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kosmasp18 May 2007
One of the most original Horror movies that came out of the eastern film industry! And one that has been copied so many times it hurts. So watch this, to see where the hype started! But beware, because many will be alienated by the Japanese slow pacing of the movie. Many of my friends or people I know who watched this (with or without me), were bored!

Again, not because the movie is bad per se, but because they're not used to what Japanese people watch in terms of storytelling! Some even laughed at very serious moments or even scary moments. So this shouldn't be necessarily your first Asian movie you watch, but if you can cope with those minor "flaws" (for most western audiences that is sadly true, although I myself don't see that as a flaw), than watch this horror movie! It's great! :o)
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Tepid Techno-horror.
nycritic17 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The late 90s saw a resurgence of well-crafted horror movies that have to this day virtually reinvented the genre. The Eye, Pulse, Audition, to name a few, are truly disturbing films that create horror out of objects or elements which are the farthest from the genre: a medical surgery to reestablish sight, the Internet, videotaping.

With Ringu, Japan came into its own with a legitimate tale of horror which implies that the act of watching can actually kill you, and that evil can and will replicate itself through elements of our own technology as a means of feeding itself and thus, spreading itself out like a web. This is the secret within the film, and the theme which later on defines it (and the Ringu series).

Ringu is not an excellent film. Far from it. But it does manage to instill a decent amount of atmosphere and eerie moments within its narrative (although there were scenes which, like the book, caused unintentional laughs, such as when the bodies of the two teens who first saw the video were taken out of the car and we are informed they were "making out"; and Ryuji's sudden revelation that he too has psychic powers) without resorting to cheesy special effects. Spooky, but not terrifying.
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All is Not Well That Ends Well...
Xstal1 June 2022
If you watch the video and then the phone rings, you've got a week to wait, to find out what it will bring, or rather what it will take away, as it's quite a significant price you have to pay, just for pressing play, to see Sadako spring.

Still a great piece of horror film making.
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Ringu and The Ring
worldsofdarkblue6 July 2006
Unlike some reviewers here, I'm happy to have seen Hollywood's 'The Ring' first. Now that I've seen both I would have to say that 'Ringu' is the better film (marginally).

The Hollywood version was quite an unsettling experience in it's own right and having seen it first I rather expected 'Ringu' would be a 'ruined' experience as I was already familiar with the overall story and, of course, THE scene. After all, when the scene finally occurs in 'The Ring' the unexpectedness of it very much increases the shock of it. I hadn't been truly frightened by a scene from a horror movie for a very long time so I was unequivocally impressed.

So when I got around to watching 'Ringu' my expectation was low. I assumed that the absence of surprise would diminish the experience greatly but, as it turns out, the difference in the styles (and some of the substance as well) was adequate enough to scare me all over again even though I thought I knew what to expect. Somehow I doubt that this would have been the case if I'd watched these movies in reverse order. I believe 'The Ring' would have been less enjoyable as it likely would have suffered from comparison.

The familiarity actually served as a primer for watching the original. I've found that reading subtitles often detracts from the complete enjoyment of a film as one's appreciation of the visual content usually suffers from the distraction. In this case though, I found it to be less of a problem. Of course it certainly doesn't hurt to have the ability to rewind and in instances where I was unable to finish reading the dialogue completely you can be sure that I made use of it.

The first difference that struck me was the teens found in the car. Like the girl in the closet in 'The Ring' their faces are frozen into grotesque masks, but the more terrifying aspect is that they have been 'gotten to' outside of their homes and all at the same time. This really drives home the realization that there may be no way to escape this thing. Safety in numbers? Nope. Don't go home? Nope, won't help.

'Ringu' is somewhat more detailed in providing background than is 'The Ring'. The demonic child is shown in a scene that was omitted from the copied version and it adds a little something extra to our understanding of this terrifying entity. Also, I found that the valiant attempt to lift the curse by trying to 'free' the spirit from the well was more intense and claustrophobic (not to mention yuckier) than the American film.

But what is it exactly that is so disquieting about both versions? Well, to begin with, the seemingly unrelated, disjointed and positively eerie imagery that is seen on the mysterious videotape really gets under the skin. The first time we see these we are troubled by the strangeness of them and thoroughly perplexed as to their meaning. We come to realize that a seed of uneasiness has been planted within us. The direction is masterful at nourishing this seed not only by showing short repeats of these images, but also by giving us incremental hints of what is still to come. We are briefly shown the well. Briefly again, the beginning of emergence. Briefly again, it's almost out. More and more I found myself getting cold shivers at each progression. The uneasiness is becoming dread.

But there's something else that frightens apart from the film's construction. Is it the ultimate realization that this thing will not be placated no matter the heroic and well-intentioned efforts of the film's principal leads? Yes, that's an acutely chilling slant to be sure. But ultimately, I feel that the most disturbing element is that, were we to find ourselves in this position, we would be faced with a terrible choice - face the horror ourselves or deliberately inflict it on another. Escape it and you condemn your own soul. Now that's some scary sh*t
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More of a mystery than a horror
Bungle-95 March 2005
This movie was considerably hyped up, so I saw it eventually. My personal opinion is that this is more of a good mystery movie than a horror movie - it really wasn't that scary, to me at least. The only really scary moments were spoiled for me because I had already seen them before on things like "The 100 Scariest Movie Moments" on TV or something, and the notes by a critic inside the DVD box also spoiled it.

