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A fantastic, no-nonsense re-telling of a real rescue incident! [+78%]
arungeorge135 August 2022
Maybe, it helps that I didn't watch The Rescue prior to seeing the film, but Ron Howard's work is excellent nonetheless. The film doesn't waste any time getting to its "rescue mission" core, bringing in the likes of Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, and eventually Joel Edgerton to help tell this thrilling and utterly grounded tale. Howard ensures that the film doesn't forget where it is set, allowing the region's culture to breathe life into its Thai characters as opposed to showcasing just white sentiment.

The major highlight, as you expect, is the underwater cinematography (by Sayombhu Mukdeeprom) which plays an essential role in making us gasp for breath often and inducing claustrophobic feels. William Nicholson's script plays out chronologically, adding more gravity to the events. The melodrama is kept to a bare minimum, and the narrative is very matter-of-fact. Benjamin Wallfisch's score infuses itself into the fantastic sound design, making it indistinguishable from the sounds of water splashing, diving helmets hitting rock, and oxygen cylinders being dragged along. It's 2.5 hours long, and you already know the ending, but it's still one of the finest films this year.
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Human peril - human interest
Lomax3434 August 2022
Despite the fact the we all know how things are going to turn out, Ron Howard pulls off the same trick he managed in Apollo 13, which is to keep us on the edge of our seats throughout.

The film is very deliberately shot from the point of view of the outside world. We learn very little about the boys, and none is introduced to us as an individual. Indeed, they vanish from the screen from the moment they enter the caves to the moment the first divers make contact - just as they vanished in real life. I was irked by this approach at first - the boys being reduced to mere ciphers, but then it dawned on me that that's what they were to the news-feeds of the time: twelve unknown boys (plus their coach) trapped in cave in a country a long way away.

The performances are excellent throughout, the direction first-class, and the sense of claustrophobia almost overwhelming at times. I admit to wondering whether there would be a side-swipe at Elon Musk for being a publicity-seeking nuisance, but there wasn't. This was probably the right decision.

Any time I turn on the news, I can hear about humanity at its worst. It's nice to hear the odd story about humanity at its best.
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Really, really good
user-355838 August 2022
This was better than expected. Could have gone sideways in so many fashions but resists at every turn to become soapish or maudlin or fall into action flick tropes but it does not. In Ron Howard's able hands this amazing true story comes alive with intrigue and emotion. And clocking in at 2 1/2 hours, for me it did not feel overlong or slow.
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Excellent performances
jaimemedina-362885 August 2022
Once again Viggo and Colin prove they're among the best in the business. Farrell is so good at transforming himself and he's consistent here. The movie takes few if any liberties for the sake of drama but maintains a taught narrative throughout.

What the divers achieved in that rescue was nothing short of a miracle and kudos to Howard for crafting a movie that gives this story all the respect it's due.
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Attention to details and perfectly portraying all the drama that surrounded the rescue makes this movie so good.
vip-angkoon8 August 2022
I am Thai and I went through that time with my eyes glued to news channels and reports. Knowing the outcome doesn't effect the experience much at all. That's how good they made this movie. All the details, the sacrifices, the volunteering and the effort portrayed in this movie was just superb. Ron Howard's Apollo 13 comes to mind. We all knew the outcome but damn were we still on the edge of our seats.
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July 2018, Thailand, 12 boys and their soccer coach were stranded in a cave.
TxMike7 August 2022
Now in 2022 it seems such a short time ago, in June 2018, when news around the world announced that twelve young boys and their soccer coach were trapped in a Thailand cave, trapped by excess rain and rising water. The trip to them was over a mile and took several hours by experienced divers.

This is Ron Howard's movie about that event and eventual rescue in July, using a technique that had never been tried. So great was the fear of killing the boys the government provided diplomatic immunity to several rescuers in case all or most of the boys died. But they viewed it as their only option, soon the monsoon season would arrive and eliminate all chances of rescuing them alive.

It is a really good movie, a bit long at 2 1/2 hours, but my wife and I enjoyed it, at home streaming on Amazon Prime.
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A wonderful tribute so some incredibly brave and innovative heros and a tale of great survival in the face of near certain death
Stargrazingreviews27 August 2022
A wonderful tribute so some incredibly brave and innovative heros and a tale of great survival in the face of near certain death 13 lives tows the line well between being an entertaining action thriller and an honest depiction of sensational events. Viggo Mortensen and Colin Farrell both play their roles of expert British cave divers with a suprising amount of honesty and restraint which allows Howard's direction and the story of the Thai Navy Seals involvement to have its time in the spotlight but it is hard to overcome a feeling that the movie feels a little whitewashed focusing most of its energy on the two white characters in an otherwise entirely Thai rescue effort. The film does drag a little due to its runtime and the cave diving sequences despite being very tense and dramatic do feel a little repetative when the dive is repeated multiple times.
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Brought back old memories
hiteshnimsarkar6 August 2022
I followed this Real story as it unfolded live on telly. I used to not sleep so that I know those kids will be alright somewhere.

