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Finally, an actual good horror movie made in the 2010's
skrstenansky11 October 2021
This is finally what horror fans have been waiting for, a completely serious and well done horror movie. This doesn't have a dumb plot and boring and dry attempt at a scare like most horror movies these days (particularily insidious). This movie is actually a seriously taken and very well done horror movie, very weird and confusing plot that adds up over time, very beautiful cinematography and amazing acting, vey good characters. Good and creepy tone to the movie and great ending reveal. Very well done and great horror movie.
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the most disturbing portrayal of evil ever crafted.
kadenschwertner27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horror is my favorite genre. I didn't like films like the conjuring, insidious, saw, etc. Popcorn horror, if you will. Films that you watch with friends, they make you jump, laugh, and overall you have a fun experience with. But they didn't scare me. They didn't interest me. They weren't unique, original, or effective at leaving an impression on me. I'm not saying it's not okay to enjoy those films, I'm just saying that I didn't enjoy them. They were predictable, they made me laugh, and they never left me with anything to think about. That is what I look for in film. That is what film is supposed to be. In modern-day times, too many films are just pumped out as cash-grab, general audience comfort food. This is why people didn't like this film.

In a time period where people's definition of horror is something that makes you jump, startles you; and you take that expectation of a horror film and apply it to Hereditary, The VVitch, Midsommar, etc. You will be disappointed. This movie is far above jump scares. This film is "scary" in the way that most films wouldn't dare to be scary. This movie is scary in the way that it exploits real human experiences and shows you what family can do to you. That you don't have any control in your life. You might always be manipulated, blamed, and tricked without you even having the slightest idea of what is going on. This is what Hereditary is.

Why people don't like it: -No jump scares, doesn't fit their definition of horror in the way they want it to.

-"Nothing Happens" This is the kind of thing that immature people who don't have empathy for human emotions will say.

-It left them feeling sick/bad. This film is not fun to watch, it doesn't make you feel good in the way that the conjuring makes you feel good. People will easily mistake feeling disturbed as a sign that the movie was bad.

My Opinion: 9/10 This film ruined me. This is the only film that has brought me to a sweat since The Shining. The music, cinematography, acting, editing; created an extremely unsettling tone throughout, I was never relaxed, I was never comfortable. How could anyone be comfortable watching a family fall apart at the hands of a Satanic Cult? This movie pushed me to my limit. Similar to Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, the story is continuously changing, remaining unpredictable all throughout. Both Ari and Alfred killed their main characters early on in their films, causing the story to take a dark turn. This is really a hit or miss, it either breaks you, or just isn't your thing. And that's okay if it isn't your thing!
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Toni Collette is amazing
cricketbat25 October 2023
The reason that Hereditary is worth watching is because of Toni Collette. Her performance is so powerful, complex, and nuanced that you practically feel the emotions she is feeling in each scene. That being said, this is not easy to watch. There's a general unpleasantness hovering over the entire film. It made me feel uneasy, and not in a fun horror movie way. I also think that this film is too cerebral for its own good and it will leave you scratching your head in confusion if you don't do some research. I think Hereditary is well made, I just don't think I'll be watching it again any time soon.
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I Was Riveted
carolynocean27 November 2021
First of all, I have to say that Toni Colette is one hell of an actress, She was brilliant in this.

I was gripped by this movie, a slow burner , creepy , unnerving , and , for me , very disturbing. I was quite moved in parts , and in others I was terrified . A movie has not affected me like this one for some time, it stayed in my head afterwards. I highly recommend it .

Great cast , excellent performances , just a great movie !
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Toni Colette was robbed of an Oscar nod
MovieDarling76002 December 2019
This has to be one of the best horror movies ever! Toni Collette gives a performance of a lifetime and I think possibly the best of her career. Just when you think you know what's going on, the movie flips. It's so amazingly written and such a thrill ride. Not for the faint of heart!! I've watched this so many times but still get the same chill every single time. Definitely would recommend to horror fans! Review: 10/10
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Only the first 100 minutes are the great material everyone's describing
MissSimonetta15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first 100 minutes of HEREDITARY. Psychological anguish brilliantly acted by a superb cast. Visuals that feel like Wes Anderson gone wrong. An atmosphere of dread and despair that recalls the great psychological horror classics like ROSEMARY'S BABY.