Sound design was one part of this film that struck me - quite good at doing what it was supposed to, sometimes unsettling. I didn't feel a lot of character to be honest - just people making their way through the story.

In my opinion, worth seeing just to investigate the hype, but don't expect to need a new change of underwear after seeing it. For that, you might want to consider The Grudge.
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"Sadako? You did this?"
fdpedro21 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
In 2002, Dreamworks released a movie on American theaters called THE RING, by Gore Verbenski. It expanded to great lengths around the world. People claimed they had never been so scared while watching a movie in their entire life. Critics had mixed opinions of it, most for the better. But while the entire world was screaming to THE RING, others decided to reach out for the original version that Dreamworks decided to "hide" while THE RING was in it's theatrical run. The 1998 Japanese phenomenon RINGU (a.k.a RING.)

Based on a 1991 novel by Koji Suzuki (claimed as the Japanese Stephen King) RINGU tells the story of reporter Asakawa Reiko (Nanako Matsushima), a middle-class Japanese single mother. Her latest story is the investigation of a mysterious urban legend that circulates around high schools about a tape that kills whoever watches it seven days later. She learns that five teenagers recently died from a heart attack at the exact same time, and that they were all friends who spent a vacation on a cabin resort exactly one week before. It becomes up close and personal when she finds out one of them was her recently deceased cousin Tomoko (Yuku Takeuchi.)

Reiko eventually tracks down and watches the mysterious tape, and in one of the movie's many chilling moments, receives a strange phone call confirming that the urban legend is true, an element that reminded me of the 1992's similar CANDYMAN. She finds help from her ex-husband Ryiuji (Hirouyuki Sanada), a psychic with paranormal powers (an element obviously removed from the US version). Both Reiko and Ryiuji examine the tape carefully and realize it was shot in a nearby volcanic island. With only a few days left, they travel to the island where the dark, disturbing truth remains hidden, waiting to be discovered.

Taking liberties from the infilmable novel, director Hideo Nakata (DARK WATER, CHAOS) and screenwriter Hiroshi Takahashi (DON'T LOOK UP) were able to create what is perhaps one of the most impressive horror films of recent memory, challenged maybe only by the less-subliminal AUDITION. Nakata's direction already explains what makes RINGU so unique: The absence of music, limited photography, simple camera movements, and no cheap jump scares. The fear in RINGU comes from skin-deep slow burn. If you are looking for jumps, watch the American remake instead. Which brings us to the infamous RINGU vs. THE RING internet battle: A pointless one.

The 2002 remake had more technological resources and a stronger desire to freak out the audience. Director Gore Verbenski decided not to copy the original and went for a less subliminal more artsy Dario Argento dreamy approach with a Nine Inch Nails vibe and a David Fischer love for rain. While THE RING improved on the upcoming flaws of the original, it had problems of it's own. Not wanting to change the subject, let me tell you the Japanese version is the one to see. The problem is that most people who watch the recent remake will hate RINGU, and vice-versa.

Unlike THE RING, RINGU avoids CGI shocks and cheap jump scares like a plague. You won't find any suspenseful moments, chases, or any physical struggles between the cast here. While the remake scared you with fast zooms, weird camera tricks, and inhuman freaky bursts of weird noises, RINGU scares you with it's lack of... sadism. A good example are the videotapes. The videotape seen in THE RING is a Nine Inch Nails video, in a good way, with very weird supernatural images and weird gross-out quick glimpses. The original's videotape is shorter and maybe even weirder. It shows you different but equally impressive images that belong to a David Lynch nightmare while a "scratching" noise is heard on the background. A noise that was unfortunately omitted in the remake. The Japanese tape can be either laughable or scary depending on the mentality of whoever watches it.

But what makes RINGU the phenomenon that it is today is the character of Yamura Sadako, who turns out to be pulling the strings. Not wanting to spoil the plot, I will just say that never since Hanniball Lacter has a character with such little screen time terrorized the audience as good. The American doppelganger Samara was badly used in the remake. While what made Sadako scary was that she was pure evil, the remake's screenwriter Ehren Kruger tried to turn her into a Batman-like repressed character that you are supposed to feel sorry for. This terribly reduces the impact of "the scene". Which leads me to "the scene" itself. If you ask anyone who watched either version what "the scene" is, they will probably know. Let me tell you that "the scene" is done much better in this version. I will go as far as saying "the scene" is hands down one of the scariest moments in cinematographic history, very close to the shower scene and the climax of DON'T LOOK NOW. The remake tried to hard with it's own "scene", adding CGI effects, quick cuts, and many other gross-out elements that the original didn't need.

