The Saphead (1920)
Enjoyable enough, if too reserved and nonchalant
2 February 2022
Bearing lighthearted humor and mild drama, one must know from the start that while Buster Keaton stars, this is not one of the robust romps typical of the legend's peak. The physical comedy and stunts for which he was known in his greatest short and full-length films is largely traded for more simple sight gags, situational humor, misunderstandings, and the daft silliness of Keaton's dimwitted protagonist Bertie failing to grasp basic concepts. It never reaches near the level of excitement or hilarity that follow from the likes of 'Go west' or 'The Navigator.' In fact, there's more drama here than comedy, and even at that, the picture mostly flows along so serenely that before you know it - and before much of anything seems to happen - it's already more than half over. Still, if not essential and riveting, 'The saphead' is satisfyingly amusing.

It feels strange to see Keaton in such a comparatively straight, quiet role, but to his credit he manages the spotlight well with able (if subdued) poise and nuance. His co-stars are just as swell, with performances deftly meeting the delicate, uncertain balance between the picture's elements. If not entirely successful, I appreciate June Mathis' screenplay - accordingly an effort to blend two different stories - as it weaves an adequately compelling narrative. The follies and foibles of the characters are suitably interesting to keep us watching and wondering just where it's all going to end up, and the climax is delightfully clever. However, well made as this is, and capably put together, it still feels like it's only Just Enough. Characters, scene writing, and the plot as a whole are enjoyable, but feel thin, dispassionate, and struggle to spark the imagination. It's storytelling through light and sound that meets the fundamental definition of entertainment as a movie, but feels less like an experience and more like checking off an item from a mundane to-do list.

None of this is to say that 'The saphead' is bad. On the contrary - it's a good time, and worth checking out if you have the opportunity. Yet whether you're a particular fan of Buster Keaton's brand of comedy, or just looking for a solid feature to devote your attention to, there's no reason to go out of your way for this. You can view it, and absorb all, while perhaps not wholly engaging with it. There are many, many others titles that I'd recommend before spending 75 minutes with this; all the same, it's a fair way to pass the time.
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