Review of WALL·E

WALL·E (2008)
I am at odds with majority of IMDb audience
10 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to add my voice because this film is highly rated and I have never found myself at such odds with the majority of the IMDb audience.

Spoiler at end.

I read enough to see that I have nothing to add concerning its technical achievement, obviously well done.

I am an avid science fiction fan (books and film) so I agree with those who find this story weak. I went because I wanted to know why this film was so highly rated across all the demographic areas although I had my doubts based on the preview.

Apparently many do not agree with me but I would like to caution others that if you look forward to thought provoking ideas and having your preconceived notions challenged you will be disappointed. Even younger audiences may become bored after 1/2 hour although the visual stimulation may be sufficient.

My background includes special effects in film and computer program development so I naturally appreciate the films technical prowess. But I also know well almost all the science fiction films made to date including those with serious as well as comic presentations and WALL-E does not rate well for me when compared to them.

WALL_E missed being sufficiently provocative or amusing so I found it bland. The film, however, was much better portraying the emotional connections between the two main characters which is quite an achievement considering WALL-E was a garbage disposal unit who apparently developed over a long period of time a more than human heart (think of your feelings for roaches).

Spoiler follows: The ideas of planet ruin via garbage and humans becoming fat, technologically catered to, isolated in space, and thus unmotivated beings after 700 years is interesting but each of these is not original and I, at this time, cannot clearly describe why the film failed to engage me. Perhaps with such a future there should be more angst.
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