And then, we get to the "twist." And what a lame twist it is. The moment Collette starts climbing the walls like Spiderman and gliding about like a Scooby-Doo ghost, the atmosphere was broken.

HEREDITARY is most compelling when the horror comes from the awful tragedy of the young girl's death or the emotional hell the family goes through in the aftermath, blaming one another. I spent much of the movie terrified the mother would break down completely and kill her own son.

The twist is such a conventional letdown. It felt so, so boilerplate, something you'd get from THE CONJURING.

The only reason this isn't lower than a 7/10 from me is because the first half was just so great. Too bad it couldn't make the landing...
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Where is Toni Collette's Oscar?
hhwvbssn24 February 2024
I was alone and browsing for a movie to watch. Stumbled across this one and set out to casually watch a basic scary movie, with no clue of what I was about to experience. I barely moved the entire movie, and sat in stunned silence for 20 minutes after the credits started rolling, and hardly slept that night. I was petrified.

The absolute commitment that Toni Collette gave to this role as Annie is beyond description. She grabbed me and held me, and I'm not being hyperbolic. She found the deepest pain and distress inside herself that I've ever seen portrayed on screen. Her beautiful FACE revealed ugly and tragic feelings that words could never. She played mental illness and pain as real and as raw as I've ever seen it. Ever.

Hereditary has officially surpassed The Shining and The Exorcist as MY scariest and most disturbing movie of all time. And it's not even close.
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A Creepy Beginning and Then It Bogged Down
jeroennouwens14 July 2021
I thought the beginning was rather nicely done, creepy in not an overt way. It was all about weird family dynamics and the unseen. I liked that, even though I didn't know where this was going. It was promising. This culminated in one gruesome event. Afterward, the movie devolved (IMO) into a waste of my time. It was too slow and it seemed like the creators didn't know where this was leading to. If the movie had done something with that promising start, my rating would be higher. As such it is, my rating is just 6 our of 10 and the latter part of the movie is definitely worse than 6 stars. Yeah, it's all explainable, but it was not scary anymore, except for that school scene (possession). That was well done. There were too few scenes like this.

Watch Rosemary's Baby for a much MUCH better film about sort of similar stuff.

The daughter looks really weird and out of place and people would react to her differently than they did in the movie. Examples are the school party and that stuff with the pigeon in the schoolyard. The son and daughter also looked in no way like each other, even though they're supposed to be family. Maybe that's just me. Whatever. It's just a movie and in the end not a classic. The relationship between the father and mother is also crazy and to me looks unrealistic. It had not enough depth.

Have fun watching it. It's kind of disturbing. It's messed up.
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The logic behind some scenes are not explained well
Highcritic-9584531 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is poorly edited at one point but the cinematography and adjustments of the lightings are good. The lead actress (Toni) totally nailed it.

However do not understand the logic behind some scenes: Why does the father have to die? Why did he died when the book was thrown by the mother into the fireplace? Who's the half-naked man standing at the door in front of the son? If the demon wants the son to die, why don't the demon just possessed the son and get himself killed? Why there are people naked during the satanic ritual in the last scene?

Too many questions need to be answered.
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Showcases what horror is capable of when taken seriously
ccamp899 June 2018
In many ways, Hereditary is the horror movie I've been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film that's truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares strung together with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares. They're more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will "deliver the goods", so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the film's runtime, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc.) If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, it's scoffed at and falls into the "worst film I've ever seen" category. I put that in quotes because a disgruntled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the credits for this film rolled. He really wanted us to know his thoughts.