But RINGU is not without it's flaws. Either the fact that I am not Asian, or maybe that I am not familiar with psychics, but the whole Ryiuji character left me wishing for more. Maybe the subtitle translation didn't make it clear enough, but I couldn't connect to that way he always had an answer to everything. Not that Sanada's performance is lacking. He steals the scene and carries out most of the movie. Remember Bruce Lee in GREEN HORNET? Maybe not, but that is Ryiuji here. And Matsushima is equally good, although she is given less to do than her American counterpart Naomi Watts. I will give credit to the US remake by eliminating the psychic subplot. I won't forgive the fact that Ryuji's American counterpart is a pointless and boring sidekick which is what ironically gives Watts her chance to shine.

RINGU is still a superior horrifying experience that you will not easily forget. Forget the sequels (RING 2), forget the spin-offs (RASEN), the rip-offs (FEARDOTCOM), or remakes (RING VIRUS and THE RING). It all rounds up to here. Be sure to watch Nakata's equally good DARK WATER, which is already getting a remake on early works. Oh, the humanity...

*phone rings*

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Subtle art of being scared.
mrbishop775 February 2001
After all the wait and hype, my copy of The Ring arrived in the mail today, and I was excited to see what was touted as one of the great horror masterpieces of the last decade. And what I got was something close. Real close...

The movie starts out great with two girls talking you right into the mood the great parts of the movie generate. Dark, creepy, and atmospheric. Here is a modern horror film that doesn't have to rely on over the top gore to send your heart into overdrive. THERE IS NO GORE AT ALL for all you gore hounds out there. Sorry! The story is nothing new, view this cursed tape that is going around, and a week later you'll die.

Maybe it was just the translation on my copy, but half way through, the dialog didn't seem to make much sense. I will watch it again, but I don't really think that it will matter much because this middle section is used to just throw you completely off track. But don't get me wrong, it is interesting to say the least.

The movie doesn't live up to it's bill until the end. WOW, now that was creepy to the max and worth the wait. The score was great and acting believable. If you are looking for a good reason to get creeped out The Ring is it...the only problem is that you may have a hard time finding it due to the fact that it isn't released here in the states. But if you have patience, go for it. It's not the greatest movie but it kicks the Blair Witch any day.
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Gafke12 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone knows the story by now: there's a videotape which, when played, reveals a discordant string of disturbing images including a circle of sky seen from below and a man looking down from above, the word "Eruption" written over and over again and moving of its own accord across the page, a hooded figure pointing at some unseen accused, a woman brushing her hair before a mirror and, last but not least, a well standing alone on a neglected patch of land. The video ends and the phone rings...but there is only an eerie silence on the other end. In seven days, the viewer of the video is dead, their heart having suddenly come to a stop for no apparent reason. One such victim is a seventeen year old girl, and it is up to her aunt, hotshot newspaper reporter Reiko, to solve the mystery of the strange video.

Like the American remake "The Ring," Ringu is not a perfect film. It leaves more than a couple of unanswered questions and may move too slowly in some parts to hold the attention of horror film fans who are used to a bloody slaughter scene every seven minutes. But for fans of good, spooky, old fashioned ghost stories, "Ringu" has a lot to recommend it.

One of the things I appreciated the most about this movie is the complete and utter lack of gore. There's not a drop of blood to be found in this film, which makes the sight of so many dead bodies, their faces frozen in hideous screams of horror, all the more effective. The character of Sadako also has more of an impact than the child from the remake. Sadako never speaks, her face is never seen (but for one hideous, floating eye) and her presence is solid, unlike her static-y American sister. Sadako's emergence from the TV screen in the films final moments is worth waiting through the rest of the movie to see; it is a truly creepy moment which looks to have been filmed backwards as Sadako creeps with jerky, inhuman movements across the floor and up, swiveling to face her victim. That scene haunted me (no pun intended) for two full nights of broken sleep...mostly because Sadako seemed so terribly human, as sad as she was frightening. You pity her before you see her merciless side, and this throws the balance way out of whack.

Unsettling, to say the least.

This is a film about dread, about knowing that something dark and terrible is waiting for you and not knowing how to stop it. You can only wait and hope for the best...but the wait itself is the real horror, and the unseen unknown is the most frightening monster of all.
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Astounding terror movie about a vengeful specter that kills everybody hear a surrealist videotape
ma-cortes28 July 2010
Afterwards the horrible death of some adolescents and her niece Tomoko , the journalist named Reiko begins to investigate rumors about a videotape that causes the strange murders . As she discovers that whenever a teenager spontaneously dies with a horrifying look on his face after hearing a supposedly killing videotape and one time the phone rings ,telling he had only one week to live . The TV reporter shows up to investigate these deeds . Reiko is helped by his ex-husband and later they face a race to save their lives from spooky creature . Reiko tries to get the bottom of mystery and discovers the secrets of life of Sadako and her father . Besides mysterious events are happening at home her husband and both of them are caught up by ominous Sadako.

