Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (TV Movie 2003) Poster

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A humorous and fun film, animated.
Mightyzebra21 January 2008
Featuring the characters of the original Kim Possible series, this film proves to a be gripping, exciting and quite hilarious along the way. The flaws are mediocre animation and fighting that, though it may be cool, it becomes tedious. Better things about the film are the songs (though they may not be to everyone's standards as they are quite modern), the gags and the plot. This film will be enjoyable for most teenagers and children!

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable have a rather tough adventure on their hands. Ron has just moved to Norway and without him, Kim is finding beating the boisterous baddies particularly difficult. With a stone idol called "Tempus Simmea", which is a small monkey statue, the villains are trying to activate some sort of evil...

Enjoy "Kim Possible: A Stitch In Time"! :-)
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Great Kim Possible movie!!
Go_Skins14 March 2005
I liked this movie very much. I sat down and watched it with my kids who are into the Kim Possible show. I liked the fact that were so many "big-name" voices in this one. This movie was pretty much like the show except the obvious being longer in length. You had Kim fighting villains that were in her show and actually losing a battle or two to the "bad guys." I liked the fact that they made the relationship between her and her friend/sidekick, Ron Stoppable, that of a "friends only" type of thing when they showed it. There were her brothers who I don't really recall in her shows in this movie. In fact, they helped out quite a bit! Good one to add to your collection!
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A bit below par for this fun series
pro_crustes2 July 2004
As a parent, I love this show. It's hip (far as I can tell, anyway), funny, exciting, teaches gentle moral lessons without an unduly heavy hand, and manages to hint at being sexy without remotely getting close to any boundaries. At its best, KP is better than lots of "Buffy" was.

Alas, this film isn't up to KP's own standard. Like many feature-length excursions from a TV series, it goes off in directions that are not really part of the canon, including some time-travel into the near future that lets us see some things about the characters' destinies that are just not all that interesting.

Regardless, the devotion Kim and her sidekick Ron have for each other, which is--to my mind--the greatest strength of this show, comes through clearly, and that's a good enough reason for KP's fans to see this one. If, however, "Sitch" is your first meeting with the high-school superspy who "can do anything," give the series a try too; it's better than this not-bad film.
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Pika-pika-boo? Boo-sha!
Victor Field31 December 2003
"Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time" works as a feature-length episode of this cracking Emmy-nominated series and as a good movie in its own right, if not the most original one of its type - but in any case, time travel's always a good source of stories and so are villains teaming up. In this case, writers/story editors Bill Motz and Bob Roth have most of Kim's recurring enemies joining forces to sort out our heroine once and for all, with Kim getting some help from the future's Rufus 3000 - a muscle-bound molerat who talks with the voice of Michael Dorn. Okay, so it does have some originality...

Most of the show's regular (Kim, her parents, Ron, the tweebs Jim and Tim, Wade, Rufus) and semi-regular characters (Drakken, Shego, Monkey Fist, Duff Killagin, Bonnie, Monique) make appearances here - though Senor Senior Senior and Senor Senior Junior are missing - and a lot of the fun comes from seeing their future selves, especially Wade and the tweebs; unlike some extended episodes there's no padding at all, and plenty of what makes "Kim Possible" such a great show, from sharp writing to good vocal acting (give Christy Carlson Romano credit for differentiating between Kim as herself and as a slightly younger version of herself - and Walt Disney Television credit for leaving the guest cast uncredited until the end).

The identity of the Supreme One is a bit too easy to guess - though in fairness Rufus 3000 does say it's obvious - and the insistence on draping a couple of the fight scenes with distracting songs is unfortunate (Adam Berry's score intentionally references John Williams's "Minority Report" music at one point, which is much more interesting), but these are the sole real flaws in an otherwise good production. Fun both for fans and for newcomers, "Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time" is SO not the waste of time, and arguably the best thing Freddie Prinze Jr's done to date.

