Emmerdale Farm (TV Series 1972– ) Poster

(1972– )

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What have they done to this show???
Sleepin_Dragon16 February 2022
As of 2022 this show is no longer watchable, it used to be essential viewing, the soap that managed to feel very different to EastEnders and Corrie, in recent times though it's started to make Hollyoaks look subtle. The storylines have gone beyond belief, and the characters are now almost comic book like, grotesque caricatures.

RIP Emmerdale, ten, to fifteen years ago, it was excellent, now though, it's one to skip. Only Corrie is now worth watching.

2022 2/10 <2010 8/10.
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Viewers being taken for idiots😡
fionamorley2 April 2023
The storyline involving Alex, him being knocked down by Billie, on a massively clear road but Billie didn't see him Alex stopping in the middle of said road to have a conversation, all following a tussle in the heart of the village with Alex's name being bellowed out but no one, not a single person around!!! I not only find this to be so unrealistic I also feel your taking your viewers to be completely stupid. Constantly have to embellish events to the point of lunacy. Really annoying and extremely frustrating, why can you not just run a straight forward storyline Alex gets caught but gets away, makes his way back to the car and escaped, police chase crash anything other than this rediculous turn of events, nothing ever just goes well for anyone at any time why can't you have just a normal storyline depicting how everyone is coping with the cost of living, yes you've touched on it with the Dingles, but they are a family that have always struggled just for a little while can storylines play out without stupid unrealistic twists, what a breath of fresh air that would be.
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Used to like this
MarkLynnIreland12942 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just like Britain's EastEnders and Australia's Home and Away, this is one soap that I used to like before slowly disliking and almost completely quit watching - I tend to forget it's drama yet almost makes me believe it's genuine. I'm mainly interested in Emmerdale from 2009 to 2014 or 2015 as I'm still watching favourite moments on YouTube. As for anything current or past few years mainly nurse Meena Jutla turned into serial killer with her victims being doctor Liam Cavanagh's daughter Leanna, Andrea Tate and Ben Tucker (Liv got blamed for that) and expose of Chas's affair with Al Chapman which Paddy finds out, and Cain made a scapegoat as his lad Kyle in a course of action combination of Bobby Beale and Maggie Simpson with a gun. In 2015, hated some tragic deaths of Valerie Pollard and even Katie Sugden.

From watching online and mainly on YouTube, my favourite moments include Cain Dingle (classic actor Jeff Hordley) getting beaten up by mystery assailant in 2011 (prime suspects being Jai Sharma and John Barton and cousin Charity left him for dead), the live episode in October 2012 when Chas (beautiful Lucy Pargeter back then) confronted by Carl King who worked out she had relationship with Cameron Murray (Dominic Power is another good actor), blackmailed them and lead Chas believe she killed Carl (Cameron concealing the truth he's the culprit). I really hate Debbie back then like she's a hypocrite when she somehow slept with Cameron whilst in Jersey then she gets furious of Cameron sleeping with Chas then as payback have her sent down. When that failed, she creates the horror film cliche with taking someone to somewhere secluded and finish them in a frightful way. Even hated Charity as well back when she was against Chas wanting her sent down.

What Cameron did to Chas's half-sister Gennie (after her distrust of Cameron, she overheard him admitting that he killed Carl) was unforgivable (breaks my heart even watching Chas grieve that she doubted Gennie about Cameron) - as because of that, I prefer Chas to be looking after Molly on Gennie's behalf instead of having Molly and her dad Nikhil in Toronto. Even Debbie too is partially to blame as if she didn't take Cameron back after he confessed to killing Carl for her sake, then she wouldn't chased Gennie off the road.

Overall, Emmerdale is soap I used to like yet lost interest in it since, only favourite moments with Cain's attack in December 2011, Cameron and Chas's affair even with Gennie finding out, Chas on trial for Carl's murder, Debbie and Chas nail Cameron for what he did.
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Going against the grain!
Rabical-9116 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The second longest running British soap opera of all time ( in second place to 'Coronation Street' ). Created by Kevin Laffan, 'Emmerdale Farm' started on Yorkshire Television in 1972 yet by the mid '90's the titled was shortened to 'Emmerdale' when Phil Redmond ( responsible for both 'Grange Hill' and 'Brookside' ) took over the creative duties. I used to watch this programme religiously when I was younger. That, my friends, was fifteen years ago, back when people could act and when story lines weren't just about fighting, adultery and arguing.