Watching this 2.5 hrs movie, made me go back to June 2018 of Tham Luang cave rescue. This movie is a masterclass, it's emotional, it's about courage and rescue.

Don't miss this gem. Actors been brilliant so are the kids.

Thank you for this movie.
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Great film if you haven't watched the documentary
marcusjismith1 September 2022
This is a great film depicting what these specialist cave divers and the Thai boys soccer ball team had endured throughout historic natural disaster. It brings the story to life without mega effects and without adding in anything to over dramatise what really happened. You follow the divers journey with some first person views of the treacherous challenges needed to overcome getting through this cave. The visuals are amazing so much so that I watched this with someone who is claustrophobic and they were clenching in their seat throughout. A really good cast to do this story justice.

The only issue I have is that I watched the documentary (The Rescue) first; I may be biased because of this. There were so many details left out in the film which left some gaps of questions that the documentary covers.

If you have watched the film first please watch the documentary and think for yourself.
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Well done Ron Howard
chris-944135 August 2022
I'm a scuba diver and well aware of the technical challenges of Cave Diving. I'm also well versed in the rescue of these boys having read two books and seen the previous documentaries. What's great about this movie is that it presents the emotional response of the parents and the divers, especially Harry and John and how they had to cope in an incredibly dynamic and challenging situation, moreso above the water, than in the water.
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Not as powerful as the Rescue
Silicone548 August 2022
I watched the documentary the Rescue several months ago. I already knew a lot of the story and the amazing people involved. Perhaps, if I saw 13 for the first time I might have given it an 8 or 9. But there is nothing compared to the actual people giving their own account of the rescue in their own words. Footage of every aspect of the rescue. The real faces and voices of the boys and their coach.

This movie pays a nice tribute to that spectacular feat of humanity all joining to save these unlucky souls. But I feel it was a day late and a dollar short when comparing to the documentaries.
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Absolutely incredible!
I saw The film at a preview screening with cast today. I implore you, if you can see this movie at a theater, please do so. The experience isn't the same. Really phenomenal film. It's from the perspective of the rescue mission, so be prepared about that. It was so intense and stressful to watch! You know the story but actually watching what happened is much worse. It's really heartbreaking at times. I thought I would cry more but I burst into tears at the end. I think they were tears of relief honestly. Lol I had been holding in so much stress. Everyone in the film did a phenomenal job and the character Viggo played, Rick, was at our screening. So much respect for This man and all the others who stayed calm under pressure! I only took a point away because the movie gets started practically right away And I would have liked a little more connection to the boys first. Maybe that was the point though.
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Well worth a look but The Rescue is Better
tm-sheehan19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My Review - Thirteen Lives Streaming on Prime My Rating 7/10

First I'll say if you haven't seen the splendid Documentary The Rescue which I gave a 10/10 you will I'm sure be impressed by this movie reenactment of one of the most dangerous and miraculous rescue attempts in recent history.

Ron Howard the Director has skilfully Directed his third disaster movie after Apollo13 (1995) and Everest (2015) Thirteen Lives is an account of the events surrounding the miraculous rescue of 12 teenage boys and their Soccer coach in June 2018 who were trapped deep inside the flooded Tham Luang caves in Northern Thailand .

They were eventually rescued after an ordeal that lasted 18 Days by elite cave divers Rick Stanton played by Viggo Mortensen John Volanthen played by Colin Farrell Chis Jewell played by Tom Bateman and Australian Dr Harry Harris played by Joel Edgerton plus others including the skilled Thai Navy SEAL team two who lost their lives during and after the event.

For some puzzling reason one of the Australian divers contribution is not represented in the movie ? Dr Craig Challen who shared the 2019 Australian of the year award with Harry Harris isn't mentioned for his vital role in administering the anaesthetic that allowed the divers to safely bring the boys home through the perilous caves.

However this Docudrama reenactment has been praised for its authenticity by one of the actual divers Diver Rick Stanton played by an almost unrecognisable Viggo Mortensen in the film. Of course a movie version of an amazing rescue event of this magnitude has to take some liberties to recreate the drama on the cinema screen.

That's gets me to my next question why was this feature movie only released in select Cinemas for a week before streaming this new marketing of movies really astounds me I would have preferred to see The Rescue on a Cinema Screen.

