The Saphead (1920)
All they do here is knock off hats, but I enjoy it. It occupies the mind.
6 September 2018
'The Saphead' was Buster Keaton's feature film debut that made him real star and respectable as an actor. The film is based on Broadway play where Bertie Van Alstyne was played by Douglas Fairbanks, who declined the opportunity to reprise his role on big screen. Instead he recommended Buster Keaton for the role. Compared to best known Keaton's movies 'The Saphead' might feel little bit boring and slow because the film doesn't contain much of his usual breathtaking stunt work and elaborate action. Still, with his deadpan expression and perfect comedic timing Buster Keaton shines as the inept in life son of rich magnate Nicholas Van Alstyne (William H. Crane). The film itself is well paced and nicely balanced, but the most memorable scene is in the stock exchange where Bertie saves the day when he thinks that he is being insulted, and has no idea of his deed.

Don't go into this film with high expectations of action packed comedy and you find yourself entertained. Plus, you can see Buster Keaton's more serious side, and that side is equally enjoyable as his awesome physical comedy. Definitely must see film for all the admirers of the great 'Stone Face'.
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