Based on original Japanese novel by Koji Suzuki , it was a real success in the Asian cinemas and all around the world . This horror film provides great load of screams, grisly killings and creepy atmosphere which becomes pretty sinister with the Sadako appearing . The picture is a sleek production with average budget by approx 1.200.000 dollars , and packs genuine chills , suspense, tension , and shocks , it's a terror-thriller very exciting . The film is paced with intelligent edition, special use of color and slick utilization of shock images . This frightening movie displays thrills , chills , hard-edged drama and ghastly images . While the look is suitable atmospheric and eerie, the argument stretches plausibility to the breaking point. This is an acceptable adaptation of the novel and movie that took successfully Japan . The movie has some special effects describing series of weird and otherworldly happenings and a magnificent make-up specially reflected on the hair-raising countenance of dead . Eerie musical score and tenebrous cinematography with the TV surrealist images filmed in 35 mm and in super 8 style . The motion picture is professionally directed by Hideo Nakata in similar style to Takashi Shimzu movies . Nakata is an expert on horror cinema with eerie phantoms of pale complexion and long hair and directed its following ¨Ringu 2 (1999)¨ ; furthermore he directed US version ¨Ring 2¨ with Naomi Watts. Of course ¨The Ring¨ followed its American version directed by Gore Verbinski whose argument copies exactly the Japan original movie without surprises.
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In a word terrifying
sandi_glendinning11 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Ringu is an unassuming little movie that my boyfriend and I rented from the local DVD store knowing little about it other than it had inspired a recent Hollywood remake.

The first thing which accosts you when watching this film, is it's lo-fi documentary-style reality. Ringu has the look and feel production wise of a TV movie, but this only adds to the objective of it, to terrify.

The story unfolds of an everyday Japanese single mother, the backdrop is nothing unusual but this is required as the bizarre begins to unravel before the eyes of the watcher. The woman has a child whom appears to be a strange little boy, and in many ways he parents her in her hectic schedule. Her ex husband is an amiable fellow, though he has an annoying quality to any female whom observes him which one assumes is the reason for the couple's politely handled split.

The story takes a turn for the more macabre when a videotape emerges which is shrouded in urban myth. The short synopsis is you watch the tape and die within seven days of doing so. A group of teenagers inexplicably die, one of which is the niece of our leading lady. Being the plucky reporter that she is, she begins to investigate the eerie tape initially by watching it herself and embroiling her ex in this grim fairytale by seeking his counsel, on technical matters relating to the tape itself. The two find themselves in a race against time to discover the secret of the tape when their son watches a copy that was made.

The bogeyman of this psychologically rattling outing, is Sada- a child or a demon?, perhaps a freak of nature? No answer is given and the viewer is left to their own conclusion and speculation. This reliance upon the viewers observational conclusion is what makes Ringu a truly adult horror movie above all others, we are not told what to think or moralised. Ringu simply displays the evidence on the nature of Sada, and leaves you to suppose whether she is a tortured victim cast from society, or simply a demon and nothing more.

If the objective of any horror movie is to scare, then Ringu succeeds with flying colours. Everything about this movie is genuinely disturbing and unsettling. From the mythology of the tale to the ghastly contorted faces of the corpses that Sada, the demon of the story leaves in her wake.

The grainy gritty production plays and builds upon anybody who dares to watch. The bittersweet relationship between the two leads encourages us to care about them and their plight. The story piques the curious child in all of us, and dares us to look when we should not, and tamper with things that are beyond our understanding.

The absolutely heart ripping and bone chilling climax to this movie is unmissable. You will not be able to stop watching, but be wishing that you could rip out your eyes simultaneously!

This movie is a quiet and unpretentious if imaginative little piece from Japan, which displays something that Hollywood has lacked in the horror genre in many years. The director has a true innate gift for knowing exactly what it is that we can not put our finger on that horrifies the human mind. This film is very Japanese, and I cannot imagine it doing well when converted to Hollywood form.

Ringu is a movie made to be watched on your TV at home, exactly the way I did renting the DVD from your local store. This plays upon the very nature of the story. The TV is something we all think of as safe, it's in all our homes, and it is exactly this that adds such an overtone of terror to this particular film

As an additional note, my boyfriend was flicking through the extra features on the DVD and came across the cursed video clip, and proceeded to watch it. I couldn't, I left the room. This fact serves as the best conclusion that I can muster as to the brilliance of Ringu. It is not to be missed, but do not watch it alone!

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Not bad
malkworldorder27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you have NOT seen "The Ring" (American) then I urge you to see this one first. Not because this version is "better"--actually, the American version is superior in my opinion. In fact, I gave "Ring" the score I did ONLY because of the originality and suspense of the plot line and the quality of (most) of the acting. The execution of the plot line, however, was completely and utterly ruined right in the middle. Right when the ex-husband OMG SUDDENLY HAS AMAZING PSYCHIC POWERS and KNOWS ALL. Can you say, "lazy scriptwriting leads to completely anti-climactic deus ex machina?" I knew you could. I think it also lacked in subconscious imagery to play up the creepiness and sense of dread. Some fans call this "realism" but for crying out loud, this is a ghost story and there is no realism in ghost stories! I will say, though, that the use of ancient legend and certain real historical elements lent it a very "shivery" flavor and that worked well with the plot.

