The Dark Red (2018)
Nothing Particularly New, but Mostly Well-executed and Good Suspense.
6 August 2020
There are a few ways that this story could have gone, and all of them could be labeled "predictable", so I am not sure that is a good reason to say this movie is "bad". If you found it boring, I guess you just didn't find it suspenseful, that would be a better criticism. On the whole though, there is one film I would compare this to from the 80's, but were Io do that, if will literally take all tension away that you may otherwise have. So yes, this isn't an original story, but it is well-executed and very well-made.

I enjoyed the entire film, it wasn't slow, it was moderately pace, but it doesn't reveal it's hand all at once, it is a thriller/mystery, that is kind of how they work. It was mostly well-acted, so I am not sure what others mean when they say ti isn't. Were there a couple of less then stellar moments acting-wise? Yes, but on the whole, it was very well acted.

Coming from someone who watches a lot of low-budget films, I can say pretty definitively that this film is very well-made, the cinematography, lighting, sound, and script are all quite well-done. There are actually a lot more closeups in this film than most, and that is a dangerous thing, meaning, if the acting is really horrible, those closeups are very risky, as previously noted, there are a few dodgy moments acting-wise, but those moments are very brief. The closeups are well-done, and do a good deal to enhance the tension in the film, so the risk payed off.

There are some interesting themes here, such as the choices we make being generational, and sometimes we repeat the same things our parents did without even realizing it, but even knowing that, the question is whether or not it was worth it? I do think that this film poses at least a few good philisophical questions, also in regards to who we let into our lives, how people who are "damaged goods" might have both a higher and lower guard than "regular" people, but I supposed these themes will likely go over most people's heads, I don't mean that to sound like I'm smarter, I just mean to say, instead of being impatient, and focusing on the few flaws this film has, take the time to look past those flaws, they are small overall, and take the time and pay attention to what is going on in the subtext of the script, because there is actually a good deal of subtext here.

God Bless ~Amy
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