Like similarly fantastic and crowd-displeasing horror films of the past few years, The Witch and It Comes At Night, Hereditary is a film that largely deals in atmosphere and emotional horror. The Shining, which happens to be my favorite horror film, is a clear touchstone and I would go as far as saying that this is the first modern horror film I've seen that genuinely captures a similar tone and ethos. Much like that film, it delivers its horror through an intensifying sense of unease and dread that becomes nearly suffocating by its conclusion. Rather than startling you with cheap scares, it offers haunting and upsetting images which are often delivered without any of those overused sonic jolts. Perhaps most importantly, it anchors everything in an emotional core with nuanced characters who experience relatable family struggles and grief. And that is absolutely critical to what makes the movie effective and resonant: it works on a metaphorical level, using the supernatural story as a vehicle to explore the very real way in which a family can be absolutely ravaged by tragedy, and furthermore how trauma and mental illness are passed through the generations. I'd be remiss not to mention that Toni Collette gives a mesmerizing performance in this film that is absolutely unhinged and truly difficult to stomach at times.

For all that praise and as excellent as I think it is, Hereditary isn't quite a masterpiece. Despite the fact that I was very much invested and riveted throughout the length of the film, there were some detectable pacing issues. I feel conflicted in saying that because I'm very much a fan of the slow-burn horror style which benefits from a deliberate pace, but I did get the occasional nagging sense that things could've been tightened up just a tad without losing the effect. Some of the scares in the film, often the more "traditional" horror moments, also struck slightly the wrong note with me on a first viewing and were just a hair too campy or on-the-nose given how visionary and restrained the majority of the film is. And in its ending few minutes, the film really shows its full hand when a bit more ambiguity may have served it better.

The positives far, far outweigh the negatives here though and Hereditary is ultimately a remarkable debut horror film which showcases what the genre is capable of when it's taken seriously by a talented director. Here's hoping we'll continue to see more like it.

Light 4.5/5
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hops186 November 2019
I've seen the movie twice. The first time it was sometime preferable to plucking hairs. The second, I saw more into it than the long intervalled borefest previously encountered. I appreciated Toni Colette for the first time ever in 18 movies. The rest, akin to dismal. I see that horror has taken a turn from frights to a disturbing circumstance that may happen in the house next door.I enjoy that. Unfortunately having next to zero plot with so much well done cinematography it stood on one foot, fighting off excitement with "darkness and anticipation". The fight being concluded with a shrug, delivered by boredom, and the referee, "Slapdash Quickplot", called it quits with a quick ending to an otherwise fruitless film. Toni Collette did well until now was not a fan. On a scale of one to ten I rate it a "meh".
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rtbradford25 October 2020
Sorry, but I thought this film was absolutely awful. The storyline made no sense. It was as if there were two movies: a well made drama about a family dealing with significant unresolved issues and 20 minutes of silly, non-sensical horror grafted onto the end. I have no idea why so many people gave this movie such high ratings.
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I never want to see this film again
sportsmonkey10209 June 2018
And I mean this in the best way possible. The spectrum of emotions you go through range from sheer terror to complete hopelessness and sorrow. The movie picks at the human psyche in all the right ways. It's both hard to watch and impossible to look away. Hands down the best horror films I've ever seen, perhaps one of the best films in general.
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LeonLouisRicci27 August 2021
Generally Regarded as one of the Better Horror Movies of Recent Years.

It's one that Slow-Burns and Creeps Under Your Skin and into Your Head.

Debut Movie for Writer/Director Ari Aster (followed by "Midsommar" (2020).

The Film is Highlighted by some Incredible Camera Work and a Bravura Performance from Toni Collette.

The Other Actors Deliver Riveting Roles that are Demanding and Essential to the Power of this Haunting and Harrowing Movie.

Not Without some Issues, like the Over Two Hour Running Time that is Pushing the Limits of such a Nerve-Racking Template to the Extreme.