"Why is everyone in the future so ripped?"
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Longer version of the regular series -- with a few adjustments.
Ddey657 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers

For my first comment, I'm going to say something about the theme; For a Disney cartoon, it's surprisingly cool. In fact, I'd almost rank it near the same level as "Turn Down the Sun," from IS IT FALL YET? Unfortunately, like "Thank You for Being a Friend" by Andrew Gold, it wasn't originally written as a theme song. Some have compared it to the opening cheer from BRING IT ON(2000), although nobody's uniform falls off out of nowhere in this one. You can even hear the swishing of the pom-poms and bouncing around on the gymnasium floorboards through the music, which makes it obvious they used multiple soundtracks here. After the cheer-session, we find Ron has signed both himself and Kim up for Latin class, only to find the Latin he signed them up for was Latin the language, rather than Latin American culture. Which raises the question, Just how dead is Latin as a language if it's still being offered as a course in our schools? Anyway while making his speech about how great the new school season is going to be, he suddenly finds his family is moving out of town...WAY out of town! Specifically, NORWAY! Soon we find that Ron was NOT exaggerating when he said moving out would mean the end of life on earth as we know it, as Kim & Ron's efforts to stop freaky super-villains on three different continents don't work so well. We also find that the Latin class Ron got Kim into were useful after all. Since our little Kimmie-cub is the only thing standing in the way of world domination for Drakken, Shego, Monkey Fist, Duff Killigan or any villains not appearing in this movie, Drakken decides to take the three other mentioned villains and to travel through time to thwart Kim's evolution into the confident teen heroine we know her to be, using primate-obsessive Lord Monkey Fist's knowledge about an ancient time-traveling relic called the "Tempus Simia." Once she figures this out, a much more articulate and not-so-naked descendant of Rufus(voiced by Michael Dorn) visits her from the future and drafts her to help them with the fight against "the Supreme One," by going back in time to stop them. I like how he goes into a grandiose speech about the importance of a mission, and then says "I'm making cookies." Like the original series it's humor relies on slapping standard hero and villain clichés right in the face. Shego has a sarcastic streak rivaling Daria Morgendorffer, even if she's not as smart as or far more evil than Daria. As expected with any movie (or TV-Movie for that matter) based on an existing cartoon since the 1990's, this cartoon relies on something extra to distinguish itself from the regular series -- the use of CGI-Animation, however the use of these techniques is far more subtle than in THE FAIRLY ODD-PARENTS: ABRA-CATASTROPHE(2003)(TV), from earlier that year. Compare this to 1966's THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE, which only had musical interludes and unique camera angles to distinguish itself from that series. The statues of "The Supreme One" look like they were done with pencil, but my guess is that they were airbrushed. The fight at Shego's lair seems a lot like something out of STAR WARS, and others appear ripped-off of SAMURAI JACK, but that's not much of a reason to complain. I did notice that one of the people who gave Kim a ride was an Australian Bushman who drove a HUMVEE with left-hand drive(Another goof I tried and failed to submit to IMDb). Despite these anomalies, it's still great partially because it shows the origins of Kim's world-saving activities, and what would happen if she were to fail. Overall, it's not as good as the would-be series-ending "So the Drama," but still good.
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kim possible: a sitch in time
nfusionfs8 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
first off, I'm a fan of the series, one of the more enjoyable shows on TV in my opinion. i did like this movie, however, it was a little TOO cheesy. and this is a cartoon - on the Disney channel no less. the idea was neat, and the plot was interesting. but some things just irked me. the first major irking was when the 4 villains visit kim in her first day of pre school, and she ends up driving them off. OK, so, a 5 year old sends 3 evil geniuses packing? not working for me. id say the other major problem i had was with the resolution. i was eager to find out how the good guys would win when the odds were heavily stacked against them. and how is it resolved? ron finds out shego was behind his family's relocation, gets mad, picks up drakken who is completely ripped and probably weighs 3 times as much as him, and hurls him into the wall like a frisbee, destroying the lair in the process. uh ... what? everything else in the movie was pretty in sync with the series, especially the humor, i laughed many times in the film. but its almost as if the writers just got lazy and cut corners in the plot, it just doesn't really deliver in that department.

decent movie if you like the series, but otherwise, kind of average
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Excellent fast-paced sci-fi fantasy tale
BrandtSponseller26 February 2005
(Note: IMDb's automatic spell-corrector will not let me spell the title of this film correctly. It's "A S-i-t-c-h in Time", not "S-T-i-t-c-h".)

