Amazing. Now some points that need to be made...
9 January 2022
It's not a remake. This has absolutely nothing to do with the 1961 film. They are completely separate adaptations of the stage musical. This is not rocket science. New versions of West Side Story are made every year around the world. The 1961 film has literally zero ownership over this story and characters.

It's as simple as this.. anyone crying about this film being "woke" - has not seen it. The extremely short passages of Spanish dialogue are deliberately written to not need subtitles. The performances make the context of the speech obvious - and everything is repeated in English anyway. Anybodys is presented exactly the same as the 1961 film - no reference to "non-binary" is ever made. Ergo the people moaning about the casting have (again) not even seen the film. Nothing about the main plot is changed, but the backstory is developed with great success. Chino especially is a huge improvement from earlier adaptions. Tony's more genuine past is a big asset to the film as well. Rita Moreno's new role is wonderful.

It's an incredible ensemble performance. The dancing is amazing, and the singing is breath-taking. And there's no miming here - many of the songs were even recorded live on set! The work behind the camera is equally impressive. Stunning cinematography and direction. Tony & Maria didn't have perfect chemistry, but the rest of the performance more than makes up for that.

Why are people acting invested in how much money this film makes, as if that has anything to do with it's quality. For a reality check I will remind you Steven Spielberg is literally the richest film director is the history of cinema. The guy is a multi-billionaire. Some people make a success of their lives while internet trolls waste away. Make better choices. And I realise I'm shouting into the void here - this page has clearly been completely lost to those trolls. Or should just say "troll" - on the first page alone I count 6 users that are all literally the same person. That's the extent of my patience, but no doubt this bizarre person has dozens more fake accounts if I could be bothered to check. Why someone would waste their life trolling a film website 24/7 is beyond me - but whatever, it's a free country.
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