I read that stunt doubles were used at a minimum in the movie as requested by Vigo Mortensen and that Ron Howard said it made editing easier that both Vigo Mortensen and Colin Farrell had training sessions with the actual divers they were portraying Rick Stanton and John Valanthen.

What I missed in this movie depiction of these amazing events was the warmth of Spirit of the documentary the Thai culture is depicted in the movie version but for me the Spiritual aspect of this miracle rescue is only touched on .

There is a poignant moment in the Documentary sadly not included in the Screenplay by William Nicholson .

A Buddhist monk known as Maing Hpone Sayadaw from Myanmar is featured briefly but his greatest contribution to the morale and faith of the parents of the trapped Thai soccer players doesn't even get a mention?

Braving the monsoon rains to perform religious rites several days before the boys were rescued when most people had given up hope and thought that it would be a body retrieval mission instead of a rescue mission the monk told journalists " They are all still there and would be found in one or two days" he also said one diver would die trying to rescue the boys and that also happened .

In one of the most moving parts of the documentary the divers are reluctant to take the amulets blessed by the monk but the boys parents insisted that they were as vital for survival as the food and other life saving supplies .

Filmed in Queensland Australia and Thailand for obvious reasons this movie version couldn't be filmed totally on location as the caves were dry again and the monsoons were over . The amazing sets were built in an enormous airplane hangar-sized building using double Olympic-size tanks and long sections of tunnel which would be flooded with 20 feet of water.

The visibility of the divers was non existent in the blackness of the water during the actual rescue so Diver Rick Stanton while praising the film's accuracy, said that the one cinematic change was that the cave water was muddy so that viewers could see the divers in action.

The cast would practice for several hours each day to work out their movements through each passage. Each successive section was more difficult to navigate, and was built while the first one was in use for filming. The cast would film their underwater scenes then train on the next section.

I enjoyed Thirteen Lives as a dramatic film but much prefer the documentary The Rescue for its emotional impact and authenticity it had a very profound affect on me .

It demonstrated that where there is life there is hope and that miracles can still occur in this troubled world we live in.
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Pales compared to The Rescue by NatGeo
suechu5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood letdown. Choppy skits. No character development, no storyline, no follow-through. Boring. The entire movie just had characters magically show up at the cave then go diving. They share two or three sentences then swim some more. Not surprised, because it's tough to follow the great 2021 NatGeo doc, The Rescue.

This was a missed opportunity by Ron Howard and company. No behind scenes military discussions or strategic planning. No back stories on how families discovered or how they endured over two weeks of the unknown. Instead, we get one mother with wide eyes and one father who can't thank the authorities enough. The screenplay was childish and cliché.

The true life story was intense and followed by the entire world. This movie had no build up, nothing gripping, and no grand ending. What about the 13 lives? All we got was one kid and a birthday cake. What about the collaboration between and across countries? This movie gave us nothing. No one cares about who ate the cookies.

I'm giving this two stars just for the somewhat good acting from Farrell, Mortensen, and Edgerton. Too bad the production was epically poor.
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What a movie!
angladafrank8 August 2022
Living in Thailand I did follow the story of this amazing rescue from just a few 100 miles away.

Still this movie glued me to my seat for the whole runtime, making me feel for everyone involved.

Clearly one of the best movies I've seen all year, probably the best true story rescue movie I ever seen.

A must watch.

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Based On The True Story - Action-Packed And Extremely Suspenseful
rannynm3 August 2022
I absolutely loved this film by Ron Howard! Thirteen Lives is based on the true story of thirteen people who got stuck in a flooded cave in Thailand in the summer of 2018. The storyline is action-packed and extremely suspenseful. It felt like my heart was racing a million miles a minute while I watched it.

Thirteen Lives takes us on the journey of twelve boys and their soccer coach getting stuck in the Tham Luang cave in northern Thailand. The boys wanted to visit the cave; however, little did they know that there was an approaching monsoon that would soon after flood the entire cave. People from all over the world were watching their rescue attempt with the many challenging obstacles they had to overcome. Will someone find them inside the cave? If they do, will the boys get out of the cave in time before they starve, or run out of oxygen?