The Ending can Alienate some Viewers with a Cultish Trope that can be Over-the-Top or Downright Bizarre.

There is No Doubt that this is a most Unsettling Film.

It is Not an Easy Watch, it's Presented with Painstaking Images with a Rhythm and Style at a Pondering Pace .

Viewers with Patience will be Rewarded while others may Head for the Exits.

Not for Everyone .

If Cerebral Horror with a Slow-Burn is what You Seek, Look No Further.

This is a Well Crafted Exploration of Generational Dysfunction with an Infection of Supernatural Evil.
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Kinda disappointing
Movie_isa2 November 2019
I didn't have a chance to catch this in theater and I've been putting it off since because I wanted to give it my full attention. I've heard so many positive reviews and I thought it looked great from the first trailer but all I got was disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. I definitely don't feel like I wasted those 2+ hours. The acting was great, the story was engaging enough and it definitely tugged on my heartstrings at moments but it was so predictable. First act was a good build-up. It got me engaged and interested. Second act was the best part of the entire movie and it made me think maybe this could become my new favorite movie. I also got the feeling that this might be that kinda horror that just sticks with me and gets me paranoid for a week afterwards(which I love) but then as the second act moved to a close and the third came in, I got bored. It became predictable. Some of the effects were great but it didn't hit the way it should've because I'd already called it. I found myself counting down to the "jump scares" (that weren't jump scares in the classic sense so kudos for that but still just as predictable) and just waiting for the end, which was very anticlimactic. It's a solid movie but it definitely won't stick with me in any way, shape or form and that's a shame. A real shame.
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A genuine nightmare
spencergrande630 April 2018
This is a bit of an old fashioned horror movie. Something that plays as a dramatic movie first and then slowly becomes something else. Like "Rosemary" or "Exorcist" but without the high profile clout of those directors. This is two hours of an exploration of family tragedy and grief through characters struggling to cope.

To say much of this film is to ruin it, so lashing praise onto certain aspects of it is the best one can do. Not to say this is a film with a big twist, it isn't. Toni Collette is fantastic as is no surprise at this point in her career. All the performances carry their own, including one I was unsure of at first but grew on me throughout -- Alex Wolff. The cinematography, rhythms and pacing, sense of place and space, and sound design are all superb and work in conjunction to create atmosphere and dread -- like a pit in your stomach that continues to grow and grow throughout.

It turns into a genuine nightmare that absolutely worked for me. See it blind, see it as a movie first and foremost (not as a horror show with jump scares), but just see it.
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Almost works better as a drama than a horror
jtindahouse7 June 2018
'Hereditary' is sort of like two films in one. Half of the time it is being what I expected it to be, which is a horror movie. The other half though it plays out much like a drama. I would even suggest it's a better film when it's in drama mode than it is when it's in horror mode. The film is over 2 hours in length which is extremely long by modern horror movie standards. The reason I believe for this is that it's trying to fit so much in and achieve so much in such a little time. It's a very ambitious film it would have to be said.

The entire cast were terrific, but Toni Collette absolutely blew me away. The emotional depth she is able to achieve never ceases to amaze me and she is captivating to watch in any scene she's in. I feel like she is one of the most under-appreciated actresses working today. As mentioned though, everyone is terrific and this is one of the best acted horror movies you are likely to find.

I sat in the cinema for a couple of minutes are the credits rolled just trying to work out how I actually felt about the film. I know I liked it, but I also know I didn't love it as much as I had hoped to going in. It certainly surprised me that I was more invested in the real-life drama side of things, and that the horror was almost like an unwanted distraction at times. The horror is almost always about atmosphere and visuals rather than any kind of jump-scare which I always like. What I didn't like though was how casually it jumped from seeming normality to outright suspension of belief. I feel like this could have been bridged a little better. Early on there's a lot of subtlety, then in one scene all of that is thrown out the window at once. I suppose at least the audience knows where they stand from that point onwards.