While Kim Possible (Christy Carlson Romano) sidekick Ron Stoppable (Will Friedle) learns that he must move with his family to Norway, villains Monkey Fist (Tom Kane), Dr. Drakken (John Di Maggio), Shego (Nicole Sullivan) and Duff Killagan (Brian George) join forces to acquire the famed Tempus Simius, which would enable them to time travel and finally rule the world. Can the Possible gang stop them?

Unlike other Kim Possible releases, such as The Secret Files (2003), A Stitch in Time is laudable for being conceived and constructed as a single film, telling one longer story, rather than being a compilation of half-hour episodes. However, there may seem to be some negatives with this film, especially if you are considering buying it on DVD. It only clocks in at 66 minutes--on the short side, even for a direct-to-video animated Disney film. There isn't much on the disc in the way of extras--just a very brief but cute "Naked Mole Rap" video (it must be less than 2 minutes long), and a few drawings with brief descriptions of Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Rufus at various ages. In terms of quantity, the disc is slim pickins.

Even when you first begin watching the film you might be hesitant. A Stitch in Time was drawn and inked largely by Disney's Asian television animation division, and is much simpler in some ways than even other Disney direct-to-video fare, or other Kim Possible DVD releases.

But it soon becomes apparent that rather than being overly simplistic like a low budget Saturday morning cartoon, the animation in A Stitch in Time is smart and highly stylized. It's very attractive visually; it ended up appealing to me more then The Secret Files. Also, kids (I would guess maybe 6 or 7 to 14 or 15) are obviously the primary target audience, so the shorter running time can be more of an asset with them.

Most significantly, however, the story and script are excellent. Writers Bill Motz and Bob Roth pack so much into the script, and Steve Loter directs the animators and voice actors to deliver such consistently high-energy, intelligent performances that the film doesn't feel short. Rather it has an epic feel, broad in scope, deep in content, and despite a plot line that could easily turn into a mess in the most capable hands (as has frequently been the case with similar subject matter in "adult" live action sci-fi/fantasy films), A Stitch in Time is always coherent and clever.

This isn't just a film for kids, although they're sure to enjoy it. Motz, Roth and Loter have filled A Stitch in Time with countless jokes, jibes and references that you'd have to be not only an adult to catch, but a quick-witted adult. A Stitch in time is full of social satire, refreshing irreverence (including towards the Kim Possible characters themselves), wonderful surrealism and mind-bending time travel paradoxes. It is closer to The Simpsons or even Ren & Stimpy in its delightfully anarchic spirit (although with nothing inappropriate for young kids) than the much more standardly paced and plotted The Secret Files (which is still a good "film", but nowhere near the quality of this one).

So leave any reservations in the dust and make sure you check out A Stitch in Time if you're a fan of animation, fantasy or sci-fi--even if, like me, you are older and have no children.
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"Prepare to be drained of all individuality and spirit" "Yup, high school"
atpzr112 December 2003
It's been a while since I've seen a good adaptation of a TV series into a movie. Not only is the plot interesting and exciting, but the humor is top-notch. Starting with a simple mix-up between Latin the language and Latin the ethnicity the movie stays true to the series' style of blending hilarious one-liners and dialog exchanges with fast-paced invigorating action sequences. Recommended for any fan of the series or anyone who just wants to see a good movie.
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Time travel with KP
It was obvious that with the success of the TV show of Kim Possible, that there was bound to be a TV movie to come. Kim Possible, her batch of friends, family and even villains are all pieces of what makes this cartoon so successful. And the best thing is, this hour long TV movie keeps everything the same, which is what should be done for any lovable franchise. But, making things even better is how the writers were able to twist the story to be even cleverer than one would think.

The story is as many would guess without reading the plot is about time travel. Dr. Drakken, Shego, Duff Killagan & Monkey Fist team up to travel back to Kim's early years to keep her from being the crime- fighting good girl that she currently is. Unfortunately along with this news comes word that Ron Stoppable will be moving to Scandinavia with his family. Because of this, the duo tries to keep ties strong but it ends up getting too inconvenient for both to travel to the same location from different parts of the world. Soon, these events will lead to the intervention of individuals from the future to inform Kim Possible about the impending danger.

