Review of Labyrinth

Labyrinth (1986)
David Bowie Changed My Life...And My Hair.
14 July 2000
Looking back at Jim Henson's "Labyrinth", my naïveté as a kid must've been in full effect. When the movie debuted, I admit, I was caught smack-dab in the middle of its target audience - as a fairly dumb, imaginative, gawk-in-amazement-at-even-the-shoddiest-special-effects, Muppet-loving, movie-going ten year-old. My mom took me to see "Labyrinth" after days of pleading, and with all of my aforementioned attributes in tow, I was not disappointed. But sitting in that theater, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see...David Bowie. I mean, here I was watching this amazingly multi-talented guy act, sing and, AND, defy all laws of gravity by rolling a crystal ball around his hand.

Plus he could turn into a barn owl. Way cool.

For months following "Labyrinth", I wanted to be David Bowie - especially in the hair department. Tina Turner had nothing on this Goblin King, and I was even more astounded a brief time later when I discovered he wasn't even an actor.

The movie though, still holds up fairly well, and all the credit in the world goes to Jim Henson for that. One thing was always for certain in the 80s: Muppet technology always remained a step ahead of the visual effects movement. The movie's cast of creature-oddities were far more tactile and believable than anything "Ghostbusters" (for example) could ever throw at you. The one F/X stumble even noticeable as a dumb kid in 1986 were those papier-maché boulders. But I digress.

This is a movie you should 'see again, for the first time' and all that stuff. Or show to your kids. Or whatever. It's all good, baby.
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