'Hereditary' is a film made with impeccable quality, of that there is no questioning. In fact it's made so well that I would suggest what story you picked to tell almost wouldn't matter because writer/director Ari Aster clearly has the skills to make it work. I can see opinions being very divided on the film (I even had a couple walk out of the cinema at one point in my showing), but I think the majority will like it on some level and for that reason I would recommend giving it a look.
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Fear in the family
TheLittleSongbird28 July 2018
Have always had a lot of appreciation for horror, even though it isn't my favourite genre, and 'Hereditary' was a film that immediately held my interest in seeing it with such an arresting concept. Although more polarising with audiences it was very positively received films critically, having more than once seen and heard it described as one of the year's best.

Despite reviewing it only now, 'Hereditary' was another film viewed weeks ago but with so many commitments and such a big to watch and review list it's taken a long time to get round to reviewing it. While the polarisation is understandable, count me in as another person who was really impressed by 'Hereditary', very nearly loving it even. Of my recent 2018 viewings, it definitely stands out as one of the better ones and it is not hard to see whether it is considered in as high regard as it is. Can also see why it has been compared to 'The Exorcist' and 'The Shining', having just as much the same amount of dread and hellish atmosphere, and also couldn't help thinking of another slow-burn horror from this year that divided opinion but was also critically acclaimed 'A Quiet Place'. Not in concept and they're different films, but in that they're polarising but mostly positively regarded and both films that were very well made, well acted and unnerving.

It is hard to know where to begin praising something with so many positives. 'Hereditary' is incredibly well made visually, one of the most audacious and best-looking films in the genre in recent years. The photography is both dream-like and nightmarish, while the film is slickly edited, atmospherically lit and the spacious house, with a mix of the audacious and the ghoulish, is like its own character.

The music is haunting and adds to the unnerving atmosphere as does some of the most effective sound editing and design of the year, never being obvious or cheap and providing a lot of eeriness. The writing flows well and never becomes corny or overly-wordy, sometimes even thought-provoking in particularly in what it has to say about grief and trauma.

While a deliberate slow-burn for me 'Hereditary' was not dull at all, helped enormously by the atmosphere and the near-perfect balance of family drama, which was often very poignant and packs a powerful emotional wallop, and horror, where there is not any over-reliance on predictable horror tropes and cheap scare tactics and actually was frightening and suspenseful. It always is interesting seeing film debuts and there are some fine ones out there, Ari Astor's directing is remarkably well accomplished with a fine eye for detail and an adeptness for how to pace such an atmosphere.

Characterisation-wise, 'Hereditary' is quite compelling and there is a realism to it. The performances are near-perfect, with Gabriel Byrne occasionally slightly under-playing but generally it is one of his best performances in a while. The star here is Toni Collette in a truly marvellous and often moving turn that calls for a mix of grief and terror, Collette grieves with pathos and conveys terror with intensity. Alex Woolf is the other standout for similar reasons though Milly Shapiro is not to be neglected.

It is a shame that the ending is rushed and that plausibility loses its way at this point, instead coming over as silly and like the film had run out of steam.

Otherwise, a very good film that was very nearly excellent. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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The first half promising, the second half incomprehensible.
13SecondFilmReviews20 June 2020
This film starts off intriguing, then something happens midway through; the writer gave up. He quit. Or got lazy. Or both. He had the audience with him and then...poof, he completely allowed this to veer into absolute ludicrousness. And the ending is one of the all-time dumbest I've ever seen. It's difficult to fathem why Toni Collette and Gabriel Byrne signed on to this other than the possibility that they share a genetic link to the director.
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A wonderful build with a disappointing climax
mayaelkher11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hereditary was a movie that held me captive since the movie started playing. I was intrigued by every character and emotionally moved, especially by the mother, Annie. This horror film had its weight established in the very first scene all the way through to its rather unorthodox ending. It felt like you could never get a deep breath in this movie. Every tragedy compounded onto one another in such an easing way. Annie's deterioration due to the grief of her dead abusive mother and daughter was fascinating. The dinner scene where she screams at her son for killing their child was heart wrenching. Every step of the way I was always wondering what next event would be their mothers snapping point.