It's definitely worth watching though.
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Was better than "The Ring".
Aaron13751 April 2003
Everyone kept telling me how the original Japanese version of the Ring was better than our version so I tracked it down and finally found a copy of the Japanese version. For the most part I agree that it is quite a bit, better than our version. The story is basically the same as it revolves around a videocassette that kills anyone who watches it within a week. Though in this version, the images on the tape seem to fit the circumstances better, and more is explained in this one as well...though not all of it, there are still things that are unanswered. The atmosphere and mood of the movie are better than ours too, as the Japanese do not have constant music throughout, so there music cues make you a bit more edgy. The story of the girl's parents in this one is better too, and there is this thing with ESP that is simply ignored in our version. Here the father has ESP and that helps explain why the boy seems to have some sort of visions. The cast does well in this one as I think the father in this one is better than the American version. Though I did like the way the Ring looked in the American version more, and the scene where the boy told his mom that he shouldn't have helped the girl. This one ends basically looking like it has a sequel in mind, and considering there is a sequel I would have to say I am right. I hope it comes out too, as I would love to see it or any other Japanese horror, cause it seems they do a good job with horror.
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Too scary to even think about
dave-6584 December 2002
The japanese movie "Ringu" was so scary I couldn't quite think straight after watching it. It makes you feel so tense and alters your perception somewhat. The american "The Ring" is not as purely horrifying as Ringu and Ringu 2, as the pace in the japanese versions are methodical and steady as it gets scarier and scarier. You have to really see both Ringu and Ringu 2 BACK TO BACK to get the full effect. Ringu is essentially an exercise in fantasy-horror, an indulgent push into the strange human interest in the macabre. It is obsessed with two notions: suffering and rage, but highly muted. It is the on-screen equivalent of someone shouting at the top of their lungs in horror as the mute button is pushed. It's just very disturbing to sit through this thing, and I don't think many horror films can even come close to this one.

There are several recurring elements that are of interest, most notably how news reporters are centrally involved with the downfall of the odd and strange, or interfere with others without concern, and the use of television to "babysit" our kids these days. These two elements reinforce the reality of the movie as they correspond with our own ideas of "meddling journalists" and "the danger of TV for our youth", adding a dimension that gives the movie more weight and pull for the viewer. A marvel, go see the original japanese "Ringu" now!
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Boring and Not Scary in the Slightest.
HotHamlet5 August 2022
This movie is atrociously boring.

The cast and acting is fine but can be campy at times. That isn't what bothers me however. The movie is absolutely boring. The story has holes and isn't interesting at all and the scares well.

There are absolutely (without exaggeration) no scares whatsoever. No one point in this movie was i frightened or even jumped.

It is a boring and scrappy mess. Calling this horror is a disgrace to the genre. Don't watch this mess 1/10.
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Just plain creepy – really unnerving film
bob the moo22 July 2002
Rumours abound about a video tape that, once you watch it you have a week before you die. When a relative dies in a way that suggests she saw the video, journalist Reiko tracks down the tape and recklessly watches it. She finds she is under the curse and shows it to her ex-husband to get his help. When her son watches the tape Reiko and Ryuji race against time to discover the meaning behind the curse to be able to lift it.

I came to this only knowing the hype and the barest bits of the story. I knew it was meant to be scary and I wasn't disappointed. The plot is good in it's one word description but there are a few holes in it and something's aren't well explained. However it is a good story to follow as it is a form of a ghost hunt as they try to unravel the mystery. The whole thing has an air of uneasiness about it.

The film has some very scary moments – especially the ending which I won't even hint at. However for the most part it is just plain creepy – which is even worse. There's no blood or gore – just a real sense of being uncomfortable. The director has seen teen horrors before so he teases us – he has shots of people with doors just over their shoulder, or the TV lingering in the rear of the shot – knowing that we are conditioned to expect something to jump out – but then nothing does. Instead the scares come slowly and blatantly really not being shocking but just making your skin crawl.

The acting is superb all round although Sanada is a little stony at times but he gets better. The real star is the director who uses music and sound effects to get the eerie effect but also uses images that are weird to just creep out the whole film. I hope Hollywood directors learn what can be done with subtly rather than multimillion pound monsters or effects.

I have said before that Fire Walk With Me was one of the creepiest films I've seen. And that was for the same reason, just making me feel uncomfortable and unnerved. Here this little gem takes that to a whole new level.
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Seen it once? Thats enough.
p_adkins200423 September 2006
This cult Japanese horror follows the investigative journalism of a young Reiko Aswaka, who in the course of duty watches a cursed video tape, in which the viewer is killed by a mysterious force exactly seven days after viewing. In her last week alive she tries to get to the truth behind the video (and it's apparent power) in order to save her life, and also the lives of her son and ex-husband who end up watching the tape.

Chances are you've heard of this film, or at least its American remake. Ringu is the most successful film in Japanese history in terms of financial box office records, and is seen as marmite for horror fans (love it or hate it?).

The first time I saw this film I almost wet myself. Seriously. Every twist, dark camera angle, screeching of the non-melodic soundtrack had my heart racing. Unfortatnutley, it wasn't true of the second viewing. The scares are obvious a mile off (due to long build ups), and in terms of horror it doesn't quite work.

