not bad. Xavier Samuel on Riley was the best of all. But, the three main characters' acting were almost emotionless. Of the three leads, Taylor Lautner was the best.

The action scenes were not satisfying. It was short and kind of brutal. Speaking of brutal, I say "Eclipse" has the deadliest, most brutal scenes in "The Twilight Saga".

By the way, a contributing factor to this movie is that it has many flashbacks or memories of the characters that also skip the fighting parts of it. The flashbacks were too long that it made me sleepy when I watched it.

I'm kind of shocked with the vampires in this movie. They look like crystals or something as there were scenes showing hands or heads decapitated and they look like shiny crystals.

"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is another slow movie which always and always focuses on that love triangle. There were no really exciting moments in the movie and if they had shortened the kissing scenes, this film would have been shorter than two hours. I think this film just deserves a 5-star rating. But, believe it or not, it's currently the best Twilight film.
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