Armageddon (1998)
far fetched, over the top, funny. i like it!
21 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*minor spoilers* This film follows the basic asteroid going to hit earth plot. They find out about the asteroid, some brave souls are sent to destroy it, they get into problems, and one has to die to save the planet. With one major twist. Does NASA send a group of highly trained astronauts to save the earth from destruction? No. instead they call on Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) and his gang of oil drilling misfits. This happy gang are rounded up from a strip club, casino and various other hideouts, to save the world.

This makes from a many laughs and eventually a "happy ending". If you want a serious film about saving the planet, don't watch this. Its way to far fetched, and has far too many funny moments to be taken seriously. This is great entertainment. For example when the mad Russian astronaut hits the space shuttles engine with a spanner to get it started! Hilarious. Steve Buscemi's character provides some of the films funniest moments. The acting's OK and the special effects are great.

If you want a far fetched, over the top, voyage into space with the strangest bunch of astronauts around, watch this film. Don't take it seriously, don't expect it to be realistic, just sit back and watch it.
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