Pure Foul-Mouth Drivel
5 June 2014
And trust me, that one star was given grudgingly.If nothing else, this picture clearly shows how far down the ladder of creativity movie making has fallen. It's as if a bunch of dirty-minded, foul-mouth juveniles got together and decided to make a movie and put in it every goofy, dirty, idiotic, dumb idea and utterance they could think of. And they must have because here is plainly the result. What a colossal waste of talent. I don't know how long this took to film but everyone in it could have made better use of their time had they stood around and chucked rocks down a sink hole. Seth MacFarlane as writer, director, producer and so-called actor of this unfunny, boring mess has proved with this one undertaking that he is a quadruple waste of time. Trust me, you'd have a better time sitting out in a puddle playing in the mud than you'd have in this dirt- poor excuse for a movie.
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