Parody of a documentary of a movie with acted hokey acting, wtf?! I LOVE IT!
2 September 2014
A parody, of a documentary, on a movie that due to the themes in the movie was cancelled 20 years ago. Starring Kevin Sorbo. Right at the get go I'm sold.

Mix in a bunch of action, cheesy effects and acted acting, drugs, dark themes and a kick ass weapon (a scoop net with a blade at the net and a knife at the end of the shaft) to name a few things and you get an in-your-face B-movie comedy.

How do you review a movie that constantly walks the lines of absolute balls to the wall comedy, constantly breaks the fourth wall and makes really bad puns? Well, like any other movie I would guess. But to be honest, this is one of the funniest movies that I've seen in recent times. It's just stupid enough, and has more than enough intelligence to realize that it's stupid to make it enjoyable. The setup is amazing, and the ridiculousness of the setup to the movie makes it perfect as a B-movie. It shouldn't be considered a B-movie just because it has a low budget, the majority of the movie is actually funnier than a hundred new A-movies that has a lot of money attached to it. The writing really puts it over the top, kudos to Ross Pattersson.

To be even more honest a review doesn't even give this movie the praise that it deserves. Even though this movie has bad ratings it deserves a whole lot more credit than people are giving it, or rather denying it. Just watch it, broaden your perspective, bro.
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