These rave reviews are obviously fake
11 May 2019
What the reviews here calling this movie an "indie film" mean is that it is an ultra low-budget, super cheesy horror movie. The acting is bad, the plot is played out, and the sound design is noticeably atrocious. By far the worse part about it is the "scares and effects". They consist of people's voices changing, door shutting on their own, bad jump-scares, and cheesy makeup.

If you feel like being really bored for an hour and a half or you just can't fall asleep, I would recommend it. Everybody else should avoid this train-wreck like the plague. Any review rating this movie higher than a 2 is fake. It's not that this isn't my kind of movie, it's that this is obviously a very badly made film. PS: who doesn't like potatoes?
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