Many years back, a special episode entitled 'Emmergale' was screened in which a freak storm hit the village, causing mass destruction, as well as a few fatalities. If it had finished there, all would have been well, but ITV had to wring as much out of it as they could. Like 'Eastenders', it seems to be marred with the curse of flogging a dead horse. In fact, nowadays it seems more effort has gone into how the opening credits look rather than the quality of the scripts.

Another setback about today's episodes is that the characters are too unlikeable to endear themselves, a fact not helped by the bad acting from the actors portraying them, especially from Jeff Hordley as Cain Dingle. Back when I watched it there were a fine ensemble of decent performers such as the late Stan Richards as Seth Armstrong, Paula Tilbrook as Betty Eagleton, sexy Deena Payne as fiery Viv Hope, Lorraine Chase as evil Steph Stokes, gorgeous Carolyn Pickles as her nemesis Shelley Williams, Christopher Chittell as feud-making business man Eric Pollard and Louise Beattie as Laura Johnstone.

'Emmerdale', like 'Coronation Street', is too ridiculous now to be credible. Hopefully, someday someone will shut the barn door on it for good.
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Just, Cringe
bzhpzq18 October 2022
This programme is so bad it's hard to watch, I actually feel sorry for the actors who have to suffer abysmal storylines, which is bad enough but these storyline get recycled every 6 months.

Every other episode ends up with a hospital visit and some of the antics that go on in a sleepy rural village suspend belief to the point of comedy.

The writing and dialogue is just, cringe and I actually pity people who class this as entertainment.

Just because something has been around for 50 years, doesn't mean it's entitled to continue to do so. Struggle to find anything worse on tv.

Emmerdale, total crap.
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A Load Of Manure
ShadeGrenade11 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
History is continually being rewritten. The accepted myth is that from 1972-93, Kevin Laffan's 'Emmerdale Farm' consisted entirely of Annie Sugden making tea while Matt and Joe ate doorstep sandwiches and discussed how to fix a broken tractor. Even I.T.V.-1 has perpetuated this myth in its 'Emmerdale Family Album' programmes. Had it been like that, it would have been cancelled - and rightly so.

'mathewowen' describes 'Emmerdale Farm' as 'having shed its image as a boring drama'. I think he has confused 'boring' with 'believable'. From 1972-93, 'Emmerdale Farm' was a well-written, well-produced and well-acted serial, with interesting characters ( 'Amos Brierly' and 'Mr.Wilkes' spring to mind ) and it did not insult the intelligence of viewers. But something dreadful happened. 'Brookside' maestro Phil Redmond was brought in to fix something that wasn't broken.

In one of the most tasteless soap story lines of all time, a plane crashed on Beckendale, mirroring the real-life Lockerbie disaster of a few years earlier. More than just a few minor characters died. So did the show's spirit, its soul, its individuality. These days, 'Emmerdale' rivals 'Eastenders' in terms of sheer stupidity, with shouting in lieu of acting, and formulaic plots about adultery, adultery, and, oh yes, adultery. Don't get me started on the Dingles! There're like something out of 'Viz'! The ridiculous title sequence sets the tone for the show, featuring an over-orchestrated arrangement of Tony Hatch's theme, and pictures of people not in the actual programme, as 'Harry Hill's T.V. Burp' pointed out. I've recently submitted a script to the 'Emmerdale' production office. It begins with a nuclear explosion in 'The Woolpack' and the radiation unleashed causes the beer in the pumps to mutate into a sentient life form. Think they'll use it?

