Review of Colony

Colony (2016–2018)
I Had To Abandon My Policy On Watching Cancelled TV Series - Colony is a Brilliant Show
15 May 2021
I absolutely hate watching mid story cancelled shows.

More than that, I hate the way companies like Netflix and Amazon etc market a show with the full knowlege that they are incomplete works. I strongly believe that such shows should come with a disclaimer.

I wouldn't start reading a book or watching a movie with the knowlege that the book had the last chapter missing or that the movie theatre would turn the projector off with 20 mins of the movie left, so why these companies get away with misleading marketing routinely is beyond me.

So a few episodes into Colony I thought I'd pop onto IMDB to write a review only to find out that this brilliantly executed show had been axed.

Despite this I decided to stick with COLONY as it is truly exceptional. So good in fact that I am continuing to watch it even though i know with absolute certainty that it will piss me off in the end.

This is definitely my kind of sci-fi. It combines political drama, intrigue, mystery and classical sci-fi themes along with a sprinkling of cop show, detective, revolutinary type elements. It touches on cult worship and religions, whether the right thing to do is to fall in line with your oppressors or resist and risk the possible death of the innocent in the fight.

It also brutally hits home how controllable human beings really are especially with todays technology. Give a regime enough control and at a certain point you simply won't be able to wrench that control back. Convince or coerce enough people to side with the system, and you're freedoms are gone. It's all a matter of when and how that balance tips for or against you.

It also shows advanced aliens truly acting intelligently. Instead of just appearing out of nowhere and nuking everything in sight, they simply take control of those who have control and power to begin with. The scare tactics, intimidation and psychological warfare techniques are spot on.

The shows pacing, acting and directing is good. The atmosphere is oppressive as it should be.

As an early fan of The Walking Dead who finally gave up watching after either the one eyed patch guy, the baseball bat dude or the cannibals (I can't remember which one was the last), I found Colony to be far superior. Having said that though if the makers of Colony also intended dragging the story out endlessly then maybe cancellation was a better option.

At the very least some sort of story should have concluded even if it resulted in the invaders winning in the end.

In any case, from what I've seen so far midway through season 2, Colony would have gotten a 10 from me. The only reason I've taken one star off is because of the absolute morons who decided to cancel Colony.

They should all be sent to The Factory.
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