Then the movie concluded and it was a demon possessing the family all along. The plot that I fell in love with was the intricate and complicated relationships between the family. Learning that a lot of the tension derived from an outside force was disappointing. The name of the movie was 'hereditary' and through my investment I wanted the horror of the movie to be found in how dangerous their relationships with each other are. While disappointed with the cult at the center of the family's heart, I could never fully hate this movie for its brilliant acting and expert cinematography.
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Great slow burn uncomfortable horror
mills7131 August 2018
Loved this movie, it wasn't hard to figure out once it peaked .. but getting there was great. I see people don't like this film and I can understand that. But it reminded me of Rosemary's Baby and that's saying a lot. As the story unfolds you see how truly horrifying this persons (Toni Collette) life has been.. the performances are spot on. This movie really ramps up in the last twenty minutes.. it's not fir everyone but it creeped me out and I watch a lot of horror. Give it a shot .. it's well worth it.
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A tense , intriguing , mysterious and well performed horror thriller
ma-cortes19 December 2021
Awesome terror picture in which filmmaker Ari Aster takes a house and a few fine actors conjuring up some thrilling , horrifying and nail-biting scenes . When a mentally ill mother passes away , a family goes for their 78-year-old grandmother Ellen Taper Leigh's funeral . Annie (Toni Collette) , her hubby Steve (Gabriel Byrne), son Peter (Alex Wolff), and 13-year-old daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro) all mourn her loss . The family turn to different means to handle their grief , including Annie and her daughter both flirting with the supernatural . They each start having disturbing , strange experiences linked to dark and bizarre events that have been passed through the generations of their family . As the inexperienced teenager Peter becomes systematically cut off from her circle and friends and then things go wrong . Every family tree hides a secret. Evil runs in the family.

A terrifying fiction about a grieving family who's haunted by an unfortunate tragedy and then happens a lot of disturbing occurrences, including suspense , intrigue , turns , a lot of twisted incidents , at the same time charged with tension , unflinching depictions of graphic violence and high level staging which the viewer could really enjoy . A great success film about a peculiar family linked to sinister secrets and emotional traumas with plenty of shocks and deliciously twisted happenings , being compellingly directed with well staged set pieces and plenty of startling visual content and imagination enough . Above average horror movie in which the frightening , otherworldly happenings are developing themselves little by little , at the beginning alarming hints of an eerie and well-planned witchery conspiracy begin to emerge, enfolding the family in a shroud of suspicion and mental agony until a surprising conclusion . The story is well paced , suffering from some disturbing incidents of varying quality , packing nice as well as scary moments . There are some really creepy scenes with extreme horror , ghastly surprises and outstanding the pleasantly visual look too . This Hereditary (2018) results to be a seamless mix of horror and a few doses of dark humor . Interpretations are uniformly good . Here stands out Toni Collette as the distraught mother who starts unraveling cryptic and increasingly horrifying secrets about their ancestry . Along with the fine remaining cast giving top-notch interpretations , such as : Gabriel Byrne , Alex Wolff , Milly Shapiro and Ann Dowd as the suspicious Joan.