Rather than continually sneer at this show's beginnings, I.T.V.-1 should study the episodes held in the archives to see what it was they were once so good at!
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Utter tripe
jerryp6530 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Emmerdale most certainly needs some new writers as this show is now ridiculous beyond words. No wonder the competitors win all the tv awards and not this utter tripe. A serial killer roaming around the village with Dexter like moves, killing every Tom Dick and Harry and everyone is so stupid (including the police) that no one has any clue. Regarding Al, the producers make a mockery out of law enforcement. When the pub was burned down no evidence of arson was found whilst even a halfwit would know that in normal circumstances they would.

All soaps have these far fetched story lines but others seem to know when to bring them to an end. Emmerdale writers don't seem to have this skill and just milk a story line to its absolute death. Come on you guys, please try and make your stories just a little bit believable. Even Eastenders knows when enough is enough, and they are the show which depresses beyond all depression! I use to like watching this show as a bit of light relief but sorry, but no more, you have absolutely ruined it for me. Watch and learn how Corrie gets the right balance between drama, laughter and misery and apply accordingly. And get rid of your ridiculous writers.
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A good old British soap.
chris_gaskin12328 February 2002
Emmerdale is a good old British soap.

Although the stars in this are changing all the while, I still enjoy watching it.

Some of the best stars in this are Betty and Edna. They bring comedy relief, which it needs at times as there have been several tragedies over the years, including a plane crash and minibus crash, where several characters were killed off.

Unfortunately, Stan Richards who played Seth died earlier this year (2005) and Emmerdale won't be the same without him.

Some of the story lines in Emmerdale at present are rather silly, especially the affair between Viv and Paddy. Looks like yet another marriage breaking up (Emily and Paddy). For some reason, scriptwriters seem against people being happily married. There won't be any married couples left in Emmerdale the way things are going. You would not get this many marriage and relationship break ups in such a small community in real life.

Despite all this, Emmerdale is an excellent soap and I still watch it.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5.
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Brilliant Soap. The only one there is
Blobbybrew21 September 2008
Emmerdale is by far the best soap on TV. The story lines are not far fetched and ridiculous but not weak and boring. All the characters have their own uniqueness and the whole show oozes charm and cosiness. The recent storyline of Katey and Grays baby had me captivated all the time it was running.

I think this show is often pushed aside when bigger soaps operas like Eastenders and Coronation Street are thrown into the picture. But really Eastenders has dried up and is pity full to watch, And Coronation Street never really captured my attention.

Emmerdale is a cheerful, sweet, easy going soap opera and should be around for a long time to come. God willing.
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Still watchable
catherinemncw17 May 2023
I still watch Emmerdale even though some of the characters are dreadful. I can't stand Wendy, such an interfering old bag and boring with it. She is a horrible character with nothing going for her, can't believe she moved into the B&B and carries on as if she owns it without Bernice punching her into the mouth which she should do. The hypocrisy of most of them is unbelievable as are the story lines. The tart that was married to Paddy blows up over Mack and the baby, when she was carrying on for ages behind Paddy's back. Belle throws herself at everything in a pants. Mandy lusting after Paddy 😳. It could do with a massive clear out of characters.
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Pointless bad premise badly written bad characters
Critic7515 September 2022
It's OK for the easily pleased Think of hills have eyes with none of the charm and combine it with deadenders kiddyoaks and boranation Street and there you are like how did this get commissioned in the first place I honestly i can't fathom why anyone in full possession of their faculties would subject themselves to such moronic and childish nonsense such as this someone please either make an effort or get rid of it its the lowest form of abysmal if you like this good for you but honestly itv needs to either create a new show or sell the studio this genre of programming won't last much longer I'll laugh when it gets cancelled.
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Good soap
h-473208 April 2015
I recorded Emmerdale yesterday so I could watch today's one and all he other ones. I really loved it and I don't see why it has such a low amount of rating! It's at an ideal time so Mum could watch her soap EastEnders because otherwise she would need to wait until I finish watching this soap. She would wonder when she would get to watch her soap and I would say that Emmerdale is my favourite show. It's on 5 days a week but if you compare it to EastEnders that's one soap episode extra and this episode is Wednesday's soap break for EastEnders! I originally was too young but with a neighbour asking me and I said I didn't mind her watching Emmerdale! I like Emmerdale! I'm now old enough to watch a soap.
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The Emmerdale Plane Crash Story Line Was In 1993, Not 1989.
vintageTVaddict31 July 2008
Professor Stahlman's comment on here is inaccurate. True, Emmerdale Farm became Emmerdale in November 1989, but Phil Redmond's time on the soap was in the early 1990s, and the plane crash storyline took place in December 1993 and January 1994.