However, I would still say that as a film it still works. Unlike most of its fellow genre inmates, even with the horror stripped away, there is enough narrative to make the film work and the detective side of the story (although fairly underwhelming at times due to the easy accessibility of what they are looking for) makes it far more worthwhile than the typical slasher flicks that have plagued the horror films recently.

The dark undertones (murky lighting, and slow panning shots) certainly create an atmosphere suitable on first viewing, but on second time round, without the shock value, they are a little bit too obvious, as if the plot is stuck in a linear rut in terms of style.

The film is superior to its American cousin in my view due to the strong cast, and the horrifying first viewing (if you haven't seen this film I would advice you watch it with someone, with the lights on), and whilst directed very tastefully and artistically (and far better than any American horror of the last 10 or so years) lacks the brutal or horrific punch an effective horror film should have.
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A joy (or rather, terror) to watch!
armageddon_10129 May 2001
Forget the fact it's subtitled - that only adds to the effect. The director's use of angles, sudden appearances of characters in the frame, wonderfully puzzling flashback and periods of absolute silence combine to form THE best horror film I've seen in years. Forget Blair Witch, this is a true horror story - it could happen to anyone. The Japanese location may make the story more remote, but also makes it more mysterious. The story would work in another locale, say, the Deep South, US, but there's just something about "Ring" which works due to its defiance to comply with cliche. Just when you think you've got the film nailed down and swaggeringly predict the next events, you're proven totally wrong and dealt the double joy and horror of a perfectly timed shock revelation or two. No spoilers about the ending, needless to say, you will not see this one coming...
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Good movie - better than the American version
Sparrow_in_flight16 April 2004
Tonight, I saw both Ringu and The Ring. My frineds wanted to compare, and I was just there for the ride, having not seen either.

Ringu is far better, as far as explaining things goes. I like the psychic parent deal - the smooth, psychic experiences do a far better job at connecting the background pieces, than the disjointed moments of the American version. The steps taken are more logical (let's get a shovel and buckets to locate and empty the well, rather than just look in and end up getting shoved in by the TV), and while the effects aren't as impressive, that's ok. Acting is better on the whole, as well.

Plus, Yoichi is far more likable than the kid in the American version, who, while adding creepiness, just isn't that likable.

Overall, better than The Ring.
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Densely-plotted Japanese horror is one of the best of all time
Leofwine_draca2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the biggest and most popular Japanese horror film in recent years – certainly one of the few to garner world-wide attention and an immediate Hollywood remake – RING is a thoughtful, delicately-paced movie that suggests more than it shows. Like all such classic horror movies, the emphasis is on a creepy atmosphere and careful scenery building rather than violence or sudden loud crashes in the music. It's an atypical film, one which (like most of the 'new wave' of Asian horror films) requires a certain amount of patience to be able to sit through all the dialogue and scenes where nothing much in the way of action happens. But viewers are rewarded by plenty of splendidly creepy moments (as in the "leave your lights on afterwards" sense), which build to a genuinely suspenseful climax which even throws in a few twists to startle the viewer who believes he or she is ahead of the game.

RING is a low budget film, but the lack of money helps rather than hinders the project. For a start the film seems realistic, shot in real houses instead of sets, and with actors who turn in accomplished performances as normal, everyday people. The slow pacing makes this feel like a documentary and it's actually refreshing to see a film without needless car chases and fancy FX sequences (unsurprisingly, these popped up in the US remake). Nanako Matsushima is fine as the journalist mother, forever neglecting her son, and the scenes requiring her to show fear are fantastic. Hiroyuki Sanada, one of my favourite Japanese actors of all time, is equally excellent as Matsushima's ex-husband, who also watches the videotape and finds himself desperately investigating the past in order to save himself, his wife and his son in the present.

The videotape is always the centre piece of attention in the movie and the images we see on screen are deliberately thought-provoking, bizarre, abstract, almost dream-like shots which have the power to send a chill down the spine of the most stalwart watcher. The spooky bits get better as the film progresses: the interlude in the soggy well is a frightening set-piece although nothing happens, just the suspense of the situation is enough to make it work. The scenes involving the child apparition Sadako are superbly portrayed and should get a reaction out of the most hardened watcher. RING is a great movie that refuses to serve up a detailed plot line to the audience. Viewers are required to put thought and imagination into the film, in order to work out what is going on and to get the full effect. Those who do will surely agree that this is a successful, effective, quietly creeping horror classic that builds up the best sense of dread in any film I've seen.
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The short 'curse' film is a masterpiece. (possible spoilers)
the red duchess15 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Such was the cult-like swelling of appreciation around this picture, that I was surprised to discover that in terms of effect and ambition it was at best a variant of 'The X-Files'. A particularly good, intelligent, eerie X-File, maybe, with an excellent sense of narrative, but an X-File nonetheless. In the West at any rate, it does not have the same impact as the movie it's been most compared to, 'The Blair Witch Project' - 'Ring''s exquisite formalism (in direction, plotting and acting) is in contrast with the compelling contrived naturalism of the American film, its roots in America's past, folk legends etc. The disparity between the Michael Haneke-like clarity of the image, and the various traces that can be made out - a reflection on a window, the glow of a lamp - is where the real chill is.

