The Best Thing *****spoilers
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
***contains spoilers****

The best one was the third one, Touch. Blind kid and parents are in car accident. Mom and dad can't move so he goes off into the woods to find help. Alng the way, like blind people are taught, he counts steps from object to object.

He stumbles upon a house after hearing a faint call for help. And after feeling around realizes he may be in danger and leaves. The occupant of the house warns him about the man holding him captive and torturing him - he has 9 fingers and doesn't like to be touched.

On his way back to the car, he meets a friendly sounding man and when he takes his hand to take him back to the wreck, the man jerks his hand away.

This was the best of the lot because, for once, a potential victim in a horror film isn't stupid and doesn't make stupid decisions. I really enjoyed how this kid handled himself. This ended abruptly and I actually wanted more.

Number 4, Taste, a lot of people didn't like, but I did. I thought it was over there top and scary as heck. I almost feel there are businesses out there like that. E only way out is dead.

All the stories have loose tie-ins and one person pointed out it may be a corporation behind it, but that doesn't match up with the Touch story, unless one of the parents worked for the company.

The last story is the weakest as the acting was trying to be natural but was anything but.

It's the pandemic and you could do worst.

I'm not recommending it nor warning you off it either
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