For the first few years after 1989, the renamed show was pretty much as it had always been, but with an increased youth content and a gradual reducing of story lines revolving around Emmerdale Farm itself.

1993 was the pivotal year in bringing about the show as we know it today - with Emmerdale farm house collapsing due to subsidence and the plane crash.

Personally, I think modern day Emmerdale is nothing like Emmerdale Farm or the early years of Emmerdale (pre-plane crash).

I would love ITV to repeat old episodes, particularly those showing the introduction of Al Dixon as Walter in 1980, Richard Thorp as Alan Turner in 1982, Tony Pitts as Archie Brooks in 1983 and Diana Davies as Mrs Bates (1984).

ITV should show lots and lots of old Emmerdale Farm episodes in my opinion.
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Modern and urbane... not a new thing in Emmerdale!!!
bhiggins7827 July 2015
People may complain about Emmerdale having become 'urbane' in recent years and moving away from it's so-called rural charm...

But these clips showing a racist attack in Leeds from December 1992, will show you just how modern and urbane the show had already become as the 90s kicked in...

...and to think that people thought that before the plane crash of 1993, all the show consisted of was Annie making tea and baking bread, and Jack & Joe milking a cow and sheepdipping... definitely not so...! :)

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Random reactions
grandman30 November 2023
Thursday 20th November, 2023. So, David finds out his son has been seeing his ex girlfriend, Victoria, who he split with months ago. His reaction? Not a reaction anybody in the history of having reactions has ever had. Completely random, unbelievable, nonsense reaction. Maybe it's leading up to the inevitable 'sorry I over reacted' scene, but honestly, what the hell? Just terrible, terrible, terrible plotting and writing. Terrible. Terrible. Although, props to the editor who managed to get the drum fill from the music playing in the bar to lead straight into the Emmerdale bumper music. Well done. They should add this fill to all future bumper music, it'd improve the whole show.
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mickchristie-8532224 July 2018
He tries but you need subtitles can't hear a word he says
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Nice Peter's, & EpicLLOYD's Epic Rap Battles of History.
The only reason this isn't less than 2 stars out of 5 is because this isn't one of those poorly made mockbusters where the acting is non-existent, the same can not be said about the writing.
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If you go to England, you should watch British Soaps!
Sylviastel16 January 2006
I like Emmerdale. Since I live in America, it is hard for me to get shows like East Enders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and other British soaps. Emmerdale has been around as long I have been alive. I have watched it a couple times. But I am an avid American soap watcher, the main difference between British and American soaps is that British soaps look more realistic with people that look like they are your neighbors. The show could use better writing but I can't say much more since I only watched a few episodes. When you go to England, you should watch Emmerdale, East Enders, and Coronation Street which are the main soaps known to me. Emmerdale is set in Northern England around Leeds. The cast especially the Tates and Patsy Kensit playing a vixen is worth watching. The soaps are only 25 minutes. Unlike American soaps, where are actors and actresses looked like they were plucked from modeling catalogs. British actors and actresses look the role. In fact, Sir Ian McKellen appeared in Coronation Street for 10 episodes last year by his choice. Emmerdale is worth watching along with Corrie and East Enders. My big problem with the shows is the lack of attention to the veteran actors and actresses who have been on for years. Except for Patsy Kensit, I wasn't sure about the others in the show but it's worth watching anyway.
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Will the real Patrick Mower please stand up?
Mac-14815 February 2009
I used to watch Emmerdale Farm between shifts at the Charlie Chester Casino in Archer Street and loved it. That would be November 1976 and it starred a Scottish lad who used to be in Dr Who. My point is, anyone who watches it now, with Patrick Mower, has to read "Central Casting" by Jimmy McTee (http://stores.lulu.com/aroundthepeak), in which there is a Patrick Mower look-alike competition in Sri Lanka and he is given a chance to explain why he didn't become James Bond... Apparently he nearly made it, but lost out to Roger Moore for reasons not entirely satisfactory. But then in his CV he has Callan, which makes him a star straight away. Target I am not so sure about...
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What on earth is this?
alanfisher200120 June 2022
Having just seen it after probably over 10 years gap, I can only but echo the comments by another poster sleepin dragon.