Special mention for the extremely unsettling and thrilling musical score by composer Colin Stetson . Likewise , adequate and imaginative cinematography by cameraman Pawel Pogorzelski . This suspenseful motion picture was competently directed by Ari Aster who often uses long uninterrupted camera shots . This graduated from the American Film Institute , Ari Aster , was born 1986 in New York City . He is a prestigious director and writer with penchant fot terror movies , being especially known for ¨Hereditary¨ (2018) , ¨Midsommar¨ (2019) and ¨Disappointment Blvd.¨ in post-production. Rating : 7.5/10 . Better than average terror movie . The flick will appeal to supernatural horror fans .
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The more I think about it, the less I like it.
Pjtaylor-96-13804421 June 2018
The first two thirds of 'Hereditary (2018)' are essentially a drama that deal with poignant themes of grief and the accompanying guilt using a horror genre language, which is an interesting move that allows for a unique expression of the severity of these emotions. It is these moments that are the most effective as they tap into a universal fear and experience in a really realistic way that isn't necessarily used to frighten but is used to create emotional attachment to the characters and may perhaps illicit a genuine emotional response. Yet, I can't easily name another movie that falls apart so heavily thanks solely due to its ending, which intends to 'pull the rug out' from under its audience - and does so successfully - but comes at the cost of logic, investment and, most importantly, scariness. Instead of recontextualising the flick as one that embraces its new elements and intended reading in retrospect, it forces in nonsensical and previously unconsidered elements - via clunky exposition, no less - to frustrating, and sometimes unintentionally funny, effect. It honestly changes the entire affair for the worse, dampening the effect of all that came before it until the memory of any success all but fades. It's annoying, too, because the potential was there and I was definitely willing to put the effort in, eager to delve into the experience with an open mind and a watchful eye. I found my willingness to approach the film from an intellectual stand-point, as well as to give it the benefit of the doubt on a number of occasions, not to be rewarded, to say the least. The more I think about the picture, the less I like it. 5/10
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Hereditary (2018)
JarrenTucker22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ari Asher's groundbreaking debut nailed every aspect it was going for. The cinematography is great and really establishes an unsettling tone throughout the whole movie. Despite the lack of jumpscares like traditional horror movies, Hereditary relies on silence and camera work to convey each characters thoughts and feelings to the things happening around them. However, the movie also has very creepy moments, especially towaeds the end that turn out a perfect blend between suspense and scare.

My favorite scene in the movie is when Alex Graham comes home after accidentally decapitating his younger sister, Charlie Graham, in an automobile accident. He is left is complete shock after her death and does not say a single word for the new few minutes. Its a slow segment through the movie, but the silence that is presented really demonstrates the scared and damaged emotional state Alex is left in. He gets into bed, dreading the next morning where his mother, Annie Graham, will inevitably find her daughter's headless, decaying body in the back seat of the car. You don't even see Annie's reaction to the body, but you can hear the horrifying screams and cries she lets out when it all happens. What would usually not be scary in other movies, is absolutely heartwrenching and disturbing in this movie.

Towards the end of the movie, it shifts into a dream like state, or nightmare I should say. Alex is awaken and finds his father, Steve Graham, dead and burnt to a crisp when Annie reveals herself possessed and chasing after Alex. The best shot in this sequence by far comes from the headbanging scene while Annie is chasing Alex. Alex runs to the attic, shielding away from Annie, when you hear this loud and rapid banging, which you assume to be a hand or foot, which wouldn't be very intense However, this assumption is turned into pure nightmare when it cuts to Annie, floating below the attic door, banging her head against it at an inhuman like speed. Once more, the camera zooms in to emphasize this demonic entity that has possessed Annie. This is one of the many examples of the amazing cinematography throughout the movie, and one of the scariest as well.
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Emotional terrorism
michaelRokeefe24 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy, taut and gripping. An emotional and comprehension rescue may be in order if you let yourself get deep in this traumatic thriller. A dysfunctional family descends into a downward spiral soon after the passing of the family matriarch. A strong, unexplained presence seems to linger. Reclusive in life, she haunts her clan in death with more than just occasional, vague unease. Annie (Toni Colette) is tormented by sleep walking and deep distress from emotional guilt instilled by her demanding mother. It is as if she and her cold distant psychiatrist husband, withdrawn teenage son and disturbed younger daughter have been cursed . Can one old woman have so much power from the grave? The bleak, nightmarish finale may be tough to diagnose. Your nerves are due a scare.

The cast also features: Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Ann Dowd and Gabriel Byrne.
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