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11 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you only read the first couple of reviews for this movie you would think its one of the best Slasher flicks in a while, but in reality it is not only mediocre but it had perhaps one of the most laughable plot lines in horror history.

Now the last thing I expect when going into a slasher flick is originality, so it didn't bother me that this movie was basically just a rip off of every other backwoods/small town horror movie ever made. What bothered me was the unlikeable characters, terrible dialogue, and just the pure dullness of the first hour or so of the movie.

The all around feel of the movie just felt so unprofessional and all over the place. There is a point in the film where the characters just keep returning to this diner to talk to this elderly woman behind the counter (who is easily the worst actress in the film), this got incredibly repetitive and I found myself screaming "SOMEBODY JUST DIE ALREADY!"

I saw that one of the other reviewers on here said that if you enjoyed Hills Have Eyes and Wrong Turn that you will enjoy this film, that statement couldn't be further from the truth. The Hills Have Eyes and Wrong Turn were two excellent horror films that kept you on the edge of your seat with bizarre kills and fast paced story lines. This movie puts you to sleep for an hour than ends in a not so bloody mess and leaves you wondering why you sat through the whole thing.

Another mediocre slasher that manages to be worse than all the other copy cats out there. Avoid it, 1/10
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