It now appears to look like a hollyoaks episode, with a range of overmade up women, many with hilariously swollen lips. Rather than being in emmerdale, it just focuses on the minutiae of people's relationships, with no actual storyline.

The scenes remind me oddly of a low budget version of Acorralada.
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Great soap
bevbeedie18 December 2020
I love it It's a mixture of comedy and sad stories The only fault I the actor who played Marlon He's the most irritating person I've ever seen on TV and there's a few
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millygill-474305 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I hope Emmerdale are going to win big at the British Soap Awards this year 2019 as they have had great success and great storylines I love watching Emmerdale every night and the classic Emmerdale in the afternoon
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Best Soap Ever
Big Movie Fan6 November 2002
Emmerdale Farm (Emmerdale since 1989) is the best soap on TV and has been for a number of years; I am still puzzled as to why it doesn't get the credit it deserves.

I usually watch this soap at my girlfriend's house and it is a great way to unwind after a hard day's work. It's set in Yorkshire (probably the most beautiful county in England)and follows the trials and tribulations of a small village. The villagers can usually be found in local pub The Woolpack or the village shop. However, unlike other soaps, there's several scenes set outside with the beautiful Yorkshire scenery.

Unlike other soaps, Emmerdale is a character driven soap. Every now and again it has a big drama such as the 1993 plane crash or the 2002 lorry crash but it doesn't need to have such big events often because it focuses more on the characters. Since it started in 1972 the writers have done a wonderful job.

Another ingredient to Emmerdale's success is the balance between humour and tragedy. Some soaps such as Eastenders and Brookside are far too gloomy with no comedic scenes at all but Emmerdale balances the tragedy out with comedy scenes involving the likes of the Dingle Family or the dodgy Eric Pollard. Comedy has always been one of Emmerdale's strong points.

The characters themselves are great. Obviously, I would love to go into detail but there wouldn't be enough space when you consider 30 years worth of shows. The 70's focused mainly on the Sugden Family who were always interesting. The 80's saw the likes of Rachel Hughes and the debut of the immoral Eric Pollard. The 90's was a great time for the likes of millionaire Frank Tate, his heartless son Chris, his evil wife Kim Tate and lesbian vet Zoe Tate. Here in the 21st century, Emmerdale continues to be good with characters like the romeo Rodney Blackstock, the crazy Dingle Family and gangster Ray Mullan.

I have actually lived in a village for a period and this is quite true to life. Okay, soaps could never really be considered reality but when I lived in a village I found that the small community really did stick together through thick and thin and the same happens in this programme. The only thing that isn't realistic is the amount of time the characters spend in the pub-one of these days Emmerdale is going to suffer from a mass outbreak of alcohol poisoning.

All in all, Emmerdale has been consistently good and recently celebrated it's 30th birthday with some great episodes. Here's to the next 30 years.
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millygill-474305 May 2019
I am so looking forward to seeing the flashbacks in this weeks Emmerdale about Maya
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Emmerdale 30 Day challenge
millygill-474305 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Day 1 Grace's Garden 2019

Day 2 Bring Back joe Tate

Day 3 Welcome Back Jamie Tate

Day 4 Bring Back Lisa Riley

Day 5 New Amy

Day 6 New Adam

Day 7 New Andy

Day 8 Belle finds out About her Mum Lisa

Day 9 Aaron and Robert

Day 10 Eric knocked over

Day 11 Vote Nicola king

Day 12 The British Soap Awards Vote Emmerdale

Day 13 Megan started the car crash

Day 14 Eric Hip operation

Day 15 will Eric marry Faith

Day 16 frank and Megan get married
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