The acting in this film is phenomenal. The portrayal of these young boys, their coach and their rescuers is so believable that you feel like you are there along with them. The cast includes Colin Farrell as John Volanthen, Viggo Mortensen as Richard Stanton, Joel Edgerton as Richard Harris and Tom Bateman as Chris Jewell. The production team, led by director Ron Howard also delivered. The way the film is made makes you feel like you're actually in the cave with the rescue workers. It took a lot of effort and coordination, which is very impressive. Over 5,000 people, including cave divers, doctors, rescuers, Navy SEALS, farmers and others contributed to helping the boys. They put their own lives at risk to help the boys and their coach, whom they didn't even know! Without those people playing a part in this rescue who knows if they would have saved them. My favorite part is when the farmers give up their crops so water can flood them and divert the water from going into the cave. It took a lot of heroism and sacrifice to lose their entire crop in order to give the boys a better chance of surviving.

The message of this film is that working together is essential. You should be aware that there is a lot of blood in some scenes and there is some bad language used a couple of times.

I give Thirteen Lives 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. This film releases in select theaters on July 29, 2022, and starts streaming on Prime Video August 5, 2022. By Selene W., KIDS FIRST!
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One of the best underwater cave dive movies
LostFRINGE5 August 2022
I was surprised this wasn't done by James Cameron, as he seems to be attached to anything underwater related.

It was amazing to see what Ron has achieved shooting in the most treacherous conditions, with rain, mud, water spewing everywhere, and tight underwater cave spaces. All of it felt real and kept me on the edge of my seat.

One of the few things I didn't like is the abrupt cuts between one end of the cave to the other. It just didn't feel like it was a long ride unless you paid attention to the time counter and followed the pointless map that appeared throughout the movie and really didn't add much to the vastness of the cave. Every time I looked at that random map, it seemed like the red dot was in the same 2 spots. After awhile the abrupt cuts just became repetitive and tedious.

I also felt the interaction between the boys and rescue divers was rushed and it felt it should have been more engaging. For example, after the first 4 boys were rescued and the rest had to wait another day or two, there should've been a spoken line of some sort of encouragement when the rescuers came back, to celebrate that their friends made it alive and well.
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The best movie I have seen on prime
surfingnaked15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the best movie I have seen on prime video. Good for them to put it up for us. A real movie that everyone can enjoy. And we all know there is a real happy ending. This is a movie about hero's not superhero just regular people being real life hero's.
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A movie not has moving has the documentary
paudieconnolly6 September 2022
Undoubtedly a good. It fails to capture something of the brilliance of the documentary felt like the timeline that was so well done in the documentary, the race against time The race against water and the race against loss hope. So well captured I hope the movie would find this to. I hoped the movie might play a bit on the fact that these were not the super soldiers, but two ordinary men who have an extraordinary hobby to the point where they are the best in the world at what they do. Where this was stated it felt so much more elevated within the documentary worth a watch but maybe a movie first documentary second.
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Don't expect a blockbuster, it wasn't approached that way...
bheadher22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is low key throughout, with little hollywood action...I believe that was intentional because this is an account of one of the most miraculous rescues in history. Ron Howard takes us through every aspect of the rescue of 13 boys no one even expected to be alive, With mother nature fighting against the attempt, all the people involved defied the odds and successfully brought them out of that deep cave. One Thai diver died, but from a mechanical malfunction.

The movie does seem very dry of course, because Ron stuck to the reality rather than trying to make it flashy...and I really thank him for it...
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real life terror
ferguson-64 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. It is 2018 and a group of boys have just finished soccer practice. After some motivational words from their coach, the boys start joking around with one of their teammates who has a birthday party slated for later that day. Boys being boys, they decide to bike over the local cave for some pre-party exploring. Their coach tags along to keep an eye on them. All of that sounds innocent enough until we realize this is the Tham Luang cave, and they don't realize Thailand's monsoon season is about to arrive early and with full force.

The film is directed by Oscar winner Ron Howard, who is adept at mainstream storytelling as evidenced by APOLLO 13 (1994), A BEAUTIFUL MIND (2001), and CINDERELLA MAN (2005). The script was penned by William Nicholson (GLADIATOR, 2000) and Don MacPherson (THE AVENGERS, 1998), and tells the all-too-true story of the daring rescue mission that most of recall following on news reports. When the boys were no-shows for the birthday party, parents and friends rushed to the cave to find the bicycles, but not the 12 boys and their coach. Immediately, rescue efforts began with Thai Navy SEALS rushing to the sight. Cave diving is a unique skill practiced by only a few, and is much different than the open water diving in which the SEALS excel.

British cave divers John Volanthen (Colin Farrell) and Rick Stanton (Viggo Mortensen) are called in. Volanthen is the father of a son, and can't help but empathize with what the parents must be going through, while Stanton is crusty old geezer who admits to not liking kids, while also understanding he's one of the few on earth capable of making the necessary dive. Once the two men reach the stranded boys and coach, it becomes apparent that, as difficult and challenging it was to find the group, getting them out of the cave seems all but impossible. Death hung heavy over the operation of last resort, which included calling in Dr. Harry Harris (Joel Edgerton), a cave diving hobbyist, and more importantly, an anesthetist.