It is a cliche that the horror movie puts on the surface those things a society would rather not acknowledge - 'Ring' takes this literally, the source of its horrors being a young woman buried alive in a well. The repressed traumas that Japan is hiding, then, on the basis of this film, is the old, conservative past. It is surely significant that the victims are all 'morally suspect' - the teenage friends who go out of town for presumed sexual licence; the daughter of a mother who isn't in the home. The heroine is an independent single mother who leaves her son at home for alarmingly long patches. The new Western liberalism taints everyone.

The new capitalist Japan is not even as we might imagine it from received opinion - there are few teeming streets, noisy traffic jams, bright neon signs, consumer overload, towering skyscrapers. This is very much a quiet, minimalist Japan, of large empty rooms filled with dread, of quiet empty streets. All everyday sound is magnified to seem hyperreal, threatening. All absences betray the expectation of a malevolent presence.

Old Japan is very much alive in the elaborate, formal religious rituals, but in this film they are funeral rites, linking the traditional to death, and it is this suppressed tradition that returns from the dead. After all Sadako is killed by an adulterer. It is also the revenge of forgotten provinces on Tokyo, the regional infecting the metropolitan, nature fighting back artifice, history versus post-modernism. Women, though, are always witches. Plus ca change.

Of course, the curse is disseminated by modernity's most sophisticated and pervasive mode of communication, TV, itself a museum of the dead, especially late at night, when Sadako strikes, along with all the old movies and forgotten stars.

If 'Ring' itself seems rather smallscreen, the little curse-movie is a masterpiece - part-Bunuel, part-Dreyer, with its hair-brushing woman, characters teeming like an insect hive, crawling men, hooded votaries, incredibly symbolically-loaded well, it is easily the best film I've seen all year. This makes the potentially risible denouement, as Sadako emerges from the TV, so poignant, as she jerks like old scratchy film.
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Supremely creepy Japanese horror
Red-Barracuda21 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ring was such a sensation on release that it led to a cycle of Japanese horror films. This Japanese invasion became known as J-Horror and they had quite an impact. Ring is a perfect example of why these movies were so effective. The cultural difference between the West and Japan meant that these films seemed somewhat unpredictable; some of the horror concepts and imagery were genuinely unsettling. We in the West could never have conceived of these ideas, they grew organically from Japanese culture. The unknown is often the scariest thing of all and the success of J-Horror is a perfect illustration of this.

The basic idea of Ring is a clever combination of the traditional Japanese ghost story with modern Japanese technology. In it, a strange videotape curses anyone who views it, resulting in a terrifying death exactly a week later. It's an extremely creepy film that is truly unnerving at times. The pacing is very deliberate as we are taken through to the unforgettable final act. It's all about mood and atmosphere. It's quite economic with its shocks, relying more on mystery and growing tension. The key to the puzzle lies in the enigmatic weird video at the heart of the story. This bizarre short film leads the protagonists on a journey to discover the sinister secrets that underpin it. Strange details surround those who view the tape, such as the fact that their images in photographs become disturbingly warped. It's a highly effective central idea for a horror film.

The visual presentation is very good, with some excellent cinematography. The sound design also works extremely well with the imagery on screen, adding to the ominous tone perfectly. On top of this there is good characterisation, which helps a great deal in giving the story an effective psychological edge. The husband and wife team are well played and believable; this makes their urgency in solving the mystery all the more pertinent. But nothing, I repeat nothing, can prepare a viewer adequately for Ring's one moment of true genius. Everybody who is reading this must surely know what I am about to refer to. I mean, of course, the moment when Sadako crawls out of the television screen. This must go down in the history of horror cinema as one of the most audacious and terrifying moments ever conceived. It's quite brilliant in concept and execution. The film may have been relatively subtle up to this point but after this scene perceptions of Ring suddenly and jarringly change. It's worth watching the movie for this scene alone.

It was remade in America to much lesser effect as The Ring in 2002.
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Viewing a VCR tape leads to the viewer's death in a week. A reporter and her husband go a search to unravel this deadly phenomenon.
baepj-119 February 2006
As much as I enjoyed the American remake of this chilling film, seeing "Ringu" made the remake comprehensible to me. When I first saw "The Ring" I failed to grasp what kind of story this was--it hit me as I watched "Ringu:" this is a classic Japanese ghost story, from a culture as fascinated by ghosts as the English are. This is the spirit, if you will, in the videocassette. It is a presence so powerful it can physically kill its victim.

