A genre masterpiece
1 January 2020
I slept on this movie for nearly 5 years and it kind of just blew my mind. To be honest, when it came out, I saw the trailer and thought it looked like uninspired, try-hard, throwback hogwash. I felt it would most likely have an empty plot and a poor sense of humor, but I could not have been more wrong. It's actually a complete genre masterpiece.

It's one of the most loyal replications of the editing, cinematography, aesthetic, and acting styles of psychedelic films from around 1963-1973. And it's lead actress Samantha Robinson is absolutely stunning, absurdly captivating, and her beauty and seduction bleed right through the screen. I guess writer/director Anna Biller did the majority of the set design herself too?! Everything about this movie impressed the heck out of me. It's a ton of fun. Wow. Wow. Wow.

I also think this is fully one of those stylish, dreamy types of movies that a lot of you will want to turn on in the background of your day to day life once you've actually watched it once and have fallen under it's spell.
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