The diving scenes are expertly filmed by DP Sayombhu Mukdeeprom and underwater camera operator Tyrone Canning. The ever-present claustrophobia and risk of disaster underscores how courageous these men were. Director Howard offers up multiple perspectives: the government, the military, the divers, and the parents. We get very little from those trapped, but that adds to the tension. We get a feel for the entire operation as water is being pumped out of the cave, a water expert and volunteers frantically divert new rainwater into the rice fields, and political maneuvering occurs as the outgoing Governor (Sahajak Boonthankakit) is being set up as fall guy in case the efforts fail.

So many elements could have caused failure - low oxygen levels in the cave, a brisk current of water making diving more difficult, and obviously too much rainwater entering the cave would endanger the boys and the divers. The rescue mission lasted more than two weeks. It's a disaster movie based on a real event, and follows up the excellent 2021 documentary, THE RESCUE. Evidently the dramatization is for those who don't watch or have access to documentaries, and as strong as Howard's movie is, there is simply no way for it to eclipse the documentary or what occurred in real time. At its best, the film offers tension and a reminder of what can be accomplished with collaboration.

Available on PRIME VIDEO beginning August 5, 2022.
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Thirteen Lives is an emotional roller coaster
Zeus-pro5 August 2022
"This is really the superhero movie of the year,". "It's a superhero movie with many, many heroes...see this movie because it will give you an idea of...when people get together to help one another, you will make life much easier. There's a lot of love in it."
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Thirteen Lives
Prismark1014 August 2022
Ron Howard does not hang around for Thirteen Lives.

It is not long after 12 Thai schoolboys finish a game of football and then they are trapped in a cave as a monsoon descends.

While trapped, attention turns to a team of specialist cave rescuers led by Rick Stanton (Viggo Mortensen) and John Volanthen (Colin Farrell) who locate the boys.

The next problem is to how to bring the boys out to safety as they have swim underwater, through tight spaces and with oxygen tanks.

Based on real life events from 2018. Ron Howard has a sure touch given that the outcome is well known.

He uses all the tricks from his 40 years plus directing career to keep the tension going.

It is slightly overlong, but there is enough peril along the way.
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Honorable docu-drama from Ron Howard
gortx10 January 2023
Ron Howard's docu-drama about the 2018 Thai Cave rescue of 12 soccer kids and their coach. It's a decently well-told and very well-produced movie. The tech specs are quite good with exceptional sound design.

Screenwriter William Nicholson (working with Don MacPherson) and Howard follow a pretty straightforward path. Colin Ferrell and Viggo Mortensen similarly are fairly low key even as the two major stars in the film. Good use of graphics to show where the rescuers are helps viewers keep their bearings. Still, the filmmakers do add a bit of 'Hollywood' melodrama at points and some of the suspense seems to be - if not artificial- at least prolonged.

There has already been another feature and several documentaries made on the incident, and Howard and his team add little beyond being the best made of productions. The quite exemplary 2021 doc THE RESCUE had the good sense to understand where the story peaked and moved expeditiously to its conclusion, whereas Howard milks it for almost another full hour. It's not an obscure tale - it was literally the biggest news in the world only a couple of years ago.

THIRTEEN LIVES is an honorable effort, if a bit superfluous.
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The only saving grace is Joel Edgerton
jimsaf-346-5200575 August 2022
The National Geographic documentary, "The Rescue", is absolutely fantastic and we'll worth a watch. It captures the emotion and real life drama of the rescue as seen from many points of view. It captures the emotions of the tragic death of Saman. The true stress felt by Dr Harris.

This movie is quite simply the worst movie I have ever seen from Ron Howard. I am so thoroughly disappointed.

What he has failed to capture is the real life drama that unfolded. He has over dramatised some scenes and missed the boat with others.

With due respect to the actors, I think they make the best of a bad lot. Joel Edgerton for one doesn't overplay his part.

But, as we know, the Thai Captain in charge of the operation did not jump in the water to help the last diver out. Not was it as simple to get the Minister to give the go ahead.

If this had been portrayed truly and faithfully, the stress of the divers concocting a plan while the authorities were aiming for a zero risk rescue, contemplating leaving the boys in the cave, would have been more than enough drama for the big screen.

Maybe Ron has lost his touch.

Nothing but respect for the divers, but it's not their job to make this into a movie - that falls to the director, writers and producers.

Like I said, stick with the National Geographic documentary - a far better production in all measures.
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