The American film is far more atmospheric--it is a horror film that pulls out all the stops. Can anyone forget the frenzied horses on the ferry boat? Or the demented drawing of the soon-to-be-murdered child, which resembled those I have seen created by talented schizophrenics? The Japanese original is far more subtle. It is, however, more explicit about the child's demonic origin somewhere in the sea. No Godzilla she but a baleful force whose malevolence continues beyond the grave.
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A Classic that Forever Impacted the Genre
TheRealPetraeus22 November 2022
So, day 4 of my Thanksgiving week movie thing. I watched this yesterday (and re-watched it today lmao). Originally I was going to watch the American version, but last second I decided I wanted to watch this version instead. I didn't really have any expectations for this to be honest. I knew it was supposed to be good, but that was it. I didn't watch any reviews or anything. I knew a good amount of the plot due to how the popular it is now, so, it was bound to happen. But wow, this was way better than I expected.

The story is incredibly strong especially for a horror movie, but this isn't much of a horror movie (more on that later), but nonetheless, the story was great. The opening hooks you instantly, and gets you wondering what's going to happen. The mystery aspect is the best part of the story. There are a lot of questions that you want to have answered, and don't worry, they get answered, but the way we reach those answers is great. The tape is genuinely creepy, and adds another layer of creepy to the atmosphere, along with more mystery. Ringu moves at a very fast pace and hits all the main plot points with efficiency, but gives you time to breath and process what's happening, and that's a strong pro. Ringu is also a movie shrouded in mystery, especially with Yoichi and his dad. But as I said before, Ringu isn't a movie that leaves many questions unanswered, nearly every question is answered, which for some movies, especially horror movies, is quite rare.

Now, this is a horror movie so how are the scares? Well, this is where I start to wonder a bit because very few scenes are actually scary, but there is still tension, lots of it. Many scenes are very tense and have you on the edge of your seat, and I appreciate that the tension comes from the fact that you are concerned with what is going to happen in the story, and not the fact that you are scared of a jumpscare or something scary happen. I wouldn't fully consider this a horror movie, but it still has some good creepy imagery, but all things considered, it's more of a mystery film.

Now, the characters. With the 90 minute runtime, Ringu successfully sets up multiple characters for us to care for and be invested in. Ryuji is a very interesting character with a good amount of depth to him, and Reiko is a likeable protagonist who may not have the most amount of depth, you still root for and don't want to see lose.

One of my other biggest praises is the cinematography. This movie is beautiful. So many shots are just serene and peaceful to look at while others are haunting and fill you with dread. The camera work is just overall very impressive. There are lots of shots that could have been done in more generic ways, but have a unique style to them that really adds to the movie. Especially the more close quarter shots, but of course, the more landscape focused shots are just as good, and are a nice feeling of peace, which is always nice to have in such a grim movie. The acting is also great. No performances are bad, and everyone seems to be trying their best, and it really shows because I found everyone to have a really good performance. The dialogue is also very realistic feeling, and is entertaining to watch. I never found there to be any lies that were cringe or out of place, or maybe just didn't land well. Overall, Ringu is an incredibly well-written movie.

I'll be honest, all I knew about the Ring movies were some snippets of the American remake and the Ringu chapter in Dead by Daylight, but this blew my expectations away. Genuinely intense at times, had a great mystery and overall fantastic story, likeable characters, who had good mystery attached to them, a nice twist at the end, and AMAZING cinematography. This is for sure a must watch for horror fans, and people new to the genre because this isn't very scary, and had a massive impact on the genre. Highly recommend!
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Good Japanese horror movie.
Pmust-34 March 1999
First of all, I am quite surprised that this movie did not get more votes than this, as it is quite popular here. I don't know if it has been released somewhere else in the world, neither do I know if it has been released on video in other countries than Japan. The plot is quite common, it's a very "Japanese" style horror movie (curses, ghost of a young girl, but no gore...), nevertheless what strikes from the very beginning is the excellence of the directing. The set/lights are quite astonishing, the soundtrack is also very good, with a lot of "scratchy sounds" that make you jump from your seat. In my opinion, there are some few scenes that are close to the perfection (the sequence of the cursed video on which the story is based has to be seen, it makes you feel sooo uncomfortable). To sum it up, although the plot would have deserved more development, it's a good Japanese movie, if you have the chance to find it somewhere, don't hesitate, it gives another vision of "horror". By the way, I've only seen Japanese versions on sale, I don't know if there is an English dubbed/subtitled version.
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Am I missing something? Not horror.
tonypeacock-130 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel disappointed. The same sense of disappointment I felt after watching 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Both overly hyped in my opinion. I mean take Ring/Ringu. My first foray into Japanese cinema.

Supposedly Ring set the bar for Japanese horror films. But that is precisely the issue I have with it. I wasn't scared.

It basically has a plot about a cursed videotape (made before DVD!) that when watched causes death in 7 days.

I wasn't expecting jump scares in every other scene and pints of blood being spewed across the screen. However just a little bit of scaryness! Ringu relies more on the atmosphere and Japanese legend. It just doesn't meet my horror definition. It is more psychological and slow moving for the horror I am more accustomed.

I would class Ring (Ringu) as more thriller than conventional western horror.

In its favour this 1998 feature does introduce many conventions that reached western 'horror' films over the past twenty years or so.

In that I mean the videotape footage that has been in use in several films.

Admittedly my first Japanese horror genre watch. I will persevere but not overly impressed.
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