This is where things get funny and interesting because by the finale, the third act will take place in the future. What's funny is to see the current cast in the future and it's hilariously clever. One of the ongoing jokes is that everyone is ripped and muscular. Funny. Also, the voice actors chosen for the future character roles are a load of laughs too. It is just so oddly placed but funny all the same. As for the rest of the characters, their respective voice actor is with them which is great because no one can do it better than like the originals.

Now it's a little hard to say whether this movie had a budget bigger than its series but the backgrounds are good looking and the animation is well done. The action scenes were sequenced great and the music by TV composer Adam Berry made an energetic score as well. But like most TV movies, the score is never released which is rather disappointing. The only quarrel people might have with this movie is again that it deals with time travel and how messing with the past can alter the future. But all around it's still a lot of fun.

Although it wasn't made for the theater, this TV movie of Kim Possible is still one to enjoy. The action is great, the music is energetic and comedy is always abundant.
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What A Great Cast
nagyovafan25 July 2004
After seeing the movie, I was very impressed with it. It moved along quickly, had great one liners, and had one of the most impressive casts I think I have ever seen. The cast is so diverse, so talented, and they fit the roles perfectly.

Let's start with the usuals : Christy Carlson Romano, Tahj Mowry, and Will Friedle. Disney favorites. All 3 were excellent on their separate Disney channel shows.

Let's move on to Raven and Kirsten Storms. Kirsten is iffy on Zenon, and Raven is amazing on That's So Raven. Good cast.

Nicole Sullivan is one of the funniest women ever (MADtv, King of Queens) and she is perfect as the role of Shego. She does excellent.

Everyone in the cast is great, but the best is probably in the future. Kelly Rippa, Freddie Prinze Jr., Vivica A. Fox, and Michael Clarke Duncan. Wow.

This is one of the best casts EVER, and this movie is a very good movie for both children and adults.
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alcantaraj-1659417 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For "Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time," I saw the TV movie as a 3 part episode

Part 1 Present- I really ship Kim and Ron. Even though I know the ending of the second TV movie, I was still heartbroken when these two were separated. As for the action and laughs, this episode delivers!

Part 2 Past- The second parr isn't on par with the first part, but the interacfions between kid, preteen and present Kim, Ron and Rufus and future and present Shego are far more entertaining than anything in part one! It's also nice to see the beginning of Kim and Ron's friendship.

Part 3 Future- It is bizarre to think that the future this episode takes place in is probably 2 years from now. As for the episode itself, the future versions of the minor characters rock! I just wish this episode was canon (as in our leads didn't forget what happened)

All in all, the TV movie is really fun!
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I don't know what to say except it's really cool.
GiraffeDoor6 November 2020
Time travel is a great gimmick for a feature length version of a tv show and it works here.

This is much like a typical good episode only longer and a few other treats:

Firstly you get to see the main characters as (younger) kids and it's adorable and also good fun to see how it all began (concisely I might add). But it's not mainly about that.

It's a poignant story about enduring friendship that makes for an epic, visually stunning adventure with some swell developments, various bad guys teaming up and a muscular mole rat army.

There's really nothing to dislike.
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A good time for fans of the series.
slayersmartina8 December 2003
The first Kim Possible movie, A Sitch in Time, is a fun movie for fans of the Disney series. The premise is that the partnership between Kim and Ron breaks up when Ron moves away. The villains featured in the movie are Dr Drakken, Shego, Monkeyfist, and Duff Killigan. They team up with the newly found ability of time travel to defeat Kim Possible during different periods of her life. In doing this they hope to take over the world. Kim is pulled in by a futuristic 'Rufus' who provides her with means of time traveling as well. All in all, the movie was entertaining and fun. There were a few annoying time fillers of pop songs that went on too long. It was entertaining, though, to see young versions of Kim, Ron, and the villians as well as older versions of most of the characters. The jokes were typical for the show and in that aspect they were appropriate. It keeps true to the series so it's great for any fans of Kim Possible.
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doggylhasalova7 December 2003
I love this movie! It's hilarious. Shego was definitely at her best. "I'm working with a man named Monkey Fist! My evil career is SO in the toilet!" is an AWESOME line! And Little and Preteen Ron were adorable. So was Kim.
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Wonderful film
gabriellewq16 February 2019
This movie is a trillions time better then the live action movie
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